CMC @1048 (100.0%) on 10-apr-2017 [ PREFIX=ki 3.13717 FULL_POS=NN_NNS 2.78503 SUFFIX=las 2.69522 PREFIX=do 2.35210 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaaa 1.80360 PREFIX=kir 1.73508 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.53907 POS=NNS -1.72705 CHARS -4.66986 WORDS -4.67830 ] using kirk_douglas
CPL @1107 (92.7%) on 24-may-2018 [ "celebrities like _" "_ played the leader" "movies starring _" "favorite actor is _" "_ stars as" "_ plays a young man" "town , played by _" "comedy , starring _" "masterpiece starring _" "entertainers like _" "Time , starring _" "_ continually updated from around" "version starred _" "he co-starred with _" "producer played by _" "talented actors like _" "celebrated qoute by _" "cast featuring _" "_ plays a journalist" "feature , starring _" "_ plays a reporter" "_ desires a deep" "Hollywood actors such as _" "_ 's Doc Holliday" "she played alongside _" "_ plays the bad guy" "characters played by _" "It starred _" "_ 's Quotation" "stars such as _" "star-making performance from _" "_ delivers an outstanding performance" "all-star cast are _" "feature starring _" "powerhouse performance by _" "Movies Starring _" "Western , starring _" "_ has a childlike openness" "available photos of _" "life starring _" "cast , featuring _" "_ has earned overwhelmingly positive reviews" "_ is a fantastic actor" "_ Find rare images" "_ gives a stunning performance" "film , starring _" "intimate is _" "Love starring _" "_ has the title role" "_ 's Charity Work" "Hollywood legends as _" "stars including _" "thriller , starring _" "_ gives a strong performance" "_ gives a memorable performance" "Run , starring _" "feature film , starring _" "popular actors like _" "she starred with _" "cast includes _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "Hollywood stars _" "Hollywood actors like _" "_ had played the lead" "Hollywood celebrities , such as _" "Sea , starring _" "star cast including _" "View quotes by _" "He starred with _" "actor named _" "colonel played by _" "film starred _" "screen chemistry with _" "staggering cast includes _" "it starred _" "famous faces like _" "movie , starring _" "play starring _" "awesome cast includes _" "co-production starring _" "starring by _" "passionate is _" "stellar cast , including _" "stars opposite _" "cast included _" "_ plays a father" "_ IS James Bond" "episode stars _" "she appeared alongside _" "Stanley Kubrick , starring _" "producer , played by _" "several celebrities such as _" "[VHS]DD reviews _" "picture , starring _" "cast including _" "film stars _" "stellar cast included _" "(voice of _" "biopic , starring _" "_ plays the reporter" "_ starred as" "featured star is _" "rare images of _" "adventure starring _" "movie starred _" "cameo by _" "West , starring _" "_ heads the cast" "it stars _" ",which starred _" "FRESH Craiggers are _" "screen appearances of _" "she co-starred with _" "role was opposite _" "star-studded cast includes _" "celebrities , such as _" "comedy starring _" "character played by _" "astrological interpretation of _" "great cast includes _" "adventure stars _" "Glory starring _" "star-studded cast including _" "many celebrities such as _" "Life , starring _" "all-star cast including _" "cast starring _" "title , starring _" "_ have going in" "movie posters with _" "acting by _" "picture starring _" "cast , including _" "officer played by _" "novel , starring _" "_ was not the only choice" "actors including _" "man portrayed by _" "_ plays Col" "adaptation featuring _" "Kubrick , starring _" "artist , played by _" "all-star cast includes _" "Life starring _" "American actor named _" "_ plays an actor" "all-star cast , including _" "film starring _" "A-list cast including _" "He starred alongside _" "_ is a great actor" "_ 's screen test" "star vehicle for _" "guest stars including _" "VHS films starring _" "movie starring _" "same name , starring _" "such celebs as _" "motion picture starring _" "_ plays the title character" "_ sometime credited as" "drama stars _" "brilliant performance by _" "film version with _" "_ is a gifted actor" "_ heads an all-star cast" "actors like _" "Widescreen Edition)DDD reviews _" "role made famous by _" "films starring _" "movie stars such as _" "tour-de-force performance by _" "Film stars _" "Casey , played by _" "mobster played by _" "international cast includes _" "Broadway play starring _" "Craiggers are _" "action heroes like _" "Miller , starring _" "baron played by _" "assistant , played by _" "_ gives a solid performance" "young actor named _" "_ has had an acting role" "_ autographed photo" "name , starring _" "thriller starring _" "film stared _" "drama starring _" "starring with _" "she plays opposite _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "Hollywood movie starring _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "_ quit the role" "reporter , played by _" "such Hollywood legends as _" "same title , starring _" "major motion picture starring _" "celebrities such as _" "_ avoids heavy" "Glory , starring _" "original film starred _" "movie stars like _" "outstanding cast including _" "actors such as _" "cast is led by _" "I , starring _" "_ ' Filmography" "Joe , played by _" "_ is a good actor" "production starred _" "fantastic cast including _" "stunning performance from _" "co-star was _" "film stars such as _" "Humorous Quotes attributed to _" "VHS featuring _" "epic starring _" "movie stars _" "such stars as _" "stars like _" "He doubled for _" "_ played Maj" ] using kirk_douglas
