CPL @1097 (68.2%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "gram negative bacteria such as _" "heat resistance of _" "infectious agents like _" "Food poisoning caused by _" "Comparative genomic analysis of _" "Illness caused by _" "DD-fold dilutions of _" "Microorganisms such as _" "Diarrhea caused by _" "DNA sequence of _" "toxin-producing strain of _" "tract caused by _" "specific strain of _" "urinary tract infections caused by _" "tract infections are caused by _" "_ is the etiologic agent" "_ isolates within" "water infected with _" "transcriptional regulation in _" "signal transduction system in _" "protein genes in _" "gene derived from _" "heat shock response of _" "gene sequences of _" "host range of _" "heat shock response in _" "health officials found _" "bacterium was _" "clinical isolate of _" "cross-contamination with _" "activity was detected in _" "abscess due to _" "supernatants from _" "sample positive for _" "phylogenetic lineages of _" "secondary infection by _" "rifampicin resistance in _" "electroporation of _" "disease-causing organisms , such as _" "crystal structures of _" "entire genome of _" "detection method for _" "antimicrobial therapy for _" "antimicrobial activities against _" "arthritis caused by _" "_ were significantly reduced in" "causative organisms are _" "subunits from _" "bad bacteria , such as _" "bacterium closely related to _" "agents against _" "bacterial growth of _" "water testing for _" "transport genes in _" "transcriptome of _" "gram-negative bacteria , such as _" "harmful pathogens , such as _" "pathovars of _" "pathogen like _" "recent outbreak of _" "products contaminated with _" "pathogens include _" "infection is usually caused by _" "Direct sequencing of _" "Various strains of _" "genera such as _" "gram-negative bacteria including _" "flora , such as _" "infection , caused by _" "food contaminated with _" "gonorrhea caused by _" "hemolysin of _" "infecting strain of _" "harmful bacteria , like _" "presence of fecal _" "recA gene of _" "parasites , such as _" "pneumonia , including _" "_ was isolated by" "aerobic growth of _" "homolog in _" "efficient killing of _" "food poisoning with _" "gene family in _" "gyrase in _" "samples inoculated with _" "_ isolates from" "_ isolates after" "_ isolates among" "_ were assayed for" "_ stably transfected with" "vitro susceptibility of _" "particular strains of _" "micro organisms such as _" "phage of _" "harmful bacteria , such as _" "experimental challenge with _" "food tainted with _" "nationwide outbreak of _" "infections caused by _" "media caused by _" "food poisoning , such as _" "infections by _" "samples testing positive for _" "food-borne illness caused by _" "germs , such as _" "_ were inhibited by" "_ is cultured in" "_ is the microorganism" "spheroplasts of _" "tract infections due to _" "transcriptional activator in _" "Strains of _" "septicaemia caused by _" "toxin genes in _" "single isolate of _" "toxin from _" "uptake system in _" "antigen from _" "bacterial strains , such as _" "_ were centrifuged at" "bacteria , known as _" "bacteria , like _" "_ were analyzed at" "bacterial isolates of _" "infusion of live _" "various bacteria , including _" "protein was overexpressed in _" "samples contaminated with _" "Simultaneous detection of _" "Microbes such as _" "Gram-negative bacteria including _" "disease-causing strains of _" "food scares such as _" "motility of _" "outbreaks related to _" "certain bacteria , including _" "Urinary tract infections caused by _" "antibiotic resistant strain of _" "antibacterial activity against _" "_ were also resistant" "bacterium , such as _" "harmful micro-organisms such as _" "fecal shedding of _" "fatal disease caused by _" "sigma factor of _" "proteins isolated from _" "resistance in commensal _" "pure culture of _" "laboratory confirmation of _" "negative organisms such as _" "outer membrane proteins of _" "outer membrane of _" "isomerase in _" "_ is the predominant cause" "_ include stomach cramps" "_ is the only species" "antimicrobial resistance patterns of _" "clonal group of _" "cells stimulated with _" "bacteria , also known as _" "culture supernatants from _" "_ is a common organism" "_ is the predominant species" "vertical transmission of _" "experimental infections with _" "common strains of _" "dangerous bacteria , such as _" "common bacterium called _" "_ was cultured at" "acid biosynthesis in _" "_ signal peptides" "chemotaxis in _" "disease causing _" "outbreak strains of _" "samples have tested positive for _" "recombinant proteins from _" "polymerases from _" "pathogens such as _" "pathogens , such as _" "protein isolated from _" "membrane protein of _" "Plasmids were isolated from _" "Meningitis caused by _" "protein production in _" "pathogen was _" "pathogen such as _" "serogroups of _" "_ isolates associated with" "_ isolates used in" "_ is a common inhabitant" "synthetase in _" "similar strain of _" "respiratory chain of _" "regulatory gene in _" "genomic sequence of _" "emergence of drug-resistant _" "fusion protein was expressed in _" "growth conditions for _" "gene isolated from _" "anaerobic bacteria , such as _" "_ was isolated as" "_ sepsis in" "bacterial species , such as _" "adherence of _" "chromosomal genes in _" "dehydrogenase in _" "diarrhea due to _" "culture grew _" "water-borne pathogens such as _" "vesicles from _" "urinary tract infections are caused by _" "_ is gram negative" "selective growth of _" "secretion system of _" "incubation with _" "gene regulation in _" "infection by _" "negative bacteria such as _" "microbes , such as _" "ortholog of _" "isolate was _" "microorganism is _" "oxidases from _" "oxidase in _" "other bacteria , including _" "positive test results for _" "patients infected with _" "regulatory networks in _" "Crystal structures of _" "samples were cultured for _" "special strain of _" "_ outbreak associated with" "_ include abdominal cramps" "_ is a gram negative bacterium" "_ isolates resistant" "Mastitis caused by _" "diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic _" "bacterial diseases like _" "acid production by _" "bacilli , including _" "bacterium called _" "culture methods for _" "_ is the bacteria" "homolog of _" "food poisoning bacteria such as _" "food was contaminated with _" "_ did not differ between" "transfection of _" "infective dose of _" "host origin of _" "heterologous expression in _" "titers against _" "poisoning bacteria such as _" "pathogens , like _" "resistance mutations in _" "pathogens including _" "lysates of _" "_ expressing GFP" "antimicrobial resistance of _" "_ usually occur within" "essential genes in _" "enteritis caused by _" "harmful pathogens such as _" "_ were performed as" "individual strains of _" "food contaminated by _" "foodborne diseases such as _" "operons of _" "mixed culture with _" "clonal lineages of _" "chromosomal DNA in _" "_ are becoming increasingly resistant" "prokaryotes , including _" "oral immunization with _" "regulatory protein in _" "other organisms , including _" "synthetases from _" "vaccine strain of _" "simultaneous detection of _" "specific strains of _" "bacterial counts of _" "_ were grown overnight" "antibiotic-resistant strain of _" "bacterial strains of _" "selective cultivation of _" "transcriptional profile of _" "many organisms including _" "mastitis due to _" "prostatitis caused by _" "many different strains of _" "major outer membrane protein of _" "bacteria included _" "diarrhea such as _" "bugs as _" "infectious form of _" "foodborne pathogens , including _" "helicase from _" "susceptibility testing on _" "field strains of _" "food-borne bacteria such as _" "supernatant of _" "growth response of _" "Infections caused by _" "/ PubMed _" "certain bacteria , such as _" "catabolism in _" "cultures were positive for _" "bacteria , including _" "_ was digested with" "bacterial species of _" "complementation of _" "cytosol of _" "various serotypes of _" "virulence genes in _" "synthetase from _" "food-borne illness from _" "ß-lactamases in _" "human strain of _" "_ causes diarrhoea" "_ include severe abdominal pain" "infection , such as _" "gene product from _" "infectious agents , including _" "gene expression in _" "flagellum of _" "foodborne illness caused by _" "expression system in _" "foodborne illness from _" "growth characteristics of _" "gene transfer from _" "mutant forms of _" "microbes called _" "many organisms , including _" "microorganism such as _" "mutant strain of _" "typing methods for _" "transferase from _" "bacterial species , including _" "_ were measured at" "better activity against _" "bacteria is called _" "antibacterial effects on _" "strains including _" "_ isolates between" "_ is a normal resident" "_ is a model organism" "genes in _" "extracts against _" "light growth of _" "nanoparticles against _" "lethal strain of _" "cell walls of _" "cytoplasmic membrane of _" "different isolates of _" "culturability of _" "disease organisms such as _" "agent active against _" "antibiotic effect against _" "cepas de _" "cfu of _" "central metabolism in _" "carriage of resistant _" "culture negative for _" "bacterial infection by _" "_ outbreak from" "protein folding in _" "proteomes of _" "proteins were expressed in _" "starvation response in _" "deletion mutants of _" "dismutase from _" "metabolic networks of _" "novel strain of _" "liquid cultures of _" "outbreak of _" "mastitis caused by _" "microorganisms like _" "you are infected with _" "bacteria known as _" "bacteria such _" "bacterial infections like _" "antibiotic resistance of _" "antimicrobial effect against _" "dangerous pathogens , such as _" "colonization with resistant _" "broth culture of _" "complementation in _" "drug-resistant strain of _" "expression studies in _" "enzyme from _" "virulence factors associated with _" "toxin produced by _" "synthases in _" "waterborne pathogens such as _" "temperature-sensitive mutant of _" "several out" ] using e__coli
SEAL @167 (75.0%) on 17-nov-2010 [ 12 ] using e__coli
MBL @538 (99.9%) on 25-mar-2012 [ Promotion of bacteria:e__coli bacteriaisthecausativeagentofphysiologicalcondition physiologicalcondition:infection ]
CPL @1108 (99.6%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 outbreaks traced to arg2" "arg1 outbreaks associated with arg2" "arg1 outbreaks linked to arg2" "arg1 outbreak linked to arg2" "arg1 infections after eating arg2" "arg1 case linked to arg2" "arg1 as adulterants in arg2" "arg1 that can lurk in arg2" ] using (e__coli, ground_beef)
OE @811 (99.1%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, diarrhea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 infection usually causes arg2" "arg1 strains causing arg2" "arg1 is a bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 isolates from patients with arg2" "arg1 infection may include arg2" "arg1 strains from patients with arg2" "arg1 poisoning include arg2" "arg1 causes bloody arg2" "arg1 poisoning symptoms include arg2" "arg1 strains associated with arg2" "arg1 as the etiologic agent of arg2" "arg1 include abdominal cramps and arg2" "arg1 infection include arg2" "arg1 strains isolated from patients with arg2" "arg1 bacterium causes arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria that can cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 as a cause of acute arg2" ] using (e__coli, diarrhea)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, diseases)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as those caused by arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 of cattle caused by arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 from bacteria like arg1" "arg2 and to outbreaks of arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 such as MRSA and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, diseases)
OE @806 (88.1%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, infections)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" "arg1 strains that cause arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 and strep arg2" "arg1 and clostridial arg2" "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 from urinary tract arg2" "arg1 blood stream arg2" "arg1 and Staph arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 bloodstream arg2" "arg1 causes urinary tract arg2" "arg1 cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 involved in intestinal arg2" "arg1 that cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 intramammary arg2" "arg1 causing urinary tract arg2" ] using (e__coli, infections)
OE @823 (91.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, infection)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and clostridial arg2" "arg1 bloodstream arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" "arg1 that cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 intramammary arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 at the primary site of arg2" "arg1 or campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 bacteria can lead to arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" ] using (e__coli, infection)
OE @820 (88.9%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, pathogens)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Cryptosporidium and arg1" "arg2 such as Staphylococcus and arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Listeria and arg1" "arg2 and the low incidence of arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 and bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as listeria and arg1" ] using (e__coli, pathogens)
OE @823 (97.1%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, food_poisoning)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 bacteria can cause serious arg2" "arg1 bacterium that causes arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria that can cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria that cause arg2" "arg1 and Staph arg2" ] using (e__coli, food_poisoning)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 strains can cause arg2" "arg1 strain causing arg2" "arg1 bacteria cause arg2" "arg1 causes human arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause serious arg2" "arg1 bacteria do not cause arg2" "arg1 and other foodborne arg2" "arg1 infections can cause serious arg2" "arg1 bacteria to cause arg2" "arg1 can cause foodborne arg2" ] using (e__coli, illness)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 from pathogens such as arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 from bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Cryptosporidium and arg1" ] using (e__coli, illnesses)
CPL @1108 (87.5%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 from undercooked arg2" "arg1 infections after eating arg2" "arg1 outbreak linked to arg2" ] using (e__coli, hamburgers)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 strains associated with arg2" "arg1 bacteria which cause arg2" "arg1 isolates associated with arg2" ] using (e__coli, diarrhoea)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by pathogens such as arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 from pathogens such as arg1" ] using (e__coli, foodborne_illness)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 such as staphylococcus and arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" ] using (e__coli, infectious_diseases)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, diseases)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as those caused by arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 of cattle caused by arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 from bacteria like arg1" "arg2 and to outbreaks of arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 such as MRSA and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, diseases)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 strains can cause arg2" "arg1 strain causing arg2" "arg1 bacteria cause arg2" "arg1 causes human arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause serious arg2" "arg1 bacteria do not cause arg2" "arg1 and other foodborne arg2" "arg1 infections can cause serious arg2" "arg1 bacteria to cause arg2" "arg1 can cause foodborne arg2" ] using (e__coli, illness)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 from pathogens such as arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 from bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Cryptosporidium and arg1" ] using (e__coli, illnesses)
OE @823 (91.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, infection)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and clostridial arg2" "arg1 bloodstream arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" "arg1 that cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 intramammary arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 at the primary site of arg2" "arg1 or campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 bacteria can lead to arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" ] using (e__coli, infection)
CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 such as staphylococcus and arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" ] using (e__coli, infectious_diseases)
CPL @1098 (96.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like Listeria and arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella or arg1" ] using (e__coli, microorganisms)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as Legionella and arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, organisms)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, food_borne_bacteria)
CPL @1097 (98.4%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Listeria and arg1" "arg2 such as staph and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, harmful_bacteria)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, harmful_pathogens)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, pathogenic_bacteria)
