CMC @1112 (100.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ SUFFIX=in 4.69094 CHARS 3.55818 LASTSUFFIX=in 1.68307 SUFFIX=tin 1.54268 LASTSUFFIX=tin 1.19228 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaaaaaaa 1.16233 WORDSHAPE=Aaaaaaaaaaa 0.92215 PREFIX=car -0.67618 POS=NN -0.82093 WORDS -3.82330 ] using carboplatin
CPL @1111 (87.8%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "high dosages of _" "drugs , including _" "children treated with _" "drugs , like _" "you are taking _" "patients given _" "Concomitant use of _" "Generic versions of _" "you searching for generic _" "medications such as _" "you are being treated with _" "total dose of _" "pharmacokinetic parameters of _" "patient was treated with _" "medication called _" "you are allergic to _" "allergic reaction to _" "dosages of _" "side effects caused by _" "Drugs such as _" "children receiving _" "effects are possible with _" "patients being treated with _" "drugs like _" "patients were treated with _" "III trial of _" "carcinogenic potential of _" "common side effect of _" "clinical trials of _" "availability of generic _" "intravenous administration of _" "injections of _" "antitumor activity of _" "treatment with _" "drugs called _" "chemical name for _" "moderate doses of _" "overdose of _" "use of low-dose _" "patients taking _" "Allergic reactions to _" "single dose of _" "renal clearance of _" "low doses of _" "patient receiving _" "smaller doses of _" "comparing use of _" "dosage of _" "proper dose of _" "higher doses of _" "drugs known as _" "possible side effects of _" "Drug information on _" "patients treated with _" "high doses of _" "oral administration of _" "standard dose of _" "side effects are possible with _" "therapeutic efficacy of _" "drugs such as _" "combination therapy with _" "side effects of _" "medications include _" "specific information comparing use of _" "drug known as _" "side-effects of _" "IV administration of _" "immunosuppressants such as _" "potential side effects of _" "dose of _" "therapy with _" "several doses of _" "second dose of _" "safety profile of _" "effects seen with _" "hypersensitivity reactions to _" "pharmacokinetics of _" "pharmacodynamics of _" "patients receiving _" "lower doses of _" "_ is indicated for" "clinical trial of _" "pharmacokinetic profile of _" "drug such as _" "drug , such as _" "regimen containing _" "dosing of _" "continuous infusion of _" "tolerability of _" "long-term side effects of _" "doses of _" "pharmacokinetic interaction between _" "common side effects of _" "first dose of _" "chemotherapy with _" "_ is excreted in" "_ dosing guidelines" "II trial of _" "other drugs such as _" "other group received _" "optimal dose of _" "standard doses of _" "drugs include _" "combination therapy of _" "medication like _" "therapeutic index of _" "Mothers It is not known whether _" "Side effects of _" "FDA approval of _" "serious side effect of _" "initial dose of _" "drug called _" "double dose of _" "side effects seen with _" "drugs including _" "_ has fewer side effects" "drugs , such as _" "_ was well-tolerated" "information comparing use of _" ] using carboplatin
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey