CMC @1107 (100.0%) on 24-may-2018 [ PREFIX=ac 4.33699 CHARS 2.69452 SUFFIX=lux 2.29498 PREFIX=refl 2.13051 PREFIX=aci 2.10057 SUFFIX=eflux 1.97895 PREFIX=reflu 1.97303 FULL_POS=NN_NN -1.02912 POS=NN -3.54401 WORDS -5.05735 ] using acid_reflux
CPL @1096 (93.1%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "symptoms of _" "_ is a lifelong condition" "_ is a common health problem" "signs of _" "_ is a chronic disease" "medications for _" "I suffer from _" "warning signs of _" "_ is not a real disease" "you suffer from _" "remedies for _" "common symptoms of _" "_ is a lifelong disease" "_ is a chronic" "serious condition like _" "_ is a debilitating condition" "son was diagnosed with _" "remedy for _" "_ has many symptoms" "_ is not curable" "Natural Remedy for _" "_ is a condition" "problems such as _" "_ is a chronic health condition" "wife was diagnosed with _" ] using acid_reflux
SEAL @213 (98.4%) on 21-feb-2011 [ 123456 ] using acid_reflux
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of beverage:water beveragecansoftendisease disease:acid_reflux ]
CMC @1103 (100.0%) on 08-mar-2018 [ PREFIX=ac 4.19380 CHARS 3.15928 SUFFIX=lux 2.59266 SUFFIX=eflux 2.10937 PREFIX=reflu 2.10255 PREFIX=refl 2.05375 SUFFIX=flux 2.04099 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.04581 POS=NN -2.88148 WORDS -7.15040 ] using acid_reflux
SEAL @799 (53.0%) on 21-dec-2013 [ 12 ] using acid_reflux
CPL @1096 (91.2%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "_ is often caused by" "symptoms of _" "_ is really a disease" "_ is a lifelong condition" "signs of _" "_ is a chronic disease" "I recently was diagnosed with _" "I suffer from _" "bad case of _" "warning signs of _" "_ is not a real disease" "you suffer from _" "common symptoms of _" "_ is caused by" "_ is a horrible disease" "_ is a lifelong disease" "_ is a chronic" "serious condition like _" "I was diagnosed with _" "_ is a debilitating condition" "son was diagnosed with _" "_ is not curable" "I 've had chronic _" "_ is a disorder" "Natural Remedy for _" "_ is a terrible disease" "_ is a chronic health condition" "wife was diagnosed with _" ] using acid_reflux