CMC @1070 (99.4%) on 04-aug-2017 [ PREFIX=choc 1.30030 PREFIX=choco 1.20212 SUFFIX=olate 1.12024 SUFFIX=late 1.11988 PREFIX=cho 1.10421 PREFIX=ch 1.04277 SUFFIX=ate 0.71205 POS=NN -0.25512 WORDS -1.73492 CHARS -1.83930 ] using swiss_chocolate
CPL @1107 (64.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "flavors of creamy _" "_ dipped fortune cookies" "evening turndown service with _" "turndown service with _" ] using swiss_chocolate
LE @1069 (81.8%) on 01-aug-2017
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey