SEAL @186 (96.9%) on 10-jan-2011 [ 1234567 ] using dark
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of color:dark colorassociatedwithvisualizableattribute visualizableattribute:fog ]
CPL @1107 (60.2%) on 24-may-2018 [ "it looks deep _" "eyes shine in _" "gold , deep _" "_ is darkest" "_ sanded beach" "it is pitch _" "_ eyed rats" "metal turns _" "it started turning _" "color is best described as _" "white becoming _" "_ rose hue" "_ flowing mane" "lips were turning _" "stars twinkle in _" "skin flushed _" "_ shaded boxes" "_ rose buds" "_ marking behind" "sky turns _" "sunshine under _" "stars shone in _" "other color except _" "bright objects in _" "eyes turning _" "_ suited man" "_ rose look" "overall color is _" "_ looks really dark" "_ being the colour" "_ tanning formula" "_ rose wood" "_ eyed son" "_ eyed man" "plant has beautiful _" "_ stemmed variety" "_ stemmed plants" "_ pour with" "clear color to _" "light blue to _" "It was full _" "face is turning _" "Glow in _" "lighter values of _" "hues like _" "_ rose of" "buds turning _" "_ filled circles" "_ haired boy" "_ eyed brown" "_ eyed beauties" "_ aiming ring" "it glows in _" "_ flowing beard" "_ felt backing" "_ eyed children" "objects visible in _" "green against _" "tone associated with _" "they start turning _" "_ is the primary colour" "It was pitch _" "_ stained finish" "_ annealed wire" "_ anodized aluminum frame" "glow in _" "colors , including _" "_ rose myspace layout" "hand glowing _" "color such as _" "skies turning _" "blanket of deep _" "bright white light in _" "Diamonds in _" "Strawberries dipped in _" "Lightning flashed across _" "skin is turning _" "tones against _" "screen goes _" "_ haired girls" "_ eyed girls" "sky dark _" "sky blue to _" "water is dark _" "bright glow in _" "color turning _" "colours like _" "hair goes from _" "_ rose eye" "color darkens to _" "colour , deep _" "glows in _" "little flecks of _" "color vs. _" "design , bright _" "light goes _" "Dancing in _" "darkens to _" "_ felt tip marker" "stars spread across _" "different colors ranging from _" "bright orange against _" "light appear in _" "little streak of _" "light orange to _" "_ eyed dog" "_ eyed girl" "_ variegated thread" "_ eyed individuals" "_ felt cap" "_ eyed birds" "_ eyed baby" "_ haired female" "It 's deep _" "colors , ranging from _" "_ are the colors" "_ eyed daughter" "_ approaching black" "_ eyed version" "skin is light _" "strange light in _" "light turns to _" "stars shining in _" "I look up into _" "orange glow in _" "_ rose blooming in" "pages are turning _" "sky turning _" "leaves turn _" "it was shining in _" "green , turning _" "stars twinkling in _" "stars glowing in _" "_ eyed gaze" "_ eyed brunette" "It was deep _" "_ flowing gown" "_ coloured dog" "purple being _" "light mixed with _" "Glows in _" "back is gray _" "hair is colored _" "_ marking color" "clear shade of _" "_ circled areas" "_ haired beauty" "It was dark _" "it was brownish _" "sky goes from _" "hair is light _" "sky is pure _" "spectrum from deep _" "sky is turning _" "lightning lit _" "they turn golden _" "_ is the color" "beer pours _" "_ felt tip" "beer poured _" "bird flying in _" "deep purple to _" "area outlined in _" "violet , blue _" "_ rose blooms" "skin was tanned _" "leaf turns _" "_ is the perfect color" "_ headed boy" "hair was colored _" "everything was turning _" "flash filled _" "_ roasted coffee" "hints of deep _" "leather in rich _" "Interior lined in _" "_ rose gray" "_ Riding Hood Red" "glow against _" "teeth turning _" "_ almond shaped eyes" "solution turns _" "It is very dark _" "_ eyed thing" "color from light blue to _" "_ eyed beauty" "_ flowing robes" "water was turning _" "colors being _" "dots against _" "shades of brown to _" "_ tinted sunglasses" "flight feathers are _" "_ is just dark" "sky was turning _" "they were glowing in _" "red , turning _" "hair started turning _" "hair went from _" "she is golden _" "shades of deep _" "faint objects in _" "hands glowing _" "light turning _" "one was dark _" "gold , light _" "hair is naturally _" "_ felt tip pen" "sky grow _" "_ flowing robe" "color is turning _" "different colors like _" "skin was turning _" "sky turned _" "color is medium _" "color went from _" "_ haired gentleman" "_ eyed child" "leaves change to _" "light to deep _" "lighter shade of _" "leaves turning _" "light yellow to _" "luminous objects in _" "bright beacon in _" "it was pitch _" "green metal with _" "_ looking liquid" "_ soled shoes" "_ eyed boy" "blue becomes _" "boards painted _" "colour is medium _" "blue were _" "_ pigmented skin" "It was turning _" "_ haired woman" "strange lights in _" "urine turning _" "white turns to _" "face turning _" "palette of rich _" "sky was almost _" "_ flowing cape" "_ flowing dresses" "tree with attractive _" "_ haired chick" "_ roasted barley" "color except _" "sky was glowing _" "sky turns from _" "back is solid _" "_ skinned woman" "brush , blend _" "_ eyed angel" "lip-gloss in _" "_ maned lion" "_ finished wood frame" "dark purple to _" "colors like _" "blue appear _" "eyes glowed in _" "leaves grow _" "_ stained wood frame" "_ is not only the color" "sky grew _" "yellow to _" "colours , such as _" "_ eyed people" "feathers being _" "_ billed cuckoos" "_ haired young man" "_ eyed ones" "_ is not a color" "_ flowing hair" "_ finished legs" "hair was turning _" "strange glow in _" "_ haired guys" "constellations in _" "_ flashing lights" "_ felt marker" "_ eyed stranger" "_ flowing cloak" "_ tinted lens" "color is almost _" "color is uniform _" "colors such as _" "subtle shade of _" "rays appear _" "size , attractive _" "solution turning _" "north star in _" "blue goes _" "eyes had adjusted to _" "star shining in _" "_ haired blue" "_ is the stain" "it is dark _" "_ eyed woman" "trembles through _" "You 're not afraid of _" "colors ranging from _" "hills grow _" "_ eyed white" "beautiful shade of _" "_ are colors" "_ felt tipped marker" "_ haired child" "_ eyed little girl" "mirror is finished in _" "lazy circles in _" "light green to _" "base color is _" "yellow against _" "bright yellow against _" "color , turning _" "color is natural _" "tunic trimmed with _" "water is colored _" "_ flashed scenes" "_ coloured legs" "water turning _" "walls are painted _" "skies are turning _" "outline against _" "pigment responsible for _" "yellow , turning _" "eyes adjusted to _" "paper turning _" "light purple to _" "light moving in _" "multi shades of _" "blue against _" "stars visible in _" "many stars in _" "sky turn to _" "_ leaved shrubs" "stars dancing in _" "_ eyed person" "bright object in _" "face was turning _" "eyes are turning _" "green glow in _" "shades of blue from _" "hair turning _" "_ skinned individuals" "birds flying in _" "lightning flash in _" "_ is the night" "brew poured _" "_ rose heart" "_ stained wood" "_ skinned race" "orange lights in _" "mysterious lights in _" "particular shade of _" "sky growing _" "sky went _" "strange shade of _" "it glowed in _" "light turns _" "_ is almost pitch black" "purple through _" "_ spotted flowers" "_ haired men" "_ are colours" "_ eyed cream" "_ eyed Mary" "we look up into _" "_ grew darker" "light beige to _" "it was turning _" "light to full _" "_ flowing dress" "light versus _" "moon hung low in _" "skin is dark _" "sky grows _" "sky was really _" "_ felt hat" "_ eyed demon" "_ eyed Junco" "screen went _" "_ felt buffer pad" "stars twinkled in _" "color is between _" "clouds turning _" "color goes from _" "clouds in _" "change from blue to _" "light to medium _" "screen turning _" "blue turning _" "star appeared in _" "purple to _" "_ leaved variety" "_ anodized aluminum" "bright array of _" "orange