OE @820 (88.9%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, pathogens)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Cryptosporidium and arg1" "arg2 such as Staphylococcus and arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Listeria and arg1" "arg2 and the low incidence of arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 and bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as listeria and arg1" ] using (e__coli, pathogens)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and Enterococcus arg2" "arg1 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 and campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 and streptococcus arg2" ] using (e__coli, strains)
OE @826 (87.3%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, strains)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 of food poisoning due to arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella or arg1" "arg2 caused by strains of arg1" ] using (e__coli, outbreaks)
OE @811 (99.1%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, diarrhea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 infection usually causes arg2" "arg1 strains causing arg2" "arg1 is a bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 isolates from patients with arg2" "arg1 infection may include arg2" "arg1 strains from patients with arg2" "arg1 poisoning include arg2" "arg1 causes bloody arg2" "arg1 poisoning symptoms include arg2" "arg1 strains associated with arg2" "arg1 as the etiologic agent of arg2" "arg1 include abdominal cramps and arg2" "arg1 infection include arg2" "arg1 strains isolated from patients with arg2" "arg1 bacterium causes arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria that can cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 as a cause of acute arg2" ] using (e__coli, diarrhea)
OE @823 (97.1%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, food_poisoning)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 bacteria can cause serious arg2" "arg1 bacterium that causes arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria that can cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria that cause arg2" "arg1 and Staph arg2" ] using (e__coli, food_poisoning)
CPL @1097 (98.4%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Listeria and arg1" "arg2 such as staph and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, harmful_bacteria)
OE @806 (88.1%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, infections)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" "arg1 strains that cause arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 and strep arg2" "arg1 and clostridial arg2" "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 from urinary tract arg2" "arg1 blood stream arg2" "arg1 and Staph arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 bloodstream arg2" "arg1 causes urinary tract arg2" "arg1 cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 involved in intestinal arg2" "arg1 that cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 intramammary arg2" "arg1 causing urinary tract arg2" ] using (e__coli, infections)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and Enterococcus arg2" "arg1 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 and campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 and streptococcus arg2" ] using (e__coli, strains)
OE @826 (87.3%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, strains)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 strains isolated from patients with arg2" "arg1 is the predominant cause of arg2" "arg1 bacterium which causes arg2" ] using (e__coli, traveler)
OE @823 (91.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, infection)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and clostridial arg2" "arg1 bloodstream arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" "arg1 that cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 intramammary arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 at the primary site of arg2" "arg1 or campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 bacteria can lead to arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" ] using (e__coli, infection)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1108 (96.9%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 bacterium called arg1" "arg2 bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 bacterium arg1" "arg2 bacteria called arg1" "arg2 bacteria like arg1" ] using (e__coli, gut)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and listeria arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" ] using (e__coli, contamination)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, diseases)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as those caused by arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 of cattle caused by arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 from bacteria like arg1" "arg2 and to outbreaks of arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 such as MRSA and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, diseases)
CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 such as staphylococcus and arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" ] using (e__coli, infectious_diseases)
