SEAL @283 (56.4%) on 03-jun-2011 [ 1 2 3 4 567 ] using diseases
CMC @1061 (100.0%) on 28-may-2017 [ PREFIX=dis 2.84936 PREFIX=disea 2.42821 PREFIX=dise 2.36812 PREFIX=di 2.15370 SUFFIX=ses 1.46488 LASTPREFIX=dise 1.31700 LASTPREFIX=disea 1.31682 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.67691 POS=NNS -1.04463 WORDS -2.80381 ] using diseases
MBL @1103 (96.9%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of bacteria:campylobacter bacteriaisthecausativeagentofphysiologicalcondition disease:diseases ]
CPL @1105 (77.8%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "children suffering serious _" "diseases such as metabolic _" "certain risk factors for _" "children are being diagnosed with _" "cystic fibrosis , chronic _" "disorders , infectious _" "drugs for rare _" "control of nosocomial _" "diseases , mental _" "immune system , prevents _" "higher risk for chronic _" "etiological role in _" "immune system fight off _" "incidence of neurological _" "human diseases including _" "history of atopic _" "estrogen dependent _" "diseases , immune _" "diagnosis of specific _" "gene testing for _" "_ affecting newborns" "individuals with psychiatric _" "form of autoimmune _" "increase in autoimmune _" "hypertension , mental _" "individuals suffering from chronic _" "human cases of _" "help for mental _" "answers to complex _" "anxiety , chronic _" "pain in chronic _" "rates of hospital-acquired _" "people with asbestos-related _" "risk of mental _" "It also fights _" "Chronic illnesses such as _" "Patients with such _" "stroke , chronic _" "susceptibility to chronic _" "treatment of invasive _" "symptoms of minor _" "treatment of mycobacterial _" "surgery for other _" "suffering from mental _" "similar symptoms , such as _" "she was stricken with _" "signs of cervical _" "solutions to such _" "diagnosis of ocular _" "diagnosis of metabolic _" "cause of fatal _" "cure for muscular _" "diabetes , macular _" "cases of rheumatic _" "diseases , vascular _" "children with genetic _" "different types of mental _" "clients with chronic _" "disease , digestive _" "children with allergic _" "detection of oral _" "disease , metabolic _" "common symptoms of _" "dramatic relief from _" "ailments , including chronic _" "_ affecting the urinary tract" "_ facing the nation" "_ complicating pregnancy" "_ affecting the eyelids" "cause of food-borne _" "defects , genetic _" "cause chronic _" "children with juvenile _" "diagnosis of mental _" "cure for spinal _" "cure of human _" "child transmission of _" "disease , gastrointestinal _" "_ involving the kidneys" "_ including anorexia nervosa" "person suffering from chronic _" "prevention of many _" "preventable complications of _" "long-term treatment of chronic _" "ones with mental _" "millions living with _" "cause of degenerative _" "bacteria is causing _" "cancer , psychiatric _" "cardiovascular disease , respiratory _" "adults suffering from mental _" "effects of neurological _" "incidence of foodborne _" "diseases , including autoimmune _" "diseases such as muscular _" "diagnosis of interstitial _" "effective treatment for chronic _" "family history of similar _" "evidence of neurological _" "patients with certain _" "research on neurological _" "risk of colorectal _" "people suffering from certain _" "risk of hormone-dependent _" "recurrent attacks of _" "members with chronic _" "more children are being diagnosed with _" "_ including coronary heart disease" "_ including fungal infections" "hospital acquired _" "immune defense against _" "factor in chronic _" "Patients with certain _" "anemia due to chronic _" "_ was D. In" "transmitted diseases including _" "treatments for genetic _" "spread of blood-borne _" "treatment for serious _" "treatment of many human _" "treatments for major _" "disease , bipolar _" "cataracts , macular _" "diseases , metabolic _" "conditions including chronic _" "common cause of secondary _" "injuries Brain _" "health challenges like _" "incidence of oesophageal _" "incidence of dental _" "food born _" "heat related _" "illness such as _" "infections , bacterial _" "epidemiology of chronic _" "drug induced _" "cause of foodborne _" "diagnosis of viral _" "cure for chronic _" "diabetes , thyroid _" "treatment of urological _" "treatment of many other _" "treatment of auto-immune _" "children with neurological _" "control , chronic _" "disease , bacterial _" "effective treatment for various _" "different diseases , including _" "causes of foodborne _" "cures for serious _" "children have chronic _" "Ayurvedic treatment for _" "Today , chronic _" "_ affecting the voice" "patients with benign prostatic _" "screening for common _" "risk of asbestos-related _" "remedies for different _" "plan for chronic _" "risk of several serious _" "patients with psoriatic _" "lead to serious _" "number of age-related _" "origins of mental _" "_ including diabetic retinopathy" "_ become acute" "_ affecting the colon" "Patients with major _" "family member suffering from _" "focus on chronic _" "higher risk for serious _" "infections , infectious _" "infection , joint _" "_ including Down syndrome" "outbreaks of epidemic _" "range of age-related _" "problems , physical _" "people with metabolic _" "number of systemic _" "patients with pulmonary _" "pathogenesis of chronic _" "medication for other _" "history of gastrointestinal _" "high incidence of mental _" "lot of chronic _" "fats contribute to _" "germs causing _" "flu like _" "form of gastrointestinal _" "inflammation in chronic _" "_ affecting the mind" "_ facing America" "_ commonly treated by" "_ affecting the teeth" "_ endured by" "control of infectious _" "cause of mental _" "care of mental _" "detection of hereditary _" "diagnosis of inflammatory _" "diagnosis of colorectal _" "cause of chronic _" "care for certain _" "ear infections , respiratory _" "emergence of chronic _" "etiology of psychiatric _" "healing of various _" "hepatitis , cholestatic _" "manifestation of systemic _" "injuries , degenerative _" "individuals affected with _" "many natural treatments for _" "manual of mental _" "genetics of complex _" "risk of hormone-related _" "risk for colorectal _" "range of neuropsychiatric _" "problems , autoimmune _" "outbreaks of gastrointestinal _" "other patients with chronic _" "patients with multiple chronic _" "outbreaks of avian _" "_ including pneumonia" "_ include cerebral palsy" "_ including irritable bowel syndrome" "symptoms , chronic _" "therapies for other _" "spectrum of respiratory _" "spectrum of neurological _" "Americans with chronic _" "children with other chronic _" "cure for macular _" "diarrhoea , respiratory _" "changes , chronic _" "cures for certain _" "children with muscular _" "cure of many _" "comorbidity with _" "behaviors , chronic _" "anyone suffering from chronic _" "antibiotics for bacterial _" "_ affecting the nerves" "blood pressure , joint _" "ailments , from _" "altitude related _" "onset of many _" "modern diseases such as _" "mother suffers from _" "medications for certain _" "natural remedy for many _" "variety of allergic _" "severity of dental _" "treatment of hemorrhagic _" "treatable forms of _" "types of chronic _" "exposure to communicable _" "individuals with genetic _" "complications of systemic _" "cause of infectious _" "_ are often preventable" "_ causing genes" "_ affecting the gums" "patients with cerebral _" "pain , nervous _" "people with allergic _" "questions about chronic _" "rare inherited _" "skin conditions , including _" "she became ill with _" "prophylaxis of venous _" "risk for fatal _" "risk of testicular _" "someone infected with _" "_ including muscular dystrophy" "_ including cardiovascular diseases" "_ facing the poor" "_ facing the country" "inflammation , chronic _" "incidences of mental _" "healthy , fight _" "many patients with severe _" "health care associated _" "symptoms of degenerative _" "symptoms of psychiatric _" "symptoms of systemic _" "many people with mental _" "manifestations of mental _" "number of degenerative _" "medicine for other _" "asthma , autoimmune _" "asthma , atopic _" "benzene related _" "animals suffering from _" "_ including Parkinson’s disease" "anorexia , chronic _" "_ including Alzheimer’s disease" "_ including acne" "_ including injuries" "children are infected with _" "disorder , mental _" "diseases are chronic _" "dehydration , metabolic _" "disease , mental _" "causes of autoimmune _" "children with terminal _" "course of mental _" "diseases , chronic _" "cause of intestinal _" "dogs with chronic _" "burden of occupational _" "cancers , respiratory _" "Many people with chronic _" "People with long-term _" "_ have symptoms such" "degenerative neurological _" "diagnosis of allergic _" "development of age-related _" "detection of coronary _" "drugs for opportunistic _" "root cause of many _" "suffering from _" "result of spinal _" "Symptoms of foodborne _" "Pre-existing conditions are _" "People with specific _" "_ including inflammatory bowel disease" "asthma , bronchial _" "others with chronic _" "progression of age-related _" "risk factors for human _" "patients for chronic _" "people with symptomatic _" "recovery from acute _" "treatment of cutaneous _" "therapy for serious _" "treatment of many chronic _" "types of metabolic _" "symptom of several _" "_ are diagnosed based on" "_ affecting the kidney" "_ carrying mosquitoes" "_ are largely preventable" "_ affecting the musculoskeletal system" "_ are major public health problems" "remedy for many _" "rates of preventable _" "risk of developmental _" "symptoms of different _" "risk for chronic _" "routine diagnosis of _" "susceptibility to infectious _" "treatment of genitourinary _" "symptoms of bronchial _" "therapy for common _" "treatment for pancreatic _" "kids are diagnosed with _" "kids with chronic _" "life in chronic _" "it comes to chronic _" "Children with certain _" "chronic types of _" "depression , chronic _" "control of oral _" "cost of occupational _" "early detection of colorectal _" "flu , dental _" "frequency of serious _" "hypertension , cardiovascular _" "intense symptoms of _" "incidence of depressive _" "factor for coronary _" "host of physical _" "high blood pressure , cardiovascular _" "homeopathic treatment for _" "healing , chronic _" "others struggling with _" "many " ] using diseases
MBL @1103 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of amphibian:families animaldevelopdisease disease:diseases ]
OE @806 (94.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using diseases
SEAL @40 (50.0%) on 30-jan-2010 [ 1 ] using diseases
CPL @1109 (73.7%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "children suffering serious _" "epidemics of chronic _" "diseases such as metabolic _" "children are being diagnosed with _" "cystic fibrosis , chronic _" "disorders , infectious _" "drugs for rare _" "effect in chronic _" "immune system , prevents _" "higher risk for chronic _" "fewer cases of _" "incidence of neurological _" "human diseases including _" "incidence of stress-related _" "history of atopic _" "host of unpleasant _" "feline infectious _" "help for serious _" "eye conditions such as _" "intake , chronic _" "_ affecting newborns" "issues , such as chronic _" "individuals with psychiatric _" "injury , metabolic _" "incidence of diet-related _" "history of autoimmune _" "forms of malignant _" "individuals suffering from chronic _" "human cases of _" "answers to complex _" "anxiety , chronic _" "pain in chronic _" "rates of hospital-acquired _" "persons with underlying _" "patients develop chronic _" "people with asbestos-related _" "It also fights _" "Chronic illnesses such as _" "Mouse models of human _" "Medicare beneficiaries with chronic _" "stroke , chronic _" "susceptibility to chronic _" "treatment of invasive _" "symptoms of minor _" "treatment of mycobacterial _" "surgery for other _" "risk for respiratory _" "signs of cervical _" "diagnosis of ocular _" "diagnosis of metabolic _" "cure for muscular _" "disease , inherited _" "children with genetic _" "clients with chronic _" "cures for major _" "children with allergic _" "detection of oral _" "common symptoms of _" "ailments , including chronic _" "_ facing the nation" "_ complicating pregnancy" "_ affecting the eyelids" "cause of food-borne _" "causes of urinary _" "chronic systemic _" "defects , genetic _" "disease , allergic _" "cause chronic _" "children with juvenile _" "early diagnoses of _" "epidemiology of major _" "diagnosis of mental _" "cure of human _" "child transmission of _" "relief for chronic _" "person suffering from chronic _" "prevalence of neurological _" "patients suffering from inflammatory _" "long-term treatment of chronic _" "manifestations of chronic _" "millions living with _" "cause of degenerative _" "bacteria is causing _" "cats with chronic _" "cases of fungal _" "cause of age-related _" "high rate of serious _" "incidence of foodborne _" "hypertension , vascular _" "dogs died from _" "diseases , including autoimmune _" "diseases such as muscular _" "diagnosis of interstitial _" "effective treatment for chronic _" "family history of similar _" "diabetes , infectious _" "dietary links to _" "risk of stress-related _" "risk of colorectal _" "people suffering from certain _" "risk of hormone-dependent _" "recurrent attacks of _" "members with chronic _" "laboratory diagnosis of _" "joints , chronic _" "number of cardiovascular _" "more children are being diagnosed with _" "_ including coronary heart disease" "_ including fungal infections" "hospital acquired _" "induction of autoimmune _" "_ including fever" "_ including liver failure" "People with degenerative _" "anemia due to chronic _" "_ was D. In" "transmitted diseases including _" "treatments for genetic _" "treatment for serious _" "treatment of many human _" "spectrum of allergic _" "treatments for major _" "environmental causes of _" "disease , bipolar _" "cataracts , macular _" "diseases , metabolic _" "cancer People with _" "conditions including chronic _" "cases of coronary _" "common cause of secondary _" "injuries Brain _" "health challenges like _" "incidence of venous _" "incidence of oesophageal _" "fever related _" "incidence of dental _" "food born _" "heat related _" "families living with _" "illness such as _" "infections , bacterial _" "exacerbation of autoimmune _" "drug induced _" "common symptom of many _" "cause of foodborne _" "diagnosis of viral _" "cure for chronic _" "treatment of many other _" "treatment of auto-immune _" "sign of chronic _" "control , chronic _" "disease , bacterial _" "cure for degenerative _" "effective treatment for various _" "different diseases , including _" "causes of foodborne _" "cures for serious _" "children have chronic _" "effective treatment of many _" "_ affecting the voice" "_ has a strong genetic component" "_ affecting the respiratory tract" "_ called mesothelioma" "patients with benign prostatic _" "screening for common _" "risk of asbestos-related _" "risk of several serious _" "patients with psoriatic _" "number of age-related _" "_ affecting the colon" "Patients with major _" "factor in coronary _" "heart disease , intestinal _" "higher risk for serious _" "infections , infectious _" "_ including Down syndrome" "other life limiting _" "outbreaks of epidemic _" "range of age-related _" "progression of periodontal _" "mild case of _" "people with metabolic _" "medication for other _" "lot of chronic _" "immunity , prevent _" "flu like _" "form of gastrointestinal _" "inflammation in chronic _" "_ affecting the mind" "_ facing America" "_ commonly treated by" "_ affecting the teeth" "_ endured by" "control of infectious _" "decrease in dental _" "care patients with chronic _" "drugs for various _" "detection of hereditary _" "diagnosis of inflammatory _" "diagnosis of colorectal _" "cause of chronic _" "causes of many chronic _" "ear infections , respiratory _" "etiology of psychiatric _" "children suffering from congenital _" "he suffers from mental _" "incidence of opportunistic _" "hepatitis , cholestatic _" "injuries , degenerative _" "many natural treatments for _" "manual of mental _" "risk of hormone-related _" "risk for colorectal _" "persistence of chronic _" "outbreaks of gastrointestinal _" "other patients with chronic _" "patients with multiple chronic _" "outbreaks of avian _" "research in digestive _" "people with esophageal _" "_ called Mesothelioma" "_ involving oxidative stress" "symptoms , chronic _" "therapies for other _" "severity of certain _" "she has chronic _" "Americans with chronic _" "children with other chronic _" "cure for