SEAL @71 (87.5%) on 30-mar-2010 [ 123 ] using adrian_peterson
CPL @1107 (92.2%) on 24-may-2018 [ "blockbuster trade for _" "_ fumbled the football" "backup spot behind _" "backup running back _" "_ won the Rookie" "NFL running back _" "rookie named _" "League stars _" "offense lead by _" "big name players like _" "_ was having a great year" "touchdown run by _" "ground game led by _" "_ fumbled after" "_ did not practice for" "NFL stars like _" "_ had another great game" "_ misses any games" "football running back _" "super star football players sports cards like _" "agent , contacting _" "_ 's amazing stats" "_ is the MVP" "fellow running back _" "University running back _" "player like _" "solid running game with _" "true freshman running back _" "star football players sports cards like _" "_ missed practice" "_ is a fine player" "_ 's second touchdown run" "athletes such as _" "stud running back _" "guy like _" "_ won the NFL" "_ 's D-yard touchdown" "rookie running back _" "first-round running back _" "superstar running back _" "_ caught a pass" "_ has been a stud" "few signings are scheduled with _" "_ was named the starter" "_ signed memorabilia" "_ 's single-game" "rookies like _" "_ 's DD-yard touchdown run" "_ 's NFL record" "_ 's DD-yard run" "Fame running back _" "NFL players like _" "_ does n't schedule signing sessions" "big guy like _" "one not named _" "football players sports cards like _" "dynamic running back _" "second year running back _" "_ had a nice game" "signings are scheduled with _" "_ is an American football" "favorite athlete is _" "Veteran running back _" "_ 's QDOS score" "_ 's jockstrap" "benching of _" "_ 's injury" "_ 's fantasy owners" "football players like _" "D-yard run by _" "standout running back _" "_ 's fantasy value" "TD run by _" "power running of _" "complete player than _" "D-yard TD run by _" "Minnesota running back _" "TD runs by _" "players like _" "_ is a good running" "_ is now the starter" "_ caught a DD-yard touchdown pass" "star running back _" "_ 's QDOS profile Name" "huge game from _" "helmet signed by _" "better overall player than _" "second-year running back _" "rookie like _" "_ was injury prone" "split carries with _" "rookies including _" "game led by _" "award , joining _" "Junior running back _" "impact player like _" "athletes like _" "_ 's DD-yard TD" "record he shares with _" "franchise running back _" "sports stars such as _" "_ 's one-yard run" "Freshman running back _" "incompletion to _" "history , behind only _" "_ is a decent backup" "year running back _" "DD-yard burst by _" "_ signed football" "jersey worn by _" "DD-yard TD run by _" "DD-yard touchdown run from _" "appearances , hiring _" "young running back in _" "splitting time with _" "_ 's TD run" "DD-yard reception by _" "injured running back _" "Oklahoma running back _" "_ has more yards" "players sports cards like _" "rookies such as _" "player , running back _" "Vikings running back _" "player not named _" "_ suffered a season-ending knee injury" "NFL stars such as _" "DD-yard touchdown run by _" "sophomore running back _" "_ has been lights" "sports cards like _" "_ broke a DD-yard run" "overall player than _" "explosive running back _" "Johnson , running back _" "fantasy news about _" "great players like _" "Heisman candidate in _" "junior running back _" "rusher behind _" "Star running back _" "professional athletes like _" "freshman running back _" "guy named _" "_ is a great player" "_ had a monster game" "TD run from _" "RB like _" "_ had another strong game" "veteran running back _" "position players like _" "star players such as _" "rookies include _" "_ keeping defenses honest" "All-Pro running back _" "_ won Rookie" "_ was carted off" "_ 's real jersey" "_ 's D-yard touchdown run" "Rookie running back _" "Many have considered _" "Bowl running back _" "_ autographed Minnesota" "offense led by _" "Pro Bowl running back _" "_ does n't like participating in" ] using adrian_peterson
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of athlete:adrian_peterson athletehomestadium attraction:metrodome ]
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of athlete:adrian_peterson athletehomestadium attraction:metrodome ] using concept:athlete:adrian_peterson
CMC @1051 (100.0%) on 20-apr-2017 [ SUFFIX=an 2.78456 LASTSUFFIX=son 2.63135 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.86461 LASTSUFFIX=on 1.71134 PREFIX=pet 1.52848 POS=NN 1.26943 SUFFIX=son 1.04893 SUFFIX=erson -0.23386 CHARS -4.05529 WORDS -4.62486 ] using adrian_peterson
SEAL @335 (96.9%) on 05-jul-2011 [ 12345 ] using adrian_peterson
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of athlete:adrian_peterson coachwontrophy awardtrophytournament:super_bowl ]
CPL @1114 (84.6%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "backup running back _" "NFL running back _" "rookie named _" "League stars _" "offense lead by _" "touchdown run by _" "NFL stars like _" "agent , contacting _" "fellow running back _" "D-yard completion to _" "University running back _" "players , including running back _" "true freshman running back _" "_ is a better running" "_ 's second touchdown run" "stud running back _" "big run by _" "_ 's D-yard touchdown" "rookie running back _" "first-round running back _" "superstar running back _" "_ has been a stud" "_ was named the starter" "_ 's DD-yard touchdown run" "_ 's NFL record" "_ 's DD-yard run" "Fame running back _" "NFL players like _" "one not named _" "dynamic running back _" "second year running back _" "_ had a nice game" "_ addressed the media today" "Veteran running back _" "_ 's fantasy owners" "D-yard run by _" "standout running back _" "_ 's fantasy value" "TD run by _" "D-yard TD run by _" "Minnesota running back _" "_ is a good running" "_ is now the starter" "star running back _" "huge game from _" "helmet signed by _" "second-year running back _" "rookie like _" "rookies including _" "dump-offs to _" "Junior running back _" "_ 's DD-yard TD" "franchise running back _" "_ 's one-yard run" "Freshman running back _" "history , behind only _" "year running back _" "_ signed football" "swing pass to _" "DD-yard TD run by _" "DD-yard touchdown run from _" "appearances , hiring _" "DD-yard reception by _" "injured running back _" "Oklahoma running back _" "candidate running back _" "RB named _" "rookies such as _" "player , running back _" "Vikings running back _" "NFL stars such as _" "DD-yard touchdown run by _" "sophomore running back _" "D-yard touchdown run by _" "_ broke a DD-yard run" "explosive running back _" "Johnson , running back _" "_ had a great rookie year" "fantasy news about _" "junior running back _" "rusher behind _" "Star running back _" "freshman running back _" "veteran running back _" "position players like _" "star players such as _" "All-Pro running back _" "_ 's real jersey" "pass , intended for _" "_ 's D-yard touchdown run" "Rookie running back _" "Many have considered _" "DD-yard touchdown to _" "Bowl running back _" "Pro Bowl running back _" ] using adrian_peterson
CMC @1060 (100.0%) on 24-may-2017 [ LASTSUFFIX=son 2.43573 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 2.12312 SUFFIX=an 1.86729 LASTSUFFIX=on 1.49746 SUFFIX=on 1.18430 SUFFIX=son 0.94530 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 0.88370 PREFIX=pe -1.31033 WORDS -2.86197 CHARS -5.07097 ] using adrian_peterson
SEAL @334 (93.8%) on 04-jul-2011 [ 1234 ] using adrian_peterson
CPL @1108 (89.7%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "backup running back _" "touchdown run from _" "NFL running back _" "League stars _" "touchdown run by _" "_ has a high ankle sprain" "_ did not practice for" "NFL stars like _" "super star football players sports cards like _" "agent , contacting _" "fellow running back _" "D-yard completion to _" "University running back _" "players , including running back _" "solid running game with _" "true freshman running back _" "star football players sports cards like _" "_ is a better running" "_ 's second touchdown run" "stud running back _" "_ 's D-yard touchdown" "rookie running back _" "first-round running back _" "superstar running back _" "_ has been a stud" "few signings are scheduled with _" "OU running back _" "_ 's DD-yard touchdown run" "_ 's NFL record" "_ 's DD-yard run" "Fame running back _" "NFL players like _" "one not named _" "football players sports cards like _" "dynamic running back _" "second year running back _" "_ had a nice game" "signings are scheduled with _" "Veteran running back _" "_ 's fantasy owners" "football players like _" "D-yard run by _" "standout running back _" "TD run by _" "D-yard TD run by _" "Minnesota running back _" "_ is a good running" "_ is now the starter" "star running back _" "second-year running back _" "rookies including _" "good running back in _" "Junior running back _" "_ 's DD-yard TD" "record he shares with _" "franchise running back _" "_ 's one-yard run" "Freshman running back _" "year running back _" "DD-yard burst by _" "_ signed football" "DD-yard TD run by _" "DD-yard touchdown run from _" "appearances , hiring _" "_ 's TD run" "DD-yard reception by _" "injured running back _" "Oklahoma running back _" "candidate running back _" "RB named _" "players sports cards like _" "player , running back _" "they re-signed _" "Vikings running back _" "_ suffered a season-ending knee injury" "NFL stars such as _" "DD-yard touchdown run by _" "DD-yard run by _" "sophomore running back _" "D-yard touchdown run by _" "_ broke a DD-yard run" "explosive running back _" "Johnson , running back _" "_ had a great rookie year" "fantasy news about _" "junior running back _" "rusher behind _" "Star running back _" "freshman running back _" "RB like _" "_ had another strong game" "veteran running back _" "position players like _" "star players such as _" "All-Pro running back _" "_ 's real jersey" "pass , intended for _" "_ 's D-yard touchdown run" "Rookie running back _" "Many have considered _" "DD-yard touchdown to _" "Bowl running back _" "Pro Bowl running back _" ] using adrian_peterson
CMC @1049 (100.0%) on 14-apr-2017 [ SUFFIX=an 2.34442 LASTSUFFIX=son 2.33350 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.90951 LASTSUFFIX=on 1.77083 PREFIX=pet 1.19127 SUFFIX=on 0.97134 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa_Aa 0.92793 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.64351 WORDS -2.50283 CHARS -5.20986 ] using adrian_peterson
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:sportsleague:nfl~concept:leaguestadiums" "Y~_z-concept:country:__america~concept:inverseofsportschoolincountry,concept:sportusesstadium" "Y~_z-concept:sportsleague~specializations,concept:organizationactsinlocation" "Y~X0~concept:athleteplaysforteam,concept:teammember,concept:athleteledsportsteam,concept:teamhomestadium" "Y~X0~concept:agentinteractswithagent,concept:organizationhasperson,concept:athleteplaysforteam,concept:teamhomestadium" ] using (adrian_peterson, metrodome)
CPL @1100 (96.9%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 injured his left arg2" "arg1 has a bum arg2" "arg1 has a sprained right arg2" "arg1 injured his arg2" "arg1 blew out his arg2" ] using (adrian_peterson, knee)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:stadiumoreventvenue:dolphins_stadium~concept:stadiumhometeam,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:coach:jauron~concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:new_york~concept:stateorprovinceoforganizationheadquarters,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:coach~specializations,concept:coachwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:awardtrophytournament:super_bowl~concept:trophywonbyteam,concept:teamwontrophy" ] using (adrian_peterson, super_bowl)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:stadiumoreventvenue:dolphins_stadium~concept:stadiumhometeam,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:coach:jauron~concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:new_york~concept:stateorprovinceoforganizationheadquarters,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:coach~specializations,concept:coachwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:awardtrophytournament:super_bowl~concept:trophywonbyteam,concept:teamwontrophy" ] using (adrian_peterson, super_bowl_xlii)
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 tailback arg1" "arg2 freshman running back arg1" "arg2 teammates arg1" "arg2 running back arg1" "arg2 football player arg1" ] using (adrian_peterson, ou)
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 tailback arg1" "arg2 freshman running back arg1" "arg2 teammates arg1" "arg2 running back arg1" "arg2 football player arg1" ] using (adrian_peterson, ou)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:stadiumoreventvenue:dolphins_stadium~concept:stadiumhometeam,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:coach:jauron~concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:new_york~concept:stateorprovinceoforganizationheadquarters,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:coach~specializations,concept:coachwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:awardtrophytournament:super_bowl~concept:trophywonbyteam,concept:teamwontrophy" ] using (adrian_peterson, super_bowl)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:stadiumoreventvenue:dolphins_stadium~concept:stadiumhometeam,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:coach:jauron~concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:new_york~concept:stateorprovinceoforganizationheadquarters,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:coach~specializations,concept:coachwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:awardtrophytournament:super_bowl~concept:trophywonbyteam,concept:teamwontrophy" ] using (adrian_peterson, super_bowl_xlii)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:stadiumoreventvenue:dolphins_stadium~concept:stadiumhometeam,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:coach:jauron~concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:new_york~concept:stateorprovinceoforganizationheadquarters,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:coach~specializations,concept:coachwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:awardtrophytournament:super_bowl~concept:trophywonbyteam,concept:teamwontrophy" ] using (adrian_peterson, super_bowl)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~z-concept:stadiumoreventvenue:dolphins_stadium~concept:stadiumhometeam,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:coach:jauron~concept:agentcollaborateswithagent,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:new_york~concept:stateorprovinceoforganizationheadquarters,concept:teamwontrophy" "Y~_z-concept:coach~specializations,concept:coachwontrophy" "Y~z-concept:awardtrophytournament:super_bowl~concept:trophywonbyteam,concept:teamwontrophy" ] using (adrian_peterson, super_bowl_xlii)