CPL @1098 (86.2%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "disorder , also known as _" "_ go untreated" "episode of bipolar _" "risk for major _" "schizophrenia , bipolar _" "symptoms of _" "_ including bipolar disorder" "studies of bipolar _" "epilepsy , bipolar _" "feature of bipolar _" "major depression , bipolar _" "treatment of bipolar _" "patients with major _" "children with bipolar _" "episodes of major _" "phase of bipolar _" "risk of bipolar _" "abuse , bipolar _" "illness such as bipolar _" "People with bipolar _" "suffering from _" "risk for bipolar _" "_ affecting women" "symptoms of bipolar _" "_ are major depression" "patient with bipolar _" "disorder , major _" "woman with bipolar _" "cause of bipolar _" "course of bipolar _" "Patients with bipolar _" "depression , bipolar _" "someone with bipolar _" "causes of bipolar _" "history of bipolar _" "mood disorders , including bipolar _" "people living with bipolar _" "treatment in bipolar _" "genetic basis of bipolar _" "serious condition called _" "formal diagnosis of _" "persons with bipolar _" "mental illness such as bipolar _" "long-term treatment of bipolar _" "lithium for bipolar _" "_ including depression" "incidence of bipolar _" "_ is a condition" "condition called _" "person with bipolar _" "depressed phase of bipolar _" "_ is a lifelong condition" "schizophrenia , bi-polar _" "treatment for bipolar _" "Individuals with bipolar _" "diagnosis of major _" "schizophrenia , major _" "diagnosis of bipolar _" "disorders , including bipolar _" "people with bipolar _" "medications for bipolar _" "onset of bipolar _" "disorders such as bipolar _" "people suffering from bipolar _" "patients with bipolar _" "family history of bipolar _" "episodes of bipolar _" "women with bipolar _" ] using affective_disorder
CMC @1099 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2018 [ CHARS 2.34229 PREFIX=disor 2.06699 PREFIX=diso 2.02691 PREFIX=dis 1.75881 LASTPREFIX=dis 1.22264 SUFFIX=order 1.21551 SUFFIX=der 1.19867 LASTSUFFIX=er -0.82025 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a_a -0.82227 WORDS -5.27930 ] using affective_disorder
CPL @1098 (87.8%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "disorder , also known as _" "episode of bipolar _" "risk for major _" "schizophrenia , bipolar _" "symptoms of _" "_ including bipolar disorder" "epilepsy , bipolar _" "feature of bipolar _" "major depression , bipolar _" "treatment of bipolar _" "children with bipolar _" "episodes of major _" "suffers from bipolar _" "phase of bipolar _" "abuse , bipolar _" "illness such as bipolar _" "People with bipolar _" "suffering from _" "_ affecting women" "patient with major _" "stress , bipolar _" "symptoms of bipolar _" "patient with bipolar _" "disorder , major _" "I was diagnosed with bipolar _" "woman with bipolar _" "cause of bipolar _" "course of bipolar _" "Patients with bipolar _" "depression , bipolar _" "_ is a chemical imbalance" "you suffer from seasonal _" "someone with bipolar _" "family history of _" "causes of bipolar _" "subtypes of bipolar _" "history of bipolar _" "mood disorders , including bipolar _" "people living with bipolar _" "genetic basis of bipolar _" "_ is caused by" "persons with bipolar _" "mental illness such as bipolar _" "manic depression , bipolar _" "_ including depression" "incidence of bipolar _" "condition called _" "person with bipolar _" "Many people with bipolar _" "depressed phase of bipolar _" "_ is a lifelong condition" "schizophrenia , bi-polar _" "treatment for bipolar _" "Individuals with bipolar _" "depression , major _" "diagnosis of major _" "schizophrenia , major _" "symptoms of seasonal _" "diagnosis of bipolar _" "basis of bipolar _" "disorders , including bipolar _" "people with bipolar _" "medications for bipolar _" "onset of bipolar _" "disorders such as bipolar _" "_ usually develop as" "people suffering from bipolar _" "patients with bipolar _" "family history of bipolar _" "episodes of bipolar _" "women with bipolar _" ] using affective_disorder
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 called seasonal arg2" "arg1 or bipolar arg2" "arg1 and bipolar arg2" ] using (major_depression, affective_disorder)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 swings of bipolar arg2" "arg1 disorders such as bipolar arg2" "arg1 stabilizer in bipolar arg2" ] using (mood, affective_disorder)