CPL @1114 (67.0%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "complex organ like _" "CT) scans of _" "glands inside _" "lower back part of _" "major organs including _" "normal blood flow through _" "malformation of _" "fluid accumulates within _" "_ is not a muscle" "shot wound to _" "cancer has spread outside _" "capillary beds of _" "blood leaves _" "gun shot wound to _" "little inflammation in _" "right lower part of _" "organs , such as _" "large blood vessels of _" "fluid build-up around _" "hematogenous spread to _" "fibrosis (scarring of _" "nearby organs such as _" "malignant diseases of _" "stomach content into _" "squamous cell cancers of _" "large blood vessel in _" "major organs such as _" "neuroendocrine cells of _" "internal organs , including _" "hydatid cysts of _" "reperfusion injury of _" "cancer metastatic to _" "cystic carcinoma of _" "benign disorders of _" "fluid build-up in _" "rare tumors of _" "occlusion of _" "_ is a remarkable organ" "right leg , left _" "petechial hemorrhages in _" "brain tumors originate in _" "man was shot through _" "left lobe of _" "diseased portion of _" "major organs , including _" "sonography of _" "veins into _" "special receptors in _" "CT scanning of _" "mucosal lining of _" "nerves in _" "stomach , left _" "other tumors of _" "mesenchymal tumors of _" "membranes of _" "_ is the target organ" "_ is the major organ" "blood moves through _" "adenoid cystic carcinoma of _" "abdomen , left _" "blood clots lodging in _" "different organs , including _" "blood bypasses _" "squamous carcinoma of _" "body parts like _" "Plain films of _" "multiple masses in _" "extensive scarring of _" "endothelial cell lining of _" "hollow organs such as _" "nicotine receptors in _" "inoperable carcinoma of _" "Computed tomography of _" "_ yin deficiency" "pleural lining of _" "man?s left _" "mesothelioma affects _" "stagnant blood in _" "progressive disease of _" "property , acting on _" "Tumors of _" "CT) of _" "penetrating trauma to _" "blood clot in _" "cranial portion of _" "tumors confined to _" "secondary cancer of _" "irritation of _" "spiral CT of _" "venous blood to _" "tissues outside _" "sac covering _" "caudal aspect of _" "I was stabbed in _" "CT of _" "emboli to _" "common locations are _" "penetrating wound of _" "several tissues including _" "scarring of _" "clots in _" "blood clot lodges in _" "pumps blood into _" "_ is an organ" "Blood clot in _" "passive congestion of _" "CT scan of _" "metastatic melanoma to _" "membrane of _" "organs such as _" "cholinergic innervation of _" "metastatic involvement of _" "mycobacterial infection of _" "increased pressure inside _" "tumor compressing _" "toxic injury to _" "tiny incisions in _" "magnetic resonance imaging of _" "other vital organs like _" "stray bullet to _" "small cell cancer of _" "surface of right _" "bilateral lesions of _" "serious viral infection of _" "right ventricle , left _" "lobe , right _" "mucous membrane of _" "metastatic cancer to _" "blood perfusion of _" "ruptured blood vessel in _" "swollen lymph node in _" "veins drain _" "blood enters _" "body structures , such as _" "squamous-cell carcinoma of _" "sensitive organs such as _" "pain in upper _" "flow is restored to _" "hardening of _" "nerve cells in _" "metastatic lesion in _" "aggressive cancer of _" "_ become constricted" "pulmonary artery into _" "vascular structures of _" "pathogenic heat in _" "Other organs , such as _" "Computed tomography scan of _" "blood circulation to _" "multiple organs including _" "blood leaving _" "CT) scan of _" "abdomen , right _" "_ controls respiration" "hand to left _" "endothelial lining of _" "fluid in _" "melanoma metastatic to _" "target organs are _" "essential organs such as _" "severe malformations of _" "tomographic scanning of _" "areas of diseased _" "abnormal areas in _" "uncommon cancer of _" "vital organs , including _" "tumor has spread to _" "cancer often spreads to _" "decrease blood flow to _" "systemic circulation via _" "specific cancers of _" "hydatid disease of _" "foreign body in _" "angiosarcoma of _" "body parts , including _" "x-ray examinations of _" "fluid collections in _" "foreign bodies from _" "blood flow in _" "vital organs , such as _" "vital organs such as _" "soft tissues surrounding _" "stomach contents into _" "I had been stabbed in _" "lateral aspect of _" "overdistension of _" "soft tissue such as _" "complex organ such as _" "blood vessels located in _" "target organ is _" "complex organs such as _" "uterus presses on _" "ventricle , right _" "various organs including _" "ulceration of _" "clot in _" "caudal border of _" "neuroendocrine tumors of _" "distention of _" "large tumor of _" "right hip , left _" "more blood flows into _" "dorsal border of _" "mans right _" "clot lodged in _" "carcinoid tumor of _" "structural lesions of _" "temporary inflammation of _" "stabbing pain in _" "hip , left _" "embryologic development of _" "oxygenated blood from _" "MALT lymphoma of _" "benign tumor of _" "adjacent structures such as _" "advanced cancer of _" "_ was hypoplastic" "posterior lobes of _" "protective lining of _" "tumor has spread beyond _" "various disorders of _" "clots form in _" "wound of right _" "vital organ such as _" "small scar on _" "such tissues as _" "small cell carcinoma of _" "precancerous lesions of _" "right upper _" "membranes lining _" "medial margin of _" "weakened area of _" "abnormalities of _" "ans including _" "_ is the primary target organ" "small incision into _" "gastric contents into _" "embolisation to _" "cross-clamping of _" "_ causing a pulmonary embolism" "metastatic spread to _" "mesothelial lining of _" "absorptive surface of _" "cancer has spread within _" "adenocarcinomas of _" "blood clot lodged in _" "other organs like _" "acute inflammation of _" "metastatic disease to _" "catheter placed in _" "blood supply to _" "common site is _" "internal organs including _" "cell cancers of _" "posterior lobe of _" "boys right _" "anteroposterior diameter of _" "arteries supplying _" "internal organs such as _" "pain left _" "cancer has spread beyond _" "fluid accumulation around _" "gunshot injury to _" "fibrous tumor of _" "gradual narrowing of _" "_ is the first organ" "_ tied behind" "blood vessels in _" "inflammation of _" "body cavity such as _" "_ were dissected free" "astringent effect on _" "blood flow within _" "sarcoidosis affecting _" "inferior edge of _" "Foreign body in _" "Squamous cell carcinoma of _" "CT scans of _" "_ is called the pleura" "normal tissues , such as _" "congenital malformations of _" "She had been shot through _" "acute congestion of _" "endothelia of _" "organs , including _" "other inflammatory diseases of _" "single gunshot wound to _" "sudden blockage in _" "stab wound to _" "associated structures such as _" "cystic lesion of _" "degenerative disease of _" "venous return to _" "papillary carcinoma of _" "puncture wound to _" "vital internal organs such as _" "lymph nodes under _" "lining membrane of _" "lower lobe of _" "muscles of _" "fibers leave _" "blood flow is restored to _" "diaphragmatic surface of _" "_ is the organ" "fluid collection in _" "other cancer of _" "bullet wound to _" "contusion to _" "non-cancerous tumors of _" "many organs , including _" "nerve fibers in _" "certain tissues , such as _" "malignant neoplasm of _" "muscle separating _" "structural abnormalities of _" "tomographic scans of _" "oxygen-rich blood from _" "blocks blood flow in _" "congenital abnormalities of _" "catheter is placed into _" "pleura lining _" "one-way valves in _" "patients right _" "middle lobe of _" "Internal organs such as _" "organs like _" "other vital organs such as _" "Blood flowing through _" "chest , through _" "metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of _" "innermost layer of _" "life-threatening infections of _" "normal blood flow to _" "...my left _" "small capillaries of _" "Squamous cell carcinomas of _" "Calcium deposits in _" "ribs , right _" "stab wounds to _" "hormone-producing cells of _" "fluid buildup in _" "CT study of _" "chest , left _" "cancer is contained within _" "congenital anomalies of _" "fluid accumulation in _" "he had been hit in _" "certain bacterial infections of _" "left breast , left _" "heart pumps blood into _" "systemic circulation through _" "disorders of _" "cavity such as _" "_ becomes compressed by" "coronal view of _" "he was shot in _" "hydatid cyst of _" "nearby organs , such as _" "blood , nourish _" "blood clots in _" "chest , right _" "body parts such as _" "helical CT of _" "smaller arteries of _" "sac lining _" "clots lodging in _" "arteries arising from _" "dorsal parts of _" "amputation of _" "Spontaneous rupture of _" "Radiation therapy to _" "_ assist device" "organs including _" "Puncture of _" "Joe?s left _" "Surgery performed on _" "dorsal regions of _" "fibers become lodged in _" "malignant cancer of _" "_ supplying blood" "burst blood vessels in _" "invasive surgery of _" "visceral organs such as _" "inhalation through _" "receptors inside _" "progressive stiffening of _" "particles lodge in _" "gunshot wound to _" "B-cell lymphoma of _" "outside lining of _" "other organs including _" "right ventricle to _" "blood flow through _" "dose to normal _" "basal cells of _" "blood flows back to _" "abnormal uptake in _" "body organs such as _" "damage to normal _" "blood flow to _" "clot lodges in _" "tomographic scan of _" "specialized cells within _" "atrium into _" "asbestos fibers become lodged in _" "surgery on left _" "certain organs such as _" "blood circulation inside _" "cell lining _" "x-ray examination of _" "scar on right _" "abnormal sounds in _" "acidic environment of _" "blood pools in _" "endocrine tumors of _" "blood flowing through _" "head , right _" "vital organs , like _" "vital organs like _" "important organs , such as _" "calcium deposits in _" "agenesis of _" "breath sounds over _" "anteri" ] using lung
