CPL @1103 (92.1%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "hot brewed _" "ingredients such as green _" "_ making facilites" "slow cooker , combine _" "tea making _" "she was cooking _" "fridge , hot _" "_ is the only drink" "Organically grown _" "apples , green _" "_ flavoured ice cream" "pan of hot _" "leisurely cup of _" "juice , green _" "many foods , such as _" "bacon , sweet _" "bowl of lukewarm _" "sticks , sweet _" "mushrooms , green _" "jug of iced _" "mug of hot _" "jar of hot _" "iced tea , hot _" "clear liquids like _" "hot peppers , green _" "we ate for _" "vegetables , green _" "many quarts of _" "tiny cups of _" "pasta , green _" "nutmeg , black _" "rice in hot _" "nice pint of _" "nuts , black _" "juice , hot _" "green beans , green _" "garlic , black _" "leaves , boiled _" "juices , hot _" "kitchen , preparing _" "onion , green _" "sea salt , black _" "powder , red _" "bottle of iced _" "cost of bottled _" "next glass of _" "order of green _" "peppers , black _" "stands of wild _" "recipes with green _" "raisins , green _" "coffee maker with complimentary _" "asparagus , green _" "cereals , green _" "green tea , black _" "scent of aromatic _" "flavor than green _" "foods like _" "hot chocolate , hot _" "_ is served daily from" "_ is served each morning" "_ is the staple crop" "pears , white _" "peanuts , sweet _" "_ is served all day" "couple sips of _" "chocolate , fresh _" "Sprinkle gelatin over _" "I make iced _" "lot of bottled _" "lentils , green _" "juice , sesame _" "salad , black _" "seed , green _" "spices such as _" "teaspoon of dried _" "bread , green _" "area with cold _" "cream of _" "constant supply of hot _" "strawberries , green _" "sprinkle of black _" "quality loose _" "parsley , green _" "powder in hot _" "antioxidants in green _" "We broke for _" "various crops such as _" "eggs , green _" "fennel , black _" "ice-cold glass of _" "_ containing flavonoids" "smell of rotten _" "cup of lukewarm _" "cup of aromatic _" "simple glass of _" "_ are the main crops" "_ based drinks" "pepper , white _" "pitcher of hot _" "compounds in green _" "cup of heavy _" "cup of warm _" "cabbage , green _" "agricultural commodities such as _" "I make homemade _" "cranberries , green _" "complimentary cup of _" "_ is served Wednesday" "_ is also served in" "_ producing nations" "cup with hot _" "celery , green _" "cash crops such as _" "sauce , fresh _" "TV , hot _" "alfalfa , green _" "_ producing nation" "salt , green _" "soybeans , green _" "staple foods like _" "soup , brown _" "single cups of _" "eggs , hot _" "cumin , black _" "cup of frozen _" "basil , black _" "broth , black _" "beans , black _" "bowl with hot _" "blueberries , green _" "_ is usually served in" "_ is served Monday" "jug of warm _" "long swallow of _" "pitcher of iced _" "pot of warm _" "bowls of warm _" "apple , white _" "salmon , green _" "principal crops are _" "_ serving sets" "commodity crops such as _" "benefits of olive _" "_ was catered by" "bacon , green _" "flavor of green _" "few bales of _" "foods such as _" "foods such as sweet _" "cucumber , green _" "chocolate , hot _" "measure , combine _" "kitchen fixing _" "long sip of _" "beans , white _" "_ was a popular drink" "_ is served every day" "_ making facilities" "drinks , canned _" "commercial planting of _" "cheese , lemon _" "citrus fruits , green _" "coffee , herbal _" "corn , sweet _" "availability of hot _" "black cherry , black _" "pepper , red _" "I buy bottled _" "antioxidants found in green _" "tea , green _" "_ is served under" "_ is served Tuesday" "bath , hot _" "_ was being served in" "craving for sweet _" "cup white _" "cash crops , including _" "coffee , green _" "citrus , white _" "drink as much _" "D-quart saucepan , combine _" "countless cups of _" "leaves , green _" "mix , green _" "peaches , green _" "potato , green _" "recipes using white _" "We then ate _" "olives , black _" "lot of iced _" "Several cups of _" "juices , green _" "instant powdered _" "occasional sip of _" "ginger root , green _" "half-glass of _" "hot drinks like _" "good cup of hot _" "fruit , white _" "_ extract supplement" "_ is the national drink" "glass of cool _" "fruit flavors of _" "free gallon of _" "eggs , black _" "cold glasses of _" "cover with cold _" "glass of lukewarm _" "ingredients include green _" "variety of canned _" "tea , spiced _" "pepper , green _" "pan roasted _" "afternoon cup of _" "nice glass of cold _" "juice , bottled _" "tea , organic _" "_ making facilties" "cup of herbal _" "butter , black _" "potatoes , white _" "red tomatoes , green _" "glasses of iced _" "hot coffee , hot _" "food crops such as _" "extra tablespoon of _" "mix with hot _" "types of bottled _" "common foods like _" "cakes , sweet _" "goodness of fresh _" "leaf , green _" "red onions , green _" "peanuts , green _" "_ contain quercetin" "gallon of hot _" "ginger , black _" "dish of warm _" "few friends over for _" "friends round for _" "lemon juice , hot _" "coffee , decaffeinated _" "cup of instant _" "glass of ice-cold _" "glass of sweet _" "heating , hot _" "sprouts , green _" "We went out for _" "notes of white _" "pear , white _" "_ based beverages" "evening primrose _" "rooms with hot _" "red wine , green _" "tea , orange _" "salad , assorted _" "pan , add _" "varieties of fresh _" "sorghum , sweet _" "I made blueberry _" "other crops like _" "pan , combine _" "scallops with black _" "nearby restaurant for _" "nice cold glass of _" "major crops like _" "basket of hot _" "D-D glasses of _" "cheese , black _" "he was cooking _" "_ are the chief crops" "I were eating _" "sauce , green _" "soy , green _" "sugar in warm _" "teas , green _" "wu yi _" "_ is served inside" "people over for _" "sausage , green _" "recipe using _" "value crops such as _" "we were eating _" "user drinks _" "salads , green _" "_ is offered each morning" "_ is served onboard" "you ate for _" "water , flavored _" "toast , fresh _" "spice mixture to _" "tea , iced _" "tomato , black _" "grapes , green _" "ginger , green _" "few pints of _" "bits , green _" "cash crops , such as _" "powder , green _" "potatoes with caramelized _" "we sat down for _" "ice cream , hot _" "plums , green _" "sandwiches , hot _" "potato , sweet _" "regular consumption of green _" "morning , drinking _" "delicious pot of _" "cash crops like _" "sauce , black _" "rice , green _" "she was drinking too much _" "swirl to _" "homemade iced _" "bottle of cool _" "_ are natural diuretics" "honey , hot _" "tomatoes , black _" "smell of green _" "shoots , green _" "pineapple , white _" "pepper , hot _" "cup of Irish _" "can of iced _" "cauliflower , green _" "cup of bad _" "catechins in green _" "varieties of sweet _" "calories of regular _" "drinks , bottled _" "_ are delicious" "nice cool glass of _" "quality raw _" "cup of Japanese _" "coconut , green _" "juice , black _" "health benefits of black _" "welcome cup of _" "Refreshments such as _" "vegetables , sweet _" "_ is served about" "aromas of white _" "many pints of _" "vinegar , green _" "I did n't drink enough _" "natural sugars in _" "nuts , green _" "juice , iced _" "pears , green _" "cloves , black _" "crops ranging from _" "earl grey _" "major crops include _" "_ also contain antioxidants" "I drink green _" "bowl of hot _" "soup , sweet _" "tea , jasmine _" "tuna , green _" "odd cup of _" "refreshing iced _" "pound of green _" "I drink bottled _" "polyphenols in green _" "cup of thick _" "cup of Chinese _" "coffee , iced _" "cream , black _" "cash crops include _" "bacon , black _" "sweet potatoes , green _" "vegetables such as green _" "pasta , sweet _" "scallions , green _" "sweets made from _" "bread , sweet _" "_ served each morning" "scant cup of _" "recipe for green _" "cup of orange _" "bananas , green _" "meat , black _" "_ are served after" "grapefruit , white _" "gourmet flavored _" "potatoes , buttered _" "recipe for iced _" "cream cheese , green _" "cornbread , sweet _" "cereals , hot _" "_ was served while" "_ served Monday" "beans , sweet _" "jalapenos , green _" "greens , sweet _" "other beverages such as _" "mixture , green _" "_ is served every morning" "_ is served buffet style" "guests over for _" "shrimp , green _" "spices including _" "strips , green _" "_ has less caffeine" "_ extract help" "Tbsp of _" "I drink black _" "paste , black _" "drink gallons of _" "flavors of black _" "bathroom , hot _" "berries , green _" "black tea , green _" "warm boiled _" "workers picking _" "few sprigs of _" "flavor of fresh _" "gathering wild _" "green pepper , green _" "guys drinking _" "Other crops such as _" "seeds , green _" "teas , herbal _" "almonds , green _" "mug of strong _" "mug of green _" "lots of bottled _" "chili peppers , green _" "warm glass of _" "welcome tray with _" "varieties of hot _" "mustard , black _" "kettle on for _" "lemon iced _" "hot beverages like _" "salads , as _" "pint of cold _" "teaspoon of black _" "steak , green _" "tea , hot _" "_ based cocktails" "_ extract protects against" "_ extract resulted in" "cup of fragrant _" "carrot , green _" "salads , hot _" "pork , green _" "virtual cup of _" "tray of hot _" "water , unsweetened _" "glass of iced _" "food crops including _" "fragrant cup of _" "extracts of green _" "continental breakfast consisting of _" "other crops including _" "maker with complimentary _" "ladies sipping _" "_ does contain caffeine" "neighbors over for _" "steak with green _" "we went out to _" "sugar in hot _" "sprinkle with powdered _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "teas , hot _" "caffeine in green _" "bag , combine _" "bread , black _" "chives , green _" "dish with green _" "thermos of hot _" "melon , white _" "whats for _" "cup of iced _" "cancers of _" "weak cup of _" "cups of warm _" "hot drinks suc" ] using tea
CPL @1098 (90.3%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "hot brewed _" "ingredients such as green _" "_ making facilites" "simple cup of _" "she was cooking _" "rounded teaspoon of _" "fresh brewed cup of _" "groups drinking _" "_ is the only drink" "barley , green _" "_ is the national beverage" "major crops including _" "pan of hot _" "leisurely cup of _" "juice , green _" "many foods , such as _" "_ is usually served at" "bacon , sweet _" "bay leaf , black _" "bowl of lukewarm _" "bowl with green _" "sticks , sweet _" "tea , decaf _" "mushrooms , green _" "jug of iced _" "mug of hot _" "mug of Irish _" "jar of hot _" "iced tea , hot _" "coffee , refined _" "clear liquids like _" "flakes , green _" "fennel , green _" "hot peppers , green _" "grits , sweet _" "vegetables , green _" "juice in hot _" "new crops , such as _" "light balsamic _" "muffins , sweet _" "many quarts of _" "stimulating cup of _" "shower , have _" "pasta , green _" "nutmeg , black _" "rice in hot _" "nice pint of _" "green beans , green _" "heat , add _" "ingredient of green _" "garlic , black _" "leaves , boiled _" "pastries , sweet _" "juice , boiled _" "meats , boiled _" "onion , green _" "sea salt , black _" "powder , red _" "cubes in hot _" "bottle of iced _" "bowl , add hot _" "mugs of hot _" "mug of sweet _" "pitchers of iced _" "order of green _" "peppers , black _" "_ is served so" "stands of wild _" "shrimp , Chinese _" "recipes with green _" "raisins , green _" "coffee maker with complimentary _" "asparagus , green _" "bit like sweet _" "cereals , green _" "bowls of cold _" "green tea , black _" "ginger , orange _" "rice pudding with _" "scent of aromatic _" "pepper , garlic _" "flavor than green _" "foods like _" "home made sweet _" "humble cup of _" "_ is served daily from" "_ is served each morning" "_ making amenities" "_ is the staple crop" "pears , white _" "peanuts , sweet _" "cup of flavored _" "cup of prepared _" "_ is served all day" "_ is not just a drink" "thermos of warm _" "chocolate , fresh _" "I make iced _" "_ extract group" "lot of bottled _" "lentils , green _" "juice , sesame _" "steaming cup of hot _" "spices such as _" "teaspoon of dried _" "bread , green _" "area with cold _" "_ based moisturizer" "drink , iced _" "drink of cold _" "drinking organic _" "drinks like iced _" "currants , black _" "cups of strong _" "cream of _" "constant supply of hot _" "tea , powdered _" "strawberries , green _" "sprinkle of black _" "non-alcoholic beverages such as _" "several cups of strong _" "parsley , green _" "powder in hot _" "antioxidants in green _" "I make green _" "various crops such as _" "eggs , green _" "fennel , black _" "greens with green _" "_ containing flavonoids" "_ has a nutty" "sticks , green _" "smell of rotten _" "cup of lukewarm _" "cup of aromatic _" "tea , coconut _" "tiny glasses of _" "_ are the main crops" "recipe calls for green _" "pitcher of hot _" "eggs , sweet _" "compounds in green _" "cup of heavy _" "cup of steamy _" "chlorophyll in green _" "cup of warm _" "cabbage , green _" "agricultural commodities such as _" "cranberries , green _" "complimentary cup of _" "sip on hot _" "strong cup of _" "_ is served Wednesday" "_ producing nations" "quality cup of _" "almond flavored _" "cup with hot _" "celery , green _" "butter , iced _" "cash crops such as _" "cherry , dark _" "TV , hot _" "alfalfa , green _" "_ producing nation" "diet with green _" "salt , green _" "soda , sweet _" "staple foods like _" "plums , black _" "single cups of _" "clear fluids such as _" "cumin , black _" "cup of frozen _" "basil , black _" "broth , black _" "beans , black _" "bowl with hot _" "brewing great _" "_ is served Monday" "jug of warm _" "tea , steamed _" "pitcher of iced _" "pinch of dried _" "salmon with black _" "pot of warm _" "basin of hot _" "_ tastes like" "apple , white _" "principal crops are _" "_ also contains antioxidants" "caffeine in black _" "commodity crops such as _" "shrimp , sweet _" "benefits of olive _" "_ was catered by" "_ was served between" "bacon , green _" "flavor of green _" "few bales of _" "foods such as _" "foods such as sweet _" "cumin seeds , green _" "cucumber , green _" "casserole , sweet _" "morning cup of _" "leaf tea , green _" "beans , white _" "blossom , white _" "aromas of red _" "_ is served every day" "_ making facilities" "_ is served poolside" "drinks , canned _" "commercial planting of _" "cheese , lemon _" "citrus fruits , green _" "coffee , herbal _" "corn , sweet _" "black cherry , black _" "benefits of Oolong _" "pepper , red _" "I buy bottled _" "_ was the main meal" "servings of green _" "steaming mug of hot _" "usual cup of _" "tea , green _" "several cups of hot _" "_ is served Tuesday" "bath , hot _" "_ was being served in" "cash crops , including _" "citrus , white _" "drink as much _" "countless cups of _" "cake recipe using _" "_ is ground fresh" "meats , black _" "mix , green _" "kind of fermented _" "morning glass of _" "tea , brown _" "peaches , green _" "potato , green _" "premium cup of _" "recipes using white _" "rhubarb , green _" "oysters , sweet _" "lot of iced _" "other beverages like _" "Several cups of _" "fruit notes of _" "juices , green _" "huge mugs of _" "occasional sip of _" "ginger root , green _" "hot drinks like _" "good cup of hot _" "fruit , white _" "_ extract supplement" "_ producing states" "fruit flavors of _" "green bean casserole , sweet _" "drinks , organic _" "ginger in hot _" "aroma of green _" "_ were delicious" "basket of green _" "cover with cold _" "glass of lukewarm _" "fried chicken , sweet _" "tea with hot _" "we chatted over _" "ingredients include green _" "traditional cup of _" "tea , spiced _" "nice cup of warm _" "pepper , green _" "afternoon cup of _" "nice glass of cold _" "juice , bottled _" "_ is the perfect beverage" "_ making facilties" "cup of herbal _" "butter , black _" "potatoes , white _" "red tomatoes , green _" "great cup of _" "foods are green _" "glasses of iced _" "hot coffee , hot _" "food crops such as _" "dishes after _" "paprika , black _" "mix with hot _" "such crops as _" "cherries , sweet _" "comments Neem _" "goodness of fresh _" "leaf , green _" "juice , flavored _" "red onions , green _" "own comments Neem _" "peanuts , green _" "_ contain quercetin" "gallon of hot _" "ginger , black _" "dish of warm _" "few friends over for _" "flavored cup of _" "flour kneaded with _" "generous tablespoon of _" "friends round for _" "lemon juice , hot _" "kitchen table , drinking _" "coffee , decaffeinated _" "cup of instant _" "glass of ice-cold _" "glass of sweet _" "sprouts , green _" "thai iced _" "_ making facilities available" "notes of white _" "perfect cups of _" "pie , green _" "pear , white _" "bean , green _" "cassis , black _" "evening primrose _" "plain cup of _" "red wine , green _" "tea , orange _" "pan , add _" "sips of iced _" "sorghum , sweet _" "I had mashed _" "I made blueberry _" "other crops like _" "pickles , green _" "scallops with black _" "nearby restaurant for _" "_ contains anti-oxidants" "major crops like _" "basket of hot _" "certain crops like _" "D-D glasses of _" "I 'm drinking hot _" "_ helps reduce cholesterol levels" "can of chilled _" "cherries , green _" "cheese , black _" "homemade sweet _" "large thermos of _" "squash , black _" "tropical crops such as _" "butter , boiled _" "alcoholic beverages like _" "_ are the chief crops" "Green tea , black _" "Isoflavones are found in _" "I were eating _" "simple drink of _" "small flask of _" "sauce , green _" "soy , green _" "production of certified organic _" "sugar in warm _" "teas , green _" "_ is served inside" "people over for _" "sausage , green _" "value crops such as _" "we were eating _" "user drinks _" "friend came over for _" "_ is a natural antiseptic" "salads , green _" "_ is served throughout" "_ is served along with" "_ is served onboard" "you ate for _" "water , flavored _" "flour , green _" "foods including green _" "they come over for _" "toast , fresh _" "tea , iced _" "tomato , black _" "grapes , green _" "ginger , green _" "few pints of _" "aroma of exotic _" "bits , green _" "blender , combine _" "cash crops , such as _" "powder , green _" "potatoes with caramelized _" "principal cash crops are _" "recipes with black _" "we sat down for _" "violets , black _" "plums , green _" "salt , powdered _" "potato , sweet _" "regular consumption of green _" "natural antioxidants found in _" "biscuits , green _" "beer , iced _" "cash crops like _" "conditioning , complimentary _" "sauce , black _" "plantation crops such as _" "rich flavoured _" "rice , green _" "she was drinking too much _" "homemade iced _" "half-filled cup of _" "bottle of cool _" "serving of brown _" "_ are natural diuretics" "tomatoes , black _" "shoots , green _" "pineapple , white _" "pepper , hot _" "cup of Irish _" "can of iced _" "concentrations in green _" "cauliflower , green _" "cup of bad _" "catechins in green _" "chocolate , spiced _" "_ has much less caffeine" "yogurt , green _" "drinks , bottled _" "chocolate , iced _" "I thought sweet _" "women sipping _" "plant foods like _" "paste of green _" "plantation crops like _" "clove , black _" "cup of Japanese _" "coconut , green _" "chocolates , delicious _" "juice , black _" "ingredients except _" "health benefits of black _" "evening eating _" "fabulous cup of _" "welcome cup of _" "FREE cup of _" "Food items like _" "vegetables , sweet _" "_ is often served on" "_ is served about" "aromas of white _" "many pints of _" "welcoming glass of _" "vinegar , green _" "I did n't drink enough _" "lukewarm cup of _" "orange juice , green _" "orange peel , black _" "it was iced _" "juice , iced _" "pears , green _" "cloves , black _" "crops ranging from _" "complimentary glass of _" "major crops include _" "mi" ] using tea
Human feedback from estevam @459 on 25-nov-2011 [ "caterpillar animaleatfood tea", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.459.SSFeedback.csv) ] using tea
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:tea agriculturalproductcamefromcountry country:_uk ] using concept:agriculturalproduct:tea
CMC @317 (100.0%) on 26-jun-2011 [ SUFFIX=ea 4.61397 LASTSUFFIX=ea 4.41085 LASTPREFIX=te 3.37752 PREFIX=te 3.08773 WORDSHAPE=Aaa 0.33223 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.31257 WORDSHAPE=aaa 0.24565 WORDSHAPE=AAA -0.41535 CHARS -1.67567 WORDS -1.68262 ] using tea
SEAL @233 (98.4%) on 12-apr-2011 [ 123456 ] using tea
CPL @1096 (80.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "hot brewed _" "ingredients , such as green _" "ingredients such as green _" "_ making facilites" "slow cooker , combine _" "simple cup of _" "rice boiled in _" "feast of green _" "fresh brewed cup of _" "_ is decaffeinated" "_ is the only drink" "_ is highly aromatic" "_ also contains polyphenols" "_ is a superfood" "_ is the national beverage" "major crops including _" "imports of raw _" "leisurely cup of _" "juice , green _" "_ is not just a beverage" "boil , stir in _" "sticks , sweet _" "mushrooms , green _" "mug of hot _" "mug of Irish _" "fork full of _" "grower of organic _" "iced tea , hot _" "flakes , green _" "fresh leaves of _" "fennel , green _" "hot peppers , green _" "vinegar , organic _" "packet of green _" "pasta , green _" "nuts , black _" "green beans , green _" "garlic , black _" "leaves , boiled _" "lands planted with _" "onion , green _" "powder , red _" "bottle of iced _" "mug of sweet _" "peppers , black _" "stands of wild _" "recipes with green _" "raisins , green _" "coffee maker with complimentary _" "asparagus , green _" "green tea , black _" "flavor than green _" "foods like _" "freshly brewed _" "humble cup of _" "_ making amenities" "_ is only grown on" "_ is the staple crop" "peanuts , sweet _" "quality flavored _" "cup of flavored _" "_ is not just a drink" "thermos of warm _" "seed , white _" "_ is a common drink" "chocolate , fresh _" "Sprinkle gelatin over _" "I make iced _" "_ extract group" "_ calms the stomach" "salad , black _" "steaming cup of hot _" "spices such as _" "simmer add _" "teaspoon of dried _" "berries , black _" "currants , black _" "caffeine present in _" "cups of strong _" "strawberries , green _" "tea , herbal _" "mug of black _" "parsley , green _" "antioxidants in green _" "I make green _" "turkey , green _" "fennel , black _" "ice-cold glass of _" "greens with green _" "sticks , green _" "cup of aromatic _" "_ contains antioxidant compounds" "compounds in green _" "_ is the only beverage" "I used instant _" "agricultural commodities such as _" "We love green _" "cranberries , green _" "complimentary cup of _" "sip on hot _" "strong cup of _" "_ is naturally caffeine free" "quality cup of _" "polyphenol in green _" "celery , green _" "butter , iced _" "cherry , dark _" "cup of wild _" "recipe with green _" "real cup of _" "sauce , fresh _" "Fairtrade labelled _" "agricultural products , such as _" "alfalfa , green _" "cup of real _" "salt , green _" "tea , decaffeinated _" "soup , brown _" "selling flavored _" "plums , black _" "crackers , green _" "cumin , black _" "basil , black _" "broth , black _" "antioxidant found in _" "beans , black _" "leaf , black _" "blueberries , green _" "black tea , oolong _" "cake flavored with _" "_ is the dried" "_ growing soils" "lemonade , iced _" "pitcher of iced _" "pinch of dried _" "_ based ice cream" "apple , white _" "red wine , red _" "perfect pot of _" "salmon , green _" "principal crops are _" "cumin , green _" "commodity crops such as _" "shrimp , sweet _" "tea , mixed _" "bacon , green _" "foods such as _" "grandparents grew _" "important cash crops are _" "foods such as sweet _" "cumin seeds , green _" "cucumber , green _" "measure , combine _" "lot like green _" "leaf tea , green _" "aromas of red _" "_ making facilities" "cheese , lemon _" "everyone’s cup of _" "chicken green _" "clean cup of _" "coffee , herbal _" "cinnamon , green _" "corn , sweet _" "aloe , green _" "benefits of Oolong _" "pepper , red _" "antioxidants found in green _" "steaming mug of hot _" "usual cup of _" "tea , green _" "several cups of hot _" "_ is grown along with" "chemicals in green _" "cash crops , including _" "coffee , green _" "citrus , white _" "crab , green _" "Oolong Tea Oolong _" "flavanols in _" "cups of herbal _" "countless cups of _" "cake recipe using _" "_ is ground fresh" "_ is the main beverage" "leaves , green _" "meats , black _" "_ growing plantations" "_ contains strong antioxidants" "_ contains B vitamins" "peaches , green _" "potato , green _" "premium cup of _" "oysters , sweet _" "olives , black _" "lot of iced _" "black pepper , black _" "home , sipping _" "meat , drinking _" "ginger root , green _" "hot drinks like _" "good cup of hot _" "high-yielding varieties of _" "sprinkle of green _" "_ extract supplement" "_ extract along with" "_ growing tracts" "_ contains much less caffeine" "essential oils , organic _" "barley , black _" "chocolate flavored with _" "cups of black _" "edamame , green _" "herbs such as _" "_ grow wonderfully in" "milk to hot _" "large mug of _" "ingredients include green _" "tea , medicinal _" "nice cup of warm _" "pepper , green _" "afternoon cup of _" "altitude grown _" "mint , sweet _" "I do like green _" "_ making facilties" "cup of herbal _" "red tomatoes , green _" "herb , such as _" "great cup of _" "glasses of iced _" "hot chocolate , iced _" "food crops such as _" "_ growing countries" "paprika , black _" "cucumber , white _" "_ growing States" "red sauce with _" "pot , pour hot _" "red onions , green _" "recipe using green _" "polyphenols contained in _" "quality Oolong _" "peanuts , green _" "greens , black _" "hints of orange _" "important crop was _" "ginger , black _" "flour kneaded with _" "coffee , decaffeinated _" "dishes like green _" "cup of instant _" "glass of sweet _" "tea , White _" "_ is first steamed" "_ making facilities available" "perfect cups of _" "pie , green _" "pear , white _" "_ based beverages" "_ growing cooperatives" "cake green _" "aroma , add _" "cookies , drank _" "consumption of green _" "cassis , black _" "more people drink _" "experimental cultivation of _" "evening primrose _" "red wine , green _" "pan , add _" "steamy mug of _" "sorghum , sweet _" "I had mashed _" "lemon , red _" "pickles , green _" "phytonutrient found in _" "tea , aromatic _" "scallops with black _" "loose leaf green _" "_ is the major crop" "mixed cropping of _" "nice cold glass of _" "_ contains anti-oxidants" "major crops like _" "agricultural products , including _" "I 'm drinking hot _" "_ is an agricultural product" "early morning cup of _" "cheese , black _" "squash , black _" "tropical crops such as _" "butter , boiled _" "_ also has antioxidants" "Green tea , black _" "tables , sipping _" "spicy black _" "rosemary , wild _" "sauce , green _" "sausage , green _" "user drinks _" "foods , including green _" "drink iced _" "_ has some caffeine" "potassium than _" "_ is a natural antiseptic" "_ naturally contains caffeine" "_ make a refreshing drink" "flour , green _" "great cup of hot _" "single cup of _" "taste than green _" "tea , iced _" "tomato , black _" "grapes , green _" "ginger , green _" "hours sipping _" "bits , green _" "blender , combine _" "powder , green _" "potatoes with caramelized _" "principal cash crops are _" "wine , red _" "violets , black _" "plums , green _" "pumpkins , green _" "salt , powdered _" "potato , sweet _" "regular consumption of green _" "morning , drinking _" "biscuits , green _" "better tasting cup of _" "cash crops like _" "plantation crops such as _" "rice , green _" "homemade iced _" "herbs like _" "he loves green _" "tables sipping _" "traditional food served at _" "_ contains phytonutrients" "flavours of black _" "tomatoes , black _" "shoots , green _" "pineapple , white _" "cup of Irish _" "cash crop like _" "concentrations in green _" "cauliflower , green _" "catechins in green _" "_ growing countries such" "_ just tastes better in" "_ has much less caffeine" "drink flavored with _" "chocolate , iced _" "Vanilla flavored _" "wee cup of _" "plantation crops like _" "cup of Japanese _" "coconut , green _" "cafe having _" "major growers of _" "herbal notes of _" "fabulous cup of _" "few crops such as _" "welcome cup of _" "weight , green _" "FREE cup of _" "Refreshments such as _" "Amaretto flavored _" "weight loss benefits of green _" "aromas of white _" "vinegar , green _" "orange juice , green _" "nuts , green _" "juice , iced _" "other plants besides _" "cup of strong black _" "cloves , black _" "major crops include _" "many farmers grow _" "_ contains antioxidants" "I drink green _" "tea , jasmine _" "tuna , green _" "odd cup of _" "refreshing iced _" "prices for organic _" "pound of green _" "fresh sweetened _" "polyphenols in green _" "restorative cup of _" "cup of Chinese _" "blender combine _" "coffee , iced _" "cream , black _" "cash crops include _" "bacon , black _" "amaretto flavored _" "sweet potatoes , green _" "such foods include _" "vegetables such as green _" "scallions , green _" "raspberries , black _" "superior cup of _" "brewed cup of _" "scant cup of _" "benefits of oolong _" "crops such as green _" "cup of orange _" "perennial crops , such as _" "friendly cup of _" "gourmet flavored _" "fantastic cup of _" "olive oil , black _" "small farmers growing _" "potatoes , buttered _" "_ is grown high" "better cup of _" "aromatic nose of _" "cream cheese , green _" "cornbread , sweet _" "cup of black _" "beans , sweet _" "jalapenos , green _" "ingredients of green _" "fresh pot of _" "greens , sweet _" "teas , iced _" "shrimp , green _" "spices including _" "strips , green _" "_ Making facilities" "_ contains natural antioxidants" "_ has less caffeine" "_ contains some caffeine" "_ extract help" "I drink black _" "paste , black _" "perishable products like _" "_ growing State" "_ are cash crops" "Recipes for green _" "flavors of black _" "black tea , green _" "warm boiled _" "whole leaves of _" "few sprigs of _" "fresh brewed _" "export crops include _" "hot cop of _" "green pepper , green _" "gourmet cup of _" "Indian export of _" "Other crops such as _" "_ 's caffeine content" "many varieties of green _" "nice cup " ] using tea
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:tea agriculturalproductcamefromcountry country:japan ]
CPL @1105 (92.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "hot brewed _" "mug filled with hot _" "ingredients such as green _" "_ is a crossword puzzle" "_ is Fair Trade Certified" "sleeping , drinking _" "simple cup of _" "glass of Turkish _" "gelatin over _" "fresh brewed cup of _" "groups drinking _" "he never drinks _" "_ is decaffeinated" "_ is the only drink" "We still drink _" "She did not drink _" "broth , hot _" "_ based formula" "_ called EGCG" "_ has been consumed throughout" "_ is the national beverage" "_ is the perfect drink" "own cup of _" "pan of hot _" "juices , freshly brewed _" "leisurely cup of _" "men were drinking _" "lipton green _" "papers , drinking _" "living room , drinking _" "me snorting _" "miniature bottles of _" "nice mug of hot _" "non-alcoholic drinks like _" "_ is a fermented tea" "_ producing tradition" "_ is fermented before" "_ has full body" "brew great _" "black currant , black _" "tea , decaf _" "tea , chilled _" "traditional drinks such as _" "many gallons of _" "liquids other than _" "jug of iced _" "organic stains such as _" "mothers drinking _" "juices , herbal _" "mug of hot _" "mug of Irish _" "jar of hot _" "him , drinking _" "entire jug of _" "form of iced _" "glass of local _" "himself , drinking _" "few cups of _" "iced tea , hot _" "clear liquids like _" "few gallons of _" "hair with warm _" "drink much _" "tobacco , drinking _" "juice in hot _" "office , drinking _" "odd sip of _" "more rum than _" "men drank _" "beverage , similar to _" "armchair , sipping _" "them sip _" "sports drinks , bottled _" "stimulating cup of _" "shop sipping _" "tiny cups of _" "tankard of _" "tree sipping _" "_ is semi-oxidized" "secret of green _" "selection of loose-leaf _" "_ contains important antioxidants" "_ contains other compounds" "_ brewed fresh" "_ extract moisturizes" "rio chai _" "premium loose _" "non-alcoholic beverages including _" "kettle with enough _" "long gulp of _" "_ extract weight loss" "_ extract is combined with" "_ has a light yellow color" "ingredient of green _" "full mug of _" "juice , pomegranate _" "people even drink _" "local drink is _" "last swig of _" "non-alcoholic beverages like _" "juices , hot _" "men are drinking _" "several cups of _" "quick drink of _" "cubes in hot _" "bottle of iced _" "cup of premium _" "bowl , add hot _" "beverage known as _" "cost of bottled _" "cups of excellent _" "next glass of _" "mugs of hot _" "mug of sweet _" "other drinks like _" "porch , sipping _" "polyphenol content of _" "tannins such as _" "caf sipping _" "enjoyable cup of _" "drinking endless cups of _" "cup of pomegranate _" "entire cup of _" "empty cup of _" "coffee maker with complimentary _" "acidic beverages such as _" "bowls of cold _" "frosty glass of _" "green tea , black _" "entire glass of _" "hobbies include drinking _" "quick slurp of _" "small amounts of warm _" "pint of lukewarm _" "robust cup of _" "own home brewed _" "porch , drink _" "fresh mug of _" "hot chocolate , hot _" "humble cup of _" "_ is sipped in" "_ is the traditional drink" "_ is traditionally drunk" "normal cup of _" "pints of green _" "cranberry juice , orange _" "cup of flavored _" "coffee , aromatic _" "compresses soaked in _" "way we drink _" "water , drinking _" "tiny glass of _" "_ is not just a drink" "taste of plain _" "teeth , drinking _" "tea , acai _" "spray bottle of _" "_ is usually diluted with" "_ is a favorite beverage" "_ is a good anti-oxidant" "coffee , exotic _" "bath in cold _" "chocolate , drinking _" "I’m not drinking _" "Sprinkle gelatin over _" "He only drinks _" "I then drank _" "I make iced _" "_ extract group" "last sips of _" "lot of bottled _" "oz glass of _" "oils , green _" "leaves , pour _" "seed , green _" "steaming cup of hot _" "third glass of _" "they don’t drink _" "they have drank _" "break , drink _" "alcoholic beverages such as _" "_ was the preferred drink" "area with cold _" "animals drinking _" "_ extract tablets" "_ based moisturizer" "_ drinking thing" "_ was spilt over" "drink , iced _" "drink lots of _" "drink of cold _" "drinking as much _" "drinks like iced _" "drinks ranging from _" "coffeemakers with complimentary _" "drunk plenty of _" "camping , drinking _" "copious glasses of _" "cups of strong _" "constant supply of hot _" "shop drinking _" "tea , herbal _" "new glass of _" "mug of black _" "non-alcoholic beverages such as _" "I poured hot _" "YOU drink _" "I have never drank _" "qualities of green _" "several cups of strong _" "powder in hot _" "beverage except _" "I make green _" "We brew _" "sugar dissolves in _" "things , drinking _" "sugar , strong _" "he still drank _" "hot , freshly brewed _" "ice-cold glass of _" "_ has polyphenols" "_ drinking public" "teas , flavored _" "way full with _" "complimentary glasses of _" "coffee , unsweetened _" "children , drinking _" "couples drinking _" "cup of lukewarm _" "cup of aromatic _" "clear fluids like _" "simple glass of _" "them was drinking _" "tiny glasses of _" "_ brewed in by" "_ are bottled in" "_ contains antioxidant compounds" "_ has a beautiful golden color" "_ based drinks" "pitcher of hot _" "side , drinking _" "cups of regular _" "cups of free _" "cloths dipped in _" "dinner , drank _" "drink of cool _" "drinks tons of _" "compounds in green _" "carafe of hot _" "caffeine , such as _" "cup of warm _" "cream , drinking _" "_ is a traditional drink" "_ is the beverage" "I hate drinking _" "Drink lots of _" "alcoholic beverages including _" "She drinks _" "_ drinking pleasure" "cups of hot _" "cars , drinking _" "complimentary cup of _" "sip on hot _" "tea , dark _" "strong cup of _" "several litres of _" "_ is brewed fresh" "_ is naturally caffeine free" "quality cup of _" "pitchers of hot _" "polyphenol in green _" "perfect glass of _" "pumpkin spiced _" "pizza , drinking _" "_ containing tannic acid" "_ has a floral bouquet" "_ contain caffine" "_ has a light brown color" "_ does not contain any calories" "amount of warm _" "_ sipped by" "He does not drink _" "I 've never drunk _" "We drank so much _" "I 'm sitting here drinking _" "I mostly drink _" "cup with hot _" "dose of green _" "cherry , dark _" "real cup of _" "TV , hot _" "afternoon , sipping _" "_ traditionally brewed in" "authentic cup of _" "_ undergoes less processing" "coffee , red _" "desk , sipping _" "cups are filled with _" "cup of real _" "extracts , green _" "tea , decaffeinated _" "shot-glass of _" "single cups of _" "drinking recycled _" "city , drinking _" "different cups of _" "dogs , drinking _" "cup of proper _" "_ was brewed with" "_ was the first tea" "apples , drinking _" "downstairs , made _" "cup of _" "cake dipped in _" "drink other than _" "amounts of iced _" "bowl with hot _" "blueberries , green _" "brewing great _" "black tea , oolong _" "I drink plain _" "Styrofoam cup of _" "I go drink _" "Drinking lots of _" "_ is wilted" "_ is not only a drink" "_ does n't stay fresh" "jug of warm _" "kitchen table sipping _" "lemonade , iced _" "long swallow of _" "much-needed glass of _" "several quarts of _" "usual morning cup of _" "tea , steamed _" "sofa sipping _" "starbucks chai _" "people drinking _" "pitcher of iced _" "place , drank _" "pot of warm _" "room drinking _" "pot of Chinese _" "_ extract has potential" "_ brewed especially for" "_ brewed this way" "basin of hot _" "beach , sipping _" "breakfast , drink _" "sandwiches , drinking _" "piping hot cup of _" "perfect pot of _" "entire mug of _" "clear fluids , such as _" "empty mug of _" "steaming cup of _" "smooth cup of _" "tea , unsweetened _" "aroma of strong _" "beaker of hot _" "flavor of green _" "health attributes of _" "fancy cup of _" "ice cold glasses of _" "chocolate , hot _" "cloth with warm _" "couple glasses of _" "benefits of loose _" "I drink red _" "Pure , fresh _" "many litres of _" "morning cup of _" "morning I drink _" "long sip of _" "leaf tea , green _" "herbal tea , flavored _" "beverage , like _" "books , drinking _" "_ was a popular drink" "bar drinking _" "_ making facilities" "color of milky _" "cheese , lemon _" "everyone’s cup of _" "cold glass of iced _" "drinking copious amounts of _" "_ is not the only drink" "clean cup of _" "coffee , herbal _" "_ sipped throughout" "aloe , green _" "bottle of lime _" "alcoholic drinks including _" "benefits of Oolong _" "source of hot _" "time , drink _" "I buy bottled _" "She drank too much _" "I do n't even drink _" "I are sipping _" "I drink way too much _" "antioxidants found in green _" "apartment , drinking _" "throat , drink _" "taste of green _" "tank full of hot _" "sofa , drinking _" "steaming mug of hot _" "usual cup of _" "tea , green _" "several cups of hot _" "studies on green _" "sixth cup of _" "_ is a national drink" "_ is certified fair trade" "_ is done brewing" "bath , hot _" "beverages ranging from _" "bad I do n't drink _" "beverage besides _" "chemicals in green _" "coffee , green _" "cold drink of _" "couple quarts of _" "drink alot of _" "drink as much _" "cup of loose _" "I almost never drink _" "I used hot _" "They only drink _" "I drink much _" "Oolong Tea Oolong _" "everyone drink _" "hectoliters of _" "flavanols in _" "continental breakfast , all-day _" "copious cups of _" "cup of exquisite _" "cups of herbal _" "countless cups of _" "compounds found in green _" "bucket of hot _" "_ is the main beverage" "jug of sweet _" "morning glass of _" "_ growing plantations" "_ brewed throughout" "_ contains strong antioxidants" "seeds boiled in _" "sip of iced _" "start drinking _" "scalding cup of _" "real men drink _" "_ is an amazing substance" "_ is virtually colorless" "_ is brewed for" "premium cup of _" "quick glass of _" "I am sitting here drinking _" "I drank sweet _" "people sip _" "pail of cold _" "parents drank _" "relaxing glass of _" "orange ju" ] using tea
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of bakedgood:light_snacks bakedgoodservedwithbeverage agriculturalproduct:tea ]
CPL @1097 (99.7%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "slow cooker , combine _" "tablespoons of _" "tea making _" "apples , green _" "bread soaked in _" "pan of hot _" "juice , green _" "benefit of green _" "sticks , sweet _" "mushrooms , green _" "other crops such as _" "many gallons of _" "component of natural _" "crops include _" "few gallons of _" "types of green _" "we ate for _" "vegetables , green _" "large pinch of _" "_ is massaged into" "juice , hot _" "green beans , green _" "heat , add _" "garlic , black _" "half cups of _" "leaves , boiled _" "lots of cold _" "onion , green _" "sales of organic _" "plenty of hot _" "sea salt , black _" "cell walls of _" "peppers , black _" "recipes with green _" "coffee maker with complimentary _" "asparagus , green _" "green tea , black _" "room temperature for _" "_ is served each morning" "quality of fresh _" "peanuts , sweet _" "crops including _" "water , drinking _" "variety of sweet _" "spray bottle of _" "bird of _" "Terms of _" "I make iced _" "lot of bottled _" "natural colour of _" "spices such as _" "area with cold _" "drink lots of _" "drink of cold _" "demand for hot _" "constant supply of hot _" "tea , herbal _" "parsley , green _" "recipes for green _" "selection of herbal _" "antioxidants in green _" "D-D tablespoons of _" "family over for _" "eggs , green _" "snack between _" "cup of lukewarm _" "simple glass of _" "_ are the main crops" "_ based drinks" "pepper , white _" "crops , such as _" "drink of cool _" "compounds in green _" "cup of warm _" "cabbage , green _" "commodities including _" "agricultural commodities such as _" "complimentary cup of _" "_ melted butter" "_ producing nations" "saucepan with _" "bathtub full of _" "amount of warm _" "cup with hot _" "celery , green _" "cash crops such as _" "sauce , fresh _" "TV , hot _" "_ producing nation" "children play _" "staple foods like _" "cumin , black _" "cup of frozen _" "assortment of different _" "beans , black _" "oil , black _" "bowl with hot _" "other properties in _" "amount of hot _" "stew with _" "people drinking _" "pitcher of iced _" "basin of hot _" "apple , white _" "principal crops are _" "drink before _" "evening enjoy _" "benefits of olive _" "bacon , green _" "bag of green _" "he was drinking _" "fine spray of _" "cucumber , green _" "chocolate , hot _" "morning cup of _" "beans , white _" "blend of fresh _" "_ making facilities" "_ making supplies" "everyone’s cup of _" "coffee , herbal _" "corn , sweet _" "pepper , red _" "plenty of fresh _" "source of hot _" "walk in _" "terrace with _" "taste of green _" "tea , green _" "bath , hot _" "drink as much _" "I were having _" "D/D cup of _" "half-cup of _" "countless cups of _" "bucket of hot _" "large container of _" "water , green _" "½ cup of _" "potato , green _" "last sip of _" "I cooked _" "home baked _" "free glass of _" "I have always made _" "drinks plenty of _" "_ containing sugar" "_ producing states" "glass of cool _" "diet rich in _" "cover with cold _" "glass of lukewarm _" "herbs such as _" "we met for _" "medium saucepan , bring _" "oil , green _" "natural resources such as _" "pepper , green _" "pan roasted _" "amounts of hot _" "juice , bottled _" "cup of herbal _" "potatoes , white _" "glasses of iced _" "food crops such as _" "high heat until _" "dishes after _" "drinks lots of _" "_ are served during" "types of bottled _" "whole glass of _" "such crops as _" "red onions , green _" "pudding with _" "_ are served at" "gallon of hot _" "ginger , black _" "form of hot _" "cream , green _" "cup of instant _" "glass of sweet _" "fields of golden _" "heating , hot _" "sprouts , green _" "sugar found in _" "We went out for _" "new can of _" "minutes , then add _" "consumption of green _" "northern suburb of _" "evening primrose _" "tea , orange _" "saucepan bring _" "pan , add _" "I drink too much _" "other crops like _" "pan , combine _" "parents over for _" "kitchen making _" "bowl , stir together _" "D-D glasses of _" "_ is brewed with" "cheese , black _" "long island iced _" "stir fried _" "taste of fresh _" "_ sized amount" "smell of stale _" "toaster , electric _" "sauce , green _" "teas , green _" "yielding varieties of _" "people over for _" "sausage , green _" "we were eating _" "more servings of _" "natural resources like _" "water , hot _" "fruit flavored _" "selection of fresh _" "you ate for _" "selection of homemade _" "spaghetti with _" "tea , iced _" "tomato , black _" "ginger , green _" "few pints of _" "flasks of _" "blender , combine _" "tsp of _" "we sat down for _" "luke warm _" "potato , sweet _" "cash crops like _" "sauce , black _" "rice , green _" "swirl to _" "several glasses of _" "skillet , add _" "hills , lush _" "heating with _" "tomatoes , black _" "supply of cheap _" "smell of green _" "pepper , hot _" "plenty of cold _" "recipe made with _" "day drinking _" "cauliflower , green _" "crops were _" "waist deep in _" "varieties of sweet _" "drinks , bottled _" "flat pieces of _" "global supply of _" "quality raw _" "production of conventional _" "juice , black _" "ingredients except _" "hint of black _" "you use fresh _" "welcome cup of _" "I don’t drink _" "vegetables , sweet _" "stroll after _" "stir into _" "tall drink of _" "aromas of white _" "kitchen preparing _" "whisk in _" "natural oils in _" "oil , flaxseed _" "complimentary glass of _" "master bedroom has _" "_ roasted coffee" "_ contains antioxidants" "_ commonly encountered in" "I drink green _" "I only drink _" "bowl of hot _" "shower , hot _" "polyphenols in green _" "restaurant serves _" "properties of green _" "certain foods , such as _" "cool drink of _" "bath of hot _" "coffee , iced _" "delivery of fresh _" "we were drinking _" "sweet potatoes , green _" "vegetables such as green _" "supplies of fresh _" "pot of hot _" "_ served each morning" "recipe for green _" "bowl , combine _" "cup of orange _" "variety of fresh _" "gourmet flavored _" "beverages including _" "cup of black _" "brush dipped in _" "assortment of fresh _" "beans , sweet _" "greens , sweet _" "large reserves of _" "_ is served every morning" "guests over for _" "instant hot _" "saucepan , bring _" "shrimp , green _" "_ has less caffeine" "pool of warm _" "drizzle in _" "flavors of black _" "bathroom , hot _" "you drink too much _" "few sprigs of _" "few pinches of _" "flavor of fresh _" "we ate _" "wood smoked _" "seeds , green _" "teas , herbal _" "tub with hot _" "knock at _" "lots of bottled _" "saucepan , add _" "warm glass of _" "natural resources , such as _" "ice cream after _" "food crops like _" "pot o _" "rings , white _" "pint of cold _" "tea , hot _" "_ bounded by" "carrot , green _" "glass of iced _" "extracts of green _" "_ garnished with" "you drink enough _" "men drinking _" "maker with complimentary _" "swim before _" "stir-fry for _" "small amount of hot _" "pinch of black _" "nice cup of _" "sink full of _" "we went out to _" "sprinkle with powdered _" "tomatoes , sweet _" "amounts of green _" "whole cup of _" "buckets of hot _" "thermos of hot _" "whole can of _" "cancers of _" "we cooked _" "water , bottled _" "cold glass of _" "couple tablespoons of _" "cup of brown _" "bun with _" "heat , hot _" "aromas of black _" "I was cooking _" "cup of strong _" "recipe called for _" "pint of _" "_ based soup" "red pepper , green _" "own pot of _" "_ tossed with" "rich foods like _" "olives , green _" "juice , orange _" "cup cold _" "foods , such as _" "_ 's antioxidants" "time drinking _" "spray bottle filled with _" "slide after _" "supply of hot _" "cup of hot _" "endless cups of _" "chocolate cake with _" "clouding of _" "_ are very tender" "I do drink _" "first cup of _" "garlic , green _" "sitting room with _" "tea , white _" "important crop is _" "rice , sweet _" "_ is golden brown" "nice glass of _" "kinds of fresh _" "bake for _" "_ throwing incident" "effects of green _" "dairy products such as _" "boil , add _" "_ contains polyphenols" "I never drink _" "wild man of _" "onions , black _" "kettle of hot _" "notes of black _" "Leaves of _" "land planted with _" "imports of foreign _" "salad , green _" "food items like _" "drink plenty of _" "cost of organic _" "cucumbers , sweet _" "endless supply of hot _" "she spilled _" "dayroom with _" "I spilled _" "flour mixed with _" "_ has many health benefits" "ground black _" "glass of chilled _" "hot , add _" "flour , powdered _" "potatoes , green _" "rings white _" "half-gallon of _" "he spilled _" "flask of hot _" "beans , green _" "bottle of cold _" "_ are served daily" "spices like _" "sun dried _" "D-D cups of _" "neck of _" "_ served daily" "decent cup of _" "cup of cool _" "broccoli , green _" "cover with hot _" "_ producing country" "brands of bottled _" "case of bottled _" "glass of fresh _" "spoonfuls of _" "rice , black _" "lots of fresh _" "one-half cup of _" "onions with _" "small bowl , combine _" "_ was served at" "beverages other than _" "refreshing glass of _" "shallow pan of _" "restaurants serving _" "cheeses like _" "more cups of _" "coffee , organic _" "blend of black _" "numerous cups of _" "island iced _" "_ exporting nations" "lettuce , green _" "onions , green _" "species of wild _" "walk after _" "blackberry , black _" "bell peppers , green _" "big glass of _" "chicken , sweet _" "cup of sweet _" "cups of green _" "health benefits of green _" "stir until _" "benefits of organic _" "carrots , green _" "cup of cold _" "onion , black _" "stream of hot _" "splash of cold _" "selection of delicious _" "cup of olive _" "cucumbers , green _" "effect of green _" "tomato , green _" "sugar , black _" "_ called polyphenols" "maker , electric _" "low , add _" "drinks , iced _" "bottle of hot _" "boil until _" "cheese " ] using tea
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 History of Tea arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 was brought to Japan from arg2" "arg1 from the Fujian Province of arg2" "arg1 has been used medicinally in arg2" "arg1 grows wild in arg2" "arg1 and silks from arg2" "arg1 producing countries include arg2" "arg1 wares in arg2" "arg1 was first cultivated in arg2" "arg1 has been enjoyed in arg2" "arg1 apparently originated in arg2" "arg1 caravans from arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 exports from arg2" "arg1 was discovered in ancient arg2" "arg1 Cultivation in arg2" "arg1 has been consumed in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 set is made in arg2" "arg1 roses from arg2" "arg1 Pots from arg2" "arg1 was also imported from arg2" "arg1 is popular in northern arg2" "arg1 was brought back from arg2" "arg1 became widely known in arg2" "arg1 has been grown in arg2" "arg1 was first grown in arg2" "arg1 was introduced to Japan from arg2" "arg1 estates in arg2" "arg1 has been known in arg2" "arg1 Route from arg2" "arg1 has been drunk in arg2" "arg1 is now cultivated throughout arg2" "arg1 plants originated in arg2" "arg1 is grown primarily in arg2" "arg1 sets made in arg2" "arg1 Tea originated in arg2" "arg1 is the national drink of arg2" "arg1 has been cultivated in arg2" "arg1 buyers sourcing and purchasing from arg2" "arg1 was originated from arg2" "arg1 is grown mainly in arg2" "arg1 is mainly grown in arg2" "arg1 Road from arg2" "arg1 Oolong tea from arg2" ] using (tea, china)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 style coffee and arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 for a cargo of arg1" "arg2 style milk arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" ] using (tea, hong_kong)
OE @806 (99.6%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, japan)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is famous for its green arg1" "arg2 demonstrates that green arg1" "arg2 drinking green arg1" "arg2 began importing arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 shows that green arg1" "arg2 to have afternoon arg1" "arg2 main History of arg1" "arg2 found that red arg1" "arg2 found that drinking green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 imports more arg1" "arg2 are the largest producers of arg1" "arg2 sencha green arg1" ] using (tea, japan)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 brewed in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 that is drunk in arg2" "arg1 room s in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 are drunk in arg2" ] using (tea, uk)
OE @827 (100.0%) on 30-mar-2014 [ ] using (tea, uk)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 merchant from arg2" "arg1 imported into Great arg2" "arg1 ware from arg2" "arg1 connoisseurs in arg2" "arg1 shops spread throughout arg2" "arg1 are drunk in arg2" "arg1 is the national drink of arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" "arg1 brewed in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 wares in arg2" "arg1 drinkers of arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships to return to arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" ] using (tea, britain)
OE @827 (94.1%) on 30-mar-2014 [ ] using (tea, britain)
OE @811 (92.9%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (tea, russia)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Road from China to arg2" "arg1 has been consumed in arg2" "arg1 Route between arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 is the national drink of arg2" "arg1 is also grown in arg2" ] using (tea, russia)
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 drinker in arg2" "arg1 is not grown in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" "arg1 crafter in arg2" ] using (tea, us)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 set made in arg2" "arg1 sets made in arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 connoisseurs in arg2" "arg1 cups made in arg2" "arg1 set is made in arg2" ] using (tea, germany)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 and other goods from arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 imports into arg2" "arg1 is drunk in arg2" ] using (tea, iran)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 was introduced into North arg2" "arg1 Party Movement in arg2" "arg1 Party movement in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" ] using (tea, america)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 rich in powerful arg2" "arg1 contains three times more arg2" "arg1 contain a class of arg2" "arg1 function as potent arg2" "arg1 provides skin with arg2" "arg1 is a natural source of arg2" "arg1 contains the highest level of arg2" "arg1 and coffee contain arg2" "arg1 high in Vitamin C and arg2" "arg1 leaves rich in arg2" "arg1 delivers as many arg2" "arg1 polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 has a higher content of arg2" "arg1 contains higher levels of arg2" "arg1 catechins and arg2" "arg1 and coffee have arg2" "arg1 contains the least arg2" "arg1 is a terrific source of arg2" "arg1 has the highest amount of arg2" "arg1 may contain more of arg2" "arg1 contains different levels of arg2" "arg1 is a potent source of arg2" "arg1 enhanced with vitamins and arg2" "arg1 extract contains powerful arg2" "arg1 extract is high in arg2" "arg1 are publicized arg2" "arg1 polyphenols are potent arg2" "arg1 leaves are rich in arg2" "arg1 is an exceptional source of arg2" "arg1 is healthy because of arg2" "arg1 has more potent arg2" "arg1 lies in its powerful arg2" "arg1 have recently been identified as arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 is said to deliver arg2" "arg1 contains the highest levels of arg2" "arg1 and chocolate contain arg2" "arg1 contains the same amount of arg2" "arg1 contains DD times arg2" "arg1 which both contain arg2" "arg1 are loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 is also very rich in arg2" "arg1 contains potent arg2" "arg1 contained similar amounts of arg2" "arg1 have the highest content of arg2" "arg1 line contain arg2" "arg1 offers five times arg2" "arg1 loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 contains flavonoid arg2" "arg1 and its high content of arg2" "arg1 contains the highest amount of arg2" "arg1 contains polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 contain similar amounts of arg2" "arg1 sources delivering arg2" "arg1 contains powerful arg2" "arg1 contain the highest amounts of arg2" "arg1 is high in natural arg2" "arg1 contains extremely high levels of arg2" "arg1 extracts rich in arg2" "arg1 also contains powerful arg2" "arg1 are very rich sources of arg2" "arg1 is a proven source of arg2" "arg1 and red wine of arg2" "arg1 has shown that it contains arg2" "arg1 is rich in powerful arg2" "arg1 also has potent arg2" "arg1 is loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 is rich in polyphenol arg2" "arg1 balm infused with arg2" "arg1 is rich in potent arg2" ] using (tea, antioxidants)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, antioxidants)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is specifically known as arg2" "arg1 is even richer in arg2" "arg1 consumption on plasma arg2" "arg1 extracts contain arg2" "arg1 or taking green tea arg2" "arg1 has the highest amount of arg2" "arg1 contains antioxidants called arg2" "arg1 has DDD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 contains D times arg2" "arg1 with DDD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 has a higher content of arg2" "arg1 are polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 extract containing arg2" "arg1 contains powerful arg2" "arg1 contains about DDD mg of arg2" "arg1 contain a substance called arg2" "arg1 are loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 extract contain arg2" "arg1 Green tea contains arg2" "arg1 contains approximately DDD mg of arg2" "arg1 contains polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 catechin of arg2" "arg1 containing mg of arg2" "arg1 contains caffeine and arg2" "arg1 is a potent source of arg2" "arg1 to decrease the concentration of arg2" "arg1 extract high in arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contains negligible amounts of arg2" "arg1 extract rich in arg2" "arg1 leaf consists of arg2" "arg1 contains compounds called arg2" "arg1 contains DDD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 and the polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 polyphenols are arg2" "arg1 polyphenols or arg2" "arg1 can have higher levels of arg2" ] using (tea, catechins)
OE @805 (95.6%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, compound)
SEAL @656 (100.0%) on 03-nov-2012 [ 12 ] using (tea, compound)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 is present in green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 in green and white arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 comes from green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, compound)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 are also found in green arg1" "arg2 naturally found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 found naturally in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 as red wine and arg1" "arg2 in coffee or arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 in Rooibos arg1" "arg2 in rooibos arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 from Japanese green arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in your cup of arg1" ] using (tea, compounds)
SEAL @521 (100.0%) on 28-feb-2012 [ 12 ] using (tea, fluoride)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in brewed arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 is found in green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 selective electrodes arg1" "arg2 content in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 content of white arg1" "arg2 content found in green arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 and caffeine in arg1" "arg2 than black or green arg1" ] using (tea, fluoride)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 which is found in green arg1" "arg2 in black and green arg1" "arg2 in green and white arg1" "arg2 comes from green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 in olive leaf arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 located in green arg1" "arg2 does oolong arg1" "arg2 found naturally in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 in Rooibos arg1" "arg2 is found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 and caffeine in arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 naturally found in green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in Green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" ] using (tea, acid)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 native americans used arg1" "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 inherent in green arg1" "arg2 in Chinese green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 One cup of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than other green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 present in Green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" ] using (tea, properties)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 lies in its powerful arg2" "arg1 to help your body get arg2" "arg1 extracts rich in arg2" "arg1 is high in natural arg2" "arg1 extract which contains arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contain more or less arg2" "arg1 contains potent arg2" "arg1 is rich in polyphenol arg2" "arg1 contains powerful arg2" ] using (tea, anti_oxidants)
OE @808 (97.9%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, anti_oxidants)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 content in green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 content than green arg1" "arg2 present in Green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 content found in green arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" ] using (tea, polyphenol)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 contains half the amount of arg2" "arg1 contains much less arg2" "arg1 is another common source of arg2" "arg1 and coffee contain arg2" "arg1 contains tannins and arg2" "arg1 has so much less arg2" "arg1 and coffee have arg2" "arg1 has about half arg2" "arg1 has half the amount of arg2" "arg1 also contains small amounts of arg2" "arg1 is a natural source of arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contains about half as much arg2" "arg1 has about DD mg of arg2" ] using (tea, caffeine)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 in Rooibos arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, tannic_acid)
SEAL @671 (98.6%) on 17-dec-2012 [ 123 ] using (tea, tannic_acid)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 called polyphenols found in arg1" "arg2 available in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 in rooibos arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in Chinese green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 are found in green arg1" ] using (tea, substances)
SEAL @662 (50.4%) on 20-nov-2012 [ 12345 ] using (tea, minerals)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 are present in green arg1" "arg2 in the coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, minerals)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" ] using (tea, polysaccharides)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in small quantities in arg1" ] using (tea, stimulant)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Cayenne arg2" "arg1 powder salt and arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and hot red arg2" ] using (tea, pepper)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 drinks and iced arg1" "arg2 and coffee or arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 of half a lemon to arg1" "arg2 or senna arg1" ] using (tea, juice)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbeveragemadefrombeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbeveragemadefrombeverage,concept:relatedto,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:bakedgoodservedwithbeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbakedgoodservedwithbeverage,concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" ] using (tea, juice)
SEAL @587 (50.0%) on 05-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (tea, juice)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 instead of fruit arg2" "arg1 or unsweetened fruit arg2" "arg1 flavored with fruit arg2" "arg1 and pure fruit arg2" "arg1 and natural fruit arg2" "arg1 and fresh fruit arg2" "arg1 or diluted fruit arg2" "arg1 or freshly squeezed arg2" "arg1 or natural fruit arg2" "arg1 instead of sodas and arg2" "arg1 or Cranberry arg2" "arg1 and freshly squeezed fruit arg2" "arg1 or fresh fruit arg2" "arg1 and unsweetened fruit arg2" ] using (tea, juices)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 reduced systolic arg2" "arg1 can lead to high arg2" "arg1 for reducing high arg2" "arg1 can prevent high arg2" "arg1 might also lower arg2" "arg1 helps control high arg2" "arg1 is known to lower arg2" "arg1 can reduce systolic arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 lowers cholesterol and arg2" "arg1 has shown to lower arg2" "arg1 to reduce high arg2" "arg1 reduces high arg2" "arg1 can lower high arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 is said to lower arg2" "arg1 will also help lower your arg2" "arg1 per day can lower arg2" "arg1 help with high arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 lower high arg2" "arg1 helps lower high arg2" "arg1 may reduce high arg2" "arg1 drinkers have lower arg2" "arg1 can increase heart rate and arg2" "arg1 seem to lower arg2" "arg1 helps prevent high arg2" "arg1 lowered systolic arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 can also help lower arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 may help lower your arg2" "arg1 daily can lower arg2" "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 helps to reduce high arg2" "arg1 can reduce high arg2" "arg1 prevents high arg2" "arg1 lowers high arg2" "arg1 also helps to lower arg2" "arg1 consumption lowered arg2" ] using (tea, blood_pressure)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and ovarian arg2" "arg1 linked to reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 like prevention of arg2" "arg1 may prevent colon arg2" "arg1 that help protect against arg2" "arg1 prevented breast arg2" "arg1 reduced the risk of prostate arg2" "arg1 and reduced risk of breast arg2" "arg1 consumption and gastric arg2" "arg1 prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 consumption and prostate arg2" "arg1 and the incidence of colorectal arg2" "arg1 have a lower risk for arg2" "arg1 for the prevention of colorectal arg2" "arg1 may protect against colon arg2" "arg1 consumption and ovarian arg2" "arg1 reduces the risk of skin arg2" "arg1 reduce the risk of prostate arg2" "arg1 and colorectal arg2" "arg1 prevents colon arg2" "arg1 protect against breast arg2" "arg1 appears to protect against arg2" "arg1 may prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 are believed to help prevent arg2" "arg1 may help prevent colon arg2" "arg1 consumption and lung arg2" "arg1 and colon arg2" "arg1 may help ward off arg2" "arg1 and risk of ovarian arg2" "arg1 may fight prostate arg2" "arg1 drinkers had less arg2" "arg1 can actually help to prevent arg2" "arg1 protects against skin arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" "arg1 may reduce risk of breast arg2" "arg1 may cut the risk of arg2" "arg1 may even help prevent arg2" "arg1 also reduces risk of arg2" "arg1 and reduced risk of prostate arg2" "arg1 thought to protect against arg2" "arg1 consumption and colorectal arg2" "arg1 may fend off arg2" "arg1 intake may reduce risk of arg2" "arg1 in the prevention of human arg2" "arg1 can prevent liver arg2" "arg1 consumption and risk of breast arg2" "arg1 prevents oral arg2" "arg1 reduced risks of arg2" "arg1 on the development of colon arg2" "arg1 and cervical arg2" "arg1 consumption and bladder arg2" "arg1 helps decrease the risk of arg2" "arg1 a day can prevent arg2" "arg1 is beneficial in preventing arg2" "arg1 include reducing the risk of arg2" "arg1 to lower risk of arg2" "arg1 consumption and human arg2" "arg1 to prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 can lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 fights skin arg2" "arg1 consumption and decreased risk of arg2" "arg1 to a lower risk of arg2" "arg1 cancer Colon arg2" "arg1 prevent colon arg2" "arg1 may lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 help prevent arg2" "arg1 cures prostate arg2" "arg1 intake and colorectal arg2" "arg1 intake and prostate arg2" "arg1 that are known to fight arg2" "arg1 can protect against breast arg2" "arg1 consumption and colon arg2" "arg1 decreases the risk of arg2" "arg1 in the prevention of colon arg2" "arg1 polyphenols against arg2" "arg1 may not only prevent arg2" "arg1 can in fact lessen arg2" "arg1 help to protect against arg2" "arg1 consumption and reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 can help prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 may help prevent skin arg2" "arg1 could reduce your risk of arg2" "arg1 and prostate arg2" "arg1 and risk of pancreatic arg2" "arg1 prevent skin arg2" "arg1 and the risk of gastric arg2" "arg1 may be protective against arg2" "arg1 and a lower risk for arg2" "arg1 against rectal arg2" "arg1 might help prevent arg2" "arg1 reduces the risk of prostate arg2" "arg1 and its role in preventing arg2" "arg1 reduced the risk of esophageal arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" "arg1 can prevent colon arg2" "arg1 help prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 prevents prostate arg2" "arg1 can prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 in the prevention of oral arg2" "arg1 help protect the body from arg2" "arg1 and the risk of colorectal arg2" "arg1 can prevent stomach arg2" "arg1 consumption and incidence of arg2" "arg1 fights prostate arg2" ] using (tea, cancer)
OE @805 (99.5%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, cancer)
OE @808 (98.6%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, ovarian_cancer)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" "arg1 consumption and incidence of arg2" "arg1 consumption and reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 help lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 may lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 may lower risk for arg2" "arg1 helps prevent heart disease and arg2" "arg1 to a lower risk of arg2" ] using (tea, ovarian_cancer)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 seems to protect against arg2" "arg1 may be protective against arg2" "arg1 help to protect against arg2" "arg1 decreases the risk of arg2" "arg1 consumption and reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" ] using (tea, cardiovascular_disease)
CPL @1098 (96.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 consumption and colorectal arg2" "arg1 consumption and risk of breast arg2" "arg1 consumption and ovarian arg2" "arg1 consumption and human arg2" "arg1 consumption on breast arg2" ] using (tea, cancer_incidence)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 consumption on coronary arg2" "arg1 intake and coronary arg2" "arg1 can help prevent coronary arg2" "arg1 reduces the risk of coronary arg2" ] using (tea, artery_disease)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 may lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 can lower risk of arg2" "arg1 decreases the risk of arg2" "arg1 may lower risk for arg2" ] using (tea, esophageal_cancer)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 infused olive arg1" "arg2 tree oil is an essential arg1" "arg2 tree oil with olive arg1" "arg2 tree oil and lavender arg1" "arg2 mixed with olive arg1" "arg2 seed oil and olive arg1" "arg2 tree oil and eucalyptus arg1" "arg2 tree oil and olive arg1" "arg2 tree oil tea tree arg1" "arg2 tree oil or lavender arg1" "arg2 tree oil or melaleuca arg1" "arg2 tree oil Tea tree arg1" "arg2 tree essential arg1" "arg2 tree or lavender arg1" "arg2 or olive arg1" "arg2 and extra virgin olive arg1" ] using (oil, tea)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Cayenne arg1" "arg2 powder salt and arg1" "arg2 and the cayenne arg1" "arg2 and bell arg1" "arg2 and cayenne arg1" "arg2 and salt and arg1" "arg2 and hot red arg1" ] using (pepper, tea)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (crops, tea)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 grown in the district are arg2" "arg1 such as alfalfa and arg2" "arg1 such as pineapples and arg2" "arg1 include cotton and arg2" "arg1 like rice and arg2" "arg1 are coffee and arg2" "arg1 such as wheat and arg2" "arg1 such as sugar cane and arg2" ] using (crops, tea)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 infused olive arg1" "arg2 oil instead of olive arg1" "arg2 tree oil is an essential arg1" "arg2 shrub essential arg1" "arg2 oil or peanut arg1" "arg2 tree oil with olive arg1" "arg2 tree oil and lavender arg1" "arg2 tree or eucalyptus arg1" "arg2 seed oil and olive arg1" "arg2 tree oil and eucalyptus arg1" "arg2 tree oil and olive arg1" "arg2 tree oil tea tree arg1" "arg2 tree oil or lavender arg1" "arg2 flavored with bergamot arg1" "arg2 tree oil or melaleuca arg1" "arg2 tree oil Tea tree arg1" "arg2 tree essential arg1" "arg2 tree or lavender arg1" "arg2 or olive arg1" ] using (oil, tea)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is a major cash arg1" "arg2 is the main cash arg1" "arg2 is the major cash arg1" "arg2 is the leading cash arg1" "arg2 is the most important cash arg1" "arg2 is an important cash arg1" "arg2 is the largest cash arg1" ] using (crop, tea)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 Tree Oil based arg1" "arg2 and Dairy arg1" "arg2 and all milk arg1" "arg2 tree pet arg1" ] using (products, tea)
SEAL @574 (75.0%) on 21-may-2012 [ 12 ] using (products, tea)
OE @805 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (caterpillar, tea)
Human feedback from estevam @459 on 25-nov-2011 [ "caterpillar animaleatfood tea", Action=(+animaleatfood) (from NELL.08m.459.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (caterpillar, tea)
SEAL @602 (50.0%) on 25-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (biscuits, tea)
OE @809 (99.8%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (biscuits, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 making facilities with complimentary arg1" "arg2 and nibbling arg1" "arg2 and coffee making facilities with arg1" "arg2 with homemade cakes and arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and eating chocolate arg1" "arg2 and a plate of arg1" "arg2 and shortbread arg1" "arg2 mugs and tea arg1" "arg2 and fresh baked arg1" "arg2 and some home made arg1" "arg2 and scones and arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" "arg2 or coffee with homemade arg1" "arg2 making facilities plus arg1" "arg2 and munching arg1" "arg2 and home baked arg1" "arg2 and pastry or arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 and nibbled arg1" "arg2 and some chocolate arg1" "arg2 with cakes or arg1" "arg2 and cake or arg1" "arg2 with cakes and arg1" "arg2 and eat chocolate arg1" "arg2 and cakes or arg1" "arg2 or coffee and home made arg1" "arg2 and delicious homemade arg1" ] using (biscuits, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cake is a type of arg1" "arg2 and homemade banana arg1" "arg2 and some buttered arg1" "arg2 and a delicious slice of arg1" "arg2 and a small loaf of arg1" "arg2 and maybe a piece of arg1" "arg2 and two slices of arg1" "arg2 with biscuits or arg1" "arg2 and a crust of arg1" "arg2 cake than arg1" "arg2 and nan arg1" "arg2 and loaves of arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 along with freshly baked arg1" "arg2 or hot chocolate with arg1" "arg2 and a slice of homemade arg1" "arg2 and a plate of arg1" "arg2 and Irish Soda arg1" "arg2 and eat a piece of arg1" "arg2 or a loaf of arg1" "arg2 and homebaked arg1" "arg2 and slice of arg1" "arg2 and two loaves of arg1" "arg2 and some freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and naan arg1" "arg2 with home baked arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 and ate delicious arg1" "arg2 and fresh baked arg1" "arg2 and some homemade arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 and Irish soda arg1" "arg2 and a loaf of arg1" "arg2 and scones and arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" ] using (bread, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 or for afternoon arg2" "arg1 and a bottomless cup of arg2" "arg1 and traditional afternoon arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 including afternoon arg2" "arg1 through to afternoon arg2" "arg1 buffet and afternoon arg2" "arg1 served with coffee and arg2" "arg1 with fresh coffee and arg2" "arg1 includes coffee or arg2" "arg1 and endless cups of arg2" "arg1 each morning Afternoon arg2" "arg1 or just a cup of arg2" "arg1 consisting of a cup of arg2" "arg1 and a second cup of arg2" "arg1 and afternoon high arg2" "arg1 with jam and arg2" "arg1 served with jam and arg2" "arg1 and a fresh pot of arg2" "arg1 and a flask of arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 or with afternoon arg2" "arg1 consists of a cup of arg2" "arg1 or with a cup of arg2" "arg1 and several cups of arg2" ] using (breakfast, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 castle wedding arg1" "arg2 and nibbled arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 tray with homemade arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 and delicious homemade arg1" "arg2 and scones and arg1" "arg2 or coffee with homemade arg1" "arg2 and eat chocolate arg1" "arg2 and a piece of homemade arg1" "arg2 and eating homemade arg1" "arg2 flavoured sponge arg1" "arg2 and a slice of carrot arg1" "arg2 mousse arg1" "arg2 cake and cheese arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 and homebaked arg1" "arg2 and a plate of arg1" "arg2 and a slice of homemade arg1" "arg2 and pastry or arg1" "arg2 and a delicious slice of arg1" "arg2 and munching arg1" "arg2 and two slices of arg1" "arg2 or coffee with your arg1" "arg2 and nibbling arg1" "arg2 and slice of arg1" "arg2 with home baked arg1" "arg2 and cookies or arg1" "arg2 with biscuits or arg1" "arg2 or coffee and home made arg1" "arg2 and some home made arg1" "arg2 and a slice of chocolate arg1" "arg2 and some homemade arg1" "arg2 and some chocolate arg1" "arg2 and a piece of apple arg1" "arg2 and delicious home made arg1" "arg2 and a freshly baked arg1" "arg2 with a freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and tiramisu arg1" "arg2 and coffee making facilities with arg1" "arg2 and enjoy a slice of arg1" "arg2 and a piece of chocolate arg1" "arg2 with scones and arg1" "arg2 or coffee and homemade arg1" "arg2 ice cream or chocolate arg1" "arg2 and home baked arg1" ] using (cake, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 and some homemade arg1" "arg2 room with delicious arg1" "arg2 with home baked arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 with our fine selection of arg1" "arg2 and scones or arg1" "arg2 with delicious homemade arg1" "arg2 and homebaked arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 or coffee with homemade arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" "arg2 and scones and arg1" "arg2 or coffee and homemade arg1" "arg2 and jaffa arg1" "arg2 mousse arg1" "arg2 with scones and arg1" "arg2 and delicious home made arg1" "arg2 or lemonade and arg1" "arg2 or coffee and home made arg1" "arg2 and delicious homemade arg1" "arg2 and munching arg1" "arg2 and home baked arg1" "arg2 and a plate of arg1" "arg2 tray with homemade arg1" "arg2 and nibbling arg1" ] using (cakes, tea)
OE @823 (97.3%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (cakes, tea)
SEAL @602 (100.0%) on 25-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (cakes, tea)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (cookie, tea)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and a chocolate chip arg1" "arg2 and nibbling arg1" "arg2 and a fresh baked arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 and a shortbread arg1" "arg2 and an oatmeal arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" ] using (cookie, tea)
OE @820 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using (cookies, tea)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and shortbread arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and Coffee and arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" "arg2 and homemade chocolate chip arg1" ] using (cookies, tea)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and nibbled arg1" "arg2 with scones and arg1" "arg2 and munching arg1" "arg2 and cake or arg1" "arg2 and scones or arg1" "arg2 and a plate of arg1" "arg2 and scones and arg1" "arg2 and nibbling arg1" ] using (crumpets, tea)
OE @803 (98.1%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (crumpets, tea)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 shared Care for arg2" "arg1 of Wu long arg2" "arg1 served Cup of arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 per day of green arg2" "arg1 of decaffeinated green arg2" "arg1 with freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and a pot of hot arg2" "arg1 and a fresh pot of arg2" "arg1 of freshly brewed green arg2" "arg1 or more of green arg2" "arg1 of green or white arg2" "arg1 and saucers for arg2" "arg1 of regular green arg2" "arg1 of brewed green arg2" "arg1 of brewed black arg2" "arg1 of green or black arg2" "arg1 of strong Turkish arg2" "arg1 of freshly boiled water over arg2" "arg1 of strong chamomile arg2" "arg1 a day of green arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 of strongly brewed arg2" "arg1 of decaf green arg2" ] using (cups, tea)
OE @803 (100.0%) on 13-jan-2014 [ ] using (desserts, tea)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 served with coffee and arg2" "arg1 or with afternoon arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 served with a pot of arg2" "arg1 and coffee and hot arg2" "arg1 and specialty coffees and arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 and cold ice arg2" ] using (desserts, tea)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 and nibbling arg1" "arg2 and a plate of arg1" "arg2 and coffee served with arg1" ] using (homemade_scones, tea)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and hot cup of arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed coffee and arg2" "arg1 and coffee and hot arg2" "arg1 at afternoon arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" ] using (pastries, tea)
OE @811 (100.0%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (pastries, tea)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and home baked arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 shop for light arg1" "arg2 shop serves light arg1" "arg2 or coffee and homemade arg1" "arg2 or coffee and home made arg1" ] using (refreshments, tea)
OE @826 (100.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (refreshments, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and pastries served with arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and flasks of arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and a flask of hot arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed coffee and arg2" "arg1 with her afternoon arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 and a thermos of arg2" "arg1 and a fresh pot of arg2" "arg1 and thermoses of arg2" "arg1 and flask of arg2" "arg1 and a flask of arg2" "arg1 and some iced arg2" "arg1 or Devonshire arg2" "arg1 and traditional afternoon arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and endless cups of arg2" "arg1 at afternoon arg2" ] using (sandwiches, tea)
OE @809 (100.0%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (sandwiches, tea)
OE @830 (89.8%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (scone, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with a freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and a blueberry arg1" "arg2 and a raisin arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 and a buttered arg1" "arg2 and fresh baked arg1" "arg2 and cake or arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 and a chocolate chip arg1" "arg2 and a freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and a pastry or arg1" ] using (scone, tea)
OE @806 (98.2%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (scones, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and nibbled arg1" "arg2 with delicious homemade arg1" "arg2 or coffee with homemade arg1" "arg2 and ate delicious arg1" "arg2 and cakes or arg1" "arg2 and delicious homemade arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 or coffee and home made arg1" "arg2 or coffee and homemade arg1" "arg2 with homemade cakes and arg1" "arg2 and home baked arg1" "arg2 and fresh baked arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 with crumpets and arg1" "arg2 and cookies or arg1" "arg2 with cakes and arg1" "arg2 and some buttered arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 along with freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and a plate of arg1" "arg2 and fresh homemade arg1" "arg2 and cake or arg1" "arg2 and homebaked arg1" "arg2 and some homemade arg1" "arg2 with home baked arg1" "arg2 and nibbling arg1" "arg2 and delicious home made arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" "arg2 and nibbled at arg1" ] using (scones, tea)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 and nibbled arg1" "arg2 and home baked arg1" "arg2 and munching arg1" "arg2 with cakes or arg1" "arg2 and a plate of arg1" "arg2 and cookies or arg1" "arg2 and cake as well as arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" ] using (snacks, tea)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (snacks, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or for afternoon arg2" "arg1 with Earl Grey arg2" "arg1 or with a cup of arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed coffee and arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 or with afternoon arg2" "arg1 and a jug of arg2" "arg1 to have with my arg2" "arg1 and a pot of hot arg2" "arg1 at afternoon arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed coffee or arg2" "arg1 served with coffee and arg2" "arg1 that is perfect with arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" ] using (dessert, tea)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and a piece of chocolate arg1" "arg2 and eat homemade arg1" "arg2 and fresh baked arg1" "arg2 and ate a piece of arg1" "arg2 and a mince arg1" "arg2 and a slice of apple arg1" "arg2 and slice of arg1" "arg2 and a piece of apple arg1" ] using (pie, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and endless cups of arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and maybe a cup of arg2" "arg1 and fresh brewed arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 cake and ice arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and a strong cup of arg2" "arg1 cake and a cup of arg2" "arg1 or homemade ice arg2" "arg1 with Earl Grey arg2" ] using (chocolate, tea)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or for afternoon arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 includes coffee or arg2" "arg1 or just a cup of arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 and a cuppa arg2" "arg1 or with a cup of arg2" "arg1 and traditional afternoon arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 consisting of a cup of arg2" "arg1 buffet and afternoon arg2" ] using (dinner, tea)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to have with my arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and fresh brewed arg2" "arg1 served with coffee and arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed coffee or arg2" "arg1 and a jug of arg2" "arg1 and endless cups of arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed arg2" ] using (muffins, tea)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed coffee or arg2" "arg1 for breakfast or afternoon arg2" ] using (pastry, tea)
OE @809 (92.3%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (pastry, tea)
OE @821 (94.6%) on 09-mar-2014 [ ] using (chocolate_cake, tea)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and a thermos of arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 with Earl Grey arg2" ] using (chocolate_cake, tea)
CPL @1096 (99.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 than over a cup of arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 over for afternoon arg2" "arg1 and enjoy fellowship and arg2" "arg1 at portsmouth arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 at afternoon arg2" ] using (friends, tea)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 tray with homemade arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 or coffee and homemade arg1" ] using (rusks, tea)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and delicious ice arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and some iced arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and a pitcher of arg2" ] using (salad, tea)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with your coffee or arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 or biscuits with arg2" "arg1 served with a pot of arg2" ] using (homemade_cake, tea)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 at afternoon arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" ] using (homemade_cookies, tea)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or coffee and homemade arg1" "arg2 and a bagel or arg1" "arg2 and a chocolate chip arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 and a blueberry arg1" ] using (muffin, tea)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with my afternoon arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 with her afternoon arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 of toast and black arg2" ] using (slice, tea)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 and endless cups of arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 served with a pot of arg2" ] using (sweets, tea)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a thermos of arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 served with coffee and arg2" ] using (baked_goods, tea)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and shortbread arg1" "arg2 and a shortbread arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" ] using (biscuit, tea)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and ice arg2" "arg1 and a tall glass of arg2" "arg1 and some iced arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" ] using (chips, tea)
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and home baked arg1" "arg2 and freshly baked arg1" "arg2 and fresh baked arg1" "arg2 and some homemade arg1" ] using (chocolate_chip_cookies, tea)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or coffee with arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 and delicious homemade arg1" "arg2 and home made arg1" ] using (christmas_cake, tea)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and endless cups of arg2" "arg1 with your coffee or arg2" "arg1 served with jam and arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed coffee and arg2" ] using (croissants, tea)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 and traditional afternoon arg2" "arg1 with freshly brewed arg2" "arg1 with coffee or arg2" ] using (hearty_breakfast, tea)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 and coffee making facilities with arg1" "arg2 making facilities with arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" ] using (home_baking, tea)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and a fresh pot of arg2" "arg1 and a pot of arg2" "arg1 and coffee or arg2" "arg1 and freshly brewed coffee and arg2" ] using (marmalade, tea)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or Coffee and arg1" "arg2 or hot chocolate and arg1" "arg2 or coffee and arg1" "arg2 or coffee with arg1" ] using (toast, tea)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 with scones and arg1" "arg2 and nibbling arg1" "arg2 or lemonade and arg1" "arg2 and cookies or arg1" ] using (finger_sandwiches, tea)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 found that drinking green arg1" "arg2 to offer Fair Trade Certified arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" ] using (tea, u_s_)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, chemical_compound)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 content in green arg1" "arg2 content found in green arg1" ] using (tea, high_polyphenol)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 contains caffeine and arg2" "arg1 catechins and arg2" "arg1 also contains small amounts of arg2" ] using (tea, theophylline)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 consumption protects against arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" ] using (tea, coronary_artery_disease)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 help protect the body against arg2" "arg1 help to fight against arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" ] using (tea, free_radical_damage)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 can lower your risk of arg2" "arg1 may be protective against arg2" "arg1 linked to lower risk of arg2" ] using (tea, kidney_cancer)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 for breakfast or afternoon arg2" "arg1 with your afternoon arg2" "arg1 with your coffee or arg2" ] using (treats, tea)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 was introduced into North arg2" "arg1 Party Movement in arg2" "arg1 Party movement in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" ] using (tea, america)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 found that drinking green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 shows that green arg1" ] using (tea, clinical_nutrition)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 shows that green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 found that drinking green arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" ] using (tea, one_study)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 indicate that drinking arg1" "arg2 have discovered that green arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" ] using (tea, studies)
CPL @1108 (93.8%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 producing area in arg2" "arg1 producing provinces of arg2" "arg1 ware from arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" ] using (tea, fujian)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 found that drinking green arg1" "arg2 to offer Fair Trade Certified arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" ] using (tea, u_s_)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 was introduced into North arg2" "arg1 Party Movement in arg2" "arg1 Party movement in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" ] using (tea, america)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 was introduced into North arg2" "arg1 Party Movement in arg2" "arg1 Party movement in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" ] using (tea, america)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 style coffee and arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 for a cargo of arg1" "arg2 style milk arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" ] using (tea, hong_kong)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 brewed in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 that is drunk in arg2" "arg1 room s in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 are drunk in arg2" ] using (tea, uk)
OE @827 (100.0%) on 30-mar-2014 [ ] using (tea, uk)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 indicate that drinking arg1" "arg2 have discovered that green arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" ] using (tea, studies)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 History of Tea arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 was brought to Japan from arg2" "arg1 from the Fujian Province of arg2" "arg1 has been used medicinally in arg2" "arg1 grows wild in arg2" "arg1 and silks from arg2" "arg1 producing countries include arg2" "arg1 wares in arg2" "arg1 was first cultivated in arg2" "arg1 has been enjoyed in arg2" "arg1 apparently originated in arg2" "arg1 caravans from arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 exports from arg2" "arg1 was discovered in ancient arg2" "arg1 Cultivation in arg2" "arg1 has been consumed in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 set is made in arg2" "arg1 roses from arg2" "arg1 Pots from arg2" "arg1 was also imported from arg2" "arg1 is popular in northern arg2" "arg1 was brought back from arg2" "arg1 became widely known in arg2" "arg1 has been grown in arg2" "arg1 was first grown in arg2" "arg1 was introduced to Japan from arg2" "arg1 estates in arg2" "arg1 has been known in arg2" "arg1 Route from arg2" "arg1 has been drunk in arg2" "arg1 is now cultivated throughout arg2" "arg1 plants originated in arg2" "arg1 is grown primarily in arg2" "arg1 sets made in arg2" "arg1 Tea originated in arg2" "arg1 is the national drink of arg2" "arg1 has been cultivated in arg2" "arg1 buyers sourcing and purchasing from arg2" "arg1 was originated from arg2" "arg1 is grown mainly in arg2" "arg1 is mainly grown in arg2" "arg1 Road from arg2" "arg1 Oolong tea from arg2" ] using (tea, china)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 History of Tea arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 was brought to Japan from arg2" "arg1 from the Fujian Province of arg2" "arg1 has been used medicinally in arg2" "arg1 grows wild in arg2" "arg1 and silks from arg2" "arg1 producing countries include arg2" "arg1 wares in arg2" "arg1 was first cultivated in arg2" "arg1 has been enjoyed in arg2" "arg1 apparently originated in arg2" "arg1 caravans from arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 exports from arg2" "arg1 was discovered in ancient arg2" "arg1 Cultivation in arg2" "arg1 has been consumed in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 set is made in arg2" "arg1 roses from arg2" "arg1 Pots from arg2" "arg1 was also imported from arg2" "arg1 is popular in northern arg2" "arg1 was brought back from arg2" "arg1 became widely known in arg2" "arg1 has been grown in arg2" "arg1 was first grown in arg2" "arg1 was introduced to Japan from arg2" "arg1 estates in arg2" "arg1 has been known in arg2" "arg1 Route from arg2" "arg1 has been drunk in arg2" "arg1 is now cultivated throughout arg2" "arg1 plants originated in arg2" "arg1 is grown primarily in arg2" "arg1 sets made in arg2" "arg1 Tea originated in arg2" "arg1 is the national drink of arg2" "arg1 has been cultivated in arg2" "arg1 buyers sourcing and purchasing from arg2" "arg1 was originated from arg2" "arg1 is grown mainly in arg2" "arg1 is mainly grown in arg2" "arg1 Road from arg2" "arg1 Oolong tea from arg2" ] using (tea, china)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 and other goods from arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 imports into arg2" "arg1 is drunk in arg2" ] using (tea, iran)
OE @806 (99.6%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, japan)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is famous for its green arg1" "arg2 demonstrates that green arg1" "arg2 drinking green arg1" "arg2 began importing arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 shows that green arg1" "arg2 to have afternoon arg1" "arg2 main History of arg1" "arg2 found that red arg1" "arg2 found that drinking green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 imports more arg1" "arg2 are the largest producers of arg1" "arg2 sencha green arg1" ] using (tea, japan)
OE @806 (99.6%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, japan)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is famous for its green arg1" "arg2 demonstrates that green arg1" "arg2 drinking green arg1" "arg2 began importing arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 shows that green arg1" "arg2 to have afternoon arg1" "arg2 main History of arg1" "arg2 found that red arg1" "arg2 found that drinking green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 imports more arg1" "arg2 are the largest producers of arg1" "arg2 sencha green arg1" ] using (tea, japan)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" ] using (tea, west)
CPL @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships return to arg2" "arg1 and silk into arg2" "arg1 is a favorite in arg2" "arg1 party in opposition to arg2" "arg1 and textiles from arg2" "arg1 set made in arg2" "arg1 is drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships to return to arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 that is drunk in arg2" "arg1 were either returned to arg2" "arg1 cup made in arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" ] using (tea, england)
CPL @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships return to arg2" "arg1 and silk into arg2" "arg1 is a favorite in arg2" "arg1 party in opposition to arg2" "arg1 and textiles from arg2" "arg1 set made in arg2" "arg1 is drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships to return to arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 that is drunk in arg2" "arg1 were either returned to arg2" "arg1 cup made in arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" ] using (tea, england)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" ] using (tea, west)
CPL @1108 (93.8%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 producing area in arg2" "arg1 producing provinces of arg2" "arg1 ware from arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" ] using (tea, fujian)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" ] using (tea, west)
CPL @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships return to arg2" "arg1 and silk into arg2" "arg1 is a favorite in arg2" "arg1 party in opposition to arg2" "arg1 and textiles from arg2" "arg1 set made in arg2" "arg1 is drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships to return to arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 that is drunk in arg2" "arg1 were either returned to arg2" "arg1 cup made in arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" ] using (tea, england)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 style coffee and arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 for a cargo of arg1" "arg2 style milk arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" ] using (tea, hong_kong)
