CPL @1100 (89.6%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "board certified in _" "chief resident in _" "director of pediatric _" "state of forensic _" "U-M professor of _" "master’s degree in _" "basic assumptions of modern _" "She had always been interested in _" "UW assistant professor of _" "HMS associate professor of _" "expert on evolutionary _" "professor of ecological _" "associate clinical professor of _" "behaviorism , cognitive _" "consultant in forensic _" "neuroscience , computational _" "career in forensic _" "recruiters specializing in _" "mystery of modern _" "expert in pediatric _" "sciences basic to _" "Doctor of _" "Oxford professor of _" "Ph.D. professor of _" "UW-Madison assistant professor of _" "medical specialties such as _" "independent practice of _" "methods of contemporary _" "Habilitation in _" "program in geriatric _" "figures in modern _" "assistant professor department of _" "subdisciplines such as _" "larger discipline of _" "degree in clinical _" "field of alternative _" "psychology , pediatric _" "basic sciences of _" "opportunities in forensic _" "interests include pediatric _" "language of contemporary _" "specialization in _" "Former professor of _" "Yale professor of _" "area of geriatric _" "assistant professor of _" "practitioners of social _" "philosophy of evolutionary _" "articles on forensic _" "assistant professor of clinical _" "She has practiced _" "HMS research fellow in _" "International encyclopedia of _" "Residency training in _" "mainstream practice of _" "psychiatry , behavioral _" "books on forensic _" "British professor of _" "Program in _" "american board of forensic _" "_ is a pseudo-science" "medical specialty of _" "UI assistant professor of _" "fellowship in pediatric _" "British journal of _" "Science degree in _" "medicine , pediatric _" "UW-Madison professor of _" "field of applied _" "field of pediatric _" "experts in reproductive _" "discipline distinct from _" "practice of evidence-based _" "new textbook of _" "practitioners of forensic _" "field of computational _" "board eligible in _" "Cornell University professor of _" "chief of pediatric _" "she plans to major in _" "specialty degree in _" "specialist registrar in _" "health , modern _" "head of forensic _" "masters degree in _" "certified physician in _" "branches of forensic _" "board certified in general _" "brother was studying _" "medicine , forensic _" "subspecialty certification in _" "clinical assistant professor of _" "disciplines of forensic _" "board certified/eligible in _" "professor in biological _" "proper subject matter of _" "pathology , forensic _" "associate professor of _" "School professor of _" "UI professor of _" "American journal of _" "board certifications in _" "internship in clinical _" "chapter in German _" "chapter of American _" "discipline of evolutionary _" "D-year residency in _" "associate professor of biological _" "assistant professor in clinical _" "clinical professor of _" "degrees one in _" "discipline of forensic _" "shortage areas such as _" "Manchester school of _" "Japanese journal of _" "certificates in forensic _" "course on forensic _" "M.D. Board certified in _" "books on clinical _" "positions in general _" "forensic anthropology , forensic _" "fields such as general _" "influential figures in American _" "advancement in modern _" "alumni professor of _" "neurology , pediatric _" "professor of military _" "professor of political _" "concentration in _" "UC Davis professor of _" "Swiss professor of _" "Academic departments of _" "Yale University professor of _" "Maryland department of _" "private practitioners of _" "psychology , biological _" "students of forensic _" "development in contemporary _" "P&S professor of _" "Canadian journal of _" "specialised branch of _" "Clinical professor of _" "he began practicing _" "certification in forensic _" "expertise in reproductive _" "He is board-certified in _" "human sciences , such as _" "fields of clinical _" "father of American _" "specialty training in _" "residency training program in _" "fields such as forensic _" "fledgling science of _" "field of developmental _" "specialist in pediatric _" "subspecialties of _" "_ is not a natural science" "_ is a young science" "second residency in _" "radiology , pediatric _" "entomology , forensic _" "science of molecular _" "training in pediatric _" "definition of forensic _" "ecology , evolutionary _" "diploma in _" "associate research professor of _" "fields of forensic _" "formal training was in _" "San Diego professor of _" "MU professor of _" "archives of general _" "board certified physician in _" "approaches of modern _" "UI department of _" "Davis professor of _" "American board of _" "researchers in biological _" "specialist fields such as _" "important concept in modern _" "internship in general _" "biochemistry , molecular _" "specialist degree in _" "graduate school training in _" "Residency in _" "criminology , forensic _" "new discipline of _" "major areas of modern _" "_ is an empirical discipline" "scope of forensic _" "physician board certified in _" "other professions , such as _" "medical graduates in _" "domain of contemporary _" "practitioner of holistic _" "problems in forensic _" "program in forensic _" "prominent professor of _" "Stanford professor of _" "professor of _" "benefits of integrative _" "assistant resident in _" "examination in general _" "history of nineteenth-century _" "research in forensic _" "programs in forensic _" "knowledge in forensic _" "expertise in pediatric _" "interests include forensic _" "head of pediatric _" "lecturer in forensic _" "standard textbooks of _" "subspecialty within _" "sub-speciality of _" "top hospitals for _" "overview of forensic _" "entire profession of _" "_ are not sciences" "areas in contemporary _" "UC San Diego professor of _" "Certificate in _" "HMS instructor in _" "Swedish professor of _" "contemporary studies in _" "associate professor of pediatric _" "field