CPL @1103 (99.1%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "medium saucepan , combine _" "drizzle over _" "cup of hot _" "chocolate cake with _" "pudding with _" "drizzle with _" "pan with _" "_ covered strawberries" "_ covered pretzels" "_ covered raisins" "drizzle of _" "small saucepan , combine _" "house is made of _" "bowl of hot _" "_ covered cherries" "blend of sweet _" "_ topped with" "thin piece of _" "_ falling down from" "_ has less caffeine" "box made of _" "mixing bowl , combine _" "round piece of _" "cup chopped _" "recipe calls for _" "land flowing with _" "spoonfuls of _" "sugar found in _" "amount of warm _" "_ drizzled on" "saucepan , combine _" "_ dipped strawberries" "large bowl , combine _" "drizzle in _" "selection of delicious _" "_ garnished with" "_ drizzled over" "long piece of _" "whisk in _" "saucepan , melt _" "piece of solid _" "bowl , combine _" "heat , add _" "solid piece of _" "I do n't eat _" "thin pieces of _" "nice cup of _" "thick piece of _" ] using milk_chocolate
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 shavings on arg1" "arg2 chips over arg1" "arg2 drizzled on arg1" "arg2 mousse on arg1" "arg2 ganache for arg1" "arg2 sprinkles on arg1" "arg2 ganache on arg1" ] using (top, milk_chocolate)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 hazelnut arg1" "arg2 buttercream and chocolate arg1" "arg2 filled with dark chocolate arg1" ] using (ganache, milk_chocolate)