SEAL @189 (100.0%) on 15-jan-2011 [ 12 ] using silver
CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=ilver 3.57711 LASTSUFFIX=lver 3.57655 LASTPREFIX=silve 2.11661 LASTPREFIX=silv 2.11519 LASTPREFIX=sil 1.94846 LASTSUFFIX=ver 1.79113 SUFFIX=er 1.13144 FULL_POS=NN -1.15450 CHARS -2.54658 WORDS -3.02064 ] using silver
OE @829 (99.8%) on 08-apr-2014 [ ] using silver
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of attraction:towers attractionmadeofbuildingmaterial buildingmaterial:silver ]
CPL @1111 (58.9%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "Rings made from _" "USSR won _" "small rod of _" "_ are precious metals" "_ eels migrate" "findings , sterling _" "heavier gauge of _" "findings sterling _" "ends are made of _" "high quality metals such as _" "glow of polished _" "horns made of _" "combination of polished _" "chains made of _" "dagger made of _" "_ attach ? case" "_ contains no nickel" "protectors made of _" "other precious metals such as _" "quality raw material like _" "other precious metals like _" "choice of brushed _" "finishes including antique _" "gold plating over _" "gold inlaid with _" "exotic materials such as _" "other alloys of _" "tray made of _" "stream of molten _" "_ finished steel frame" "_ gazing balls" "medal was issued in _" "ores rich in _" "other metal except _" "sizes made from _" "silver is sterling _" "statue is made from _" "polished brass , polished _" "pipes are made of _" "form of colloidal _" "_ is a valuable metal" "_ laced front" "_ plated hinges" "_ plated compact mirror" "_ plated bezel" "_ plated base metal" "industrial metals like _" "information about colloidal _" "it is shiny _" "_ being a metal" "_ brazed for" "_ crimped wire" "doors are made of _" "sword was made of _" "it cast in _" "metal is pure _" "jump-off for _" "_ melted down from" "_ plating facility" "_ plated lead" "_ plated details" "_ covered copper" "acacia wood overlaid with _" "_ plated base" "_ was a precious metal" "_ plated toilet" "_ re-enforced concrete" "_ lakes vacation club helendale" "pieces of polished _" "plates of pure _" "soft metals such as _" "sterling silver , fine _" "solid rod of _" "custom made of _" "composite design with _" "cables are made from _" "brass , polished _" "_ bladed spokes" "jewelry findings sterling _" "jewelry , made of _" "jewelry are made of _" "other minerals such as _" "patterns etched into _" "plate made of _" "scabbard made of _" "tray is made of _" "wholesale silver items including wholesale _" "solid sheet of _" "_ plated cutlery" "_ plated grill" "_ plated metals" "_ plated stand" "_ looking material" "_ lined equipment" "glass framed in _" "gold plate over _" "gold , bright _" "instruments are made of _" "sculptures , made of _" "other metal such as _" "metal called _" "part was made of _" "nano particles of _" "other base metals such as _" "film of pure _" "elements made of _" "helmet was of _" "foam encased in _" "_ is an excellent conductor" "_ plated mounts" "_ plated jewelry boxes" "_ is a living finish" "_ plated rivets" "band of sterling _" "bits of metallic _" "brooch made from _" "base metal with _" "alloys , high _" "_ finished dial" "_ attracts oxygen" "_ framed ones" "_ finished corners" "_ called electrum" "hardware finished in _" "numerous materials , including _" "nails are made of _" "miniscule particles of _" "nano-particles of _" "it is now made of _" "figures cast in _" "head is solid _" "_ lined seed beads" "_ plated steel wire" "_ plated solid brass" "_ plated objects" "_ plated bullet" "_ is an active metal" "design in polished _" "_ plated ring" "_ plated arts" "_ plated coins" "_ is a noble metal" "_ is complexed by" "_ plated rim" "_ plated pocket watch" "_ is a strong metal" "_ plated rims" "_ plated bar" "precision casting of _" "particles of metallic _" "rod made of _" "ladle of molten _" "metals ranging from _" "pendants set in _" "ores such as _" "models , made of _" "panels are made from _" "body is also made of _" "conductive than _" "biosorption of _" "body is painted _" "base metals into _" "Handles are made of _" "antique bronze , antique _" "electrolytic refining of _" "_ plated bells" "_ plated frames" "precision made from _" "powder coat painted _" "precious metals such as _" "pencil made of _" "pipes made of _" "ring in sterling _" "It primarily explores for _" "stainless steel , brushed _" "thin layer of molten _" "coin minted in _" "counters are made of _" "_ plated settings" "_ plated doors" "_ is an effective bactericide" "_ plated top" "_ plated logo" "_ plated stainless steel case" "Jewellery is made of _" "Other minerals include _" "today are made of _" "work cast in _" "_ mining city" "_ plating step" "_ patched tabby" "_ plated hoops" "such metals as _" "statues made of _" "_ faced watches" "_ braided ones" "alloys such as _" "knife is made of _" "mass produced of _" "conductive metal such as _" "coin made from _" "bell made of _" "blades are made of _" "chrome , antique _" "dome is made of _" "electroless plating of _" "_ brazing on" "_ cutting blade" "bangle made of _" "beads are sterling _" "_ smelting process" "_ sliding buckle" "_ rose calistoga california" "silver , brushed _" "sheets of flat _" "it is cast _" "it is struck in _" "_ impregnated carbon" "_ is an industrial metal" "_ plated band" "truman report on colloidal _" "silver , polished _" "_ plating bath" "_ plated business card case" "_ rolo link" "_ is a beautiful metal" "_ plated nails" "_ plated instrument" "Alloy of _" "_ domed lid" "_ finished necklace" "_ brazing paste" "_ buckled shoes" "_ tipped bullets" "_ winding check" "badges made of _" "bells are made of _" "alloy made up of _" "_ based cable" "_ crackling flowers" "_ framed spectacles" "sulphate of _" "jewelry is handcrafted from _" "bits of shiny _" "base metals , including _" "_ does not tarnish like" "_ finished handle" "_ colored copper wire" "furnace melts _" "alloys containing _" "expensive metals such as _" "frame was made of _" "_ spring-loaded clip" "_ sled runners" "_ plated eyelets" "coins were cast in _" "coinage of _" "borders of white _" "cast in solid _" "_ knurled nuts" "_ lining behind" "_ is a superior conductor" "_ plated dial" "_ plated interior" "_ plated piece" "metal such as _" "itself is solid _" "candle holder made of _" "bright gold to _" "_ plated necklace" "_ plated surfaces" "_ plated trophies" "frame is polished _" "gold , antique _" "they 're shiny _" "tech materials like _" "nickel over _" "mining area for _" "irish jewelry in _" "new ones made of _" "metals such as _" "nickel , brushed _" "_ smelting furnace" "_ tipped arrows" "ores of _" "conductive metals such as _" "It is cast _" "Copper is added to _" "_ pointed arrows" "_ plated hook" "_ plated contacts" "_ plated clasp" "pins made of _" "steel inlaid with _" "specimen of native _" "sections are made of _" "triple plated _" "single rod of _" "solid strip of _" "they are usually made of _" "several different finishes including _" "it was made of solid _" "microscopic shards of _" "look of brushed _" "metals , including _" "base metals including _" "_ smelting furnaces" "brass with heavy _" "_ plating with" "_ plated business gifts" "_ mining center" "_ plated trays" "_ plated lock" "materials are solid _" "metallic material such as _" "items are solid _" "other metals such as _" "ride-off for _" "rings were made from _" "scales are made of _" "electrons such as _" "furnace of molten _" "_ shafted arrows" "_ was the only metal" "gold , brushed _" "_ is corroded" "_ plated stems" "_ melting furnace" "_ is an alloy" "_ plated key chain" "_ plated pipe" "_ plated keywork" "_ lacquered over" "_ lining around" "_ plated choker" "_ plated glass" "_ hinged hoop earrings" "_ plated hooks" "_ steed on" "_ staining protocol" "_ is a great metal" "_ leafing pen" "_ is a reactive metal" "_ coloured bracelet" "_ based catalysts" "_ are preferred materials" "_ curved barbell" "quality lead-free _" "silver , gilded _" "We use sterling _" "Ahaz took _" "solid shield of _" "_ plated tubes" "_ is an ideal metal" "_ plated construction" "_ plated charm bracelet" "medal is made of _" "jewelry set in _" "_ beaded stretch bracelet" "plate , usually made of _" "it is sterling _" "metal finishes such as _" "Item is made of _" "It is polished _" "steel , plain _" "inorganic material such as _" "helmets made of _" "metal is probably _" "_ bali spacers" "_ are the main minerals" "color of burnished _" "bars are made of _" "pendant is cast in _" "pennies are made of _" "pewter , brushed _" "pins are made of _" "prosthesis made of _" "_ plated setting" "_ preventing discoloration" "basins made of _" "it is made from solid _" "it 's stainless _" "jewelry made up of _" "jewelry from antique _" "metal ions , such as _" "images cast in _" "watch is made of _" "valuable metals like _" "precious metal such as _" "gold mixed with _" "core is made of _" "brass plated with _" "antique brass , satin _" "jewellery set in _" "it is made of solid _" "mounts made of _" "lakes of molten _" "models are made of _" "_ plated box" "_ plated caps" "_ plated conchos" "_ plated copper" "silver , satin _" "strips of pure _" "instrument is made of _" "hand in solid _" "gauge spun _" "various metals like _" "today are made from _" "shower of molten _" "sulfides of _" "Products are made of _" "receptacles made of _" "part made of _" "pot of molten _" "narrow bar of _" "metal is made of _" "_ tipped sharks" "coordination chemistry of _" "different metals including _" "cast in fine _" "chromate of _" "door is made out of _" "_ plated trumpets" "_ melting plants" "_ plated lead-free pewter" "_ is mined at" "_ plated instruments" "_ is plated onto" "_ occurs native" "_ plated bail" "_ plated bronze" "_ is a harder metal" "_ plated items" "idols are made of _" "gear made of _" "fittings are made from _" "gold is alloyed with _" "celtic jewelry in _" "doors , made of _" "important ores of _" "statue was made of _" "Jewelry set in _" "single ingot of _" "reactive metals like _" "silver , antiqued _" "arrowheads made of _" "_ rose inn napa" "base metals like _" "strip of pure _" "strings are wound with _" "sheet of flat _" "Ring is made of _" "cold rolled _" "details made of _" "_ mounted scabbard" "_ plated dish" "_ plated metal frame" "thing is made of _" "shells are constructed of _" "rust protected _" "oxidation states of " ] using silver