hardwood_flooring (buildingfeature)
literal strings: Hardwood flooring, hardwood flooring, Hardwood Flooring
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- buildingfeature(99.5%)
- CMC @1069 (97.5%) on 01-aug-2017 [ PREFIX=floo 1.81351 LASTPREFIX=floo 1.73353 PREFIX=flo 1.72329 SUFFIX=ing 1.71939 LASTPREFIX=floor 1.65889 PREFIX=floor 1.46961 PREFIX=fl 1.40258 FULL_POS=NN_NN -0.92758 WORDS -2.94279 CHARS -7.46306 ] using hardwood_flooring
- CPL @1107 (52.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ "_ ,ceiling fans" "construction , installing _" "features such as original _" "cabinetry , new _" "area with laminate _" "ceilings , gleaming _" "floors , refinishing _" "pre finished _" "wood flooring , engineered _" "appliances , laminate _" "use of laminate _" "carpet , new _" "hardwood flooring , engineered _" "floors , solid _" "homes with solid _" "flooring , exotic _" "floors , bamboo _" "wood , laminate _" "flooring , floating _" "flooring , reclaimed _" "selection of bamboo _" "oak engineered _" "features laminate _" "installation of laminate _" "_ are plywood" "_ are profiled below" "range of laminate _" "brick , original _" "_ come pre-finished" "flooring , laminate _" "_ leading out onto" "fixtures , new _" "cabinets , new _" "new light fixtures , new _" "light fixtures , new _" "Freshly painted with new _" "cabinetry , solid _" "tile , laminate _" "fireplace , laminate _" "room , laminate _" "Formal dining room with _" "ceilings , stained _" "moldings , new _" "carpet , refinished _" "type of laminate _" "plank engineered _" "quality prefinished _" "room with laminate _" "carpeting covers _" "custom stained _" "flooring , engineered _" "variety of laminate _" "original details including _" "flooring , prefinished _" "laminate flooring , laminate _" "ceilings , original _" "_ opening onto" "you install laminate _" "selection of laminate _" "ceilings , laminate _" "wood floors , bamboo _" "kitchen has new _" "wood products , such as _" "ceramic tile , laminate _" "windows , attractive _" "repair , new _" "baths , new _" "site finished _" "pane windows , new _" "tiles , laminate _" "new drywall , new _" "floors , engineered _" "windows , refinished _" "roof , installing _" "kitchen , laminate _" "new carpet , new _" "hardwood flooring , laminate _" "wood flooring , laminate _" "polyurethane finished _" "doors , laying _" "flooring engineered _" "houses with solid _" "floors , floating _" "_ are parquet" "architectural details including _" ] using hardwood_flooring
- SEAL @760 (54.7%) on 13-aug-2013 [ 1 2 ] using hardwood_flooring
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
- inverseofplantincludeplant
- ash
- CPL @1096 (75.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 are birch and arg1" "arg2 such as oak and arg1" ] using (ash, hardwood_flooring)
- maple
- CPL @1096 (75.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and oak arg2" "arg1 or beech arg2" ] using (maple, hardwood_flooring)