macular _" "diarrhoea , respiratory _" "changes , chronic _" "cures for certain _" "cardiovascular disease , neurological _" "children with muscular _" "comorbidity with _" "behaviors , chronic _" "anyone suffering from chronic _" "antibiotics for bacterial _" "aggressive form of _" "alleviation of chronic _" "_ affecting the nerves" "_ are usually chronic" "cancers , chronic _" "aggravate symptoms of _" "altitude related _" "modern diseases such as _" "medications for certain _" "medicine does not cure _" "natural remedy for many _" "variety of allergic _" "severity of dental _" "symptoms related to chronic _" "treatable forms of _" "types of chronic _" "individuals with genetic _" "form of asbestos-related _" "Severe symptoms of _" "cause of infectious _" "_ are often preventable" "_ causing genes" "_ afflicting the country" "_ affecting the gums" "patients with alcohol-related _" "people were infected with _" "pain , stress-related _" "more suffer from _" "people with allergic _" "presence of co-existing _" "sheets on common _" "questions about chronic _" "rare inherited _" "she became ill with _" "result of preventable _" "prophylaxis of venous _" "root causes of many _" "risk of testicular _" "_ including muscular dystrophy" "_ facing the poor" "incidences of mental _" "health care associated _" "symptoms of degenerative _" "many people with mental _" "number of degenerative _" "mild form of _" "medicine , infectious _" "medicine for other _" "asthma , autoimmune _" "benzene related _" "bad case of _" "animals suffering from _" "breathing , chronic _" "_ involving the eyelids" "_ including Parkinson’s disease" "_ requiring ongoing treatment" "anorexia , chronic _" "attacks , chronic _" "_ / illnesses" "_ including Alzheimer’s disease" "_ including acne" "children with other developmental _" "children are infected with _" "conditions like chronic _" "diseases are chronic _" "dehydration , metabolic _" "causes of autoimmune _" "children with terminal _" "diseases , chronic _" "dog is suffering from _" "drug-resistant strains of _" "dogs with chronic _" "chronic physical _" "cancers , respiratory _" "Many people with chronic _" "Western diagnosis of _" "People with long-term _" "_ include emphysema" "_ affecting the peripheral nerves" "_ include hepatitis" "discomfort to serious _" "degenerative neurological _" "group of degenerative _" "diagnosis of allergic _" "forms of age-related _" "detection of coronary _" "deaths from respiratory _" "drugs for opportunistic _" "root cause of many _" "risk factors for various _" "suffering from _" "asbestos exposure related _" "array of chronic _" "Symptoms of foodborne _" "CNS related _" "autoimmune diseases including _" "asthma , bronchial _" "people get tested for _" "others with chronic _" "progression of age-related _" "patients for chronic _" "patients with bowel _" "treatment of cutaneous _" "therapy for serious _" "treatment of many chronic _" "struggles with chronic _" "symptom of several _" "_ affecting the kidney" "_ are favorable" "_ carrying mosquitoes" "_ affecting the musculoskeletal system" "_ are major public health problems" "_ affecting multiple joints" "remedy for many _" "rates of preventable _" "risk of developmental _" "symptoms of metastatic _" "risk for chronic _" "spontaneous remissions of _" "susceptibility to infectious _" "treatment of genitourinary _" "symptoms of bronchial _" "therapy for common _" "treatment for sexual _" "treatment for pancreatic _" "treatment for advanced _" "kids are diagnosed with _" "kids with chronic _" "it comes to chronic _" "Children with certain _" "Eating disorders are complex _" "Many sufferers of _" "members suffering from _" "onset of certain _" "children suffering from severe _" "depression , chronic _" "case of gastrointestinal _" "clients with neur" ] using diseases
CMC @701 (100.0%) on 22-feb-2013 [ CHARS 2.27468 PREFIX=dis 2.17879 LASTPREFIX=dis 1.77576 PREFIX=di 1.47241 SUFFIX=ases 1.32523 LASTPREFIX=di 1.24403 SUFFIX=ses 1.06349 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.61029 FULL_POS=NNS -0.68243 WORDS -4.47536 ] using diseases
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 vaccinated for arg2" "arg1 vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 to be immunised against arg2" "arg1 immunized against arg2" "arg1 and adolescents who have arg2" "arg1 with chronic or life threatening arg2" "arg1 to be vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 who suffer from life threatening arg2" "arg1 born with brain arg2" "arg1 and adults with serious arg2" "arg1 with Infectious arg2" "arg1 and teens with arg2" "arg1 having skin arg2" "arg1 are immunized against arg2" "arg1 dying from preventable arg2" "arg1 with chronic or terminal arg2" "arg1 with congenital and acquired arg2" "arg1 dying of preventable arg2" "arg1 and adults who suffer from arg2" "arg1 with chronic illnesses and arg2" "arg1 with acquired and congenital arg2" "arg1 suffering from congenital arg2" "arg1 born with heart arg2" "arg1 with autism and other arg2" "arg1 and adults living with arg2" "arg1 with other developmental arg2" "arg1 immunized for arg2" "arg1 and adults with arg2" "arg1 and adults with neurological arg2" "arg1 and young adults with arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with arg2" "arg1 are vaccinated for arg2" "arg1 must be vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 with developmental disabilities and chronic arg2" "arg1 with autism and related arg2" "arg1 and adults are diagnosed with arg2" "arg1 and adults with brain arg2" "arg1 and adults with neuromuscular arg2" "arg1 with parental history of arg2" "arg1 and adults who have arg2" "arg1 die from diarrheal arg2" "arg1 with cancer and other catastrophic arg2" "arg1 with cancer and blood arg2" "arg1 and adults suffering from arg2" "arg1 born with congenital arg2" "arg1 with life threatening arg2" "arg1 with cancer and other serious arg2" "arg1 with cancer or blood arg2" "arg1 and families facing serious arg2" "arg1 diagnosed with autistic spectrum arg2" "arg1 with Cerebral Palsy and other arg2" "arg1 orphaned by arg2" "arg1 with cancer and serious blood arg2" "arg1 against common childhood arg2" "arg1 and adults suffer from arg2" "arg1 affected by neuromuscular arg2" "arg1 with craniofacial arg2" "arg1 and teenagers with arg2" "arg1 who are orphaned by arg2" "arg1 immunised against arg2" "arg1 suffering from childhood arg2" "arg1 from getting serious arg2" "arg1 whose parents have died from arg2" "arg1 and adults suffering with arg2" "arg1 and adults with chronic arg2" "arg1 are born with severe arg2" "arg1 and adults with respiratory arg2" "arg1 to be vaccinated for arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with complex arg2" "arg1 orphaned as a result of arg2" "arg1 die every day from preventable arg2" "arg1 have been vaccinated for arg2" "arg1 and teens living with arg2" "arg1 from vaccine preventable arg2" "arg1 with complex congenital arg2" "arg1 with brain and spinal cord arg2" "arg1 and adults against arg2" "arg1 born with genetic arg2" "arg1 are routinely vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 and adults affected by arg2" "arg1 should be immunized against arg2" "arg1 or adults with chronic arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with chronic arg2" "arg1 and adults afflicted with arg2" "arg1 with neurogenetic arg2" "arg1 and young people with arg2" "arg1 are vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 were vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 with serious genetic arg2" "arg1 being treated for serious arg2" "arg1 must be immunized against arg2" "arg1 have been vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 are inoculated against arg2" ] using (children, diseases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 affecting both humans and arg1" "arg2 affecting human and arg1" "arg2 common to humans and arg1" "arg2 that can spread from arg1" "arg2 and parasites that threaten arg1" "arg2 we commonly see in arg1" "arg2 that can be spread from arg1" "arg2 that may be transmitted from arg1" "arg2 transmitted to humans and arg1" "arg2 that affect humans and arg1" "arg2 in domestic and wild arg1" "arg2 transmitted to humans from arg1" "arg2 that affect both humans and arg1" "arg2 that afflict humans and arg1" "arg2 