CPL @1096 (66.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "subcellular compartments of _" "differentiation of normal _" "differentiation of intestinal _" "entry into human _" "_ called Langerhans cells" "_ lining the intestine" "DNA fragmentation of _" "_ lining the gut" "cells , including _" "_ lining the bladder" "_ lining the lumen" "subpopulation of _" "receptors are present on _" "apical membrane of _" "tight junctions between _" "cytoplasm of _" "blood , buccal _" "growth of gastric _" "cells , such as _" "apoptosis in gastric _" "proliferation of intestinal _" "_ lining the small intestine" "cytotoxic effects on _" "IgE production by _" "surface receptors on _" "_ called keratinocytes" "basolateral membranes of _" "surface of intestinal _" "activities of intestinal _" "endoplasmic reticulum of _" "_ lining the gastrointestinal tract" "cells such as _" "expression in gastric _" "hyperproliferation of _" "apoptosis of gastric _" "proliferative effect on _" "_ lining the urinary tract" "cytotoxicity to _" "apoptosis of _" "catabolism by _" "_ avoid apoptosis" "proliferation of gastric _" "receptor present on _" "virus replicates within _" "cells compared to normal _" "membrane of intestinal _" ] using mucosal_cells
CMC @1097 (99.9%) on 19-jan-2018 [ CHARS 1.64838 LAST_WORD=cells 1.64539 LASTSUFFIX=ells 1.54414 PREFIX=cell 1.47293 LASTPREFIX=cel 1.45885 LASTPREFIX=cell 1.45771 LASTPREFIX=ce 1.40922 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaaa -0.98737 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -1.85416 WORDS -4.98899 ] using mucosal_cells
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey