CPL @1107 (97.6%) on 24-may-2018 [ "capital of _" "Public housing authorities for _" "Movers Local movers in _" "citizens of _" "parts of northern _" "housing authorities for _" "County Movers Local movers in _" "Local movers in _" "farm in southern _" "payment FHA loans in _" "county seat of _" "coast of _" "CA is located in _" "local Liposuction surgeons in _" ] using sonoma_county
CPL @1107 (71.3%) on 24-may-2018 [ "he located in _" "home in rural _" "perfect used car in _" "professional local movers in _" "Liposuction surgeons in _" "traffic school in _" "Public housing authorities for _" "Sheriff of _" "Movers Local movers in _" "community in southern _" "_ 's wine country" "FHA loans in _" "Valley area of _" "remodeler in _" "hills of western _" "Advantage plan in _" "Medicare Advantage plan in _" "Russian River area of _" "_ is a county" "housing authorities for _" "County Movers Local movers in _" "Local movers in _" "River area of _" "farm in southern _" "payment FHA loans in _" "county seat of _" "county-seat of _" "local roofing contractors in _" "CA is located in _" "local movers in _" "local Liposuction surgeons in _" ] using sonoma_county
CMC @172 (100.0%) on 05-dec-2010 [ LASTSUFFIX=ty 5.88407 SUFFIX=ty 5.44708 CHARS 5.39659 LASTSUFFIX=unty 4.32726 LASTSUFFIX=ounty 4.32431 LASTSUFFIX=nty 4.30003 LAST_WORD=county 4.21820 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.45508 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.85407 WORDS -5.09859 ] using sonoma_county
CPL @1112 (94.9%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "real estate in _" "restaurants in _" "hotels in _" "many wineries in _" "CA is located in _" "breakfast in _" ] using sonoma_county
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 cities such as Santa arg1" "arg2 at Santa arg1" "arg2 town of Santa arg1" "arg2 Museum of Art in Santa arg1" "arg2 near Santa arg1" ] using (rosa, sonoma_county)