against _" "ocean blue to _" "skies grow _" "bright thing in _" "moon hanging in _" "light tan to _" "eyes were liquid _" "gourmet Belgian _" "face went from _" "_ felt pen" "_ flowered form" "sky such _" "eyes adjust to _" "beautiful contrast between _" "hands glowed _" "different tones of _" "sky goes _" "_ eyed little boy" "_ eyed men" "_ embroidered costumes" "sky is dark _" "_ raised ink" "it starts turning _" "blood red to _" "cloud in _" "foliage turns _" "lava against _" "eyes flashed _" "_ based shade" "few stars in _" "elegant tones of _" "_ skinned boy" "light was turning _" "skin turning _" "sky glowing _" "actual color is _" "_ swirling mass" "_ rose ring" "eyes glow in _" "different colors such as _" "red against _" "_ is the new white" "Dancer in _" "colours included _" "hair glowing _" "_ colored wood" "white clouds in _" "yellow through _" ] using dark
CMC @1116 (95.6%) on 05-sep-2018 [ LASTPREFIX=dar 3.44108 PREFIX=dar 2.37536 LASTSUFFIX=ark 2.24037 LASTSUFFIX=rk 2.16311 LASTPREFIX=da 2.08793 SUFFIX=ark 1.02293 POS=NN 0.91883 FULL_POS=NN -1.82845 CHARS -2.03623 WORDS -4.17878 ] using dark
CPL @1096 (99.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "good cup of _" "pints of _" "quiet walk in _" "long walk in _" "It was made of _" "nutrients such as _" "indian food in _" "waiting in _" "it glows in _" "local restaurants in _" "it got to _" "glow in _" "tablespoons of _" "hike through _" "children playing in _" "he poured _" "stabs in _" "glows in _" "chocolate cake with _" "Dancing in _" "Everyone sits in _" "stroll in _" "they were made of _" "strange light in _" "recipe calls for _" "_ paneled walls" "we 're not out of _" "drizzle with _" "stab in _" "_ roasted coffee" "stroll after _" "dessert after _" "coat after _" "walks after _" "swim before _" "other restaurants in _" "walk in _" "grains like _" "catacombs in _" "excellent condition with _" "leaves turning _" "nice walk in _" "drink before _" "strange lights in _" "cheap accommodation in _" "warm water after _" "natural grain of _" "coffee after _" "walks in _" "_ has a silver lining" "balcony with _" "perfect pint of _" "thermos of hot _" "embassy in _" "whistling in _" "eyes adjusted to _" "people waiting in _" "daphnia in _" "_ closed behind" "few tablespoons of _" "strange object in _" "music playing in _" "waits in _" "slide after _" "hot springs in _" "_ felt pen" "eyes adjust to _" "Temple in _" "players sit in _" "splinters of _" "long walks in _" "clearing in _" "drizzle in _" "pint of _" "recipe called for _" "_ is cooked through" "We 're not out of _" ] using dark
CPL @1100 (79.0%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "eyes shine in _" "gold , deep _" "_ sanded beach" "it is pitch _" "metal turns _" "it started turning _" "_ rose hue" "_ flowing mane" "skin flushed _" "eyes adapt to _" "_ shaded boxes" "_ marking behind" "sky turns _" "bright objects in _" "eyes turning _" "_ suited man" "_ being the colour" "_ eyed son" "_ eyed man" "_ stemmed plants" "clear color to _" "light blue to _" "It was full _" "face is turning _" "_ rose of" "buds turning _" "_ haired boy" "_ eyed brown" "_ aiming ring" "it glows in _" "_ flowing beard" "_ felt backing" "_ eyed children" "_ eyed stare" "they start turning _" "_ is the primary colour" "It was pitch _" "_ annealed wire" "color deep _" "diamond fancy _" "glow in _" "_ rose myspace layout" "you see better in _" "sky became _" "hand glowing _" "skies turning _" "bright white light in _" "Lightning flashed across _" "skin is turning _" "screen goes _" "_ eyed girls" "days grow _" "sky dark _" "sky blue to _" "water is dark _" "bright glow in _" "color turning _" "color darkens to _" "glows in _" "design , bright _" "_ rose blossoms" "Drawing of _" "Dancing in _" "_ felt tip marker" "stars spread across _" "bright orange against _" "light orange to _" "_ eyed dog" "_ eyed girl" "_ felt cap" "_ eyed birds" "_ eyed baby" "Everyone sits in _" "_ are the colors" "_ eyed daughter" "_ approaching black" "skin is light _" "strange light in _" "light turns to _" "pages are turning _" "sky turning _" "leaves turn _" "green , turning _" "stars twinkling in _" "_ rose corsage" "_ eyed gaze" "_ eyed brunette" "_ flowing gown" "purple being _" "light mixed with _" "Glows in _" "eyes glowing in _" "_ circled areas" "hair is light _" "sky is pure _" "spectrum from deep _" "sky is turning _" "they turn golden _" "_ is the color" "beer pours _" "_ felt tip" "beer poured _" "deep purple to _" "area outlined in _" "violet , blue _" "_ rose blooms" "skin was tanned _" "_ is the perfect color" "eyes shining in _" "eyes get used to _" "_ roasted coffee" "hints of deep _" "leather in rich _" "It was SO _" "_ flowing waters" "teeth turning _" "_ almond shaped eyes" "_ appear In" "It is very dark _" "_ eyed thing" "color from light blue to _" "_ eyed beauty" "_ flowing robes" "shades of brown to _" "_ tinted sunglasses" "sky was turning _" "shades of deep _" "faint objects in _" "hands glowing _" "light turning _" "_ felt tip pen" "sky was _" "sky grow _" "_ flowing robe" "skin was turning _" "sky turned _" "color went from _" "_ haired gentleman" "_ eyed child" "leaves change to _" "light to deep _" "leaves turning _" "light yellow to _" "it was pitch _" "_ looking liquid" "_ eyed boy" "blue becomes _" "boards painted _" "_ looking skin" "blue were _" "_ pigmented skin" "It was turning _" "_ haired woman" "strange lights in _" "urine turning _" "face turning _" "palette of rich _" "sky was almost _" "_ flowing cape" "_ haired chick" "color except _" "_ eyed angel" "_ maned lion" "_ felt tip pens" "dark purple to _" "_ is not only the color" "sky grew _" "colours , such as _" "_ eyed people" "_ billed cuckoos" "_ is not a color" "_ flowing hair" "_ had pooled on" "hair was turning _" "home before _" "_ felt marker" "_ eyed stranger" "It glows in _" "_ flowing cloak" "_ tinted lens" "subtle shade of _" "solution turning _" "blue goes _" "_ haired blue" "_ is the stain" "_ eyed woman" "lights floating in _" "colors ranging from _" "_ eyed white" "beautiful shade of _" "_ eyed little girl" "_ has a silver lining" "lazy circles in _" "tunic trimmed with _" "water is colored _" "eyes grow _" "_ flashed scenes" "water turning _" "walls are painted _" "outline against _" "_ eyed look" "pigment responsible for _" "yellow , turning _" "light purple to _" "light moving in _" "moon appears in _" "stars visible in _" "_ eyed person" "bright object in _" "eyes have adjusted to _" "face was turning _" "eyes are turning _" "green glow in _" "shades of blue from _" "hair turning _" "lightning flash in _" "it 's SO _" "_ is the night" "object moving in _" "particular shade of _" "sky went _" "helicopters hovering in _" "it glowed in _" "_ is almost pitch black" "_ haired men" "_ are colours" "_ eyed cream" "_ dashed lines" "you are knitting in _" "light beige to _" "it was turning _" "_ flowing dress" "moon hung low in _" "skin is dark _" "_ eyed demon" "_ eyed Junco" "hair super _" "screen went _" "_ felt buffer pad" "stars twinkled in _" "color is between _" "clouds turning _" "eyes got accustomed to _" "change from blue to _" "screen turning _" "blue turning _" "star appeared in _" "_ leaved variety" "eyes become accustomed to _" "ocean blue to _" "skies grow _" "bright thing in _" "moon hanging in _" "eyes were liquid _" "_ felt pen" "_ flowered form" "_ marking pen" "moon glowing in _" "players stand in _" "players sit in _" "_ eyed little boy" "_ eyed men" "sky is dark _" "it starts turning _" "eyes flashed _" "light was turning _" "skin turning _" "sky glowing _" "eyes glow in _" "_ is the new white" "Dancer in _" "hair glowing _" "white clouds in _" "natural metal with _" ] using dark