cream_cheese (cheese)
literal strings: cream-cheese , cream Cheese , cream cheese , Cream Cheese , Cream cheese , CREAM CHEESE , cream_cheese
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visualizableobject (100.0%)
cheese (100.0%)SEAL @256 (99.9%) on 19-may-2011 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ] using cream_cheese CMC @257 (100.0%) on 20-may-2011 [ LASTPREFIX=che 10.72804 LASTSUFFIX=heese 6.73932 LASTPREFIX=chees 6.41998 LASTSUFFIX=eese 6.40962 LASTPREFIX=chee 6.31833 LASTPREFIX=ch 6.25196 LAST_WORD=cheese 5.49628 CHARS -3.13993 FULL_POS=NN_NN -5.75989 WORDS -19.36873 ] using cream_cheese OE @820 (96.3%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using cream_cheese
food (100.0%)CMC @631 (100.0%) on 07-sep-2012 [ PREFIX=cr 5.32269 FIRST_WORD=cream 4.38852 PREFIX=ch 4.28436 SUFFIX=ream 4.16090 LASTPREFIX=ch 4.10069 SUFFIX=eam 3.31687 SUFFIX=heese 3.28404 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.72251 CHARS -7.88659 WORDS -9.92587 ] using cream_cheese SEAL @691 (60.6%) on 29-jan-2013 [ 1 2 ] using cream_cheese CPL @1114 (70.6%) on 18-aug-2018 [ "Condiments such as _" "Shrimp stuffed with _" "thick whipped _" "salad with sour _" "_ seasoned with" "egg white mixture into _" "butter , real _" "skim milk , low-fat _" "sweet whipped _" "_ stirred in at" "container of low-fat _" "consistency of thin _" "cupcakes with white _" "cheese , sour _" "consumption of soft _" "_ based breads" "blender , combine _" "small mixing bowl , combine _" "potatoes baked with _" "Soft cheeses such as _" "large mixing bowl beat _" "pepper stuffed with _" "recipe created of _" "salad with _" "cup of olive _" "chips , sweet _" "cranberry sauce with _" "dollop of low-fat _" "bun filled with _" "ingredients EXCEPT _" "certain vegetables , such as _" "I used whipped _" "D/D cup softened _" "vanilla cake with _" "medium bowl with _" "_ topped with" "recipe , made with _" "medium speed until _" "high heat then add _" "Cream butter with _" "eggplant stuffed with _" "sugar , dried _" "separate large bowl , combine _" "salmon stuffed with _" "glaze , combine _" "_ marinated in" "tortilla stuffed with _" "pan add _" "peppers stuffed with _" "separate bowl , stir together _" "soft cheeses such as _" "soft whipped _" "separate bowl , beat _" "_ enchilada recipe" "smooth , then stir in _" "_ filled cakes" "Chicken breast filled with _" "white whipped _" "_ filling served with" "large mixing bowl , beat _" "foods , including _" "saucepan , stir together _" "shrimp stuffed with _" "spice cake with _" "sauce , whipped _" "bowl , combine together _" "plain whipped _" "homemade whipped _" "sponge cake filled with _" "yogurt , low-fat _" "consistency of heavy _" "generous tablespoon of _" "cheese , fresh _" "bowl , combine _" "_ stuffed meatloaf recipe" "butter , sweet _" "cream cheese , sour _" "whisk , beat _" "white mixture into _" "foods like _" "relish tray with _" "medium bowl stir together _" "_ based dip" "eggs , low-fat _" "soup recipe using _" "light whipped _" "beaters , beat _" "fork , beat _" "soft cheese such as _" "mushroom stuffed with _" "butter , whipped _" "Pour half of _" "cheese , jalapeno _" "foods such as _" "Mushrooms stuffed with _" "mushroom caps stuffed with _" "wire whisk until _" "_ filling recipe" "almond flavored _" "sticky foods like _" "breasts stuffed with _" "recipe whipped _" "combination of flavored _" "_ is completely incorporated" "regular whipped _" "ingredients except _" "sauce is great over _" "_ topping recipe" "double whipped _" "it is topped with _" "gelatin mixture into _" "sugar , sour _" "rounded teaspoon of _" "chicken stuffed with _" "beans , sour _" "red velvet cupcakes with _" "velvet cupcakes with _" "fresh whipped _" "different flavored _" "homemade olive _" "cheese , seasoned _" "medium saucepan combine _" "_ filled pastries" "recipes whipped _" "strawberry whipped _" "butter , white _" "cottage cheese , low-fat _" "potatoes stuffed with _" "whisk attachment , beat _" "vanilla , sweet _" "Mix butter with _" "crockpot , combine _" "chicken breasts stuffed with _" "soft cheeses , such as _" "cheese , low-fat _" "strawberry , sweet _" "speed , beat together _" "foods , such as _" "medium bowl beat _" "hot add _" "_ were delicious" "mixture resembles _" "cream , whipped _" "vegetables , low-fat _" "Combine softened _" "D-D/D tablespoons of _" "_ smothered in" "_ marinated with" "Mix Just add _" "Dairy products such as _" "Recipe uses _" "heat , add _" "_ tastes like" "chocolate tart with _" "cake recipe made with _" "cheese , plain _" "wings , fried _" "tablespoon of _" "taste like sweet _" "cake layered with _" "strawberries topped with _" "chicken wings , fried _" "_ based pasta" "_ simmered in" "salmon , organic _" "recipe is made with _" "marmalade , fresh _" "medium heat stirring occasionally until _" "mushrooms stuffed with _" "soft cheeses like _" "salsa , sour _" "onion flavored _" "pan , add _" "vegetables , such as _" "filling , combine _" "foods , like _" "heat stir in _" "fermented products such as _" "_ tossed with" "dish , mix _" "casserole is made with _" "caps stuffed with _" "bowl beat together _" "burger stuffed with _" "vanilla whipped _" "hot , add _" "_ has less fat" "_ coloured walls" "recipe with sweet _" "_ stuffed cherry tomatoes" "consistency of thick _" "dough filled with _" "greens garnished with _" "other tablespoon of _" ] using cream_cheese OE @820 (93.7%) on 06-mar-2014 [ ] using cream_cheese
visualizablething (100.0%)CMC @836 (100.0%) on 07-may-2014 [ PREFIX=ch 4.54781 PREFIX=che 4.19172 PREFIX=chees 3.60046 PREFIX=chee 3.35330 LASTPREFIX=chees 3.17922 LASTPREFIX=chee 2.90086 LASTSUFFIX=se 2.85224 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.88191 WORDS -1.21891 CHARS -2.19804 ] using cream_cheese OE @893 (100.0%) on 30-dec-2014 [ ] using cream_cheese CPL @1094 (98.5%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "pudding with _" "low heat until _" "mix until _" "_ added a nice sweetness" "recipe for sweet _" "saucepan add _" "plate of fried _" "sweet whipped _" "½ cup of _" "medium-high heat until _" "stir until _" "_ dipping sauce" "_ then mix all ingredients" "cheese , sour _" "ravioli stuffed with _" "blender , combine _" "dish , combine _" "drizzle over _" "deep fried _" "pan with _" "cup of olive _" "eggs , fresh _" "bake until _" "eggs , add _" "_ then topped with" "large bowl , stir together _" "large bowl with _" "Pour sauce over _" "baking pan with _" "baking dish with _" "_ eating contest" "few spoonfuls of _" "_ topped with" "sauce made of _" "beat until _" "tub full of _" "I was eating _" "recipe called for _" "pint of _" "green curry with _" "large bowl , add _" "processor , add _" "baking sheet with _" "_ marinated in" "stir into _" "heat until _" "pan add _" "peppers stuffed with _" "small drop of _" "small bowl , stir together _" "separate bowl , beat _" "_ scrambled with" "_ enchilada recipe" "lots of fresh _" "other ingredients except _" "potato soup with _" "whites into _" "bowl , beat _" "large bowl , beat _" "saucepan , stir together _" "drizzle of _" "condiments such as _" "homemade whipped _" "food processor , combine _" "half-cup of _" "whisk in _" "cheese such as _" "consistency of heavy _" "chocolate covered _" "whisk until _" "medium heat until _" "mixture , add _" "cheese , fresh _" "bowl , combine _" "apple pie with _" "bowl beat _" "fruit flavored _" "cheese made from _" "_ are served daily" "speed , beat _" "combination of olive _" "_ are prepared fresh" "D-D cups of _" "coffee , fresh _" "small bowl , combine _" "mixture over _" "light whipped _" "blend of sweet _" "minutes , then add _" "chocolate cake with _" "cook until _" "cheeses such as _" "bowl add _" "yolks with _" "_ garnished with" "Saut ? until _" "ingredients , except _" "saucepan , melt _" "bowl of plain _" "mixing bowl , combine _" "large mixing bowl , combine _" "recipe made with _" "heat add _" "bed of white _" "cup of plain _" "thick , add _" "whole can of _" "side by _" "bowl , stir together _" "favorite foods are _" "zucchini with _" "_ filling recipe" "heat , then add _" "medium heat , combine _" "ingredients except _" "sun dried _" "_ topping recipe" "electric mixer , beat _" "foodstuffs such as _" "hormone free _" "tablespoons of _" "chicken stuffed with _" "bacon wrapped _" "beans , sour _" "Continue cooking until _" "_ based sauce" "dairy products like _" "glaze over _" "fresh whipped _" "dairy products such as _" "mixing bowl , beat _" "skillet , melt _" "body of fresh _" "cheeses , such as _" "low , add _" "mixer , beat _" "medium saucepan combine _" "medium , add _" "skillet , add _" "medium-low heat until _" "blend of fresh _" "_ icing recipe" "medium high heat until _" "recipe calls for _" "sauce served over _" "saut ed _" "separate bowl , combine _" "soy products such as _" "small block of _" "foods , such as _" "dry ingredients to _" "butter until _" "hot add _" "I do n't eat _" "soft , add _" "mixture resembles _" "_ whipped potatoes" "cream , whipped _" "egg whites with _" "mixing bowl , add _" "_ marinated with" "sauce served with _" "bowl combine _" "cake made with _" "heat , add _" "couple tablespoons of _" "bun with _" "tablespoon of _" "onions with _" "they were made of _" "saucepan combine _" "roast beef with _" "D-D tablespoons of _" "spoonfuls of _" "processor , combine _" "tablespoonful of _" "high heat until _" "small saucepan , combine _" "heat , stir in _" "skillet with _" "D/D cup of _" "recipe is made with _" "simmer until _" "saucepan , add _" "skillet add _" "cooking until _" "few tablespoons of _" "large bowl , combine _" "scones with _" "quality fresh _" "salsa , sour _" "pan , add _" "Recipe using _" "vegetables , such as _" "flour mixture to _" "heat , combine _" "_ tossed with" "sprinkle with _" "vanilla whipped _" "hot , add _" "medium bowl combine _" "few minutes , then add _" "ingredients except for _" "consistency of thick _" "saucepan , combine _" "we cooked _" "spaghetti with _" "tender , add _" "bowl , add _" "cheeses like _" "tsp of _" "pot , add _" "dairy products , such as _" ] using cream_cheese
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey inverseoffishservedwithfood inverseofagriculturalproductcookedwithagricultureproduct black_pepper CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and freshly cracked arg1" "arg2 and fresh ground arg1" ] using (black_pepper, cream_cheese)
egg CPL @1095 (99.6%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 yolks instead of arg2" "arg1 whites instead of arg2" "arg1 yolks and arg2" "arg1 whites and arg2" "arg1 yolks with sugar and arg2" "arg1 yolk and arg2" "arg1 yolks with arg2" "arg1 and jalapeno arg2" ] using (egg, cream_cheese)
potatoes CPL @1105 (75.0%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 chive mashed arg1" "arg2 mashed arg1" ] using (potatoes, cream_cheese)
inverseofagriculturalproductincludingagriculturalproduct oil CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or olive arg1" "arg2 and canola arg1" ] using (oil, cream_cheese)
inverseofbakedgoodservedwithbeverage cake CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 icing chocolate arg1" "arg2 frosting chocolate arg1" "arg2 mixture over the cooled arg1" "arg2 filling and chocolate arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" "arg2 buttercream and vanilla arg1" "arg2 icing on top of arg1" ] using (cake, cream_cheese)
carrot CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 cake with whipped arg2" "arg1 with whipped arg2" ] using (carrot, cream_cheese)
carrot_cake CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 buttercream on arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (carrot_cake, cream_cheese)
chips CPL @1100 (75.0%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cupcakes with chocolate arg1" "arg2 filling and chocolate arg1" ] using (chips, cream_cheese)
cupcakes CPL @1099 (75.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg2 frosting and chocolate arg1" "arg2 frosted chocolate arg1" ] using (cupcakes, cream_cheese)
icing CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 or vanilla arg1" "arg2 or butter cream arg1" "arg2 or buttercream arg1" ] using (icing, cream_cheese)
peanut_butter CPL @1100 (87.5%) on 31-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and jelly sandwich with arg2" "arg1 with jelly and arg2" "arg1 or whipped arg2" ] using (peanut_butter, cream_cheese)
top CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 buttercream on arg1" "arg2 and cinnamon sprinkled on arg1" "arg2 sauce drizzled over arg1" "arg2 icing on arg1" ] using (top, cream_cheese)
inverseofbeveragecontainsprotein dough CPL @1095 (50.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and mix on low until arg1" ] using (dough, cream_cheese)
mixer CPL @1096 (100.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 in the bowl of your arg1" "arg2 and beat well with arg1" "arg2 and mix with hand arg1" "arg2 with an electric hand arg1" "arg2 at medium speed with electric arg1" "arg2 together with an electric arg1" "arg2 in a stand arg1" "arg2 in large bowl of electric arg1" "arg2 and beat with electric arg1" "arg2 and beat with an electric arg1" "arg2 and beat with a hand arg1" "arg2 in medium bowl with electric arg1" "arg2 and mix with an electric arg1" "arg2 in small bowl with electric arg1" ] using (mixer, cream_cheese)