SEAL @186 (96.9%) on 10-jan-2011 [ 12345 ] using gary_oldman
CPL @1113 (89.1%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "one starring _" "cast members include _" "book , starring _" "such actors as _" "biopic starring _" "character actors such as _" "voice cast includes _" "voice cast including _" "_ was not the only choice" "own narrow personal interests does not satisfy _" "_ is a great actor" "biography starring _" "film adaptation starring _" "man played by _" "Dracula , starring _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "Other cast members include _" "film starred _" "bad guy , played by _" "filmografia dettagliata di _" "ensemble cast headed by _" "film starring _" "movie starring _" "informacion que desees de _" "he was played by _" "_ also possesses a strong sense" "He is played by _" "_ plays the title role" "_ has a sympathetic understanding" "Hollywood actors such as _" "movie , starring _" "film , starring _" "lawyer played by _" "People feature on _" "_ sometime credited as" "_ appreciates aesthetics" "cast included _" "he was voiced by _" "own page dedicated to _" "full filmography for _" "friends played by _" "great actor like _" "he is played by _" "film stars _" "picture starring _" "adaptation starring _" "thriller , starring _" "cast includes _" "actors led by _" "stars alongside _" "Hood starring _" "_ stars as" "VHS films starring _" "_ 's over-the-top performance" "Movies starring _" "version starring _" "visuals while _" "interests does not satisfy _" "he is portrayed by _" "it starred _" "play , starring _" "he stars opposite _" "same name , starring _" "feature stars _" "dettagliata di _" "stellar cast includes _" "_ 's brilliant portrayal" "_ had been cast as" "_ 's Quotation" "series stars _" "television drama starring _" "_ appears gentle" "_ does the voice" "_ appreciates relationships" "lead character played by _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Other actors include _" "Thriller starring _" "story also stars _" "supporting cast includes _" "_ is a fine actor" "favorite actor is _" "movie posters with _" "thriller stars _" "flick starring _" "chilling suspense are also popular with _" "Perfect People feature on _" "guy played by _" "it also starred _" "_ is well cast as" "U.S. named _" "_ plays the bad guy" "_ deliver some award-winning performances" "actors including _" "she was played by _" "role opposite _" "_ enjoys fine health" "it stars _" "_ does have a strong drive" "_ plays Lt" "_ plays the villain" "objective portrait of _" "_ Try these FANSITE Search" "_ Shows Off" "cast members included _" "directors like _" "brother , played by _" "lead performance by _" "cast led by _" "_ was last" "_ thinks a great deal" "_ Find Celebrity Pictures" "cast include _" "co-starring with _" "cast , led by _" "ensemble cast includes _" "actioner also stars _" "all-star cast headed by _" "cop , played by _" "_ craves very intense" "que desees de _" "guy , played by _" "_ 's pictures ,videos etc" "Gordon , played by _" "Batman movie with _" "_ plays the leader" "science fiction film starring _" "_ belongs has tremendous opportunities" "_ plays Harry" "_ is riveting as" "_ portray in" "_ plays the man" "Boy , starring _" "major film starring _" "_ is an excellent actor" "experienced actors like _" "ensemble cast , including _" "_ 's Age Group" "_ has a probing" "such talents as _" "Home starring _" "_ was also born during" "_ plays Satan" "production starring _" "new thriller starring _" "cast including _" "voice talents of _" ",aslo include _" "bad guy played by _" "cast , featuring _" "trailers featuring _" "new film starring _" "great cast includes _" "recent film with _" "film also starred _" "movie version with _" "spy thriller starring _" "senator played by _" "Dracula starring _" "Space starring _" "agent , played by _" "_ 's central performance" "personal interests does not satisfy _" "version starred _" "available photos of _" "cast also includes _" "films starring _" "_ is also back as" "_ is overly responsible" "he is voiced by _" "he starred alongside _" "film also stars _" "first scene was with _" "veteran stars like _" "stellar cast , including _" "voice was provided by _" "_ delivers a bravura performance" "_ gives a great performance" "_ dislikes showing any personal weakness" "_ 's birth chart" "Smith played by _" "_ selected DVDs" "all-star cast including _" "veteran actors such as _" "_ gives a tour-de-force performance" "VHS featuring _" "_ is credited alongside" "cast , including _" "leader , played by _" "movie stars _" "He is voiced by _" "suspense are also popular with _" "Actors such as _" "standout performance by _" "_ have also joined the cast" "interview clip with _" "name , starring _" "movies starring _" "_ is an amazing actor" "Dead , starring _" "movie trailers featuring _" "motion picture starring _" "good actors like _" "great actors , like _" "_ becomes very cross if" "_ also joins the cast" "movie also stars _" "villain , played by _" "official cast includes _" "epic starring _" "novel , starring _" "agent played by _" "top stars such as _" "supporting cast , including _" "over-the-top performance by _" "celebrities such as _" "_ joins the cast" "family , played by _" "drama stars _" "_ plays the voice" "Picture Archives for _" "thriller starring _" "he 's played by _" "narrow personal interests does not satisfy _" "boss , played by _" "drama starring _" "_ 's lead performance" "astrological interpretation of _" "thriller staring _" "feature film starring _" "film is starring _" "directors such as _" "it also stars _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "flick also stars _" "central performance from _" "big stars as _" "character , played by _" "_ is a good actor" "_ worked wonderful" "fiction film starring _" "stellar cast including _" "actors like _" "cast headed by _" "character portrayed by _" "stars like _" "_ collaborates well with" "_ relishes healthy competition" "great cast including _" "he co-stars with _" "first celebrity crush was _" "_ Joins the Cast" "character played by _" "character is played by _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "Illusions of _" "It also stars _" "Black , played by _" "psychological thriller starring _" "scenes are with _" "production starred _" "film version with _" "spectacular supporting cast includes _" "star cast including _" "favourite actors are _" "Favorite actor is _" "American actors such as _" "well-known actors such as _" ] using gary_oldman
CPL @1111 (84.7%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "_ directs this story" "cast members include _" "book , starring _" "such actors as _" "character actors such as _" "voice cast includes _" "voice cast including _" "_ was not the only choice" "own narrow personal interests does not satisfy _" "_ is a great actor" "biography starring _" "film adaptation starring _" "man played by _" "Dracula , starring _" "Biography ,aslo include _" "Other cast members include _" "_ is a fantastic actor" "_ 's film debut" "film starred _" "bad guy , played by _" "filmografia dettagliata di _" "nature rarely allows _" "ensemble cast headed by _" "film starring _" "movie starring _" "third collaboration with _" "he was played by _" "_ also possesses a strong sense" "_ gives an outstanding performance" "He is played by _" "_ plays the title role" "_ has a sympathetic understanding" "Hollywood actors such as _" "movie , starring _" "film , starring _" "lawyer played by _" "_ 's biographical drama" "People feature on _" "_ sometime credited as" "_ appreciates aesthetics" "cast included _" "he was voiced by _" "own page dedicated to _" "full filmography for _" "friends played by _" "great actor like _" "he is played by _" "film stars _" "picture starring _" "Fish starring _" "adaptation starring _" "thriller , starring _" "stars including _" "cast includes _" "Hood starring _" "_ plays a great villain" "_ stars as" "_ delivers an amazing performance" "VHS films starring _" "Movies starring _" "version starring _" "visuals while _" "interests does not satisfy _" "he is portrayed by _" "role made for _" "it starred _" "he stars opposite _" "same name , starring _" "feature stars _" "dettagliata di _" "stellar cast includes _" "_ 's brilliant portrayal" "_ had been cast as" "_ 's Quotation" "_ played Paul" "series stars _" "television drama starring _" "_ does the voice" "_ are all great actors" "_ appreciates relationships" "lead character played by _" "Contests Perfect People feature on _" "Other actors include _" "supporting cast includes _" "_ is a fine actor" "favorite actor is _" "movie posters with _" "thriller stars _" "chilling suspense are also popular with _" "Perfect People feature on _" "guy played by _" "it also starred _" "Batman Begins are _" "_ is well cast as" "U.S. named _" "_ play the voices" "_ plays the bad guy" "_ deliver some award-winning performances" "role opposite _" "_ enjoys fine health" "_ plays Gordon" "biopic with _" "_ plays Lt" "_ plays the villain" "objective portrait of _" "_ Try these FANSITE Search" "trailer stars _" "cast members included _" "brother , played by _" "lead performance by _" "cast led by _" "brilliant cast including _" "_ thinks a great deal" "_ Find Celebrity Pictures" "cast include _" "co-starring with _" "ensemble cast includes _" "actioner also stars _" "all-star cast headed by _" "cop , played by _" "_ craves very intense" "guy , played by _" "_ 's pictures ,videos etc" "Gordon , played by _" "Batman movie with _" "_ plays the leader" "_ gives a chilling performance" "science fiction film starring _" "_ belongs has tremendous opportunities" "_ nabbed the role" "_ provides the voice" "_ played Dracula" "_ is riveting as" "_ portray in" "_ plays the man" "Boy , starring _" "major film starring _" "_ is an excellent actor" "experienced actors like _" "ensemble cast , including _" "_ 's Age Group" "_ has a probing" "such talents as _" "Home starring _" "_ 's older movies" "_ was also born during" "_ plays Satan" "he 's portrayed by _" "performance is reminiscent of _" "new thriller starring _" "cast including _" "_ gives a superb" "voice talents of _" ",aslo include _" "superbly by _" "cast , featuring _" "summer starring _" "new film starring _" "great cast includes _" "film also starred _" "movie version with _" "senator played by _" "voice cast also includes _" "Dracula starring _" "Space starring _" "agent , played by _" "_ 's central performance" "personal interests does not satisfy _" "version starred _" "available photos of _" "cast also includes _" "films starring _" "_ is also back as" "_ is overly responsible" "priest played by _" "_ delivers a fantastic performance" "he is voiced by _" "he starred alongside _" "film also stars _" "favorite actors like _" "first scene was with _" "veteran stars like _" "stellar cast , including _" "voice was provided by _" "_ delivers a bravura performance" "_ dislikes showing any personal weakness" "Smith played by _" "_ selected DVDs" "all-star cast including _" "veteran actors such as _" "_ gives a tour-de-force performance" "VHS featuring _" "_ is credited alongside" "cast , including _" "leader , played by _" "movie stars _" "He is voiced by _" "Devil , starring _" "suspense are also popular with _" "Actors such as _" "standout performance by _" "_ directs this film" "_ have also joined the cast" "name , starring _" "_ is an amazing actor" "Dead , starring _" "movie trailers featuring _" "motion picture starring _" "good actors like _" "great actors , like _" "_ is n't a good actor" "_ becomes very cross if" "_ also joins the cast" "movie also stars _" "_ hates being ill" "villain , played by _" "epic starring _" "novel , starring _" "_ plays Dracula" "agent played by _" "supporting cast , including _" "celebrities such as _" "_ joins the cast" "family , played by _" "_ craves the freedom" "(voice by _" "drama stars _" "_ plays the voice" "Picture Archives for _" "thriller starring _" "he 's played by _" "narrow personal interests does not satisfy _" "boss , played by _" "drama starring _" "_ 's lead performance" "astrological interpretation of _" "thriller staring _" "feature film starring _" "film is starring _" "directors such as _" "restless nature rarely allows _" "it also stars _" "_ is perfectly cast as" "flick also stars _" "central performance from _" "big stars as _" "character , played by _" "_ worked wonderful" "actor nomination for _" "fiction film starring _" "_ 's first Oscar nomination" "stellar cast including _" "actors like _" "cast headed by _" "opposite him is _" "_ relishes healthy competition" "great cast including _" "he co-stars with _" "_ Joins the Cast" "character played by _" "Hollywood stars such as _" "It also stars _" "Black , played by _" "psychological thriller starring _" "production starred _" "film version with _" "spectacular supporting cast includes _" "star cast including _" "_ is a voice actor" "favourite actors are _" "Favorite actor is _" "(voice of _" "well-known actors such as _" ] using gary_oldman
CMC @806 (100.0%) on 22-jan-2014 [ SUFFIX=an 4.38416 LASTSUFFIX=man 2.97943 SUFFIX=ry 2.14639 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaa 1.87779 FULL_POS=NN_JJ 1.84024 SUFFIX=man 1.72864 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a 1.66757 POS=JJ -1.67066 CHARS -2.88578 WORDS -3.85615 ] using gary_oldman
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was previously married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actor arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" ] using (gary_oldman, thurman)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was previously married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actor arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" ] using (thurman, gary_oldman)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was previously married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actor arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" ] using (gary_oldman, thurman)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was previously married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actor arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" ] using (thurman, gary_oldman)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was previously married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actor arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" ] using (gary_oldman, thurman)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was previously married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actor arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" ] using (thurman, gary_oldman)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was previously married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actor arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" ] using (gary_oldman, thurman)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was previously married to arg2" "arg1 was married to actor arg2" "arg1 was once married to arg2" ] using (thurman, gary_oldman)