CPL @1094 (95.4%) on 31-dec-2017 [ "defendant committed _" "time served for _" "Reckless driving is _" "offender is convicted of _" "sentence imposed for _" "crimes other than _" "presumptive sentence for _" "crimes as _" "state prison for _" "he is innocent of _" "offenses other than _" "driver commits _" "sentence for _" "officer investigating _" "prison for _" "information charging _" "act is considered _" "commission of _" "you committed _" "someone has committed _" "driver committing _" "violation is considered _" "prosecution for _" ] using primary_offense
LE @1091 (58.1%) on 28-dec-2017
CMC @1094 (98.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ PREFIX=offen 1.08594 PREFIX=offe 1.01053 LASTPREFIX=offen 0.84189 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=a 0.82946 LASTPREFIX=offe 0.74870 SUFFIX=se 0.69104 PREFIX=off 0.67021 WORDSHAPE=aaaaaaa -0.36322 POS=NN -0.52993 WORDS -1.61230 ] using primary_offense