CPL @1111 (97.6%) on 25-jun-2018 [ "tablespoon of _" "egg whites with _" "recipe calls for _" "tablespoons of _" "bowl , combine _" "ingredients except for _" "_ icing recipe" "few tablespoons of _" "half-cup of _" ] using light_cream_cheese
CPL @1103 (80.9%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "_ thinned with" "raisin bagel with _" "carrot sticks with _" "schmear of _" "few dollops of _" "red velvet with _" "cinnamon raisin bagel with _" "bagel spread with _" "wheat bagel with _" "bagel toasted with _" "Carrot cake with _" "Smoked salmon with _" "fat ingredients such as _" "everything bagel with _" "whole-wheat bagel with _" "bagel with _" ] using light_cream_cheese
CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ SUFFIX=ream 2.42422 PREFIX=crea 2.37810 SUFFIX=eam 2.31880 PREFIX=cre 1.93642 PREFIX=cr 1.87105 POS=NN 1.25442 LASTSUFFIX=se 1.12500 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -0.18486 CHARS -3.10135 WORDS -5.10945 ] using light_cream_cheese
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey