CPL @1107 (85.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "currency is called _" "currency used is _" "_ have been poured into" "worth thousands of _" "state millions of _" "substantial depreciation of _" "_ was devalued in" "worth hundreds of _" "_ have been pumped into" "_ have been spent on" "few billions of _" "many millions of _" "worth billions of _" "_ strengthened against" "goods worth thousands of _" "property worth thousands of _" "billons of _" "owners millions of _" "millons of _" "_ appreciated against" "State millions of _" "worth millions of _" "millions of extra _" "millions of _" "currency is _" "several millions of _" "government millions of _" "more millions of _" "Government millions of _" "billions of _" "country millions of _" "nation millions of _" ] using kina