CPL @1112 (63.0%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "law was repealed in _" "firm founded in _" "He died about _" "Mission began in _" "movement began in _" "mid-November of _" "thewinter of _" "state constitutional convention in _" "She died estimated _" "County Courthouse , built in _" "Rogers died in _" "Treaty was signed in _" "County was organized in _" "America , published in _" "She died about _" "restoration began in _" "father death in _" "Ltd , established in _" "DD-year period beginning in _" "It has been around since _" "Historic Interest Built in _" "Township was incorporated in _" "College was founded in _" "Courthouse , built in _" "United States citizen in _" "church edifice was erected in _" "he retired in _" "company was incorporated in _" "party split in _" "Firm Founded in _" "Mill was built in _" "University Founded in _" "Railway was built in _" "County was formed in _" "He worked there until _" "firm was founded in _" "district was established in _" "firm , founded in _" "last surveyed in _" "late summer of _" "business since _" "_ was a busy year" "County was created in _" "hot summer of _" "INSTITUTION Founded _" "Facts Founded in _" "Railroad , built in _" "School , graduating in _" "Library , founded in _" "list in early _" "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION Founded _" "Press , c. _" "Description Founded in _" "it was demolished in _" "university founded in _" "renomination in _" "It was demolished in _" "Germany , founded in _" "museum founded in _" "hotel was established in _" "_ was also the year" "ministries since _" "area , established in _" "early fall of _" "company founded in _" "County formed in _" "period commencing in _" "Company established in _" "Dock was built in _" "Institute , founded in _" "Ellen was born about _" "harsh winter of _" "_ was a critical year" "inn , built in _" "organization established in _" "agency formed in _" "Autumn of _" "Inn was built in _" "early autumn of _" "company was established in _" "building , built in _" "house founded in _" "hurricanes since _" "father’s death in _" "engineer since _" "addition was built in _" "addition , completed in _" "riots of _" "liberal arts college founded in _" "family business founded in _" "Co. was founded in _" "Ohio , was established in _" "services since _" "cholera epidemic of _" "bloody coup in _" "business established in _" "property was built in _" "cemetery , established in _" "She was born about _" "Missouri bar in _" "Morgan , born _" "it was inaugurated in _" "late spring of _" "search Founded in _" "early summer of _" "business , founded in _" "school was closed in _" "annual increase since _" "great famine of _" "House , opened in _" "Railway was opened in _" "House was built in _" "Company was founded in _" "they were founded in _" "Lighthouse was erected in _" "Tower , built in _" "LANG was born in _" "Polish insurrection of _" "Garden was established in _" "Bank , built in _" "Institute was started in _" "Coffin died in _" "George was born about _" "United States founded in _" "Historical Society was founded in _" "House was completed in _" "College was formed in _" "Hotel was completed in _" "Mill , established in _" "Kiefer was born abt _" "Bible published in _" "HAGGARD was born about _" "Association was established in _" "Irish potato famine of _" "School , built in _" "It is dated _" "It was established in _" "College was established in _" "Company , founded in _" "County , created in _" "Zealand began in _" "political career began in _" "center since _" "newspaper founded in _" "New Orleans was founded in _" "business Established in _" "bank founded in _" "business founded in _" "Mill , built in _" "Place was built in _" "School class of _" "County , established in _" "house was torn down in _" "area began in _" "Association , founded in _" "JAMES HAGGARD was born about _" "station was rebuilt in _" "Details Established in _" "Building Society was founded in _" "arts college founded in _" "Orleans was founded in _" "Courthouse built in _" "Museum , opened in _" "States founded in _" "early Summer of _" "style , erected in _" "state senate in _" "mid-April of _" "Society , established in _" "Hotel , built in _" "Polish uprising of _" "Kieffer was born abt _" "Ohio bar in _" "cooperative founded in _" "Co. , founded in _" "political party formed in _" "York Founded in _" "Episcopal Church , built in _" "society founded in _" "County , formed in _" "Academy was established in _" "group founded in _" "he has lived since _" "building was finished in _" "garden was established in _" "Keifer was born abt _" "House , built in _" "system , established in _" "Cemetery was founded in _" "County was founded in _" "Interest Built in _" "History History In _" "HILL was born about _" "Bank , founded in _" "It reopened in _" "railroad came through in _" "school founded in _" "He left there in _" "California , was founded in _" "Yacht Club was founded in _" "spring of _" "founding in _" "company was founded in _" "Library , established in _" "it did back in _" "Society was founded in _" "TROTTER was born about _" "Keefer was born abt _" "School was founded in _" "statute , passed in _" "He immigrated about _" "New York Founded in _" "Inc. was established in _" "Poems was published in _" "York , established in _" "he helped found in _" "British colony until _" "Hungarian revolution of _" "Movement , founded in _" "/summer of _" "first novel was published in _" "homestead was built in _" "county was established in _" "courthouse , built in _" "Singh , born _" "Alliance was founded in _" "resident since _" "several years beginning in _" "house was demolished in _" "business , established in _" "world , was established in _" "years beginning in _" "It was not published until _" "Church , completed in _" "New Zealand began in _" "They divorced in _" "Institution was founded in _" "COMPANY Founded in _" "work was not published until _" "institution was founded in _" "county was created in _" "organization founded in _" "town was incorporated in _" "Originally founded in _" "brutal winter of _" "lighthouse was built in _" "mansion , built in _" "program , begun in _" "school , founded in _" "inception in _" "Hotel was established in _" "present farm since _" "It was chartered in _" "Institute was established in _" "HOLLINGSWORTH-DDDDDD was born in _" "It was founded in _" "Summer of _" "factory , built in _" "winter of _" "couple separated in _" "Association , formed in _" "States citizen in _" "patent expired in _" "late winter of _" "Works was founded in _" "Design was founded in _" "ROBINSON was born about _" "landmark , built in _" "institution , founded in _" "factory closed in _" "war began in _" "they separated in _" "Court , established in _" "Christmas holidays of _" "Durand was born _" "Club , founded in _" "university was founded in _" "company has been operating since _" "He ran again in _" "Alliance , founded in _" "addition was completed in _" "Mary was born about _" "Dogs since _" "Museum was founded in _" "University was founded in _" "We 've been around since _" "present building was completed in _" "party formed in _" "it disbanded in _" "first founded in _" "society was established in _" "school , established in _" "novel was published in _" "mid-summer of _" "Society , formed in _" "College , established in _" "Law was established in _" "Association was founded in _" "he was knighted in _" "Robert died in _" "church edifice was built in _" "lighthouse , built in _" "service , founded in _" "Society was formed in _" "Company founded in _" "publishing house founded in _" "Famine of _" "We were founded in _" "State constitutional convention in _" "bridge , built in _" "early spring of _" "building was opened in _" "late fall of _" "They were founded in _" "Texas legislature in _" "RICE was born in _" "JONES was born about _" "Institute was founded in _" "HOLLINGSWORTH-DDDDD was born in _" "Irish famine of _" "County was erected in _" "Hall , built in _" "County was established in _" "Museum , founded in _" "severe winter of _" "organization was formed in _" "building was constructed in _" "_ was a watershed year" "building was built in _" "same journal in _" "Class of _" "Theological Seminary , founded in _" "composition was first published in _" "charitable organization founded in _" "father retired in _" "group disbanded in _" "itself was founded in _" "He retired in _" "News was founded in _" "History Founded in _" "Society was established in _" "Union was founded in _" "Inc. , founded in _" "summer of _" "Mexico began in _" "It was acquired in _" "business history , in _" "archives date back to _" "school was founded in _" "county was formed in _" "last erupted in _" "Society founded in _" "bitter winter of _" "Christmas season of _" "Territory was established in _" "University , founded in _" "spring /summer of _" "war continued until _" "it was founded in _" "company , established in _" "winery was established in _" ] using n1846
CPL @1107 (96.9%) on 24-may-2018 [ "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in September arg2" "arg1 broke out in arg2" ] using (mexico, n1846)
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" ] using (place, n1846)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and the United arg1" "arg2 war between the United arg1" "arg2 and immigrated to the United arg1" "arg2 and came to the United arg1" ] using (states, n1846)
CPL @1105 (96.9%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg1 in December arg2" "arg1 in June arg2" "arg1 in January arg2" "arg1 in April arg2" "arg1 in February arg2" ] using (place, n1846)