SEAL @189 (98.4%) on 15-jan-2011 [ 123456 ] using kirk_douglas
CPL @1116 (84.5%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "celebrities like _" "movies starring _" "favorite actor is _" "_ stars as" "_ plays a young man" "town , played by _" "comedy , starring _" "masterpiece starring _" "Time , starring _" "version starred _" "he co-starred with _" "celebrated qoute by _" "cast featuring _" "_ plays a journalist" "feature , starring _" "_ desires a deep" "Hollywood actors such as _" "Past honorees include _" "she played alongside _" "_ plays the bad guy" "It starred _" "_ 's Quotation" "feature starring _" "Western , starring _" "film version by _" "_ has a childlike openness" "available photos of _" "life starring _" "celebrities , including _" "cast , featuring _" "_ has earned overwhelmingly positive reviews" "_ Find rare images" "_ gives a stunning performance" "film , starring _" "intimate is _" "Love starring _" "role was created by _" "_ has the title role" "_ 's Charity Work" "Hollywood legends as _" "thriller , starring _" "_ gives a strong performance" "_ gives a memorable performance" "Run , starring _" "feature film , starring _" "popular actors like _" "she starred with _" "cast includes _" "Edition)DDD reviews _" "Hollywood stars _" "_ 's final film" "Hollywood actors like _" "Sea , starring _" "star cast including _" "View quotes by _" "He starred with _" "actor named _" "directors such as _" "film starred _" "staggering cast includes _" "it starred _" "famous faces like _" "movie , starring _" "play starring _" "awesome cast includes _" "co-production starring _" "starring by _" "passionate is _" "stellar cast , including _" "stars opposite _" "cast included _" "_ plays a father" "_ IS James Bond" "episode stars _" "she appeared alongside _" "producer , played by _" "several celebrities such as _" "[VHS]DD reviews _" "picture , starring _" "cast including _" "film stars _" "stellar cast included _" "biopic , starring _" "featured star is _" "rare images of _" "movie starred _" "thespians such as _" "West , starring _" "_ heads the cast" "it stars _" ",which starred _" "screen appearances of _" "she co-starred with _" "role was opposite _" "star-studded cast includes _" "celebrities , such as _" "comedy starring _" "character played by _" "astrological interpretation of _" "great cast includes _" "adventure stars _" "Glory starring _" "star-studded cast including _" "many celebrities such as _" "Life , starring _" "all-star cast including _" "cast starring _" "title , starring _" "_ have going in" "movie posters with _" "picture starring _" "cast , including _" "officer played by _" "novel , starring _" "_ was not the only choice" "actors including _" "_ plays Col" "artist , played by _" "all-star cast includes _" "Life starring _" "_ plays an actor" "all-star cast , including _" "film starring _" "A-list cast including _" "He starred alongside _" "_ is a great actor" "star vehicle for _" "guest stars including _" "VHS films starring _" "movie starring _" "same name , starring _" "such celebs as _" "motion picture starring _" "_ plays the title character" "_ sometime credited as" "drama stars _" "film version with _" "_ heads an all-star cast" "actors like _" "Widescreen Edition)DDD reviews _" "role made famous by _" "films starring _" "movie stars such as _" "tour-de-force performance by _" "Film stars _" "Casey , played by _" "mobster played by _" "Broadway play starring _" "Miller , starring _" "film debut of _" "baron played by _" "assistant , played by _" "_ gives a solid performance" "young actor named _" "_ has had an acting role" "name , starring _" "thriller starring _" "movie stars , from _" "film stared _" "drama starring _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "Hollywood movie starring _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "reporter , played by _" "such Hollywood legends as _" "same title , starring _" "major motion picture starring _" "celebrities such as _" "_ avoids heavy" "original film starred _" "movie stars like _" "cast is led by _" "I , starring _" "_ ' Filmography" "Joe , played by _" "_ is a good actor" "production starred _" "co-star was _" "film stars such as _" "Humorous Quotes attributed to _" "VHS featuring _" "epic starring _" "movie stars _" "such stars as _" "stars like _" "_ played Maj" ] using kirk_douglas
CMC @1049 (100.0%) on 14-apr-2017 [ SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 2.40175 PREFIX=ki 2.22288 FULL_POS=NN_NNS 2.04430 SUFFIX=las 1.77967 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.74849 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.69644 POS=NN 1.48546 SUFFIX=rk -0.99503 CHARS -2.58033 WORDS -6.00534 ] using kirk_douglas
SEAL @179 (96.9%) on 15-dec-2010 [ 12345 ] using kirk_douglas