CPL @1099 (86.3%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "she committed _" "I 've committed _" "_ committed anywhere in" "he committed _" "person commits _" "perpetrator of _" "I did not commit _" "I have committed _" "_ has been committed by" "I do n't commit _" "_ ever committed on" "man had committed _" "_ perpetrated by" "I did n't commit _" "she 's committed _" "President committed _" "someone committed _" "somebody committed _" "someone commits _" "he did commit _" "you have commited _" "she was committing _" "she commits _" "he 's committed _" "he is accused of _" "I have n't committed _" "he commit _" "_ committed in" "I 'm not committing _" "they are committing _" "anyone guilty of _" "punishment for such _" "I committed _" "I ever committed _" "he commited _" "person committing _" "group committed _" "they are guilty of _" "I have not committed _" "they have committed _" "they commit _" "They have committed _" "_ was committed by" "officials committed _" "I was committing _" "you committed _" "you have already committed _" "you are guilty of _" "you 've committed _" "he commits _" "women committed _" "I commit _" "one has committed _" "_ committed on" "We do not commit _" "you do not commit _" "They also committed _" "daughter committed _" "you have n't committed _" "he has committed _" "_ committed by" "we had committed _" "you have committed _" "mine committed _" "you had committed _" "he had committed _" "them committed _" "I had committed _" "He has committed _" "_ being committed by" "I do not commit _" "them commit _" "I commited _" "I’ve committed _" "she has committed _" "us have committed _" "they committed _" "others committed _" "someone has committed _" "doctor committed _" "_ perpetrated in" "I was guilty of _" "punishment for _" "_ was committed during" "we have committed _" "husband has committed _" "_ committed during" "she had committed _" ] using faux_pas
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey