MBL @1116 (96.9%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of city:granada citylocatedincountry country:nicaragua ] using concept:city:granada
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of city:managua citycapitalofcountry country:nicaragua ] using concept:city:managua
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of city:managua citycapitalofcountry country:nicaragua ]
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of city:nicaragua citycapitalofcountry country:nicaragua ] using concept:city:nicaragua
MBL @1116 (100.0%) on 12-sep-2018 [ Promotion of country:nicaragua countrylocatedingeopoliticallocation country:american_countries ] using concept:country:nicaragua
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Republic of arg1" "arg2 and DR arg1" ] using (congo, nicaragua)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Republic of arg1" "arg2 and DR arg1" ] using (nicaragua, congo)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Republic of arg1" "arg2 and DR arg1" ] using (congo, nicaragua)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Republic of arg1" "arg2 and DR arg1" ] using (nicaragua, congo)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Phone Cards Code of arg2" "arg1 Hotel For Sale in arg2" "arg1 Reasons to love arg2" "arg1 Latest Crime headlines about arg2" "arg1 Check Hotel Availability Towns in arg2" "arg1 Find Really Cheap Flights to arg2" "arg1 House For Sale in arg2" "arg1 Organic Food Stores in arg2" "arg1 Information about adventure travel in arg2" "arg1 Latest Technology headlines about arg2" "arg1 Top destinations in arg2" "arg1 Cosmetic Online Business in arg2" "arg1 phone cards and arg2" "arg1 The airports in arg2" "arg1 Reserve Hotels in arg2" "arg1 Travel And Tourism in arg2" "arg1 For all hotels in arg2" "arg1 airport sign Airportsign Airports in arg2" "arg1 animated and waving flags of arg2" "arg1 is the capital of arg2" "arg1 of shipping goods to arg2" "arg1 vacation rentals alternatives in arg2" "arg1 Hotel Pages clickable map of arg2" "arg1 We provide international arg2" "arg1 phone cards to call arg2" "arg1 Information on studying abroad in arg2" "arg1 go to All Towns in arg2" "arg1 Overview A general description of arg2" "arg1 Hotels Cheap Hotels in arg2" "arg1 or a honeymoon in arg2" "arg1 prepaid phone card and arg2" "arg1 as the capital of arg2" "arg1 For information around arg2" "arg1 contains the geographic features of arg2" "arg1 prepaid AloArabs phone or International arg2" "arg1 The capital city of arg2" "arg1 condos alternatives in arg2" "arg1 Car Travel in arg2" "arg1 written outside of arg2" "arg1 Translation Online Business in arg2" ] using (nicaragua, nicaragua)
Sempasre @941 (75.0%) on 22-jul-2015 [ "It is based out of the Cathedral of His Glory in Greensboro , North Carolina and the Cathedral of His Glory in Managua , Nicaragua ." ] using (managua, nicaragua)
PRA @960 (100.0%) on 10-nov-2015 [ "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:states~concept:statelocatedingeopoliticallocation,concept:geopoliticallocationcontainscountry" "Y~_X0~concept:proxyfor" "Y~_z-concept:stateorprovince:states~concept:statelocatedingeopoliticallocation" "Y~X0~concept:mutualproxyfor,concept:countrycapital,concept:proxyfor" "Y~X0~concept:proxyfor,concept:countrycapital,concept:proxyfor" ] using (managua, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 after the capital arg1" "arg2 Find a hotel in arg1" "arg2 National Museum in arg1" "arg2 near the capital city of arg1" "arg2 Embassy of Russia in arg1" "arg2 Population The population of arg1" "arg2 Wire Comprehensive News Feed for arg1" "arg2 is a city called arg1" "arg2 You are looking at arg1" "arg2 and its capital arg1" ] using (managua, nicaragua)
CPL @1096 (75.0%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 Learn Spanish in arg1" "arg2 and the world About arg1" ] using (granada, nicaragua)
Sempasre @956 (75.0%) on 21-oct-2015 [ "The national army , under the command of General Ram??n Belloso , fought and defeated the filibusters of General William Walker in the battles of Masaya and Granada , in Nicaragua ." ] using (granada, nicaragua)
SEAL @244 (50.0%) on 25-apr-2011 [ 1 ] using (granada, nicaragua)
CPL @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 Students Union of arg2" "arg1 Autonomous University of arg2" "arg1 Council of YMCAs of arg2" "arg1 Youth Council of arg2" "arg1 Meteorological Service of arg2" "arg1 anthem of arg2" "arg1 Ballet of arg2" "arg1 Library of arg2" "arg1 Parks of arg2" "arg1 Theatre School of arg2" "arg1 Library and Archives of arg2" "arg1 Bank of arg2" "arg1 Union of Students of arg2" ] using (national, nicaragua)
OE @808 (100.0%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using (nicaragua, american_countries)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as Peru and arg1" "arg2 such as Guatemala and arg1" "arg2 such as Honduras and arg1" "arg2 such as Brazil and arg1" "arg2 such as Venezuela and arg1" "arg2 such as Mexico and arg1" "arg2 like Guatemala and arg1" "arg2 such as Belize and arg1" "arg2 such as El Salvador and arg1" "arg2 such as Panama and arg1" "arg2 such as Chile and arg1" "arg2 like Honduras and arg1" "arg2 such as Haiti and arg1" ] using (nicaragua, american_countries)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and several African arg2" "arg1 and other neighboring arg2" "arg1 and compares them to other arg2" "arg1 National coats of arms arg2" "arg1 remains one of the poorest arg2" "arg1 and the other Central American arg2" "arg1 and many other developing arg2" "arg1 and several European arg2" "arg1 is low compared to industrialized arg2" "arg1 and other Central American arg2" "arg1 and in other developing arg2" "arg1 and many South American arg2" "arg1 from the USA and other arg2" "arg1 and many African arg2" "arg1 is among the poorest arg2" "arg1 you consult your arg2" "arg1 and other third world arg2" "arg1 and other South American arg2" "arg1 and several other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and many other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Spanish speaking arg2" "arg1 or other third world arg2" "arg1 or other Latin American arg2" "arg1 telephone codes vary from other arg2" "arg1 ranks among the poorest arg2" "arg1 and other developing arg2" "arg1 is one of the poorest arg2" ] using (nicaragua, countries)
SEAL @554 (75.0%) on 21-apr-2012 [ 12 ] using (nicaragua, countries)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is the largest country of arg2" "arg1 The largest country in arg2" "arg1 is a country located in arg2" "arg1 is the biggest country in arg2" "arg1 is the largest nation in arg2" "arg1 is the largest country in arg2" "arg1 was once the breadbasket of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, central_america)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 before moving to the United arg1" "arg2 and here in the United arg1" "arg2 Relations with the United arg1" "arg2 vs United arg1" "arg2 relations with the United arg1" "arg2 or in the United arg1" "arg2 and came to the United arg1" "arg2 has supported the United arg1" "arg2 as well as the United arg1" "arg2 and the United arg1" "arg2 and the Organization of American arg1" "arg2 and in the United arg1" "arg2 but here in the United arg1" "arg2 but also in the United arg1" "arg2 and immigrated to the United arg1" "arg2 and The United arg1" "arg2 was invaded by the United arg1" "arg2 than in the United arg1" "arg2 and even the United arg1" "arg2 instead of the United arg1" "arg2 versus the United arg1" "arg2 and migrated to the United arg1" "arg2 and also in the United arg1" "arg2 needs the United arg1" "arg2 and emigrated to the United arg1" "arg2 or to the United arg1" ] using (states, nicaragua)
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 growing regions of arg2" "arg1 growing regions in arg2" "arg1 growing areas of arg2" "arg1 is actually grown in arg2" "arg1 leaves grown in arg2" ] using (tobacco, nicaragua)
CPL @1109 (100.0%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "arg1 Flag of arg2" "arg1 Students Union of arg2" "arg1 Autonomous University of arg2" "arg1 Council of YMCAs of arg2" "arg1 Youth Council of arg2" "arg1 Spiritual Assembly of arg2" "arg1 Meteorological Service of arg2" "arg1 anthem of arg2" "arg1 Car Rental of arg2" "arg1 Ballet of arg2" "arg1 Library of arg2" "arg1 Parks of arg2" "arg1 Agrarian University of arg2" "arg1 Theatre School of arg2" "arg1 Library and Archives of arg2" "arg1 Bank of arg2" "arg1 Union of Students of arg2" ] using (national, nicaragua)
SEAL @553 (50.0%) on 20-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using (baseball, nicaragua)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is the national sport of arg2" "arg1 is a popular sport in arg2" "arg1 is the national sport in arg2" ] using (baseball, nicaragua)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Students Union of arg2" "arg1 Autonomous University of arg2" "arg1 Council of YMCAs of arg2" "arg1 Theatre School of arg2" "arg1 Union of Students of arg2" ] using (national, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (america, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (nicaragua, america)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (america, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (nicaragua, america)
CPL @1096 (87.5%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 Diving Directory for arg2" "arg1 diving opportunities in arg2" "arg1 diving in arg2" ] using (scuba, nicaragua)
Sempasre @1097 (75.0%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "His stay in Nicaragua was brief , and he moved to San Salvador where he was named director of the periodical La Uni??n which was in favor of creating a unified Central American state ." ] using (stay, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (america, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (nicaragua, america)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 formed the Federal Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the other countries of arg2" ] using (central_america, nicaragua)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 formed the Federal Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the other countries of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, central_america)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 formed the Federal Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the other countries of arg2" ] using (central_america, nicaragua)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 formed the Federal Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the other countries of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, central_america)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (america, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (nicaragua, america)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Republic of arg1" "arg2 and DR arg1" ] using (congo, nicaragua)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Republic of arg1" "arg2 and DR arg1" ] using (nicaragua, congo)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (america, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (nicaragua, america)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 formed the Federal Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the other countries of arg2" ] using (central_america, nicaragua)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 formed the Federal Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the other countries of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, central_america)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and the Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the Republics of arg2" "arg1 or the Republic of arg2" ] using (united_states, nicaragua)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and the Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the Republics of arg2" "arg1 or the Republic of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, united_states)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and the Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the Republics of arg2" "arg1 or the Republic of arg2" ] using (united_states, nicaragua)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and the Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the Republics of arg2" "arg1 or the Republic of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, united_states)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and the Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the Republics of arg2" "arg1 or the Republic of arg2" ] using (united_states, nicaragua)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and the Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the Republics of arg2" "arg1 or the Republic of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, united_states)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 formed the Federal Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the other countries of arg2" ] using (central_america, nicaragua)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 formed the Federal Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the other countries of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, central_america)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (america, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (nicaragua, america)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Republic of arg1" "arg2 and DR arg1" ] using (congo, nicaragua)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Republic of arg1" "arg2 and DR arg1" ] using (nicaragua, congo)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (america, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (nicaragua, america)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (america, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (nicaragua, america)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Republic of arg1" "arg2 and DR arg1" ] using (congo, nicaragua)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Democratic Republic of arg1" "arg2 and the Republic of arg1" "arg2 and DR arg1" ] using (nicaragua, congo)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 formed the Federal Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the other countries of arg2" ] using (central_america, nicaragua)
CPL @1095 (75.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 formed the Federal Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the other countries of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, central_america)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (america, nicaragua)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other countries of Latin arg2" "arg1 and across Latin arg2" "arg1 and elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and the rest of Latin arg2" "arg1 and throughout Latin arg2" "arg1 and all over Latin arg2" "arg1 and Central and South arg2" "arg1 and in Latin arg2" "arg1 and Latin arg2" "arg1 and most of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Central arg2" "arg1 and other countries in Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Central arg2" "arg1 than in North arg2" "arg1 and other countries in South arg2" "arg1 or elsewhere in Latin arg2" "arg1 and other parts of Latin arg2" "arg1 and much of Latin arg2" "arg1 and other areas of Latin arg2" ] using (nicaragua, america)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and the Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the Republics of arg2" "arg1 or the Republic of arg2" ] using (united_states, nicaragua)
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and the Republic of arg2" "arg1 and the Republics of arg2" "arg1 or the Republic of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, united_states)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is the largest country of arg2" "arg1 The largest country in arg2" "arg1 is a country located in arg2" "arg1 is the biggest country in arg2" "arg1 is the largest nation in arg2" "arg1 is the largest country in arg2" "arg1 was once the breadbasket of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, central_america)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is the largest country of arg2" "arg1 The largest country in arg2" "arg1 is a country located in arg2" "arg1 is the biggest country in arg2" "arg1 is the largest nation in arg2" "arg1 is the largest country in arg2" "arg1 was once the breadbasket of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, central_america)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and several African arg2" "arg1 and other neighboring arg2" "arg1 and compares them to other arg2" "arg1 National coats of arms arg2" "arg1 remains one of the poorest arg2" "arg1 and the other Central American arg2" "arg1 and many other developing arg2" "arg1 and several European arg2" "arg1 is low compared to industrialized arg2" "arg1 and other Central American arg2" "arg1 and in other developing arg2" "arg1 and many South American arg2" "arg1 from the USA and other arg2" "arg1 and many African arg2" "arg1 is among the poorest arg2" "arg1 you consult your arg2" "arg1 and other third world arg2" "arg1 and other South American arg2" "arg1 and several other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and many other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Spanish speaking arg2" "arg1 or other third world arg2" "arg1 or other Latin American arg2" "arg1 telephone codes vary from other arg2" "arg1 ranks among the poorest arg2" "arg1 and other developing arg2" "arg1 is one of the poorest arg2" ] using (nicaragua, countries)
SEAL @554 (75.0%) on 21-apr-2012 [ 12 ] using (nicaragua, countries)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and several African arg2" "arg1 and other neighboring arg2" "arg1 and compares them to other arg2" "arg1 National coats of arms arg2" "arg1 remains one of the poorest arg2" "arg1 and the other Central American arg2" "arg1 and many other developing arg2" "arg1 and several European arg2" "arg1 is low compared to industrialized arg2" "arg1 and other Central American arg2" "arg1 and in other developing arg2" "arg1 and many South American arg2" "arg1 from the USA and other arg2" "arg1 and many African arg2" "arg1 is among the poorest arg2" "arg1 you consult your arg2" "arg1 and other third world arg2" "arg1 and other South American arg2" "arg1 and several other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and many other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Spanish speaking arg2" "arg1 or other third world arg2" "arg1 or other Latin American arg2" "arg1 telephone codes vary from other arg2" "arg1 ranks among the poorest arg2" "arg1 and other developing arg2" "arg1 is one of the poorest arg2" ] using (nicaragua, countries)
SEAL @554 (75.0%) on 21-apr-2012 [ 12 ] using (nicaragua, countries)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is the largest country of arg2" "arg1 The largest country in arg2" "arg1 is a country located in arg2" "arg1 is the biggest country in arg2" "arg1 is the largest nation in arg2" "arg1 is the largest country in arg2" "arg1 was once the breadbasket of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, central_america)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as Panama and arg1" "arg2 such as El Salvador and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like El Salvador and arg1" "arg2 such as Haiti and arg1" "arg2 such as Belize and arg1" "arg2 like Bolivia or arg1" "arg2 such as Guatemala and arg1" "arg2 such as Venezuela and arg1" "arg2 like Honduras and arg1" "arg2 such as Honduras and arg1" "arg2 like Liberia and arg1" "arg2 like Colombia and arg1" ] using (nicaragua, nations)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and several African arg2" "arg1 and other neighboring arg2" "arg1 and compares them to other arg2" "arg1 National coats of arms arg2" "arg1 remains one of the poorest arg2" "arg1 and the other Central American arg2" "arg1 and many other developing arg2" "arg1 and several European arg2" "arg1 is low compared to industrialized arg2" "arg1 and other Central American arg2" "arg1 and in other developing arg2" "arg1 and many South American arg2" "arg1 from the USA and other arg2" "arg1 and many African arg2" "arg1 is among the poorest arg2" "arg1 you consult your arg2" "arg1 and other third world arg2" "arg1 and other South American arg2" "arg1 and several other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and many other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Spanish speaking arg2" "arg1 or other third world arg2" "arg1 or other Latin American arg2" "arg1 telephone codes vary from other arg2" "arg1 ranks among the poorest arg2" "arg1 and other developing arg2" "arg1 is one of the poorest arg2" ] using (nicaragua, countries)
SEAL @554 (75.0%) on 21-apr-2012 [ 12 ] using (nicaragua, countries)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1095 (99.2%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is the largest country of arg2" "arg1 The largest country in arg2" "arg1 is a country located in arg2" "arg1 is the biggest country in arg2" "arg1 is the largest nation in arg2" "arg1 is the largest country in arg2" "arg1 was once the breadbasket of arg2" ] using (nicaragua, central_america)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as Panama and arg1" "arg2 such as El Salvador and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like El Salvador and arg1" "arg2 such as Haiti and arg1" "arg2 such as Belize and arg1" "arg2 like Bolivia or arg1" "arg2 such as Guatemala and arg1" "arg2 such as Venezuela and arg1" "arg2 like Honduras and arg1" "arg2 such as Honduras and arg1" "arg2 like Liberia and arg1" "arg2 like Colombia and arg1" ] using (nicaragua, nations)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as the USA and arg1" "arg2 such as Mozambique and arg1" "arg2 like South Africa and arg1" "arg2 like Cuba and arg1" "arg2 like the Philippines or arg1" ] using (nicaragua, cases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and several African arg2" "arg1 and other neighboring arg2" "arg1 and compares them to other arg2" "arg1 National coats of arms arg2" "arg1 remains one of the poorest arg2" "arg1 and the other Central American arg2" "arg1 and many other developing arg2" "arg1 and several European arg2" "arg1 is low compared to industrialized arg2" "arg1 and other Central American arg2" "arg1 and in other developing arg2" "arg1 and many South American arg2" "arg1 from the USA and other arg2" "arg1 and many African arg2" "arg1 is among the poorest arg2" "arg1 you consult your arg2" "arg1 and other third world arg2" "arg1 and other South American arg2" "arg1 and several other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and many other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Spanish speaking arg2" "arg1 or other third world arg2" "arg1 or other Latin American arg2" "arg1 telephone codes vary from other arg2" "arg1 ranks among the poorest arg2" "arg1 and other developing arg2" "arg1 is one of the poorest arg2" ] using (nicaragua, countries)
SEAL @554 (75.0%) on 21-apr-2012 [ 12 ] using (nicaragua, countries)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and several African arg2" "arg1 and other neighboring arg2" "arg1 and compares them to other arg2" "arg1 National coats of arms arg2" "arg1 remains one of the poorest arg2" "arg1 and the other Central American arg2" "arg1 and many other developing arg2" "arg1 and several European arg2" "arg1 is low compared to industrialized arg2" "arg1 and other Central American arg2" "arg1 and in other developing arg2" "arg1 and many South American arg2" "arg1 from the USA and other arg2" "arg1 and many African arg2" "arg1 is among the poorest arg2" "arg1 you consult your arg2" "arg1 and other third world arg2" "arg1 and other South American arg2" "arg1 and several other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and many other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Latin American arg2" "arg1 and other Spanish speaking arg2" "arg1 or other third world arg2" "arg1 or other Latin American arg2" "arg1 telephone codes vary from other arg2" "arg1 ranks among the poorest arg2" "arg1 and other developing arg2" "arg1 is one of the poorest arg2" ] using (nicaragua, countries)
SEAL @554 (75.0%) on 21-apr-2012 [ 12 ] using (nicaragua, countries)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 Students Union of arg2" "arg1 Autonomous University of arg2" "arg1 Council of YMCAs of arg2" "arg1 Theatre School of arg2" "arg1 Union of Students of arg2" ] using (national, nicaragua)