MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of bank:jp_morgan_chase_bank bankbankincountry agent:india ] using concept:bank:jp_morgan_chase_bank
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of bank:national bankboughtbank bank:jp_morgan_chase_bank ] using concept:bank:national
CPL @1096 (93.6%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "distressed assets from _" "banks like _" "economist at _" "mortgage was sold to _" "senior economist at _" "financial services offered by _" "_ purchased the bond" "investment banking arm of _" "arrow shows whether _" "debt financing provided by _" "exchange strategist at _" "strategist at _" "loan facility with _" "major banks like _" "reviews Sponsor Listings Additional information on _" "account held at _" "financial institutions such as _" "Listings Additional information on _" "chief economist at _" "financing was provided by _" "private equity business of _" "Banks such as _" "lending division of _" "financial institution such as _" "routing number for _" "financial career at _" "lenders , including _" "lenders led by _" "equity investment arm of _" "banking arm of _" "foreign exchange strategist at _" "loans originated by _" "banking services offered by _" "Card issued through _" "several lenders , including _" "private equity investment arm of _" "Sponsor Listings Additional information on _" "equity business of _" ] using jp_morgan_chase_bank
CMC @551 (100.0%) on 10-apr-2012 [ PREFIX=ban 19.23431 SUFFIX=ank 13.82880 SUFFIX=nk 11.62366 LASTSUFFIX=ank 7.15089 SUFFIX=hase 6.11460 SUFFIX=organ 5.97336 SUFFIX=rgan 5.69497 PREFIX=ch -1.59627 WORDS -6.84150 CHARS -11.21937 ] using jp_morgan_chase_bank
SEAL @343 (87.5%) on 11-jul-2011 [ 123 ] using jp_morgan_chase_bank
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_X0~concept:bankbankincountry,concept:countryalsoknownas,concept:locatedat" "Y~_X0~concept:bankbankincountry,concept:inverseofweaponmadeincountry,concept:weaponmadeincountry,concept:countryhascompanyoffice" "Y~_X0~concept:bankbankincountry,concept:locatedat,concept:weaponmadeincountry,concept:locationactedinbyorganization" "Y~_X0~concept:bankbankincountry,concept:relatedto,concept:weaponmadeincountry,concept:locationrelatedtoagent" "Y~_X0~concept:bankbankincountry,concept:countrylocatedingeopoliticallocation,concept:locationcontainslocation,concept:locationactedinbyorganization" ] using (national, jp_morgan_chase_bank)