CMC @1052 (100.0%) on 23-apr-2017 [ PREFIX=bat 3.39776 PREFIX=ba 2.35675 SUFFIX=ath 2.27592 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 1.89637 LASTPREFIX=bat 1.82425 LASTPREFIX=ba 1.68312 PREFIX=whi 1.62599 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.20357 WORDS -2.10044 CHARS -8.75059 ] using whirlpool_bath
CPL @1096 (87.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "Upstairs bathroom has _" "suites with double _" "pool , hot _" "bathroom is provided with _" "suite bathroom with _" "power shower over _" "suite bathroom has _" "own ensuite with _" "rooms with double _" "TV , double _" "en-suite bathroom features _" "bathroom with oversized _" "private bath with _" "large bathroom with double _" "sinks , double _" "private bathroom features _" "bathroom equipped with _" "Master bath has _" "ensuite bathroom with _" "en-suite bathroom has _" "shower over _" "suite facilities including _" "bathroom with double _" "full bathroom with double _" "bathroom complete with _" "room with double _" "marble bathroom with _" "own private bathroom with _" "spacious bathroom is equipped with _" "large bathroom includes _" "queen bed , double _" "family bathroom has _" "bathroom is equipped with _" "bathroom with large _" "bathroom has _" "bathroom including _" "bathrooms come with _" "private bathroom with double _" "Master has double _" "rooms feature double _" "mirror , double _" "family bathroom with _" "bathroom with full-size _" "shower with separate _" "separate bathroom with _" "ceiling fan , double _" "suite bathrooms with _" "master bath features _" "en-suite bathroom with _" "spacious bathroom with _" "private bathroom with _" "private room equipped with _" "chairs , double _" ] using whirlpool_bath
SEAL @340 (57.0%) on 09-jul-2011 [ 12 ] using whirlpool_bath
CMC @838 (100.0%) on 15-may-2014 [ PREFIX=bat 8.48722 SUFFIX=ath 6.08421 SUFFIX=th 4.21575 PREFIX=ba 3.78773 LAST_WORD=bath 2.50360 LASTPREFIX=bat 2.40726 LASTSUFFIX=th 1.83775 POS=VB -0.81663 WORDS -4.29299 CHARS -6.30526 ] using whirlpool_bath
CPL @1094 (98.9%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "bathroom has _" "en-suite bathroom with _" "white suite comprising _" "en-suite bathroom has _" "large bathroom with _" "bathroom with _" "family bathroom with _" "bath rooms have _" "panel enclosed _" "spa bathroom with _" "tub w/ _" "separate shower from _" ] using whirlpool_bath