CPL @1105 (88.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "_ are delicious" "_ stuffed with" "_ served with" "breakfast with hot _" "foods like _" "_ infused with" "I made blueberry _" "_ are high" "_ served daily" "_ topped with" "bakery products such as _" ] using pancakes
CPL @1115 (97.3%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "drizzle over _" "_ taste better" "_ recipe Recipe" "Eat lots of _" "recipe for homemade _" "I cooked _" "sauce served with _" "home baked _" "omelet with _" "_ turn brown" "grains , such as _" "_ are served at" "bird gets _" "rich foods like _" "pizza , french _" "saut ed _" "pasta , white _" "heat , cook _" "spoon , transfer _" "mixture into small _" "starchy foods like _" "supply of hot _" "home cooked _" "potatoes , baked _" "_ is served every morning" "baked goods such as _" "skillet with _" "high heat until _" "medium-high heat until _" "smell of freshly baked _" "Goods such as _" "pan with _" "sugars , such as _" "recipe for orange _" "thin strips of _" "kitchen making _" "_ are prepared fresh" "Nutritional values in _" "bake until _" "_ are golden brown" "crispy fried _" "medium heat , cook _" "_ are made fresh" "blend of sweet _" "baked goods like _" "recipe for chinese _" "I were having _" "_ recipe in" "grains such as _" "family out for _" "_ are served during" "bacon , fresh _" "_ garnished with" "kitchen , eating _" "simmer until _" "cake made with _" "house made of _" "_ ' worth" "I have always made _" "juice , green _" "favorite foods are _" "foods , such as _" "pan , cook _" "plate of fresh _" "_ are browned" "pan , add _" "car ran out of _" "medium high heat until _" "skillet , cook _" "slotted spoon , transfer _" "cooking until _" "restaurants serving _" "selection of delicious _" "glaze over _" "heat until _" "kitchen preparing _" "hot , add _" "meat , fried _" "baking pan with _" "certain foods , such as _" "_ containing gluten" "_ is cooked through" "icing on _" "pre cooked _" "cook until _" "staple foods like _" "rich foods such as _" "soft serve _" "Continue cooking until _" "potato soup with _" "friends over for _" "_ are cooked through" "I 'm cooking _" "dough into small _" "recipe for baked _" "bag of frozen _" "_ topped with" "eggs , green _" "family over for _" "We stopped for _" "room temperature for _" "red wine with _" "_ are heated through" "frying pan with _" "I was eating _" "_ are very tender" "low heat until _" "last couple of _" "_ are tender" "_ are fried in" "cream filled _" "carbohydrates such as _" "recipe for blueberry _" "selection of homemade _" "_ were tasty" "ham , green _" "first couple of _" "_ recipe software" "Pour sauce over _" "leftover cooked _" "we ate _" "restaurant serves _" "people over for _" "_ are n't very sweet" "coffee , fresh _" "dough into D-inch _" "early bird gets _" "fry until _" "_ are served daily" "recipe next time I make _" "Home cooked _" "medium-low heat until _" "chocolate covered _" "saut ? _" "we cooked _" "I love fresh _" "We met for _" "you cooked _" "mixture over _" "I do n't eat _" "consistency of thick _" "I was cooking _" "snacks in between _" "rice , green _" "walk after _" "we decorated _" "medium heat until _" "undersides of _" "such foods as _" "soaks into _" "We were eating _" "tea , fresh _" "we sat down to _" "wide variety of delicious _" "zest from _" "we were eating _" "variety of nutritious _" ] using pancakes
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a large cup of arg2" "arg1 and a bottomless cup of arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and endless cups of arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and tea or arg2" "arg1 with freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and a steaming cup of arg2" ] using (pancakes, coffee)
OE @803 (99.7%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, coffee)
OE @808 (100.0%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (salmon, pancakes)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 caviar and arg2" "arg1 and cream cheese arg2" "arg1 with watercress arg2" "arg1 wrapped in lemon arg2" ] using (salmon, pancakes)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a large cup of arg2" "arg1 and a bottomless cup of arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and endless cups of arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and tea or arg2" "arg1 with freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and a steaming cup of arg2" ] using (pancakes, coffee)
OE @803 (99.7%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, coffee)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a large cup of arg2" "arg1 and a bottomless cup of arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and endless cups of arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and tea or arg2" "arg1 with freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and a steaming cup of arg2" ] using (pancakes, coffee)
OE @803 (99.7%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, coffee)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and whipped arg2" "arg1 served with ice arg2" "arg1 with chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with vanilla whipped arg2" "arg1 with banana ice arg2" "arg1 covered in whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and ice arg2" "arg1 with clotted arg2" "arg1 with fresh whipped arg2" "arg1 served with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and top with whipped arg2" "arg1 and some whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered in whipped arg2" "arg1 and homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with sweetened whipped arg2" "arg1 and creamy ice arg2" "arg1 or as an ice arg2" "arg1 with a little whipped arg2" "arg1 with cream or ice arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberry jam and arg2" "arg1 with vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 with fresh berries and whipped arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whip arg2" "arg1 piled high with whipped arg2" "arg1 recipe with sour arg2" "arg1 with a spoonful of whipped arg2" "arg1 and clotted arg2" "arg1 with ice cream and whipped arg2" "arg1 AND ice arg2" "arg1 along with whipped arg2" "arg1 smothered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with chantilly arg2" "arg1 with whip arg2" "arg1 topped with whip arg2" "arg1 with the whipped arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of whipped arg2" "arg1 and vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 layered with whipped arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 with coffee ice arg2" "arg1 with extra whipped arg2" "arg1 and serve with whipped arg2" "arg1 topped with whipped arg2" "arg1 with fresh fruit and whipped arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 and soft serve ice arg2" "arg1 with a dollop of sour arg2" "arg1 topped with ice arg2" "arg1 filled with pastry arg2" "arg1 with fruit and ice arg2" "arg1 with freshly whipped arg2" "arg1 served with whipped arg2" "arg1 with real whipped arg2" "arg1 or on ice arg2" "arg1 with jam and whipped arg2" "arg1 with home made ice arg2" "arg1 with some whipped arg2" "arg1 or over ice arg2" "arg1 topped with strawberries and whipped arg2" "arg1 or vanilla ice arg2" "arg1 and chocolate ice arg2" "arg1 with Devonshire arg2" ] using (pancakes, cream)
OE @820 (97.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (pancakes, cream)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with sweetened whipped arg1" "arg2 with a dollop of whipped arg1" "arg2 with a dollop of sour arg1" ] using (cream, pancakes)
CPL @1099 (93.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a loaf of arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" "arg2 and loaves of arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" ] using (bread, pancakes)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or fresh baked arg1" "arg2 and fresh baked arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and homemade cakes and arg1" ] using (breads, pancakes)