CPL @1115 (85.5%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "Lift surgeons in _" "Breast Augmentation surgeons in _" "pricing are included if available in _" "Lift surgeon in _" "housing authorities for _" "local Face Lift surgeons in _" "affordable Internet options in _" "court records are in _" "lisitngs in _" "System Dealer dealers in _" "Internet options in _" "Liposuction surgeons in _" "cable Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "active cities in _" "system dealers in _" "Public housing authorities for _" "Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "available affordable Internet options in _" "Augmentation surgeons in _" "Face Lift surgeons in _" "NJ is located in _" "Phone System Dealer dealers in _" "phone system dealers in _" "trucks dealers in _" "provider pricing are included if available in _" "foreclosure lisitngs in _" "Face Lift surgeon in _" "MA is located in _" "local Breast Augmentation surgeons in _" "firms found for _" "Dealer dealers in _" "perfect used car in _" "PBX Phone System Dealer dealers in _" "local Liposuction surgeons in _" "payment FHA loans in _" "service provider pricing are included if available in _" ] using essex_county
CMC @1116 (100.0%) on 05-sep-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=ounty 5.79284 LASTSUFFIX=unty 5.79103 LAST_WORD=county 5.43809 LASTSUFFIX=nty 4.90109 SUFFIX=ounty 3.25378 LASTPREFIX=count 3.19117 SUFFIX=unty 2.15163 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -2.11024 FULL_POS=NN_NN -2.43454 WORDS -2.76714 ] using essex_county
CPL @1116 (92.3%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "Breast Augmentation surgeons in _" "pricing are included if available in _" "housing authorities for _" "local Face Lift surgeons in _" "affordable Internet options in _" "Internet options in _" "Movers Local movers in _" "cable Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "citizens of _" "Local movers in _" "centres throughout _" "Public housing authorities for _" "Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "available affordable Internet options in _" "Face Lift surgeons in _" "trucks dealers in _" "provider pricing are included if available in _" "County Movers Local movers in _" "firms found for _" "local Liposuction surgeons in _" "payment FHA loans in _" "county seat of _" "service provider pricing are included if available in _" ] using essex_county
CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ LAST_WORD=county 4.82007 LASTSUFFIX=ounty 4.81912 LASTSUFFIX=unty 4.81903 LASTSUFFIX=ty 4.33206 LASTPREFIX=count 4.28594 LASTSUFFIX=nty 4.28283 SUFFIX=ounty 3.16210 SUFFIX=ty -2.46072 FULL_POS=NN_NN -3.67103 WORDS -5.87710 ] using essex_county
CPL @1100 (85.4%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "Lift surgeons in _" "pioneer settlers of _" "Medicare Advantage plan in _" "Advantage plan in _" "Breast Augmentation surgeons in _" "pricing are included if available in _" "Lift surgeon in _" "local movers in _" "housing authorities for _" "local Face Lift surgeons in _" "affordable Internet options in _" "court records are in _" "piano mover based in _" "lisitngs in _" "System Dealer dealers in _" "Internet options in _" "Movers Local movers in _" "Liposuction surgeons in _" "cable Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "active cities in _" "Local movers in _" "system dealers in _" "Public housing authorities for _" "Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "available affordable Internet options in _" "Augmentation surgeons in _" "Face Lift surgeons in _" "NJ is located in _" "Phone System Dealer dealers in _" "phone system dealers in _" "trucks dealers in _" "provider pricing are included if available in _" "foreclosure lisitngs in _" "County Movers Local movers in _" "Face Lift surgeon in _" "MA is located in _" "local Breast Augmentation surgeons in _" "firms found for _" "Dealer dealers in _" "professional local movers in _" "perfect used car in _" "PBX Phone System Dealer dealers in _" "local Liposuction surgeons in _" "payment FHA loans in _" "mover based in _" "county seat of _" "service provider pricing are included if available in _" ] using essex_county
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey