CPL @1096 (97.7%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "sex scene with _" "husband played by _" "VHS featuring _" "passionate is _" "show stars _" "intimate is _" "_ continually updated from around" "_ plays Derek" "films starring _" "fictional character played by _" "_ is a fine actor" "_ has joined the cast" "_ plays the villain" "character is played by _" "character played by _" "_ 's birth chart" "Characters played by _" "VHS films starring _" "Personal Relationship of _" "he is played by _" "series stars _" "acting by _" "first official picture of _" "actors like _" "_ 's gossips" "she plays opposite _" "_ played Det" "favorite actors include _" "husband , played by _" ] using julian_mcmahon
SEAL @174 (75.0%) on 08-dec-2010 [ 12 ] using julian_mcmahon
CMC @797 (100.0%) on 15-dec-2013 [ LASTSUFFIX=on 3.53488 LASTPREFIX=mc 3.43944 SUFFIX=an 3.29823 PREFIX=mc 3.14134 POS=NN 1.46637 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.44992 PREFIX=ju 1.37212 FULL_POS=JJ_NN -2.81788 CHARS -3.87129 WORDS -5.41120 ] using julian_mcmahon
SEAL @177 (87.5%) on 11-dec-2010 [ 123 ] using julian_mcmahon
CPL @1112 (89.9%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "husband played by _" "VHS featuring _" "passionate is _" "show stars _" "intimate is _" "_ plays Derek" "films starring _" "fictional character played by _" "_ is a fine actor" "_ has joined the cast" "_ plays the villain" "character is played by _" "character played by _" "_ 's birth chart" "VHS films starring _" "Personal Relationship of _" "he is played by _" "series stars _" "actors like _" "_ 's gossips" "_ played Det" "favorite actors include _" "husband , played by _" ] using julian_mcmahon
SEAL @233 (98.4%) on 12-apr-2011 [ 123456 ] using julian_mcmahon
CMC @824 (100.0%) on 19-mar-2014 [ SUFFIX=an 3.50733 LASTSUFFIX=on 3.02305 LASTPREFIX=mc 2.89573 PREFIX=mc 2.57539 PREFIX=ju 2.19262 WORDSHAPE=Aaaaaa 1.42024 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.30568 FULL_POS=JJ_NN -1.59673 CHARS -2.93824 WORDS -3.08492 ] using julian_mcmahon
CPL @1108 (89.6%) on 06-jun-2018 [ "husband played by _" "VHS featuring _" "passionate is _" "original series stars _" "_ plays Derek" "films starring _" "fictional character played by _" "_ is a fine actor" "_ has joined the cast" "_ plays the villain" "character played by _" "VHS films starring _" "Personal Relationship of _" "he is played by _" "series stars _" "first official picture of _" "actors like _" "_ 's gossips" "_ played Det" "favorite actors include _" "husband , played by _" ] using julian_mcmahon
CMC @1054 (100.0%) on 29-apr-2017 [ SUFFIX=an 3.72338 LASTPREFIX=mc 2.98378 LASTSUFFIX=on 2.75910 PREFIX=mc 2.43296 POS=NN 1.88097 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa 1.56177 WORDSHAPE=Aaaaaa 0.77816 FULL_POS=JJ_NN -1.25570 CHARS -5.13928 WORDS -5.78646 ] using julian_mcmahon
CPL @1099 (91.8%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "husband played by _" "VHS featuring _" "passionate is _" "intimate is _" "films starring _" "fictional character played by _" "_ is a fine actor" "_ has joined the cast" "_ plays the villain" "character played by _" "VHS films starring _" "Personal Relationship of _" "he is played by _" "actors like _" "_ 's gossips" "_ played Det" "favorite actors include _" "husband , played by _" ] using julian_mcmahon
SEAL @204 (69.7%) on 11-feb-2011 [ 12345678910 ] using julian_mcmahon