Human feedback from estevam @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "medtronic generalizations company", Action=(+biotechcompany) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using medtronic
SEAL @215 (61.9%) on 26-feb-2011 [ 1 ] using medtronic
CPL @1109 (56.3%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "multinational companies such as _" "_ misrepresented the safety" "_ now provides a wide range" "_ announced FDA approval" "Job cuts at _" "international giants like _" "educational grants from _" "trial was supported by _" "blue-chip companies , including _" "business unit of _" "medical device companies , including _" "margin picture for _" "prior fiscal years for _" "educational activities from _" "medical representative for _" "consulting fees from _" "meter made by _" "trial was sponsored by _" "_ currently retains a Zacks" "_ 's fiscal quarter" "_ 's DCF Analysis" "_ have also had difficulties" "biotechnology companies , including _" "company they named _" "clinical trial , sponsored by _" "personal injury lawsuits against _" "form available please call _" "corporate partners , such as _" "web sites not operated by _" "_ owed royalties" "system is marketed by _" "ratings information for _" "_ 's Quattro" "Dividend Stock Ratings information for _" "players covered include _" "_ is currently conducting a clinical trial" "former senior vice president at _" "product liability lawsuit against _" "independent educational grant from _" "prime contractors such as _" "stock options held in _" "Industry leaders such as _" "stent from _" "key leadership role at _" "medical device companies like _" "_ 's World Headquarters" "View other jobs from _" "strategy group at _" "stimulator from _" "honorariums from _" "_ says FDA" "long-term supply agreement with _" "_ selected Database Systems Corp." "grants/research support from _" "device companies , including _" "patent infringement suit brought by _" "drug sold by _" "FDA asked _" "speakers bureau for _" "Stock Ratings information for _" "Helpful Information for _" "CCC trend at _" "dividend stock ratings information for _" "_ announced a price" "_ has a large manufacturing facility" "grant/research support from _" "main competitors include _" "enrollment form available please call _" "_ is a medical device manufacturer" "detailed dividend stock ratings information for _" "collaboration agreement with _" "market space include _" "speaker honoraria from _" "research grant support from _" "Industries was acquired by _" "_ 's equity research report" "CCC figure for _" "_ 's intellectual property position" "_ paid illegal kickbacks" "quality engineer at _" "large firms such as _" "lecture fees from _" "honoraria from _" "_ anticipates FDA approval" "Capital upgraded _" "OEMs include _" "senior principal scientist at _" "stock shareholder in _" "_ 's periodic reports" "principal competitors are _" "manufacturing companies , such as _" "educational grant provided by _" "pharmaceutical companies , including _" "_ manufactures medical equipment" "speakersbureau for _" "research grant funding from _" "trial was funded by _" "subpoenaed records from _" "survey , sponsored by _" "device , manufactured by _" "state government affairs for _" "_ makes medical devices" "_ informed the FDA" "principal engineer at _" "stock ratings information for _" "primary philanthropic arm of _" "biotech company called _" "_ manufactures medical devices" "Major corporations like _" "Development group at _" "diagnostics division of _" "defibrillators made by _" "unrestricted educational grant from _" "generous educational grant from _" "flows generated by _" "Key players covered include _" "Credit Suisse upgraded _" "senior design engineer at _" "contractors such as _" "Business Development group at _" "healthcare companies such as _" "future cash flows generated by _" "Ratings information for _" "current share price for _" "Neutral rating on _" "trial , sponsored by _" "study was sponsored by _" "_ 's corporate mission" "_ 's Jiibe" "_ 's comparative multiple analysis" "_ 's WACC calculation" "possible legal actions against _" "company today known as _" "medical device companies including _" "medical device companies such as _" "medical companies such as _" "industry career at _" "System , manufactured by _" "device companies including _" "company acquired by _" "polymer developed by _" "global leaders such as _" "_ 's Endeavor" "firm now owned by _" "device companies such as _" "consultant fees from _" "Trial , sponsored by _" "_ announces FDA approval" "_ had demonstrated a likelihood" "injury lawsuits against _" "_ holds the patent" "honorarium from _" "startup acquired by _" "educational grant from _" "unrestricted educational grant provided by _" "pharmaceutical companies including _" "_ 's first manufacturing facility" "technical fellow at _" "unrestricted research grant from _" "research support from _" "grant support from _" "pharmaceutical companies like _" "top companies include _" "pump is manufactured by _" "major corporations such as _" "_ is currently seeking FDA approval" "_ has paid a dividend" "unrestricted grant from _" "R&D engineer for _" "unofficial affiliation with _" "brand name given by _" "lawsuits have already been filed against _" "brands we offer are _" "consulting clients have included _" "_ received U.S. Food" "_ is a WebMD sponsor" "_ informed physicians" "_ is a medical technology company" "Management business at _" "various other positions with _" "It is manufactured by _" "_ 's vascular business" "_ is a dividend champion" "similar settlement with _" "unrestricted educational grants from _" "_ 's DCF analysis" "System , made by _" "implant developed by _" "Suisse upgraded _" "acquirers like _" ] using medtronic
CMC @1105 (100.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=med 2.46029 LASTPREFIX=med 2.02109 PREFIX=medt 1.69018 LASTPREFIX=medt 1.68801 LASTPREFIX=medtr 1.67635 PREFIX=medtr 1.67144 LASTSUFFIX=ic 1.58968 SUFFIX=ic -0.91176 WORDS -1.11877 FULL_POS=JJ -1.39083 ] using medtronic
CPL @1097 (93.8%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 recently completed the acquisition of arg2" "arg1 acquired arg2" "arg1 completed the acquisition of arg2" "arg1 bought rival arg2" ] using (medtronic, kyphon)