CPL @1096 (67.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "cells were fixed in _" "carcinogens such as _" "cancer-causing chemicals such as _" "groundwater contaminated by _" "chemicals , such as _" "use of toxic _" "_ was evaporated under" "harsh chemicals , such as _" "product was recrystallized from _" "hydrocarbons such as _" "products were extracted with _" "cleaning products containing _" "chemical solvents such as _" "detergents containing _" "organic solvents such as _" "remover containing _" "solvents , including _" "RQ for _" "ketones include _" "end products are _" "bromination of _" "chlorine , such as _" "Solvents such as _" "solvents , like _" "non-polar solvent such as _" "catalytic oxidation of _" "_ gave the title compound" "active ingredient is called _" "aniline with _" "industrial exposure to _" "poisons such as _" "biodegradable , contains _" "metabolic precursor of _" "solvent are _" "removers containing _" "remover contains _" "organic compounds such as _" "degreasing with _" "aldol reaction of _" "solvent used is _" "solvent like _" "alkylation with _" "solid was washed with _" "water , insoluble in _" "gases such as _" "carcinogens , including _" "Atmospheres containing _" "atmospheric concentrations of _" "dehydrogenase to _" "ambient air quality standard for _" "gel , eluting with _" "saturated solution of _" "volatile organic compounds , such as _" "such solvents as _" "I be exposed _" "Organic solvents such as _" "qualitative test for _" "samples are extracted with _" "samples were extracted in _" "safe concentration of _" "resin dissolved in _" "chemicals containing _" "residue was dissolved in _" "compounds included _" "chemicals , including _" "carcinogenic chemicals such as _" "_ contaminated water" "organic solvent such as _" "detergent containing _" "common solvents such as _" "paints do not contain _" "exhaust contains _" "_ were analytical grade" "use of anhydrous _" "thinners such as _" "organic chemicals like _" "volatiles including _" "sample is then treated with _" "inert solvent such as _" "volatile organic compounds like _" "alcohol dehydrogenase to _" "oligomerization of _" "Cells were fixed with _" "toxic materials such as _" "gases , such as _" "hydrocarbons including _" "gases like _" "silica gel , eluting with _" "solvents containing _" "additive called _" "appropriate solvent such as _" "fermentative production of _" "It is structurally similar to _" "endogenous compounds such as _" "Chemicals like _" "Samples were extracted with _" "VOCs , such as _" "oceanic source of _" "systematic name for _" "volatile organic compounds including _" "residue dissolved in _" "harmful chemicals such as _" "Toxic chemicals such as _" "toxic elements such as _" "suitable solvent such as _" "PBS , fixed in _" "ketone such as _" "self-condensation of _" "chemicals , like _" "organic compounds , such as _" "agent containing _" "residue was recrystallized from _" "cells are treated with _" "Such chemicals include _" "inert organic solvent such as _" "supplementary chemical data on _" "_ is not teratogenic" "disinfectants containing _" "aqueous mixtures of _" "organic chemicals such as _" "solvent extraction with _" "_ is also a precursor" "amount of unchanged _" "air levels of _" "volatile organic compounds such as _" "solvents including _" "inhalation toxicity of _" "solvent known as _" "toxics such as _" "catalytic reduction of _" "toxic compounds including _" "ketones such as _" "_ is not genotoxic" "_ is a petroleum distillate" "partial pressure of _" "organic solvent , such as _" "volatile solvent such as _" "certain chemicals , such as _" "volatile solvents such as _" "_ is genotoxic" "solvents such as _" "solvents , such as _" "_ producing yeast" "indoor pollutants such as _" "strong solvents such as _" "ketones , such as _" "toxic compounds such as _" "harsh chemicals such as _" "bacterial production of _" "aromatic solvents such as _" "aprotic solvent such as _" "volatile compounds like _" "analgesics