CPL @1109 (71.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "_ has alloy wheels" "_ recalls below" "_ has alloy rims" "Missouri used _" "simple brief overview of _" "_ diecast model car" "Availability — Used _" "_ rims on" "race track has been incorporated into _" "track has been incorporated into _" "_ has an excellent chassis" "— Used _" ] using chevrolet_ssr
CPL @1105 (71.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ has alloy wheels" "_ recalls below" "Mcclain used _" "_ has alloy rims" "simple brief overview of _" "_ diecast model car" "Availability — Used _" "_ rims on" "race track has been incorporated into _" "track has been incorporated into _" "_ has an excellent chassis" "— Used _" ] using chevrolet_ssr
CMC @1076 (100.0%) on 06-sep-2017 [ FIRST_WORD=chevrolet 4.02813 POS=NN 3.69746 SUFFIX=rolet 3.33261 SUFFIX=olet 3.27901 PREFIX=chevr 3.24850 PREFIX=che 3.14702 SUFFIX=let 3.10433 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.62990 WORDS -3.26478 CHARS -4.79040 ] using chevrolet_ssr