CMC @376 (99.9%) on 04-aug-2011 [ CHARS 3.76881 LASTSUFFIX=gy 2.62764 LASTSUFFIX=ogy 2.48094 SUFFIX=gy 2.13491 LASTSUFFIX=logy 1.64091 SUFFIX=ogy 1.62321 SUFFIX=logy 1.53727 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.59508 FULL_POS=NN -1.98548 WORDS -2.27194 ] using ophthalmology
CPL @1108 (84.1%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "subspecialty within _" "residency training in _" "He has been practicing _" "entire profession of _" "board certified in _" "fellowship in molecular _" "UW assistant professor of _" "HMS associate professor of _" "double boarded in _" "Stanford professor of _" "associate professor of veterinary _" "british journal of _" "board-certified in _" "figure in american _" "disciplines of veterinary _" "oncology , pediatric _" "area of pediatric _" "fields of veterinary _" "three-year residency program in _" "three-year residency in _" "second-year resident in _" "professor emeritus of clinical _" "practices clinical _" "associate professor of _" "field of regenerative _" "field of equine _" "subspecialty of pediatric _" "department of preventive _" "associate clinical professor of _" "physician specializing in _" "majoring in _" "phd professor of _" "specialist degree in _" "Medicine professor of _" "field of veterinary _" "graduate degree in _" "discipline of veterinary _" "cardiology , pediatric _" "UCSF associate professor of _" "research in pediatric _" "education in veterinary _" "discipline of clinical _" "students interested in _" "basis of Chinese _" "basic sciences of _" "medical subjects such as _" "dentistry , general _" "chief resident in _" "director of pediatric _" "adjunct professor of _" "specialist in pediatric _" "subspecialties of _" "specialization in _" "lecturer in veterinary _" "He has practiced _" "Board certified in _" "surgery , pediatric _" "subspecialty certification in _" "emphasis in _" "degrees in _" "program in veterinary _" "practice of general _" "specialized fields like _" "practices general _" "curriculum in _" "students majoring in _" "current opinion in _" "Clinical professor of _" "year resident in _" "assistant professor of veterinary _" "interests in veterinary _" "surgery , general _" "therapeutic areas including _" "assistant professor of _" "practice of pediatric _" "programs in veterinary _" "radiology , pediatric _" "second residency in _" "independent practice of _" "specialty training in pediatric _" "UA assistant professor of _" "physician , specializing in _" "medical specialties such as _" "training in paediatric _" "Board Certification in _" "subspecialty areas of _" "topics in pediatric _" "British journal of _" "top hospitals for _" "training in veterinary _" "first professor of _" "practice in veterinary _" "joint professor of _" "Post graduation in _" "Stanford University professor of _" "UCSF professor of _" "four-year residency in _" "full-time practice of _" "specialty of pediatric _" "lecturer in clinical _" "specialist registrar in _" "specialty degree in _" "physicians board certified in _" "research instructor in _" "physician trained in _" "clinical professor of _" "fellowship training in pediatric _" "program in comparative _" "undergraduate study of _" "way we practice _" "unsolved problem in _" "world of veterinary _" "adjunct clinical professor of _" "masters degree in _" "university departments of _" "practice in pediatric _" "assistant professor of pediatric _" "understanding of veterinary _" "certificate in _" "distinguished achievement in _" "aspects of pediatric _" "assistant clinical professor of _" "clinical fellowship in _" "board certification in _" "detroit institute of _" "clinical instructor of _" "degree in _" "department of pediatric _" "broad-based training in _" "contributions to modern _" "clinical professor emeritus of _" "education in clinical _" "residency in veterinary _" "board eligible in _" "european journal of _" "careers in academic _" "american academy of _" "private practice in general _" "programs in pediatric _" "interest in pediatric _" "master’s degree in _" "pediatric cardiology , pediatric _" "Board certification in _" "program in pediatric _" "field of _" "specialists in veterinary _" "Japanese journal of _" "fellowship in pediatric _" "active practice of _" "career in veterinary _" "medical specialty of _" "clinical associate professor of _" "American journal of _" "UI professor of _" "HMS professor of _" "UI associate professor of _" "Board eligible in _" "science areas such as _" "event in modern _" "advances in veterinary _" "American board of _" "UI department of _" "many other fields including _" "therapeutic areas such as _" "chapter of modern _" "training program in pediatric _" "assistant professor of clinical _" "training in pediatric _" "journal of pediatric _" "students of clinical _" "various specialties such as _" "courses in _" "american board of _" "board certified in veterinary _" "specialist in general _" "chief residency in _" "field of paediatric _" "residency trained in _" "M.D. professor of _" "pathology , pediatric _" "HMS research fellow in _" "professor of clinical _" "residency specializing in _" "practice of veterinary _" "good professor of _" "HMS instructor in _" "UA department of _" "professor of molecular _" "practice of conventional _" "specialists in pediatric _" "fellow in pediatric _" "division of pediatric _" "Residency training in _" "residency training program in _" "specialty training in _" "He is board-certified in _" "expert in pediatric _" "care in pediatric _" "I am board-certified in _" "He began practicing _" "HMS assistant professor of _" "Iowa professor of _" "studies in veterinary _" "therapy , pediatric _" "sub-speciality of _" "UI assistant professor of _" "topics in veterinary _" "private practice of _" "student of clinical _" "education in pediatric _" "career in pediatric _" "D-year residency in _" "UW-Madison professor of _" "Masters degree in _" "double board certified in _" "Current opinion in _" "specialist in veterinary _" "field of occupational _" "first female professor of _" "fields of clinical _" "professor of _" "he never practiced _" "P&S professor of _" "clinical assistant professor of _" "professor of pediatric _" "residency in general _" "medical residency in _" "medical specialties including _" "Canadian journal of _" "revolutionary contributions to _" "expertise in comprehensive _" "field of pediatric _" "medical fields , including _" "chief of pediatric _" "development of Korean _" "residency in clinical _" "specialty of veterinary _" "UCSD professor of _" "diploma in _" "professor of veterinary _" "use in veterinary _" "American academy of _" "She is board-certified in _" "head of pediatric _" "associate professor of pediatric _" "extensive experience in general _" "first textbook of _" "Ph.D. professor of _" "teacher of clinical _" "degree in veterinary _" "_ is the medical specialty" "areas of pediatric _" "fellowships in pediatric _" "emeritus of clinical _" "clinical background in _" "associate professor of clinical _" "applications in clinical _" "expertise in pediatric _" "interests include general _" "exciting developments in modern _" "graduate students majoring in _" "He practiced general _" "interests include pediatric _" ] using ophthalmology
MBL @823 (100.0%) on 19-mar-2014 [ Promotion of academicfield:ophthalmology academicprogramatuniversity university:college ]
SEAL @341 (75.0%) on 10-jul-2011 [ 12 ] using ophthalmology
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 Residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (ophthalmology, college)