of evolutionary _" "competent practice of _" "practice of rural _" "private practice in clinical _" "interests include general _" "field of integrative _" "great figures of American _" "fascination with modern _" "field of reproductive _" "board of forensic _" "School associate professor of _" "distinguished university professor of _" "medical specialties including _" "medical residency in _" "practice of holistic _" "Current opinion in _" "student specializing in _" "science of genetic _" "research in developmental _" "professor of anthropological _" "career practicing _" "instructor of clinical _" "Disciplines represented include _" ",assistant professor of _" "special interest in general _" "specialty in clinical _" "course in forensic _" "director of reproductive _" "fellowship in geriatric _" "advances made in modern _" "failure of modern _" "course in medical _" "certified specialist in _" "applications in clinical _" "associate professor of clinical _" "fathers of modern _" "courses in _" "critical issues in contemporary _" "contribution to modern _" "associate adjunct professor of _" "professor of forensic _" "psychology , evolutionary _" "consulting professor of _" "Columbia University professor of _" "professor emeritus of clinical _" "primary training is in _" "degree in _" "professional degree in _" "professor of geriatric _" "Board certification in _" "professor of clinical _" "residency specializing in _" "pediatrics , pediatric _" "division of biological _" "debate in contemporary _" "board certified in pediatric _" "practice of occupational _" "interest in reproductive _" "clinical fellowship in _" "development in forensic _" "board certification in _" "annals of military _" "associate professor of medical _" "board-certified in _" "criminal justice , forensic _" "british journal of _" "students interested in _" "cognitive neuroscience , cognitive _" "clinical background in _" "department of clinical _" "clinical associate professor of _" "Board eligible in _" "psychology , clinical _" "certificate in forensic _" "M.D. professor of _" "second-year resident in _" "three-year residency in _" "UW professor of _" "professor of medical _" "private practice in general _" "DD-year-old assistant professor of _" "odontology , forensic _" "overview of evolutionary _" "theories of modern _" "figures of German _" "behavioral sciences such as _" "book on forensic _" "clinical instructor of _" "views on modern _" "therapy , forensic _" "fields of Western _" "undergraduate teaching of _" "pathology , molecular _" "physician , specializing in _" "UI associate professor of _" "HMS professor of _" "american academy of _" "careers in academic _" "_ is a physical science" "studies in forensic _" "clinical professor emeritus of _" "clinical disciplines including _" "careers in forensic _" "students studying _" "tradition of modern _" "triple board certified in _" "topics in forensic _" "specialists in pediatric _" "sub-discipline of _" "tenure-track assistant professor of _" "strong foundation in general _" "principles of geriatric _" "topics in clinical _" "anthropology , forensic _" "professor of pediatric _" "residency in general _" "UCSF associate professor of _" "Duke professor of _" "residency training in _" "psychology than to _" "professional field such as _" "professor of experimental _" "program in biological _" "practice of conventional _" "professor of molecular _" "subspecialty areas of _" "new field of computational _" "nature of forensic _" "specialist in general _" "therapeutic areas , including _" "practice in pediatric _" "professional disciplines such as _" "profiling , forensic _" "issues in forensic _" "French schools of _" "UCSD professor of _" "axiom of modern _" "area of forensic _" "McGill professor of _" "special interest in reproductive _" "training in forensic _" "applications of forensic _" "nascent field of _" "area of preventative _" "board c" ] using psychiatry
MBL @683 (100.0%) on 15-jan-2013 [ Promotion of academicfield:psychiatry academicprogramatuniversity university:college ]
SEAL @730 (65.0%) on 02-may-2013 [ 1 ] using psychiatry
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and clinical instructor in arg2" "arg1 and professor of family arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adult arg2" "arg1 who specializes in geriatric arg2" "arg1 certified in addiction arg2" "arg1 who specializes in adolescent arg2" "arg1 and clinical associate professor of arg2" "arg1 with a background in community arg2" "arg1 specializing in addiction arg2" "arg1 who practices general arg2" "arg1 specializing in child arg2" ] using (psychiatrist, psychiatry)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 specializing in geriatric arg2" "arg1 who specializes in geriatric arg2" "arg1 specializing in child arg2" "arg1 trained in addiction arg2" ] using (physician, psychiatry)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 from Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 from Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 in the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 from New York Medical arg2" "arg1 residency at Baylor arg2" "arg1 at the New York Medical arg2" "arg1 in the UAMS arg2" "arg1 residency at Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Macalester arg2" "arg1 at Weill Medical arg2" "arg1 at Northeastern Ohio Universities arg2" "arg1 at the Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Albert Einstein arg2" "arg1 at Rush Medical arg2" "arg1 at the Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at Weill Cornell Medical arg2" "arg1 at John Jay arg2" "arg1 at Cornell University Medical arg2" "arg1 at Jefferson Medical arg2" "arg1 at New York Medical arg2" "arg1 at Simmons arg2" "arg1 at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner arg2" "arg1 in the University of Iowa arg2" "arg1 fellowship at the Medical arg2" "arg1 at the UI Carver arg2" "arg1 residency at the Medical arg2" ] using (psychiatry, college)