CMC @1052 (100.0%) on 23-apr-2017 [ CHARS 6.40885 PREFIX=cance 3.52025 PREFIX=canc 3.51559 SUFFIX=ancer 3.35197 SUFFIX=cer 2.99912 PREFIX=can 2.95036 SUFFIX=ncer 2.91197 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -2.33711 POS=NN -2.36287 WORDS -10.34652 ] using colorectal_cancer
SEAL @688 (71.1%) on 22-jan-2013 [ 1 ] using colorectal_cancer
CPL @1100 (85.0%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "common genetic cause of _" "_ were diagnosed among" "_ is the top killer" "long bout with _" "you know is diagnosed with _" "people with metastatic _" "serious diseases including _" "treatment of metastatic _" "first-degree family history of _" "patients with early-stage _" "hereditary form of _" "history of early-onset _" "common symptoms of _" "management of metastatic _" "life-threatening bout with _" "management of advanced _" "patients with metastatic _" "_ is an equal opportunity disease" "_ is highly curable" "symptoms of advanced _" "patients with progressive _" "_ do not have a family history" "proliferative diseases such as _" "_ is completely curable" "_ is Preventable" "member was diagnosed with _" "rate of invasive _" "she was recovering from _" "cholesterol protects against _" "_ is often curable" "grandmother died of _" "signs of _" "parents died of _" "colectomy for _" "women with metastatic _" "relative was diagnosed with _" "noticeable symptoms of _" "treatment option for advanced _" "family history of early-onset _" "someone battling _" "_ is found early" "someone you know is diagnosed with _" "_ is the second-most common cancer" "_ is highly preventable" "early prevention of _" "patients with incurable _" "D protects against _" "doubles risk of _" "patients with operable _" "patients with high-risk _" "he is recovering from _" "diagnosis of invasive _" "chemopreventive agent for _" "therapy for metastatic _" "bout of _" "family member was diagnosed with _" "Advanced stages of _" "treatment for metastatic _" "_ involving the liver" "_ is detected early" "incidence of second _" "overt symptoms of _" "gene testing for _" "people with late-stage _" "common cause of _" "I be screened for _" "treatment of localized _" "treatment of recurrent _" "symptoms of _" "underlying disease such as _" "first signs of _" "fatal diseases such as _" "family history of early _" "risk of advanced _" "husband died of _" "High risk for _" "Such diseases as _" "risk of deadly _" "blood marker for _" "disease is metastatic _" "Cancer Being diagnosed with _" "David was diagnosed with _" "remedy for _" "options for metastatic _" "conditions , like _" "fiber helps prevent _" "_ often has no symptoms" "disease process of _" "Chemotherapy for _" "risk for common _" "risk of postmenopausal _" "_ causing genes" "patient with metastatic _" "metastatic spread of _" "family history of genetic _" "warning signs of _" "therapy of advanced _" "father had died of _" "aspirin prevent _" "prevention of _" "management of systemic _" "symptoms for _" "you suffer from _" "people living with advanced _" "brother had died of _" "individuals with undiagnosed _" "_ have no identifiable risk factors" "_ causing chemical" "various cancers , including _" "many patients with advanced _" "principal diagnosis of _" "cancer , also called _" "_ often causes no symptoms" "patient with advanced _" "treatments for metastatic _" "treatment for early-stage _" "conditions , including _" "history of genetic _" "_ is largely a disease" "therapy for advanced _" "partner was diagnosed with _" "person is diagnosed with _" "dad was diagnosed with _" "risk of developmental _" "cases of invasive _" "adjuvant treatment of _" "patients with advanced-stage _" ] using colorectal_cancer
CPL @1099 (87.3%) on 22-jan-2018 [ "Jackson was diagnosed with _" "_ were diagnosed among" "_ is often diagnosed after" "long bout with _" "mouse models of _" "_ is caused by" "new cases of _" "people with metastatic _" "serious diseases including _" "treatment of metastatic _" "_ has no early symptoms" "patients with early-stage _" "_ is often caused by" "history of early-onset _" "common symptoms of _" "they suffer from _" "management of metastatic _" "life-threatening bout with _" "major risk factor for _" "treatment of early _" "mother died of _" "people living with _" "patients with metastatic _" "_ is an equal opportunity disease" "husband was diagnosed with _" "treatment for advanced _" "diagnosis of early-stage _" "dad died of _" "common complication of _" "diseases including _" "risk for hereditary _" "proliferative diseases such as _" "diseases such as _" "American dies of _" "cholesterol protects against _" "first diagnosis of _" "signs of _" "he had been diagnosed with _" "primary prevention of _" "parents died of _" "_ is totally treatable" "women with metastatic _" "relative was diagnosed with _" "common screening test for _" "illness like _" "She died of _" "treatment option for advanced _" "fewer cases of _" "family history of early-onset _" "people with advanced _" "protective effect against _" "someone battling _" "Delayed diagnosis of _" "overall mortality from _" "_ is the second-most common cancer" "_ include being overweight" "you are diagnosed with _" "treatment of obesity-related _" "patients with operable _" "patients with nonmetastatic _" "patients with high-risk _" "forms of hereditary _" "relative diagnosed with _" "_ has a five-year survival rate" "patients diagnosed with _" "therapy for metastatic _" "long battle with _" "diseases like _" "treatment for metastatic _" "Diseases such as _" "diagnosis of hereditary _" "overt symptoms of _" "father died of _" "people with late-stage _" "mouse model of _" "early symptoms of _" "I be screened for _" "symptoms of _" "underlying disease such as _" "cancer , also known as _" "physicians screen for _" "self-reported family history of _" "etiology of human _" "first signs of _" "first-line treatment of metastatic _" "States died of _" "you have metastatic _" "fatal diseases such as _" "I was diagnosed with _" "women diagnosed with _" "lower incidence of _" "Americans living with _" "environmental causes of _" "husband died of _" "patients with advanced metastatic _" "blood marker for _" "disease is metastatic _" "Cancer Being diagnosed with _" "patients with advanced _" "David was diagnosed with _" "options for metastatic _" "fiber helps prevent _" "_ kills more men" "disease such as _" "I was diagnosed with metastatic _" "risk for common _" "risk of postmenopausal _" "_ causing genes" "females diagnosed with _" "patient with metastatic _" "advanced cases of _" "family history of genetic _" "diseases , including _" "warning signs of _" "patients with metastasized _" "Common symptoms of _" "treatment options for metastatic _" "aspirin prevent _" "_ is a common malignancy" "people tested for _" "family history of _" "_ is a slow growing cancer" "first-line therapy for advanced _" "animal models of _" "chronic diseases including _" "treatment of advanced _" "drug for advanced _" "you suffer from _" "early detection of _" "Specific treatment for _" "_ are favorable" "chemotherapy for metastatic _" "individuals with undiagnosed _" "Early detection of _" "people diagnosed with _" "cancer , also called _" "_ often causes no symptoms" "specific cause of _" "United States died of _" "treatments for metastatic _" "history of genetic _" "_ is largely a disease" "therapy for advanced _" "detection of early _" "partner was diagnosed with _" "person is diagnosed with _" "patients with early _" "dad was diagnosed with _" "risk of developmental _" "death rate from _" "_ strikes women" ] using colorectal_cancer
SEAL @731 (77.4%) on 05-may-2013 [ 12 ] using colorectal_cancer
CMC @1048 (99.9%) on 10-apr-2017 [ CHARS 5.44775 SUFFIX=cer 2.26341 SUFFIX=ancer 2.22063 SUFFIX=ncer 2.18283 PREFIX=cance 1.90055 PREFIX=canc 1.87830 PREFIX=can 1.80369 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -1.63982 LASTSUFFIX=er -1.68004 WORDS -10.03960 ] using colorectal_cancer
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 disease but not arg2" "arg1 disease and even arg2" "arg1 disease but also arg2" "arg1 disease to arg2" "arg1 disease are linked to arg2" ] using (heart, colorectal_cancer)
CPL @1104 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 can lower the risk for arg2" "arg1 decreases the risk of arg2" "arg1 in relation to risk of arg2" "arg1 may be protective against arg2" "arg1 appears to protect against arg2" ] using (vegetables, colorectal_cancer)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is used to treat metastatic arg2" "arg1 was developed to fight arg2" "arg1 for the treatment of advanced arg2" "arg1 is approved for treating arg2" "arg1 is FDA approved to treat arg2" "arg1 is approved to treat arg2" ] using (avastin, colorectal_cancer)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1108 (75.0%) on 07-jun-2018 [ "arg1 supplementation for the prevention of arg2" "arg1 may decrease risk of arg2" ] using (magnesium, colorectal_cancer)