SEAL @671 (66.5%) on 17-dec-2012 [ 1234 ] using toes
CPL @1115 (63.3%) on 26-aug-2018 [ "bony structure of _" "_ were throbbing from" "leg , fractured _" "skin folds of _" "scent glands on _" "small joints of _" "intrinsic muscles of _" "injuries include broken _" "_ are shoulder width" "blood supplying _" "decrease blood flow to _" "left knee , right _" "shoulders , broken _" "cause of swollen _" "different body parts like _" "_ were hurting by" "_ still hurt from" "plantar surface of _" "right hand to left _" "burning sensations in _" "Touch left _" "_ were spread wide" "valgus deformity of _" "snug across _" "occlusion of _" "body parts such as _" "dorsal flexion of _" "_ planted firmly on" "proximal segments of _" "stretch , pull _" "cell carcinoma metastatic to _" "straps cross over _" "right leg , left _" "_ nearly touching the ground" "reflex points on _" "Gunshot wound to _" "bone behind _" "weight transfers to _" "tingling/numbness in _" "_ nearly touched the ground" "feet , short _" "right foot up to _" "muscle groups , such as _" "irritation of _" "_ firmly planted on" "inadequate blood supply to _" "flexion of _" "posture stretches _" "rings are worn on _" "joint disease of _" "inflammation of _" "sharp pain in _" "knees , broken _" "needles sensation in _" "skin , webbed _" "shoulder , broken _" "muscles of _" "severe deformities of _" "body parts , including _" "foot , raise _" "extensor muscle of _" "_ amputated due" "_ flexed throughout" "man with silver _" "stress fracture of _" "_ feeling smooth" "_ clasped tightly around" "blood flow from _" "_ were too sore" "patient extends _" "legs , tight _" "dorsiflexion of _" "_ skip a beat" "poor blood circulation in _" "permanent deformity of _" "_ were very swollen" "adduction of _" "soles of _" "plantar aspect of _" "other body parts , like _" "I have swollen _" "thigh , left _" "brown stripes on _" "_ amputated about" "_ ache just looking at" "other body parts like _" "fractured skull , broken _" "position with left _" "rings worn on _" "congenital abnormalities of _" "bony prominence on _" "_ were going numb" "blood flowing to _" "bones connecting _" "skull , broken _" "_ ached from" "gunshot wound to _" "_ amputated at" "_ tied behind" "blood vessels in _" "flexor muscles of _" "purple discoloration of _" "bony prominences of _" "knee , right _" "extensor tendons of _" "_ bloodied from" "_ barely touching the ground" "Common sites are _" "numbness in right _" "pelvis , broken _" "_ ache so bad" "muscles extend _" "nerves in _" "malformations of _" "leg , left _" "prickling sensation in _" "slap on _" "hip bone to _" "severe pains in _" "skin , starting at _" "ischemic necrosis of _" "extensors of _" "I have sore _" "you have swollen _" "_ is sore" "flexion deformity of _" "Sharp pain in _" "thickened skin on _" "dorsal parts of _" "_ clasped around" "radiating pain into _" "He has curly _" "electrical stimulation of _" "broken neck , broken _" "blood flow to _" "painful sensations in _" "extensor surfaces of _" "eye to _" "little snug around _" "contractures of _" "_ bleed every time" "_ are aching from" "elastic strap across _" "_ amputated if" "cancer has spread into _" "_ goes numb" "arthritis , broken _" "_ were becoming numb" "_ was quite swollen" "leather strap across _" "body parts like _" "numbness in left _" "plantar flexion of _" "other joints such as _" "women with bare _" "compacta of _" "_ amputated so" "day with sore _" "diminished blood flow to _" "_ crossed behind" "_ started hurting like" "tiny vessels in _" "abnormalities of _" "_ were still a bit sore" "blood vessels of _" "blood flow in _" "foot , left _" "_ still hurt a little" "small amount of white on _" "wrist , broken _" "hand to left _" "_ touch the ground" "arthrodesis of _" "injuries such as broken _" "pleats over _" "right foot , right _" "agenesis of _" "_ amputated after" "_ touch the floor" "extensor muscles of _" "deep creases in _" "blood flow through _" "uric acid crystals in _" "_ started hurting so bad" "blood flowing through _" "treatment for broken _" "neck , broken _" "injuries including broken _" "many nerve endings in _" "_ went numb" "normal pressure on _" "Sharp pains in _" "throats , sore _" "sharp shooting pain in _" "_ shoulder width" "_ were quite sore" "left hand to right _" "_ started going numb" "right leg , keeping _" "fracture , broken _" "tendons surrounding _" "hardening of _" "first joint of _" "weight to left _" "side by _" "skin , broken _" "paralysis of _" "membrane of _" "left foot , left _" "blood supply to _" "elbow , broken _" "amputation of _" "other body parts such as _" "opponents right _" "foot , right _" "Burning pain in _" "degenerative joint disease of _" "body parts , like _" "neurons in _" "ilium to _" "tumors of _" "few white hairs on _" "ulceration of _" "eye , broken _" "leather straps around _" "nerve endings in _" "normal blood supply to _" "_ cramping as" "_ crossed for" "ankles , broken _" "_ touch the mat" "ligament connecting _" "painful swelling in _" "disorders of _" "cuts , broken _" "common tumors of _" "bind off at _" "blood , broken _" "muscle groups such as _" "_ were getting a workout" "left knee , left _" "_ got a little sore" "ribs , broken _" "nose , broken _" "_ are touching the wall" "I have curly _" "right hand , right _" "bruises , broken _" "_ was numb" "_ go completely numb" "hair , bare _" "_ touched the mat" "blood circulation to _" "_ was amputated due" "single strap across _" "_ hurt even though" "slight flexion of _" ] using toes
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 circulate through your arg1" "arg2 to circulate around your arg1" "arg2 flowing around your arg1" "arg2 circulation around your arg1" ] using (toes, air)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 vessels in your arg1" "arg2 rushing to your arg1" "arg2 rushes to your arg1" "arg2 vessels in my arg1" "arg2 rush to my arg1" "arg2 circulating through your arg1" ] using (toes, blood)