CMC @1104 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=frau 2.43665 LASTPREFIX=frau 1.79963 SUFFIX=raud 1.75037 SUFFIX=aud 1.73930 LASTSUFFIX=raud 1.49310 LASTSUFFIX=aud 1.48756 SUFFIX=ud 1.36923 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -0.84003 POS=NN -1.93886 WORDS -3.99174 ] using business_fraud
CPL @1100 (86.6%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "offenses like _" "perpetrators of _" "allegations of _" "accusations of _" "unfounded allegations of _" "you have been charged with _" "you were charged with _" "spurious charges of _" "federal charges of _" "_ has been perpetrated on" "criminal charges for _" "strong laws against _" "someone convicted of _" "crimes , including _" "victim of _" "crimes , such as _" "punishment for _" "public allegations of _" "falsely accused of _" "alleged cases of _" "charges of _" "serious cases of _" "_ perpetrated through" "conviction for _" "prison for _" "criminal conviction for _" "collar crimes including _" "someone committing _" "someone you know has been charged with _" "crimes including _" "own laws against _" "allegation of _" "state charges of _" "several counts of _" "you have been convicted of _" "cases involving alleged _" "you are being investigated for _" "he pleaded guilty to _" "case of alleged _" "investigation of serious _" "sentencing for _" "Perpetrators of _" "you know has been charged with _" "numerous counts of _" "white collar crimes including _" "you have been accused of _" ] using business_fraud