CPL @1107 (96.1%) on 24-may-2018 [ "citizens of _" "Accepted Masons of _" "Face Lift surgeons in _" "Public housing authorities for _" "provider pricing are included if available in _" "cable Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "permanent residents of _" "pricing are included if available in _" "housing authorities for _" "available affordable Internet options in _" "local Face Lift surgeons in _" "affordable Internet options in _" "service provider pricing are included if available in _" "Internet options in _" "Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "farm in northern _" "local Liposuction surgeons in _" ] using whatcom_county
OE @830 (87.1%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using whatcom_county
CPL @1112 (55.4%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "honored pioneers of _" "Lift surgeons in _" "juvenile prosecutor in _" "Face Lift surgeon in _" "county commissioner of _" "Face Lift surgeons in _" "Liposuction surgeons in _" "Public housing authorities for _" "provider pricing are included if available in _" "Lift surgeon in _" "cable Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "pricing are included if available in _" "residents of northern _" "housing authorities for _" "available affordable Internet options in _" "local Face Lift surgeons in _" "affordable Internet options in _" "service provider pricing are included if available in _" "county commissioners of _" "Internet options in _" "Internet service provider pricing are included if available in _" "farm in northern _" "local Liposuction surgeons in _" ] using whatcom_county
CMC @535 (100.0%) on 20-mar-2012 [ SUFFIX=ty 4.46683 LASTSUFFIX=ty 4.41158 CHARS 3.56891 LASTSUFFIX=ounty 2.57439 LASTSUFFIX=unty 2.57439 LASTSUFFIX=nty 2.56543 LAST_WORD=county 2.55392 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.55234 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a -1.06034 WORDS -7.28348 ] using whatcom_county
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and southern British arg1" "arg2 and British arg1" "arg2 and southeastern British arg1" ] using (columbia, whatcom_county)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and southern British arg1" "arg2 and British arg1" "arg2 and southeastern British arg1" ] using (whatcom_county, columbia)