CPL @1107 (88.1%) on 24-may-2018 [ "nice cold bottle of _" "He does n’t drink _" "coffee , freshly squeezed _" "second cup of _" "drinking lots of _" "few glasses of _" "glass of organic _" "half-empty glass of _" "delicious cup of _" "products , fortified _" "giant glass of _" "daily glass of _" "people have been drinking _" "alternative to bottled _" "cup of fresh _" "several gallons of _" "nice glass of _" "I drink _" "I do n't drink _" "morning cup of _" "morning I drink _" "cold bottle of _" "me spit _" "little glass of _" "glass of fresh-squeezed _" "occasional glass of _" "D-ounce glass of _" "good cup of _" "pulp free _" "_ has no caffeine" "old glass of _" "beverage such as _" "glass of fresh _" "glass of _" "gallon of _" "coffee , drinking _" "fresh squeezed _" "teeth , drink _" "average glass of _" "less acid than _" "nice cool glass of _" "fish , drink _" "glass of cold _" "first glass of _" "few cups of _" "healthy glass of _" "free cups of _" "great glass of _" "_ is fresh-squeezed" "I miss drinking _" "ice cold glass of _" "drinking tons of _" "half gallon of _" "cans of frozen _" "second glass of _" "single glass of _" "cup of _" "full glass of _" "usual glass of _" "morning , drinking _" "bottles of _" "delicious glass of _" "carton of fresh _" "cup of sweet _" "couple glasses of _" "vitamin D fortified _" "tall glass of cold _" "tall mug of _" "family drank _" "drinks like _" "many cups of _" "beverages , such as _" "few swallows of _" "many glasses of _" "little cartons of _" "brand of bottled _" "light breakfast of _" "cold glass of _" "big glasses of _" "small carton of _" "bottle of _" "big glass of _" "bottle of fresh _" "more glasses of _" "fresh glass of _" "glasses of fresh _" "you drink _" "fresh cup of _" "glass of chilled _" "_ based beverages" "sip of _" "thermoses of _" "glass of fortified _" "fresh pressed _" "quick glass of _" "extra glass of _" "TV , drinking _" "small glass of _" "half-empty cup of _" "ice tray with _" "next glass of _" "milk , fortified _" "ice-cold glass of _" "sippy cup filled with _" "large glass of _" "D fortified _" "cheap bottle of _" "morning glass of _" "calcium fortified _" "bottle of chilled _" "many people drink _" "D-oz glass of _" "People have been drinking _" "cool glass of _" "pint of fresh _" "jam , fresh _" "simple glass of _" "tall glass of fresh _" "refreshing glass of _" ] using oj
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or Cranberry arg2" "arg1 or grapefruit arg2" "arg1 instead of apple arg2" "arg1 or pineapple arg2" "arg1 and sparkling grape arg2" "arg1 and pineapple arg2" "arg1 or cranberry arg2" "arg1 and Pineapple arg2" "arg1 or pomegranate arg2" "arg1 or Pineapple arg2" "arg1 instead of lemon arg2" "arg1 and cranberry arg2" "arg1 or some other fruit arg2" "arg1 or Grapefruit arg2" "arg1 and a splash of lime arg2" "arg1 or grape arg2" "arg1 or Pomegranate arg2" ] using (oj, juice)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or Cranberry arg2" "arg1 or grapefruit arg2" "arg1 instead of apple arg2" "arg1 or pineapple arg2" "arg1 and sparkling grape arg2" "arg1 and pineapple arg2" "arg1 or cranberry arg2" "arg1 and Pineapple arg2" "arg1 or pomegranate arg2" "arg1 or Pineapple arg2" "arg1 instead of lemon arg2" "arg1 and cranberry arg2" "arg1 or some other fruit arg2" "arg1 or Grapefruit arg2" "arg1 and a splash of lime arg2" "arg1 or grape arg2" "arg1 or Pomegranate arg2" ] using (oj, juice)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or Cranberry arg2" "arg1 or grapefruit arg2" "arg1 instead of apple arg2" "arg1 or pineapple arg2" "arg1 and sparkling grape arg2" "arg1 and pineapple arg2" "arg1 or cranberry arg2" "arg1 and Pineapple arg2" "arg1 or pomegranate arg2" "arg1 or Pineapple arg2" "arg1 instead of lemon arg2" "arg1 and cranberry arg2" "arg1 or some other fruit arg2" "arg1 or Grapefruit arg2" "arg1 and a splash of lime arg2" "arg1 or grape arg2" "arg1 or Pomegranate arg2" ] using (oj, juice)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or Cranberry arg2" "arg1 or grapefruit arg2" "arg1 instead of apple arg2" "arg1 or pineapple arg2" "arg1 and sparkling grape arg2" "arg1 and pineapple arg2" "arg1 or cranberry arg2" "arg1 and Pineapple arg2" "arg1 or pomegranate arg2" "arg1 or Pineapple arg2" "arg1 instead of lemon arg2" "arg1 and cranberry arg2" "arg1 or some other fruit arg2" "arg1 or Grapefruit arg2" "arg1 and a splash of lime arg2" "arg1 or grape arg2" "arg1 or Pomegranate arg2" ] using (oj, juice)