OE @820 (88.9%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, pathogens)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Cryptosporidium and arg1" "arg2 such as Staphylococcus and arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Listeria and arg1" "arg2 and the low incidence of arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 and bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as listeria and arg1" ] using (e__coli, pathogens)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and listeria arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" ] using (e__coli, contamination)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and listeria arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" ] using (e__coli, contamination)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or Staph arg2" "arg1 and Staph arg2" "arg1 or staph arg2" "arg1 and staphylococcus arg2" "arg1 and staph arg2" ] using (e__coli, aureus)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or Staph arg2" "arg1 and Staph arg2" "arg1 or staph arg2" "arg1 and staphylococcus arg2" "arg1 and staph arg2" ] using (e__coli, aureus)
OE @806 (88.1%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, infections)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" "arg1 strains that cause arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 and strep arg2" "arg1 and clostridial arg2" "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 from urinary tract arg2" "arg1 blood stream arg2" "arg1 and Staph arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 bloodstream arg2" "arg1 causes urinary tract arg2" "arg1 cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 involved in intestinal arg2" "arg1 that cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 intramammary arg2" "arg1 causing urinary tract arg2" ] using (e__coli, infections)
CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 such as staphylococcus and arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" ] using (e__coli, infectious_diseases)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as Legionella and arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, organisms)
OE @820 (88.9%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, pathogens)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Cryptosporidium and arg1" "arg2 such as Staphylococcus and arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Listeria and arg1" "arg2 and the low incidence of arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 and bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as listeria and arg1" ] using (e__coli, pathogens)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 strains isolated from patients with arg2" "arg1 is the predominant cause of arg2" "arg1 bacterium which causes arg2" ] using (e__coli, traveler)
OE @823 (97.1%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, food_poisoning)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 bacteria can cause serious arg2" "arg1 bacterium that causes arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria that can cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria that cause arg2" "arg1 and Staph arg2" ] using (e__coli, food_poisoning)
OE @823 (91.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, infection)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and clostridial arg2" "arg1 bloodstream arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" "arg1 that cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 intramammary arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 at the primary site of arg2" "arg1 or campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 bacteria can lead to arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" ] using (e__coli, infection)
OE @806 (88.1%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, infections)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" "arg1 strains that cause arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 and strep arg2" "arg1 and clostridial arg2" "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 from urinary tract arg2" "arg1 blood stream arg2" "arg1 and Staph arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 bloodstream arg2" "arg1 causes urinary tract arg2" "arg1 cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 involved in intestinal arg2" "arg1 that cause urinary tract arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 intramammary arg2" "arg1 causing urinary tract arg2" ] using (e__coli, infections)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and listeria arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" ] using (e__coli, contamination)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 from pathogens such as arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 from bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as Cryptosporidium and arg1" ] using (e__coli, illnesses)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1108 (96.9%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 bacterium called arg1" "arg2 bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 bacterium arg1" "arg2 bacteria called arg1" "arg2 bacteria like arg1" ] using (e__coli, gut)
CPL @1116 (75.0%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 such as staphylococcus and arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" ] using (e__coli, infectious_diseases)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 strains isolated from patients with arg2" "arg1 is the predominant cause of arg2" "arg1 bacterium which causes arg2" ] using (e__coli, traveler)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 and bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, germs)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and salmonella arg2" "arg1 and Salmonella arg2" "arg1 and Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and other bacterial arg2" "arg1 and listeria arg2" "arg1 or salmonella arg2" "arg1 or Salmonella arg2" ] using (e__coli, contamination)
CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and staph arg2" "arg1 and Staphylococcus aureus arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" ] using (e__coli, growth)
CPL @1108 (96.9%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg2 bacterium called arg1" "arg2 bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 bacterium arg1" "arg2 bacteria called arg1" "arg2 bacteria like arg1" ] using (e__coli, gut)