CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ FULL_POS=VBG 3.56636 LASTSUFFIX=ing 2.79149 LASTSUFFIX=ning 2.47984 LASTPREFIX=learn 1.52557 LASTSUFFIX=ng 1.31097 LASTSUFFIX=rning 1.01970 LASTPREFIX=lear 1.01833 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.73739 FULL_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.03289 WORDS -2.13905 ] using learning
SEAL @173 (100.0%) on 06-dec-2010 [ 123 ] using learning
CPL @1103 (75.3%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "technology , continuous _" "students level of _" "scope for mutual _" "technique for visual _" "service , experiential _" "spectrum of liberal _" "I just got done _" "NEW ways of _" "skills for life-long _" "student success in online _" "they did not do much _" "self-direction , independent _" "skills with hands-on _" "kind of critical _" "great deal of conceptual _" "interest in life-long _" "idea of strategic _" "interests include statistical _" "value of evidence-based _" "students for college-level _" "students in hands-on _" "skills in strategic _" "sociocultural theories of _" "valuable branch of _" "learning , natural _" "lifetime spent _" "it promotes critical _" "organized way of _" "love of lifelong _" "major life activity of _" "strategies for life-long _" "services including strategic _" "It 's always hard _" "Good sleep , good _" "Bayesian model of _" "aspects of web-based _" "adult experiential _" "_ were occurring within" "field of computer-assisted _" "heart of mathematical _" "forms of moral _" "great deal of critical _" "gateway for interactive _" "overview of strategic _" "learning environment conducive to _" "springboard for additional _" "stimulus to further _" "them are geared to _" "theory of reflective _" "education through experiential _" "cause of liberal _" "capacity for reflexive _" "capacity for integrative _" "diverse modes of _" "_ is best developed through" "_ is a holistic process" "holistic way of _" "importance of constant _" "foundation of collaborative _" "focus on hands-on _" "secure environment conducive to _" "program encourages interdisciplinary _" "program of lifelong _" "promotion of life-long _" "patterns of collective _" "mechanism for strategic _" "other branch of human _" "language learning Language _" "opportunities for integrative _" "conducive to creative _" "concept of long-term _" "networks mediating _" "lifelong pattern of _" "knowledge through active _" "order for effective _" "leadership , continuous _" "levels of developmental _" "learning of critical _" "nature of ethical _" "management , positive _" "material for independent _" "lectures , problem-based _" "Ways of _" "He was so busy _" "aspects of creative _" "area for collaborative _" "principles of democratic _" "process of moral _" "memory loss , impaired _" "process of cooperative _" "quality of undergraduate _" "environment for collaborative _" "facilities for effective _" "good attitudes to _" "great centre of _" "examples for effective _" "growth of secular _" "I did n’t do much _" "It encourages independent _" "_ is a social practice" "creativity , innovative _" "delivery of lifelong _" "content for effective _" "believer in lifelong _" "credits for prior _" "reading , much _" "pitfalls of online _" "reflection , deep _" "pedagogical approach to _" "problem-solving , creative _" "implementation of organizational _" "fosters scientific _" "higher functions like _" "forms of procedural _" "field of organizational _" "commitment to active _" "creative modes of _" "branh of _" "connections to prior _" "excellent environments for _" "games stimulate _" "guides to effective _" "improvement in spatial _" "richard skemp theory of intelligent _" "teamwork , independent _" "studies of mathematical _" "understanding of strategic _" "experience with theoretical _" "impact of possible _" "future of lifelong _" "methods for visual _" "method of flexible _" "modes of mathematical _" "kind of experiential _" "methods of strategic _" "model of community-based _" "mode of collaborative _" "limited ways of _" "ability of independent _" "background in strategic _" "benefits of spatial _" "academy of strategic _" "lab for hands-on _" "models of integrated _" "management , cooperative _" "_ concerning the proper way" "passion for life-long _" "participants in active _" "mental activity such as _" "opportunities for critical _" "promotes effective _" "process of collective _" "pursuit of philosophical _" "promotion of active _" "process of organizational _" "part of abstract _" "model for reflective _" "model of critical _" "internet is particularly _" "instruction in independent _" "life through authentic _" "life activities including _" "integrative style of _" "method of experiential _" "_ is an active process" "dynamics of organizational _" "climate for positive _" "emphasis on integrative _" "development of holistic _" "capacity for collective _" "development of work-based _" "engages students in active _" "community service with academic _" "character of liberal _" "_ is rarely linear" "_ is a social endeavor" "_ involves reason" "philosophy of creative _" "research , independent _" "powerful environments for _" "promotes visual _" "practices positive _" "quality , hands-on _" "presentations , active _" "students for critical _" "undisciplined approach to _" "students in reflective _" "technology supported _" "they are always busy _" "study with work-based _" "tool for reflective _" "branches of scientific _" "It is also worthwhile _" "students to cooperative _" "students in critical _" "study , collaborative _" "unique modes of _" "aspect of philosophical _" "aspects of spatial _" "aspects of experiential _" "techniques are worth _" "terms of transferable _" "support mathematical _" "students in active _" "skill of effective _" "teacher professional _" "teamwork , continuous _" "something I’m _" "blended approach to _" "activities , independent _" "bit scared _" "aid to creative _" "Experiential Learning Experiential _" "stimulates creative _" "resources for lifelong _" "engages in active _" "characteristics of strategic _" "courses for lifelong _" "difficult branch of _" "commitment to continued _" "emphasis is on independent _" "catalyst for innovative _" "strategies for improved _" "technology in online _" "such ways of _" "time of tremendous _" "students develop critical _" "skill of independent _" "space for critical _" "strategies for organizational _" "things I’m _" "training in visual _" "they are so busy _" "skills through experiential _" "students in higher-level _" "excellence , advancing _" "elements of statistical _" "capacity for adaptive _" "stimuli for further _" "value of hands-on _" "thinking , active _" "skills necessary for lifelong _" "advances in legal _" "atmosphere conducive to _" "basis for independent _" "astounding branch of _" "computer supported collaborative _" "disadvantages of online _" "convenience of on-line _" "students in dynamic _" "students with independent _" "type of analytic _" "signs of independent _" "suggestions for continuous _" "transmission approach to _" "class room based _" "center of Islamic _" "changes , slow _" "amazing branch of _" "component of strategic _" "assessment of critical _" "brain compatible _" "pathway to inner _" "place for critical _" "setting for optimal _" "resources , enhance _" "practice of critical _" "providers of lifelong _" "related theories of _" "_ is the teaching methodology" "relationship between rational _" "relaxation , improving _" "quality experiential _" "preparation for life-long _" "product of deliberate _" "relevant context for _" "models of perceptual _" "it is sloppy _" "kind of disconnected _" "inquiry-based approach to _" "_ is research-led" "gift of critical _" "focus on integrated _" "emphasis on integrated _" "focus on collaborative _" "foundation for further _" "experiential way of _" "involvement in lifelong _" "heart of creative _" "experience making online _" "experiences with collaborative _" "example of collaborative _" "human modes of _" "opportunities for executive _" "non-cognitive aspects of _" "processes of conceptual _" "opportunities for deep _" "evaluation , organizational _" "creativity , independent _" "champion innovative _" "dialogue , experiential _" "classroom conducive to _" "car without first _" "creativity , spatial _" "decisions by first _" "desire for life-long _" "center of Jewish _" "ecological way of _" "evidence of independent _" "implementation of problem-based _" "heart of professional _" "framework for evolutionary _" "forms of organizational _" "forms of active _" "effectiveness of online _" "facilities conducive to _" "integration of theoretical _" "experience in organizational _" "forefront of legal _" "focus on active _" "forms of reflective _" "excellence , continuous _" "goal of critical _" "evidence of reflective _" "informal modes of _" "fun you have ever had _" "foundation for solid _" "instance , if you’re _" "feedback , assess _" "guide to further _" "importance of integrative _" "connection between statistical _" "computer assisted _" "conducive environments for _" "catalyst for global _" "effect of cooperative _" "education , collaborative _" "Life long _" "Montessori approach to _" "I was quite happy _" "approach to community-based _" "attitude of continuous _" "approach for collaborative _" "activity approach to _" "array of experiential _" "evidence of enhanced _" "enrolling in online _" "higher level of cognitive _" "I’m not done _" "I know you’re _" "Principles of good _" "Linkages to _" "fosters critical _" "helpful ways of _" "habit of active _" "festival of Jewish _" "impact of experiential _" "foundation in liberal _" "truth worth _" "seminars , experiential _" "point for collaborative _" "pursuit of critical _" "response to strategic _" "process of independent _" "positive atmosphere for _" "purpose of continuous _" "benefits of visual _" "brach of _" "campus environment conducive to _" "brain function such as _" "brain important for _" "people do n't bother _" "opportunity for in-depth _" "opportunity for holistic _" "rules for effective _" "process of entrepreneurial _" "I 'm still very much _" "We believe in continuous _" "examples of adult _" "element of " ] using learning
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Superintendent for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean of Continuing arg2" ] using (assistant, learning)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Superintendent for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean of Continuing arg2" ] using (learning, assistant)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Superintendent for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean of Continuing arg2" ] using (assistant, learning)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Superintendent for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean of Continuing arg2" ] using (learning, assistant)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to other sources of arg2" "arg1 to other useful arg2" "arg1 to other excellent arg2" ] using (links, learning)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 education through distance arg2" "arg1 training through distance arg2" "arg1 training and adult arg2" "arg1 professional development and teacher arg2" ] using (teacher, learning)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Superintendent for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean of Continuing arg2" ] using (assistant, learning)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Superintendent for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean of Continuing arg2" ] using (learning, assistant)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to other sources of arg2" "arg1 to other useful arg2" "arg1 to other excellent arg2" ] using (links, learning)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 to other sources of arg2" "arg1 to other useful arg2" "arg1 to other excellent arg2" ] using (links, learning)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Superintendent for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean of Continuing arg2" ] using (assistant, learning)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Superintendent for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean for Student arg2" "arg1 Dean of Continuing arg2" ] using (learning, assistant)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and safety management arg1" "arg2 and the central nervous arg1" "arg2 and calm the nervous arg1" "arg2 and the nervous arg1" ] using (system, learning)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and safety management arg1" "arg2 and the central nervous arg1" "arg2 and calm the nervous arg1" "arg2 and the nervous arg1" ] using (system, learning)