OE @806 (99.6%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, japan)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 is famous for its green arg1" "arg2 demonstrates that green arg1" "arg2 drinking green arg1" "arg2 began importing arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 shows that green arg1" "arg2 to have afternoon arg1" "arg2 main History of arg1" "arg2 found that red arg1" "arg2 found that drinking green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 imports more arg1" "arg2 are the largest producers of arg1" "arg2 sencha green arg1" ] using (tea, japan)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 was introduced into North arg2" "arg1 Party Movement in arg2" "arg1 Party movement in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" ] using (tea, america)
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 drinker in arg2" "arg1 is not grown in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" "arg1 crafter in arg2" ] using (tea, us)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 was introduced into North arg2" "arg1 Party Movement in arg2" "arg1 Party movement in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" ] using (tea, america)
CPL @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships return to arg2" "arg1 and silk into arg2" "arg1 is a favorite in arg2" "arg1 party in opposition to arg2" "arg1 and textiles from arg2" "arg1 set made in arg2" "arg1 is drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships to return to arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 that is drunk in arg2" "arg1 were either returned to arg2" "arg1 cup made in arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" ] using (tea, england)
CPL @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships return to arg2" "arg1 and silk into arg2" "arg1 is a favorite in arg2" "arg1 party in opposition to arg2" "arg1 and textiles from arg2" "arg1 set made in arg2" "arg1 is drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships to return to arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 that is drunk in arg2" "arg1 were either returned to arg2" "arg1 cup made in arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" ] using (tea, england)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 and other goods from arg2" "arg1 cultivation in arg2" "arg1 imports into arg2" "arg1 is drunk in arg2" ] using (tea, iran)
OE @811 (92.9%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (tea, russia)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Road from China to arg2" "arg1 has been consumed in arg2" "arg1 Route between arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 is the national drink of arg2" "arg1 is also grown in arg2" ] using (tea, russia)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" ] using (tea, west)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 style coffee and arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 for a cargo of arg1" "arg2 style milk arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" ] using (tea, hong_kong)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" ] using (tea, west)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 indicate that drinking arg1" "arg2 have discovered that green arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" ] using (tea, studies)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 was introduced into North arg2" "arg1 Party Movement in arg2" "arg1 Party movement in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" ] using (tea, america)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 indicate that drinking arg1" "arg2 have discovered that green arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" ] using (tea, studies)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 found that drinking green arg1" "arg2 shows that green arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" ] using (tea, american_journal_of_clinical_nutrition)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" ] using (tea, west)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 shows that green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 found that drinking green arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" ] using (tea, one_study)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" ] using (tea, west)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 set made in arg2" "arg1 sets made in arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 connoisseurs in arg2" "arg1 cups made in arg2" "arg1 set is made in arg2" ] using (tea, germany)
CPL @1104 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 brewed in arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 that is drunk in arg2" "arg1 room s in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 are drunk in arg2" ] using (tea, uk)
OE @827 (100.0%) on 30-mar-2014 [ ] using (tea, uk)
CPL @1116 (93.8%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg1 was introduced into North arg2" "arg1 Party Movement in arg2" "arg1 Party movement in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" ] using (tea, america)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 style coffee and arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" "arg2 for a cargo of arg1" "arg2 style milk arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" ] using (tea, hong_kong)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 indicate that drinking arg1" "arg2 have discovered that green arg1" "arg2 found that green arg1" "arg2 showed that green arg1" ] using (tea, studies)
CPL @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 merchant from arg2" "arg1 imported into Great arg2" "arg1 ware from arg2" "arg1 connoisseurs in arg2" "arg1 shops spread throughout arg2" "arg1 are drunk in arg2" "arg1 is the national drink of arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" "arg1 brewed in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 wares in arg2" "arg1 drinkers of arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 ships to return to arg2" "arg1 drinking in arg2" ] using (tea, britain)
OE @827 (94.1%) on 30-mar-2014 [ ] using (tea, britain)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 drinking in arg2" "arg1 drunk in arg2" "arg1 drinkers in arg2" "arg1 trade between China and arg2" ] using (tea, west)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 contains antioxidants called arg2" "arg1 contains compounds called arg2" "arg1 contains polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contains antioxidant arg2" "arg1 is a potent source of arg2" "arg1 is a natural source of arg2" ] using (tea, flavonoids)
SEAL @662 (50.4%) on 20-nov-2012 [ 12345 ] using (tea, minerals)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 are present in green arg1" "arg2 in the coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, minerals)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 is present in green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" ] using (tea, element)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 native americans used arg1" "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 inherent in green arg1" "arg2 in Chinese green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 One cup of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than other green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 present in Green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" ] using (tea, properties)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 is present in green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" ] using (tea, element)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 found naturally in green arg1" ] using (tea, two_compounds)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 is present in green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" ] using (tea, element)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 contains half the amount of arg2" "arg1 contains much less arg2" "arg1 is another common source of arg2" "arg1 and coffee contain arg2" "arg1 contains tannins and arg2" "arg1 has so much less arg2" "arg1 and coffee have arg2" "arg1 has about half arg2" "arg1 has half the amount of arg2" "arg1 also contains small amounts of arg2" "arg1 is a natural source of arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contains about half as much arg2" "arg1 has about DD mg of arg2" ] using (tea, caffeine)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 content in green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 content than green arg1" "arg2 present in Green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 content found in green arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" ] using (tea, polyphenol)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than black or green arg1" "arg2 in brewed arg1" "arg2 in coffee or arg1" "arg2 compared to green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in one cup of arg1" "arg2 than coffee or black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, amount)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 is present in green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" ] using (tea, element)
SEAL @662 (50.4%) on 20-nov-2012 [ 12345 ] using (tea, minerals)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 are present in green arg1" "arg2 in the coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, minerals)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 which is found in green arg1" "arg2 in black and green arg1" "arg2 in green and white arg1" "arg2 comes from green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 in olive leaf arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 located in green arg1" "arg2 does oolong arg1" "arg2 found naturally in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 in Rooibos arg1" "arg2 is found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 and caffeine in arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 naturally found in green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in Green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" ] using (tea, acid)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 lies in its powerful arg2" "arg1 to help your body get arg2" "arg1 extracts rich in arg2" "arg1 is high in natural arg2" "arg1 extract which contains arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contain more or less arg2" "arg1 contains potent arg2" "arg1 is rich in polyphenol arg2" "arg1 contains powerful arg2" ] using (tea, anti_oxidants)
OE @808 (97.9%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, anti_oxidants)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 inherent in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" ] using (tea, qualities)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 compared to green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in a cup of arg1" ] using (tea, three_times_the_amount)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" ] using (tea, agents)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 called polyphenols found in arg1" "arg2 available in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 in rooibos arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in Chinese green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 are found in green arg1" ] using (tea, substances)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" "arg2 content in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 content found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 than regular green arg1" "arg2 levels in white arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 is found in green arg1" ] using (tea, catechin)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, stimulants)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" ] using (tea, agents)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 is present in green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" ] using (tea, element)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than black or green arg1" "arg2 in brewed arg1" "arg2 in coffee or arg1" "arg2 compared to green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in one cup of arg1" "arg2 than coffee or black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, amount)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 rich in powerful arg2" "arg1 contains three times more arg2" "arg1 contain a class of arg2" "arg1 function as potent arg2" "arg1 provides skin with arg2" "arg1 is a natural source of arg2" "arg1 contains the highest level of arg2" "arg1 and coffee contain arg2" "arg1 high in Vitamin C and arg2" "arg1 leaves rich in arg2" "arg1 delivers as many arg2" "arg1 polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 has a higher content of arg2" "arg1 contains higher levels of arg2" "arg1 catechins and arg2" "arg1 and coffee have arg2" "arg1 contains the least arg2" "arg1 is a terrific source of arg2" "arg1 has the highest amount of arg2" "arg1 may contain more of arg2" "arg1 contains different levels of arg2" "arg1 is a potent source of arg2" "arg1 enhanced with vitamins and arg2" "arg1 extract contains powerful arg2" "arg1 extract is high in arg2" "arg1 are publicized arg2" "arg1 polyphenols are potent arg2" "arg1 leaves are rich in arg2" "arg1 is an exceptional source of arg2" "arg1 is healthy because of arg2" "arg1 has more potent arg2" "arg1 lies in its powerful arg2" "arg1 have recently been identified as arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 is said to deliver arg2" "arg1 contains the highest levels of arg2" "arg1 and chocolate contain arg2" "arg1 contains the same amount of arg2" "arg1 contains DD times arg2" "arg1 which both contain arg2" "arg1 are loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 is also very rich in arg2" "arg1 contains potent arg2" "arg1 contained similar amounts of arg2" "arg1 have the highest content of arg2" "arg1 line contain arg2" "arg1 offers five times arg2" "arg1 loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 contains flavonoid arg2" "arg1 and its high content of arg2" "arg1 contains the highest amount of arg2" "arg1 contains polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 contain similar amounts of arg2" "arg1 sources delivering arg2" "arg1 contains powerful arg2" "arg1 contain the highest amounts of arg2" "arg1 is high in natural arg2" "arg1 contains extremely high levels of arg2" "arg1 extracts rich in arg2" "arg1 also contains powerful arg2" "arg1 are very rich sources of arg2" "arg1 is a proven source of arg2" "arg1 and red wine of arg2" "arg1 has shown that it contains arg2" "arg1 is rich in powerful arg2" "arg1 also has potent arg2" "arg1 is loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 is rich in polyphenol arg2" "arg1 balm infused with arg2" "arg1 is rich in potent arg2" ] using (tea, antioxidants)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, antioxidants)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than regular green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 in rooibos arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 than brewed arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" ] using (tea, antioxidant_activity)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, beneficial_antioxidants)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" ] using (tea, main_ingredients)
SEAL @521 (50.0%) on 28-feb-2012 [ 1 ] using (tea, tannins)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 leaves are rich in arg2" "arg1 and wine contain arg2" "arg1 and chocolate contain arg2" "arg1 and coffee contain arg2" ] using (tea, tannins)
OE @805 (95.6%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, compound)
SEAL @656 (100.0%) on 03-nov-2012 [ 12 ] using (tea, compound)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 is present in green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 in green and white arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 comes from green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, compound)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 native americans used arg1" "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 inherent in green arg1" "arg2 in Chinese green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 One cup of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than other green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 present in Green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" ] using (tea, properties)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (99.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in your cup of arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 found in a cup of arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, levels)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" ] using (tea, agents)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than black or green arg1" "arg2 in brewed arg1" "arg2 in coffee or arg1" "arg2 compared to green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in one cup of arg1" "arg2 than coffee or black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, amount)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 contains caffeine and arg2" "arg1 catechins and arg2" "arg1 also contains small amounts of arg2" ] using (tea, theophylline)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" ] using (tea, agents)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
OE @805 (95.6%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, compound)
SEAL @656 (100.0%) on 03-nov-2012 [ 12 ] using (tea, compound)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 is present in green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 in green and white arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 comes from green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, compound)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 which is found in green arg1" "arg2 in black and green arg1" "arg2 in green and white arg1" "arg2 comes from green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 in olive leaf arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 located in green arg1" "arg2 does oolong arg1" "arg2 found naturally in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 in Rooibos arg1" "arg2 is found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 and caffeine in arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 naturally found in green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in Green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" ] using (tea, acid)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 which is found in green arg1" "arg2 in black and green arg1" "arg2 in green and white arg1" "arg2 comes from green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 in olive leaf arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 located in green arg1" "arg2 does oolong arg1" "arg2 found naturally in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 in Rooibos arg1" "arg2 is found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 and caffeine in arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 naturally found in green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in Green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" ] using (tea, acid)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 in brewed arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 specific to green arg1" ] using (tea, substance)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 rich in powerful arg2" "arg1 contains three times more arg2" "arg1 contain a class of arg2" "arg1 function as potent arg2" "arg1 provides skin with arg2" "arg1 is a natural source of arg2" "arg1 contains the highest level of arg2" "arg1 and coffee contain arg2" "arg1 high in Vitamin C and arg2" "arg1 leaves rich in arg2" "arg1 delivers as many arg2" "arg1 polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 has a higher content of arg2" "arg1 contains higher levels of arg2" "arg1 catechins and arg2" "arg1 and coffee have arg2" "arg1 contains the least arg2" "arg1 is a terrific source of arg2" "arg1 has the highest amount of arg2" "arg1 may contain more of arg2" "arg1 contains different levels of arg2" "arg1 is a potent source of arg2" "arg1 enhanced with vitamins and arg2" "arg1 extract contains powerful arg2" "arg1 extract is high in arg2" "arg1 are publicized arg2" "arg1 polyphenols are potent arg2" "arg1 leaves are rich in arg2" "arg1 is an exceptional source of arg2" "arg1 is healthy because of arg2" "arg1 has more potent arg2" "arg1 lies in its powerful arg2" "arg1 have recently been identified as arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 is said to deliver arg2" "arg1 contains the highest levels of arg2" "arg1 and chocolate contain arg2" "arg1 contains the same amount of arg2" "arg1 contains DD times arg2" "arg1 which both contain arg2" "arg1 are loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 is also very rich in arg2" "arg1 contains potent arg2" "arg1 contained similar amounts of arg2" "arg1 have the highest content of arg2" "arg1 line contain arg2" "arg1 offers five times arg2" "arg1 loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 contains flavonoid arg2" "arg1 and its high content of arg2" "arg1 contains the highest amount of arg2" "arg1 contains polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 contain similar amounts of arg2" "arg1 sources delivering arg2" "arg1 contains powerful arg2" "arg1 contain the highest amounts of arg2" "arg1 is high in natural arg2" "arg1 contains extremely high levels of arg2" "arg1 extracts rich in arg2" "arg1 also contains powerful arg2" "arg1 are very rich sources of arg2" "arg1 is a proven source of arg2" "arg1 and red wine of arg2" "arg1 has shown that it contains arg2" "arg1 is rich in powerful arg2" "arg1 also has potent arg2" "arg1 is loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 is rich in polyphenol arg2" "arg1 balm infused with arg2" "arg1 is rich in potent arg2" ] using (tea, antioxidants)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, antioxidants)
CPL @1103 (99.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in your cup of arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 found in a cup of arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, levels)
SEAL @662 (50.4%) on 20-nov-2012 [ 12345 ] using (tea, minerals)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 are present in green arg1" "arg2 in the coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, minerals)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, natural_product)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" ] using (tea, agents)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 native americans used arg1" "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 inherent in green arg1" "arg2 in Chinese green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 One cup of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than other green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 present in Green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" ] using (tea, properties)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than black or green arg1" "arg2 in brewed arg1" "arg2 in coffee or arg1" "arg2 compared to green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in one cup of arg1" "arg2 than coffee or black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, amount)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, stimulants)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 in brewed arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 specific to green arg1" ] using (tea, substance)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than black or green arg1" "arg2 in brewed arg1" "arg2 in coffee or arg1" "arg2 compared to green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in one cup of arg1" "arg2 than coffee or black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, amount)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 native americans used arg1" "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 inherent in green arg1" "arg2 in Chinese green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 One cup of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than other green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 present in Green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" ] using (tea, properties)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" ] using (tea, agents)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, active_ingredient)
CPL @1103 (99.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in your cup of arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 found in a cup of arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, levels)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" "arg2 content in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 content found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 than regular green arg1" "arg2 levels in white arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 is found in green arg1" ] using (tea, catechin)
CPL @1103 (99.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in your cup of arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 found in a cup of arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, levels)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 native americans used arg1" "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 inherent in green arg1" "arg2 in Chinese green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 One cup of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than other green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 present in Green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" ] using (tea, properties)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 is present in green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" ] using (tea, element)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 is present in green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" ] using (tea, element)
CPL @1103 (99.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in your cup of arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 found in a cup of arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, levels)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" ] using (tea, agents)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 which is found in green arg1" "arg2 in black and green arg1" "arg2 in green and white arg1" "arg2 comes from green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 in olive leaf arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 located in green arg1" "arg2 does oolong arg1" "arg2 found naturally in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 in Rooibos arg1" "arg2 is found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 and caffeine in arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 naturally found in green arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in Green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" ] using (tea, acid)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 rich in powerful arg2" "arg1 contains three times more arg2" "arg1 contain a class of arg2" "arg1 function as potent arg2" "arg1 provides skin with arg2" "arg1 is a natural source of arg2" "arg1 contains the highest level of arg2" "arg1 and coffee contain arg2" "arg1 high in Vitamin C and arg2" "arg1 leaves rich in arg2" "arg1 delivers as many arg2" "arg1 polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 has a higher content of arg2" "arg1 contains higher levels of arg2" "arg1 catechins and arg2" "arg1 and coffee have arg2" "arg1 contains the least arg2" "arg1 is a terrific source of arg2" "arg1 has the highest amount of arg2" "arg1 may contain more of arg2" "arg1 contains different levels of arg2" "arg1 is a potent source of arg2" "arg1 enhanced with vitamins and arg2" "arg1 extract contains powerful arg2" "arg1 extract is high in arg2" "arg1 are publicized arg2" "arg1 polyphenols are potent arg2" "arg1 leaves are rich in arg2" "arg1 is an exceptional source of arg2" "arg1 is healthy because of arg2" "arg1 has more potent arg2" "arg1 lies in its powerful arg2" "arg1 have recently been identified as arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 is said to deliver arg2" "arg1 contains the highest levels of arg2" "arg1 and chocolate contain arg2" "arg1 contains the same amount of arg2" "arg1 contains DD times arg2" "arg1 which both contain arg2" "arg1 are loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 is also very rich in arg2" "arg1 contains potent arg2" "arg1 contained similar amounts of arg2" "arg1 have the highest content of arg2" "arg1 line contain arg2" "arg1 offers five times arg2" "arg1 loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 contains flavonoid arg2" "arg1 and its high content of arg2" "arg1 contains the highest amount of arg2" "arg1 contains polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 contain similar amounts of arg2" "arg1 sources delivering arg2" "arg1 contains powerful arg2" "arg1 contain the highest amounts of arg2" "arg1 is high in natural arg2" "arg1 contains extremely high levels of arg2" "arg1 extracts rich in arg2" "arg1 also contains powerful arg2" "arg1 are very rich sources of arg2" "arg1 is a proven source of arg2" "arg1 and red wine of arg2" "arg1 has shown that it contains arg2" "arg1 is rich in powerful arg2" "arg1 also has potent arg2" "arg1 is loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 is rich in polyphenol arg2" "arg1 balm infused with arg2" "arg1 is rich in potent arg2" ] using (tea, antioxidants)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, antioxidants)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 in rooibos arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" ] using (tea, antioxidant_compounds)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" ] using (tea, antioxidant_levels)
CPL @1103 (99.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 lies in its powerful arg2" "arg1 to help your body get arg2" "arg1 extracts rich in arg2" "arg1 is high in natural arg2" "arg1 extract which contains arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contain more or less arg2" "arg1 contains potent arg2" "arg1 is rich in polyphenol arg2" "arg1 contains powerful arg2" ] using (tea, anti_oxidants)
OE @808 (97.9%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, anti_oxidants)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, beneficial_antioxidants)
CPL @1116 (98.4%) on 06-sep-2018 [ "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than regular green arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" "arg2 in a cup of green arg1" "arg2 than a glass of arg1" "arg2 compared to green arg1" ] using (tea, calories)
SEAL @524 (50.0%) on 04-mar-2012 [ 1 ] using (tea, calories)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" "arg2 content in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 content found in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 than regular green arg1" "arg2 levels in white arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 is found in green arg1" ] using (tea, catechin)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is specifically known as arg2" "arg1 is even richer in arg2" "arg1 consumption on plasma arg2" "arg1 extracts contain arg2" "arg1 or taking green tea arg2" "arg1 has the highest amount of arg2" "arg1 contains antioxidants called arg2" "arg1 has DDD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 contains D times arg2" "arg1 with DDD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 has a higher content of arg2" "arg1 are polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 extract containing arg2" "arg1 contains powerful arg2" "arg1 contains about DDD mg of arg2" "arg1 contain a substance called arg2" "arg1 are loaded with powerful arg2" "arg1 extract contain arg2" "arg1 Green tea contains arg2" "arg1 contains approximately DDD mg of arg2" "arg1 contains polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 catechin of arg2" "arg1 containing mg of arg2" "arg1 contains caffeine and arg2" "arg1 is a potent source of arg2" "arg1 to decrease the concentration of arg2" "arg1 extract high in arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contains negligible amounts of arg2" "arg1 extract rich in arg2" "arg1 leaf consists of arg2" "arg1 contains compounds called arg2" "arg1 contains DDD milligrams of arg2" "arg1 and the polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 polyphenols are arg2" "arg1 polyphenols or arg2" "arg1 can have higher levels of arg2" ] using (tea, catechins)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 extract rich in arg2" "arg1 leaves are rich in arg2" "arg1 extracts rich in arg2" "arg1 contains higher levels of arg2" ] using (tea, catechin_polyphenols)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 are found in green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" ] using (tea, epicatechins)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 which is found in green arg1" ] using (tea, epigallocatechin_gallate)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 contains antioxidants called arg2" "arg1 contains compounds called arg2" "arg1 contains polyphenolic arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 contains antioxidant arg2" "arg1 is a potent source of arg2" "arg1 is a natural source of arg2" ] using (tea, flavonoids)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in black and green arg1" "arg2 are found in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, flavonols)
SEAL @662 (50.4%) on 20-nov-2012 [ 12345 ] using (tea, minerals)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 are present in green arg1" "arg2 in the coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, minerals)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than wine and arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than wine or arg1" "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 as compared to green arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" "arg2 than regular green arg1" "arg2 in a cup of green arg1" "arg2 compared to green arg1" "arg2 than brewed arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than a cup of arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 than red wine and arg1" "arg2 than most green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or black arg1" ] using (tea, more_antioxidants)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with a powerful dose of arg2" "arg1 leaves contain arg2" "arg1 leaves rich in arg2" ] using (tea, natural_antioxidants)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 in coffee or arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" ] using (tea, phenolic_compounds)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in Green arg1" ] using (tea, phytonutrients)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 content in green arg1" "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 content than green arg1" "arg2 present in Green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 content found in green arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 content of black arg1" ] using (tea, polyphenol)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 content in green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than brewed arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 in a cup of green arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in rooibos arg1" "arg2 and caffeine in arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 in black and green arg1" "arg2 can be found in green arg1" "arg2 compared to green arg1" "arg2 available in green arg1" "arg2 are found in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 found in Green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 and other antioxidants in arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 in cocoa and arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" ] using (tea, polyphenols)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 than regular green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" ] using (tea, polyphenol_antioxidants)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" ] using (tea, powerful_antioxidants)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, stimulants)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 content of green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 in Rooibos arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, tannic_acid)
SEAL @671 (98.6%) on 17-dec-2012 [ 123 ] using (tea, tannic_acid)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 extract rich in arg2" "arg1 leaves are rich in arg2" "arg1 extracts rich in arg2" "arg1 contains higher levels of arg2" ] using (tea, catechin_polyphenols)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 content in green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than brewed arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 found in green and black arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" "arg2 in a cup of green arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 in rooibos arg1" "arg2 and caffeine in arg1" "arg2 in green and black arg1" "arg2 in black and green arg1" "arg2 can be found in green arg1" "arg2 compared to green arg1" "arg2 available in green arg1" "arg2 are found in green arg1" "arg2 present in black arg1" "arg2 that are found in green arg1" "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 than green or black arg1" "arg2 found in Green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 and other antioxidants in arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 in cocoa and arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and arg1" "arg2 than Green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" ] using (tea, polyphenols)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, chemical_compound)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 from your cup of arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 than red wine and green arg1" "arg2 than coffee or arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" ] using (tea, power)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 native americans used arg1" "arg2 component of green arg1" "arg2 inherent in green arg1" "arg2 in Chinese green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 than red wine or green arg1" "arg2 present in the green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 One cup of green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 than other green arg1" "arg2 and benefits of green arg1" "arg2 present in Green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 than even green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 found in black arg1" ] using (tea, properties)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 derived from green arg1" "arg2 that is found in green arg1" "arg2 present in green arg1" "arg2 extracted from green arg1" "arg2 found in green arg1" "arg2 in coffee and arg1" "arg2 found in coffee and arg1" "arg2 that gives green arg1" "arg2 in oolong arg1" "arg2 that make green arg1" "arg2 in brewed arg1" "arg2 found in the green arg1" "arg2 than green arg1" "arg2 contained in green arg1" "arg2 specific to green arg1" ] using (tea, substance)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Cayenne arg2" "arg1 powder salt and arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and hot red arg2" ] using (tea, pepper)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Cayenne arg2" "arg1 powder salt and arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and hot red arg2" ] using (tea, pepper)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Cayenne arg2" "arg1 powder salt and arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and hot red arg2" ] using (tea, pepper)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Cayenne arg2" "arg1 powder salt and arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and hot red arg2" ] using (tea, pepper)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and Cayenne arg2" "arg1 powder salt and arg2" "arg1 and bell arg2" "arg1 and cayenne arg2" "arg1 and hot red arg2" ] using (tea, pepper)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 and coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, dessert)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 drinks and iced arg1" "arg2 and coffee or arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 of half a lemon to arg1" "arg2 or senna arg1" ] using (tea, juice)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbeveragemadefrombeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbeveragemadefrombeverage,concept:relatedto,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:bakedgoodservedwithbeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbakedgoodservedwithbeverage,concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" ] using (tea, juice)
SEAL @587 (50.0%) on 05-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (tea, juice)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 and coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, dessert)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 and coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, dessert)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 drinks and iced arg1" "arg2 and coffee or arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 of half a lemon to arg1" "arg2 or senna arg1" ] using (tea, juice)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbeveragemadefrombeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbeveragemadefrombeverage,concept:relatedto,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:bakedgoodservedwithbeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbakedgoodservedwithbeverage,concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" ] using (tea, juice)
SEAL @587 (50.0%) on 05-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (tea, juice)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 and coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, dessert)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and coffee or arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, entree)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 and coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, dessert)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and coffee or arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" ] using (tea, entree)
CPL @1104 (98.4%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 drinks and iced arg1" "arg2 and coffee or arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 of half a lemon to arg1" "arg2 or senna arg1" ] using (tea, juice)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbeveragemadefrombeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbeveragemadefrombeverage,concept:relatedto,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:bakedgoodservedwithbeverage,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" "Y~X0~concept:inverseofbakedgoodservedwithbeverage,concept:itemusedwithitem,concept:beveragemadefrombeverage" ] using (tea, juice)
SEAL @587 (50.0%) on 05-jun-2012 [ 1 ] using (tea, juice)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee and arg1" "arg2 and freshly brewed coffee or arg1" "arg2 and coffee or arg1" ] using (tea, dessert)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 reduced systolic arg2" "arg1 can lead to high arg2" "arg1 for reducing high arg2" "arg1 can prevent high arg2" "arg1 might also lower arg2" "arg1 helps control high arg2" "arg1 is known to lower arg2" "arg1 can reduce systolic arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 lowers cholesterol and arg2" "arg1 has shown to lower arg2" "arg1 to reduce high arg2" "arg1 reduces high arg2" "arg1 can lower high arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 is said to lower arg2" "arg1 will also help lower your arg2" "arg1 per day can lower arg2" "arg1 help with high arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 lower high arg2" "arg1 helps lower high arg2" "arg1 may reduce high arg2" "arg1 drinkers have lower arg2" "arg1 can increase heart rate and arg2" "arg1 seem to lower arg2" "arg1 helps prevent high arg2" "arg1 lowered systolic arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 can also help lower arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 may help lower your arg2" "arg1 daily can lower arg2" "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 helps to reduce high arg2" "arg1 can reduce high arg2" "arg1 prevents high arg2" "arg1 lowers high arg2" "arg1 also helps to lower arg2" "arg1 consumption lowered arg2" ] using (tea, blood_pressure)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 reduced systolic arg2" "arg1 can lead to high arg2" "arg1 for reducing high arg2" "arg1 can prevent high arg2" "arg1 might also lower arg2" "arg1 helps control high arg2" "arg1 is known to lower arg2" "arg1 can reduce systolic arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 lowers cholesterol and arg2" "arg1 has shown to lower arg2" "arg1 to reduce high arg2" "arg1 reduces high arg2" "arg1 can lower high arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 is said to lower arg2" "arg1 will also help lower your arg2" "arg1 per day can lower arg2" "arg1 help with high arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 lower high arg2" "arg1 helps lower high arg2" "arg1 may reduce high arg2" "arg1 drinkers have lower arg2" "arg1 can increase heart rate and arg2" "arg1 seem to lower arg2" "arg1 helps prevent high arg2" "arg1 lowered systolic arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 can also help lower arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 may help lower your arg2" "arg1 daily can lower arg2" "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 helps to reduce high arg2" "arg1 can reduce high arg2" "arg1 prevents high arg2" "arg1 lowers high arg2" "arg1 also helps to lower arg2" "arg1 consumption lowered arg2" ] using (tea, blood_pressure)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower your arg2" "arg1 and its ability to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower high arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 can assist in lowering arg2" "arg1 to be effective in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 may also help lower arg2" "arg1 extract lowers arg2" "arg1 may help to lower arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 is said to lower arg2" "arg1 has been known to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 helps reduce high arg2" "arg1 has been found to lower arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower your arg2" ] using (tea, cholesterol)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower your arg2" "arg1 and its ability to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower high arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 can assist in lowering arg2" "arg1 to be effective in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 may also help lower arg2" "arg1 extract lowers arg2" "arg1 may help to lower arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 is said to lower arg2" "arg1 has been known to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 helps reduce high arg2" "arg1 has been found to lower arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower your arg2" ] using (tea, cholesterol)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 can also help lower arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" ] using (tea, blood_sugar_levels)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 is known to lower arg2" "arg1 diet had no effect on arg2" "arg1 daily had lower arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 to be effective in lowering arg2" "arg1 helps lowering arg2" "arg1 drinkers have lower arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 which may help lower arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" ] using (tea, cholesterol_levels)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 drinkers have lower arg2" ] using (tea, ldl_cholesterol)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 consumption lowered arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 everyday can reduce arg2" "arg1 daily can lower arg2" "arg1 may help to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 per day can lower arg2" "arg1 can lower cholesterol and arg2" "arg1 seems to lower arg2" "arg1 drinkers have lower arg2" "arg1 does not appear to lower arg2" "arg1 daily had lower arg2" "arg1 daily can help lower arg2" "arg1 helps to lower your arg2" "arg1 every day can reduce arg2" "arg1 can help in lowering arg2" "arg1 has the ability to lower arg2" "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 a day can help lower arg2" "arg1 consumption raises arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" ] using (tea, risk)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower your arg2" "arg1 and its ability to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower high arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 can assist in lowering arg2" "arg1 to be effective in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 may also help lower arg2" "arg1 extract lowers arg2" "arg1 may help to lower arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 is said to lower arg2" "arg1 has been known to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 helps reduce high arg2" "arg1 has been found to lower arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower your arg2" ] using (tea, cholesterol)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 can also help lower arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" ] using (tea, blood_sugar_levels)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 reduced systolic arg2" "arg1 can lead to high arg2" "arg1 for reducing high arg2" "arg1 can prevent high arg2" "arg1 might also lower arg2" "arg1 helps control high arg2" "arg1 is known to lower arg2" "arg1 can reduce systolic arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 lowers cholesterol and arg2" "arg1 has shown to lower arg2" "arg1 to reduce high arg2" "arg1 reduces high arg2" "arg1 can lower high arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 is said to lower arg2" "arg1 will also help lower your arg2" "arg1 per day can lower arg2" "arg1 help with high arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 lower high arg2" "arg1 helps lower high arg2" "arg1 may reduce high arg2" "arg1 drinkers have lower arg2" "arg1 can increase heart rate and arg2" "arg1 seem to lower arg2" "arg1 helps prevent high arg2" "arg1 lowered systolic arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 can also help lower arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 may help lower your arg2" "arg1 daily can lower arg2" "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 helps to reduce high arg2" "arg1 can reduce high arg2" "arg1 prevents high arg2" "arg1 lowers high arg2" "arg1 also helps to lower arg2" "arg1 consumption lowered arg2" ] using (tea, blood_pressure)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower your arg2" "arg1 and its ability to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower high arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 can assist in lowering arg2" "arg1 to be effective in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 may also help lower arg2" "arg1 extract lowers arg2" "arg1 may help to lower arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 is said to lower arg2" "arg1 has been known to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 helps reduce high arg2" "arg1 has been found to lower arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower your arg2" ] using (tea, cholesterol)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower your arg2" "arg1 and its ability to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower high arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 can assist in lowering arg2" "arg1 to be effective in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 may also help lower arg2" "arg1 extract lowers arg2" "arg1 may help to lower arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 is said to lower arg2" "arg1 has been known to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 helps reduce high arg2" "arg1 has been found to lower arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower your arg2" ] using (tea, cholesterol)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 helps lower arg2" "arg1 can help to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower your arg2" "arg1 and its ability to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower high arg2" "arg1 also helps lower arg2" "arg1 can assist in lowering arg2" "arg1 to be effective in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower arg2" "arg1 may also help lower arg2" "arg1 extract lowers arg2" "arg1 may help to lower arg2" "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 is said to lower arg2" "arg1 has been known to lower arg2" "arg1 can help lower arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 helps reduce high arg2" "arg1 has been found to lower arg2" "arg1 aids in lowering arg2" "arg1 may help lower your arg2" ] using (tea, cholesterol)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 helps to lower arg2" "arg1 has been shown to lower arg2" "arg1 drinkers have lower arg2" ] using (tea, ldl_cholesterol)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 seems to protect against arg2" "arg1 may be protective against arg2" "arg1 help to protect against arg2" "arg1 decreases the risk of arg2" "arg1 consumption and reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" ] using (tea, cardiovascular_disease)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 help protect the body against arg2" "arg1 help to fight against arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" ] using (tea, free_radical_damage)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 consumption on coronary arg2" "arg1 intake and coronary arg2" "arg1 can help prevent coronary arg2" "arg1 reduces the risk of coronary arg2" ] using (tea, artery_disease)
CPL @1098 (96.9%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 consumption and colorectal arg2" "arg1 consumption and risk of breast arg2" "arg1 consumption and ovarian arg2" "arg1 consumption and human arg2" "arg1 consumption on breast arg2" ] using (tea, cancer_incidence)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 seems to protect against arg2" "arg1 may be protective against arg2" "arg1 help to protect against arg2" "arg1 decreases the risk of arg2" "arg1 consumption and reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" ] using (tea, cardiovascular_disease)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 might help prevent arg2" "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption on the risk of arg2" "arg1 helps prevent heart disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" "arg1 and the reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 help prevent heart disease and arg2" ] using (tea, stroke)
CPL @1098 (93.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 consumption on coronary arg2" "arg1 intake and coronary arg2" "arg1 can help prevent coronary arg2" "arg1 reduces the risk of coronary arg2" ] using (tea, artery_disease)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and ovarian arg2" "arg1 linked to reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 like prevention of arg2" "arg1 may prevent colon arg2" "arg1 that help protect against arg2" "arg1 prevented breast arg2" "arg1 reduced the risk of prostate arg2" "arg1 and reduced risk of breast arg2" "arg1 consumption and gastric arg2" "arg1 prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 consumption and prostate arg2" "arg1 and the incidence of colorectal arg2" "arg1 have a lower risk for arg2" "arg1 for the prevention of colorectal arg2" "arg1 may protect against colon arg2" "arg1 consumption and ovarian arg2" "arg1 reduces the risk of skin arg2" "arg1 reduce the risk of prostate arg2" "arg1 and colorectal arg2" "arg1 prevents colon arg2" "arg1 protect against breast arg2" "arg1 appears to protect against arg2" "arg1 may prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 are believed to help prevent arg2" "arg1 may help prevent colon arg2" "arg1 consumption and lung arg2" "arg1 and colon arg2" "arg1 may help ward off arg2" "arg1 and risk of ovarian arg2" "arg1 may fight prostate arg2" "arg1 drinkers had less arg2" "arg1 can actually help to prevent arg2" "arg1 protects against skin arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" "arg1 may reduce risk of breast arg2" "arg1 may cut the risk of arg2" "arg1 may even help prevent arg2" "arg1 also reduces risk of arg2" "arg1 and reduced risk of prostate arg2" "arg1 thought to protect against arg2" "arg1 consumption and colorectal arg2" "arg1 may fend off arg2" "arg1 intake may reduce risk of arg2" "arg1 in the prevention of human arg2" "arg1 can prevent liver arg2" "arg1 consumption and risk of breast arg2" "arg1 prevents oral arg2" "arg1 reduced risks of arg2" "arg1 on the development of colon arg2" "arg1 and cervical arg2" "arg1 consumption and bladder arg2" "arg1 helps decrease the risk of arg2" "arg1 a day can prevent arg2" "arg1 is beneficial in preventing arg2" "arg1 include reducing the risk of arg2" "arg1 to lower risk of arg2" "arg1 consumption and human arg2" "arg1 to prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 can lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 fights skin arg2" "arg1 consumption and decreased risk of arg2" "arg1 to a lower risk of arg2" "arg1 cancer Colon arg2" "arg1 prevent colon arg2" "arg1 may lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 help prevent arg2" "arg1 cures prostate arg2" "arg1 intake and colorectal arg2" "arg1 intake and prostate arg2" "arg1 that are known to fight arg2" "arg1 can protect against breast arg2" "arg1 consumption and colon arg2" "arg1 decreases the risk of arg2" "arg1 in the prevention of colon arg2" "arg1 polyphenols against arg2" "arg1 may not only prevent arg2" "arg1 can in fact lessen arg2" "arg1 help to protect against arg2" "arg1 consumption and reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 can help prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 may help prevent skin arg2" "arg1 could reduce your risk of arg2" "arg1 and prostate arg2" "arg1 and risk of pancreatic arg2" "arg1 prevent skin arg2" "arg1 and the risk of gastric arg2" "arg1 may be protective against arg2" "arg1 and a lower risk for arg2" "arg1 against rectal arg2" "arg1 might help prevent arg2" "arg1 reduces the risk of prostate arg2" "arg1 and its role in preventing arg2" "arg1 reduced the risk of esophageal arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" "arg1 can prevent colon arg2" "arg1 help prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 prevents prostate arg2" "arg1 can prevent prostate arg2" "arg1 in the prevention of oral arg2" "arg1 help protect the body from arg2" "arg1 and the risk of colorectal arg2" "arg1 can prevent stomach arg2" "arg1 consumption and incidence of arg2" "arg1 fights prostate arg2" ] using (tea, cancer)
OE @805 (99.5%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (tea, cancer)
CPL @1104 (75.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 consumption protects against arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" ] using (tea, coronary_artery_disease)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 might help prevent arg2" "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption on the risk of arg2" "arg1 helps prevent heart disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" "arg1 and the reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 help prevent heart disease and arg2" ] using (tea, stroke)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 might help prevent arg2" "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption on the risk of arg2" "arg1 helps prevent heart disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" "arg1 and the reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 help prevent heart disease and arg2" ] using (tea, stroke)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 might help prevent arg2" "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption on the risk of arg2" "arg1 helps prevent heart disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" "arg1 and the reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 help prevent heart disease and arg2" ] using (tea, stroke)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 might help prevent arg2" "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption on the risk of arg2" "arg1 helps prevent heart disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" "arg1 and the reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 help prevent heart disease and arg2" ] using (tea, stroke)
CPL @1103 (99.6%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 might help prevent arg2" "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption on the risk of arg2" "arg1 helps prevent heart disease and arg2" "arg1 consumption reduces the risk of arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" "arg1 and the reduced risk of arg2" "arg1 help prevent heart disease and arg2" ] using (tea, stroke)