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and surrounding blood arg2" "arg1 muscles and blood arg2" "arg1 or its blood arg2" "arg1 around the blood arg2" "arg1 and major blood arg2" "arg1 and its blood arg2" "arg1 and associated blood arg2" "arg1 tissue and blood arg2" ] using (lung, vessels)
OE @823 (91.9%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (lung, vessels)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and into the left arg1" "arg2 and arteries in arg1" "arg2 carry blood to arg1" "arg2 carry oxygenated blood from arg1" ] using (lung, veins)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and the upper respiratory arg1" "arg2 and the respiratory arg1" "arg2 and the gastrointestinal arg1" "arg2 and the digestive arg1" ] using (tract, lung)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 supplying blood to arg1" "arg2 that carry blood to arg1" "arg2 that carry blood from arg1" ] using (lung, blood_vessels)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rejects the transplanted arg1" "arg2 from rejecting the new arg1" "arg2 from attacking the new arg1" ] using (lung, immune_system)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and into the left arg1" "arg2 and arteries in arg1" "arg2 carry blood to arg1" "arg2 carry oxygenated blood from arg1" ] using (lung, veins)
CPL @1099 (99.8%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 vessels in the affected arg2" "arg1 clots in their arg2" "arg1 flow from the heart to arg2" "arg1 flow to the affected arg2" "arg1 flow in the heart and arg2" "arg1 flow to the injured arg2" "arg1 clot in one of arg2" "arg1 clots that can block arg2" "arg1 flow to the entire arg2" ] using (blood, lung)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and the upper respiratory arg1" "arg2 and the respiratory arg1" "arg2 and the gastrointestinal arg1" "arg2 and the digestive arg1" ] using (tract, lung)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rejects the transplanted arg1" "arg2 from rejecting the new arg1" "arg2 from attacking the new arg1" ] using (lung, immune_system)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is connected to the left arg1" "arg2 enters the left arg1" "arg2 into the left arg1" ] using (lung, left_bronchus)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and into the left arg1" "arg2 and arteries in arg1" "arg2 carry blood to arg1" "arg2 carry oxygenated blood from arg1" ] using (lung, veins)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and into the left arg1" "arg2 is connected to the right arg1" "arg2 enters the right arg1" ] using (lung, right_bronchus)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and surrounding blood arg2" "arg1 muscles and blood arg2" "arg1 or its blood arg2" "arg1 around the blood arg2" "arg1 and major blood arg2" "arg1 and its blood arg2" "arg1 and associated blood arg2" "arg1 tissue and blood arg2" ] using (lung, vessels)
OE @823 (91.9%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (lung, vessels)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rejects the transplanted arg1" "arg2 from rejecting the new arg1" "arg2 from attacking the new arg1" ] using (lung, immune_system)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and surrounding blood arg2" "arg1 muscles and blood arg2" "arg1 or its blood arg2" "arg1 around the blood arg2" "arg1 and major blood arg2" "arg1 and its blood arg2" "arg1 and associated blood arg2" "arg1 tissue and blood arg2" ] using (lung, vessels)
OE @823 (91.9%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (lung, vessels)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 rejects the transplanted arg1" "arg2 from rejecting the new arg1" "arg2 from attacking the new arg1" ] using (lung, immune_system)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and surrounding blood arg2" "arg1 muscles and blood arg2" "arg1 or its blood arg2" "arg1 around the blood arg2" "arg1 and major blood arg2" "arg1 and its blood arg2" "arg1 and associated blood arg2" "arg1 tissue and blood arg2" ] using (lung, vessels)
OE @823 (91.9%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (lung, vessels)
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 and adolescents with severe arg2" "arg1 and adults with chronic arg2" "arg1 and young adults with arg2" "arg1 and adults with arg2" "arg1 or adults with arg2" ] using (children, lung)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 clots in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in her arg1" "arg2 vessel in his arg1" "arg2 supply to the rest of arg1" "arg2 clot in her arg1" "arg2 flow to parts of arg1" "arg2 vessels in his arg1" "arg2 clots in their arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 clot on his arg1" "arg2 flow to the affected arg1" "arg2 flow in the human arg1" "arg2 from your heart to your arg1" "arg2 clot in his arg1" "arg2 flow to the injured arg1" "arg2 vessels in the human arg1" "arg2 vessel in your arg1" "arg2 clot on arg1" "arg2 vessels located in arg1" "arg2 clots in his arg1" "arg2 flow throughout arg1" "arg2 vessel within arg1" "arg2 flow to the entire arg1" ] using (lung, blood)