CPL @1109 (59.8%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "Ritalin , manufactured by _" "big pharmaceutical companies like _" "pill made by _" "study was sponsored by _" "major corporations such as _" "generous educational grant from _" "generics business of _" "drug is manufactured by _" "medicine made by _" "_ 's key business structure" "educational grant from _" "biotechnology companies like _" "_ 's pharmaceutical division" "Trademark of _" "company acquired by _" "drug being developed by _" "drug companies , including _" "commercialization agreement with _" "pharmaceutical companies like _" "first marketed by _" "corn developed by _" "business unit of _" "drug is made by _" "collaboration agreement with _" "experimental drug from _" "lower-cost hedged play for _" "drug sold by _" "hedged play for _" "rival drug from _" "pharmaceutical subsidiary of _" "drug developed by _" "drug unit of _" "new drug developed by _" "vaccine being developed by _" "_ has asked the FDA" "pharmaceutical companies including _" "second-largest player was _" "_ 's Foradil" "drug , made by _" "drug made by _" "® is manufactured by _" "research support from _" "venture investment arm of _" "tablets manufactured by _" "maize developed by _" "registered Trademark of _" "drug manufactured by _" "Ritalin , made by _" "unofficial affiliation with _" "major pharmaceutical companies including _" ] using novartis_ag
SEAL @209 (51.8%) on 14-feb-2011 [ 1 ] using novartis_ag
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey