SEAL @167 (87.5%) on 17-nov-2010 [ 123 ] using brucella
MBL @529 (95.6%) on 12-mar-2012 [ Promotion of bacteria:brucella bacteriaisthecausativeagentofphysiologicalcondition disease:brucellosis ]
CPL @1115 (62.8%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "_ sp. from" "virulence factors of _" "virulence factor of _" "live culture of _" "live , attenuated _" "virulence genes of _" "_ are rod-shaped bacteria" "infections caused by _" "bacteria of genus _" "positive blood cultures for _" "pathogen called _" "virulence in _" "serum antibodies to _" "siderophore produced by _" "strains of _" "pathogenic bacteria , such as _" "_ 's virulence" "real-time PCR pathogen detection Real-time PCR detection of _" "virulence of _" "pathogenic bacteria including _" "uptake systems in _" "vitro activity against _" "virulence mechanisms of _" "DNA extracted from _" "_ sp. for" "pathogens including _" "virulence gene expression in _" "infections , including _" "_ is a genus" "_ isolates for" "organisms such as _" "dangerous bacteria , including _" "antigenic components of _" "organisms , including _" "biochemical tests for _" "secretion in _" "epitope of _" "occupational transmission of _" "IgM antibody to _" "_ is shed in" "antibody response to _" "bacteria like _" "_ was isolated from" "pathogens such as _" "bacteria such as _" "smooth strains of _" "other organisms such as _" "operon in _" "chronic infections caused by _" "Worldwide NetworkView Experts in _" "mutagenesis of _" "_ is an organism" "dog is infected with _" "genes in _" "challenge with virulent _" "microorganism such as _" "intracellular growth of _" "microorganisms other than _" "pathogenic bacteria such as _" "_ sp. in" "bacteria called _" "active infection with _" "Real-time PCR detection of _" "program searches _" "secretion system in _" "samples were positive for _" "secretion systems in _" "protein antigens of _" "person-to-person transmission of _" "mice infected with _" "polysaccharides of _" "endocarditis caused by _" "organisms resembling _" "bacterium is _" "Experts Worldwide NetworkView Experts in _" "_ is the causative agent" "_ Includes cause" "surface antigen of _" "protective antigens of _" "serology for _" "contamination with _" "bacterial infection caused by _" "antigens of _" "bacteria include _" "antigen of _" "phenotypes of _" "resistance in _" "resistant strains of _" "presence of viable _" "protein expression in _" "meningitis caused by _" "_ is the causative organism" "bacterial infection called _" "disease caused by _" "cattle experimentally infected with _" "antibiotic resistant strains of _" "isolates of _" "pathogen detection Real-time PCR detection of _" "_ is a bacterial infection" "transcriptome of _" "virulence factors for _" "susceptibility profile of _" "PCR detection of _" "nitrogen metabolism in _" "major virulence factor of _" "related species of _" "Pasteurella multocida _" "clinical isolates of _" "blood cultures for _" "_ strain isolated from" "_ isolates from" "antibiotic resistance in _" "positive cultures for _" "pathogenicity of _" "infection like _" "humans infected with _" "isolate of _" "_ isolates at" "_ is a bacteria" "_ is an important human pathogen" "Serologic test for _" "potential pathogens such as _" "_ is highly infectious" "Rapid identification of _" "cultures positive for _" "selective cultivation of _" "bacteria , including _" "detection Real-time PCR detection of _" "virulence genes in _" "attenuated strain of _" "global gene expression in _" "abscess due to _" "_ using polymerase chain reaction" "macrophages infected with _" "isolations of _" "other pathogens such as _" "gene expression in _" "seroprevalence of _" "infection due to _" "Mutants of _" "rods including _" "phagosomes containing _" "PCR pathogen detection Real-time PCR detection of _" "infection with _" "infection by _" "_ is a Gram-negative" "serologic testing for _" "activity against _" "cell-free extract of _" "regulon in _" "quorum sensing in _" "host range of _" "bacteria , such as _" "secretion system of _" "protective immune response against _" "important virulence factors of _" "monoclonal antibodies to _" "microbes like _" "_ was cultured from" "bacterium called _" "bacteria known as _" "isolates were identified as _" "blot analysis of _" "NetworkView Experts in _" "Southern blot analysis of _" "human pathogens including _" "laboratory tests for _" "microorganisms , such as _" "_ Isolates from" "different strains of _" "_ produces a toxin" "poisoning include _" "intracellular replication of _" "infection caused by _" "bacteria including _" "field strains of _" "strains other than _" "_ isolates based on" "cells were infected with _" "intracellular survival of _" "biovars of _" "mucoid strains of _" "macrophages by _" ] using brucella