such as _" "industrial solvents such as _" "specimens were fixed in _" "chemical called _" "gluconeogenesis from _" "residue was triturated with _" "poisonous gases like _" "polish remover containing _" "photodissociation of _" "organic solvents include _" "cleaners containing _" "strong solvent such as _" "specific chemicals such as _" "toxic substance , such as _" "organic solvent is _" "residue is dissolved in _" "non-polar solvents such as _" "certain chemicals like _" "solvent called _" "auto ignition temperature of _" "cells fixed with _" "_ have flash points" "such chemicals as _" "toxic solvents such as _" "solvents contain _" "primary active ingredient is _" "excretion of uric _" "by-product called _" "by-products is _" "air quality standard for _" "chemicals like _" "hazardous chemicals like _" "industrial chemicals such as _" "harmful chemicals , such as _" "hydrocarbon such as _" "oil is dissolved in _" "samples were extracted with _" "sections were fixed in _" "harsh chemicals like _" "powerful chemicals such as _" "condensation product of _" "toxicity testing of _" "arylation of _" "corrosive gases such as _" "solvent include _" "emissions of _" "enolate of _" "organic solvents like _" "organic solvents , including _" "technical grade of _" "emission of _" "condensation reaction between _" "cells were fixed with _" "condensation reaction with _" "dangerous chemicals such as _" "sections were fixed with _" "solvents like _" "dehydrogenation to _" "It is also soluble in _" "vapors such as _" "smokers inhale _" "solvent such as _" "compound formed from _" "phenol with _" "industrial chemicals like _" "agents containing _" "direct reduction of _" "chemicals such as _" "Samples were fixed in _" ] using acetone
MBL @664 (93.8%) on 01-dec-2012 [ Promotion of chemical:acetone chemicalistypeofchemical chemical:solvents ]
Human feedback from shashans @888 on 02-dec-2014 [ "acetone generalizations chemical", Action=(+chemical) (from NELL.08m.888.SSFeedback.csv) ] using acetone
LE @1051 (100.0%) on 20-apr-2017
CMC @188 (100.0%) on 14-jan-2011 [ LASTSUFFIX=ne 5.76809 PREFIX=ac 3.31921 CHARS 2.42138 SUFFIX=ne 2.36517 LASTPREFIX=ac 1.72408 PREFIX=acet 1.25656 PREFIX=ace 1.18494 POS=NN -0.58219 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.58621 WORDS -2.21606 ] using acetone
SEAL @165 (100.0%) on 14-nov-2010 [ 123456789101112 ] using acetone
CPL @1116 (96.7%) on 04-sep-2018 [ "_ based primer" "pint of _" "_ based glue" "few drops of _" "_ based inks" "bowl of warm _" "_ based paint" "_ spilled from" ] using acetone
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as gasoline or arg1" "arg2 such as gasoline and arg1" "arg2 such as methanol or arg1" "arg2 like methanol or arg1" ] using (acetone, solvents)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 dioxide and arg1" "arg2 monoxide and arg1" "arg2 disulphide and arg1" "arg2 disulfide and arg1" ] using (acetone, carbon)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 dioxide and arg1" "arg2 monoxide and arg1" "arg2 disulphide and arg1" "arg2 disulfide and arg1" ] using (acetone, carbon)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as gasoline or arg1" "arg2 such as gasoline and arg1" "arg2 such as methanol or arg1" "arg2 like methanol or arg1" ] using (acetone, solvents)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 dioxide and arg1" "arg2 monoxide and arg1" "arg2 disulphide and arg1" "arg2 disulfide and arg1" ] using (acetone, carbon)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 dioxide and arg1" "arg2 monoxide and arg1" "arg2 disulphide and arg1" "arg2 disulfide and arg1" ] using (acetone, carbon)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 dioxide and arg1" "arg2 monoxide and arg1" "arg2 disulphide and arg1" "arg2 disulfide and arg1" ] using (acetone, carbon)
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 dioxide and arg1" "arg2 monoxide and arg1" "arg2 disulphide and arg1" "arg2 disulfide and arg1" ] using (acetone, carbon)