CPL @1099 (94.0%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "_ is sore" "gray matter volume of _" "_ damaged patients" "inferior edge of _" "blood supply to _" "disorders of _" "malformation of _" "clot in _" "deep white matter of _" "dopamine levels in _" "electrical activity in _" "tumor of _" "precentral gyrus of _" "_ called the basal ganglia" "lesioning of _" "Siamese twins joined at _" "_ called the prefrontal cortex" "amygdala to _" "surgery on left _" "anatomical abnormalities of _" "bullet wound to _" "brain regions , such as _" "brain areas , including _" "blood flow in _" "medial parts of _" "brain , located in _" "neurons in _" "inadequate blood supply to _" "anterior parts of _" "matter volume of _" "_ lies medial" "decrease in left _" "gunshot wound to _" "brain stem to _" "gray matter of _" "ruptured blood vessel in _" "abnormalities of _" "nerve cells in _" "degenerative diseases of _" "brain , behind _" "brain called _" "nerves in _" "twins joined at _" "fluid in _" "white matter of _" "right hemispheres of _" "hemispheres of _" "nerve fibers in _" "motor areas in _" "lateral aspect of _" "blood flow to _" "brain areas , such as _" "right lateral aspect of _" "right hemisphere of _" "association area of _" "structural abnormalities of _" "tumors of _" "unilateral lesions of _" "brain areas such as _" "greater blood flow to _" "left hemisphere of _" "multiple wounds to _" "_ controls the right side" "blood vessel in _" "sulcus separates _" "motor areas of _" "cortex area of _" "dopamine receptors in _" "anterior regions of _" "brain regions including _" "neurotransmitters in _" "structural lesions of _" "_ tied behind" "blood vessels in _" "force trauma to _" "hormone released by _" "medial area of _" "blood clot in _" "blunt force trauma to _" "anterior portion of _" "medial aspect of _" "low blood flow to _" ] using frontal_lobe
CPL @1095 (76.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "gray matter volume of _" "functional subdivisions of _" "_ damaged patients" "motor area of _" "specific neurons in _" "brain activity within _" "tracts connecting _" "functional organization of _" "hypometabolism of _" "ventrolateral part of _" "noradrenergic neurons of _" "cerebellum to _" "thalamus to _" "basal ganglia to _" "beta waves in _" "dopaminergic projections to _" "ganglia to _" "rostral parts of _" "_ called the anterior cingulate cortex" "gyrus of _" "neural activity in _" "deep white matter of _" "stroke affecting _" "electrical activity in _" "cortex is located in _" "dopamine release in _" "_ is n't fully developed until" "cortices to _" "parietal lobe from _" "_ is not fully developed until" "precentral gyrus of _" "_ called the basal ganglia" "speech areas of _" "_ is the part responsible" "lesioning of _" "_ called the prefrontal cortex" "amygdala to _" "_ controls the opposite side" "gray matter density in _" "medial part of _" "single neurons in _" "region of lateral _" "speech area in _" "lacunar infarcts in _" "gamma waves in _" "brain known as _" "destructive lesions of _" "brain regions , such as _" "brain areas , including _" "medial parts of _" "prefrontal regions of _" "brain , located in _" "cortex to _" "medial regions of _" "matter volume of _" "inhibition within _" "medial areas of _" "neurotransmitter found in _" "rostral portion of _" "_ injured patients" "motor regions of _" "neuronal types in _" "brain stem to _" "limbic system to _" "memory , known as _" "neuronal activity in _" "impulse travels to _" "gray matter of _" "neuropil of _" "synapses in _" "medial region of _" "nerve cells in _" "_ called the orbitofrontal cortex" "anatomical boundaries of _" "association areas in _" "brain called _" "prefrontal region of _" "cortical regions of _" "brain located in _" "astrocytoma of _" "neuronal density in _" "magnetic pulses to _" "white matter of _" "brain located behind _" "right hemispheres of _" "matter density in _" "motor areas in _" "brain areas , such as _" "right hemisphere of _" "_ does not fully develop until" "association area of _" "opercularis of _" "unilateral lesions of _" "hypometabolism in _" "brain areas such as _" "left hemisphere of _" "cortical layers of _" "_ controls the right side" "sulcus separates _" "motor areas of _" "neuronal networks of _" "cortex area of _" "dopamine receptors in _" "cognitive centers of _" "anterior regions of _" "single-unit recordings in _" "prefrontal areas of _" "brain regions including _" "brain near _" "structural lesions of _" "inhibitory input from _" "neurons were found in _" "pars opercularis of _" "medial area of _" "gray matter in _" "occipital lobe to _" "neurons within _" ] using frontal_lobe
SEAL @177 (87.5%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 123 ] using frontal_lobe