CPL @1104 (97.3%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "other drinks such as _" "favorite cup of _" "free cup of _" "_ making facilities TV" "mugs of _" "tea , decaffeinated _" "cup of _" "morning cup of _" "hot cup of _" "_ making facilities available" "beverages such as _" "light breakfast of _" "complimentary cup of _" "tea , black _" "empty cup of _" "good cup of _" "beverages like _" "sip of _" "peaceful cup of _" "old cup of _" "frequent cups of _" "quick cup of _" "simple cup of _" "complimentary pot of _" "I drink too much _" "supply of hot _" "few cups of _" "stimulating cup of _" "evening cup of _" "quiet cup of _" "Several cups of _" "cup of aromatic _" "hot cup of black _" "welcome tray with _" "nice mug of _" "cup of black _" "endless pots of _" "strong cup of _" "mug of hot _" "many cups of _" "hospitality tray with _" "_ making facilities" "warm cup of _" "endless cups of _" "cup of hot _" "early morning cup of _" "first cup of _" "empty cups of _" "extra cup of _" "nice cup of hot _" "nice warm cup of _" "refreshing cup of _" "extra cups of _" "refreshing pot of _" "I drink _" "beverages including _" "you drink _" "lovely cup of _" "multiple cups of _" "second cup of _" "perfect cup of _" "nice cup of _" "hot cups of _" "expensive cup of _" "drinking lots of _" "good old cup of _" "well-earned cup of _" "makers with complimentary _" "friendly cup of _" "odd cup of _" "flowers , complimentary _" "relaxing cup of _" "welcoming cup of _" "welcome cup of _" "flask of hot _" "tea , hot _" ] using tea_coffee
CMC @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ PREFIX=te 6.71376 LASTPREFIX=te 4.12761 LASTSUFFIX=fee 2.91947 SUFFIX=ea 2.59807 PREFIX=co 2.03863 LASTPREFIX=tea 1.68123 LASTSUFFIX=ffee 1.54370 FULL_WORDSHAPE=axa -2.11534 CHARS -5.10482 WORDS -10.99243 ] using tea_coffee
SEAL @772 (54.6%) on 26-sep-2013 [ 1 ] using tea_coffee
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey