CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "deposits acquired by _" "new deposit agreement with _" "_ did not pay the FDIC" "financial services offered by _" "principal subsidiary is _" "Deposit Accounts offered by _" "Dallas member institutions , such as _" "deposit agreement with _" "ATM owned by _" "insured deposits of _" "_ is state chartered" "banking operations of _" "FHLB Dallas member institutions , such as _" "_ is a full-service commercial bank" "_ is a community bank" "deposits assumed by _" "Accounts offered by _" "Secured deposits acquired by _" "member institutions , such as _" "lending policies of _" "_ is the only bank" "management division of _" "assumption agreement with _" ] using centennial_bank
CMC @460 (100.0%) on 26-nov-2011 [ PREFIX=ban 12.04508 SUFFIX=ank 8.38063 LASTSUFFIX=ank 6.87580 SUFFIX=nk 6.48690 LASTSUFFIX=nk 4.04530 PREFIX=ba 3.99164 LAST_WORD=bank 2.64619 WORDS -1.88216 FULL_POS=NN_NN -3.61361 CHARS -5.96626 ] using centennial_bank
SEAL @222 (99.8%) on 20-mar-2011 [ 123456789 ] using centennial_bank