that can pass from arg1" "arg2 affecting plants and arg1" "arg2 when handling or processing arg1" "arg2 which can be transmitted from arg1" "arg2 transmissible from arg1" "arg2 affecting both people and arg1" "arg2 that are transmissible from arg1" "arg2 of other companion arg1" "arg2 of humans and domestic arg1" "arg2 of man and domestic arg1" "arg2 common to man and arg1" "arg2 that threaten both humans and arg1" "arg2 and fought their use in arg1" "arg2 in humans and domesticated arg1" "arg2 transmissible between arg1" "arg2 in livestock and companion arg1" "arg2 in apprentices exposed to laboratory arg1" "arg2 and parasites that can threaten arg1" "arg2 in humans come from arg1" "arg2 that can jump from arg1" "arg2 affecting humans and arg1" "arg2 that can be transmitted from arg1" "arg2 or parasites from other arg1" "arg2 that may attack other arg1" "arg2 that occur in humans and arg1" "arg2 and dysfunctions of arg1" "arg2 of small companion arg1" "arg2 communicable from arg1" "arg2 affecting companion arg1" "arg2 in humans and domestic arg1" "arg2 transmitted by insects and arg1" ] using (animals, diseases)
CPL @1103 (99.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with specific inherited arg2" "arg1 with neurogenetic arg2" "arg1 from vaccine preventable arg2" "arg1 understand genetic arg2" "arg1 affected by neuromuscular arg2" "arg1 with cancer and serious blood arg2" "arg1 concerning congenital arg2" "arg1 with cancer or blood arg2" "arg1 cope with serious arg2" ] using (families, diseases)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 with chronic or terminal arg2" "arg1 inoculated against arg2" "arg1 with cancer and other catastrophic arg2" "arg1 must be vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 with cancer and other terminal arg2" "arg1 are vaccinated against arg2" ] using (pets, diseases)
CPL @1099 (98.4%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 with life threatening arg2" "arg1 and families with inherited arg2" "arg1 with chronic illnesses and arg2" "arg1 suspected of having arg2" "arg1 affected by neuromuscular arg2" "arg1 born with genetic arg2" ] using (individuals, diseases)
CPL @1095 (93.8%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 that can be transmitted from arg1" "arg2 that threaten both humans and arg1" "arg2 transmissible from arg1" "arg2 which can be transmitted from arg1" ] using (cats, diseases)
OE @823 (100.0%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (e__coli, diseases)
CPL @1095 (99.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 such as those caused by arg1" "arg2 like salmonella or arg1" "arg2 of cattle caused by arg1" "arg2 like salmonella and arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella and arg1" "arg2 from bacteria like arg1" "arg2 and to outbreaks of arg1" "arg2 caused by bacteria such as arg1" "arg2 such as MRSA and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" ] using (e__coli, diseases)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and campylobacter arg2" "arg1 and other food borne arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 and other infectious arg2" "arg1 species cause arg2" "arg1 species can cause arg2" ] using (salmonella, diseases)
OE @811 (100.0%) on 08-feb-2014 [ ] using (salmonella, diseases)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like avian influenza and arg1" "arg2 like tuberculosis and arg1" "arg2 such as Lyme disease and arg1" "arg2 such as Malaria and arg1" "arg2 such as tuberculosis and arg1" "arg2 such as malaria and arg1" "arg2 such as encephalitis and arg1" "arg2 such as malaria or arg1" "arg2 such as Lyme disease or arg1" "arg2 like HIV and arg1" "arg2 such as Dengue fever and arg1" "arg2 such as rabies or arg1" "arg2 to humans including arg1" "arg2 like malaria or arg1" "arg2 such as ebola and arg1" "arg2 such as avian influenza and arg1" "arg2 such as SARS and arg1" "arg2 such as AIDS and arg1" "arg2 such as dengue and arg1" "arg2 such as dengue fever and arg1" "arg2 as SARS and arg1" "arg2 ranging from malaria to arg1" "arg2 such as HIV and arg1" "arg2 like Lyme disease and arg1" "arg2 like malaria and arg1" "arg2 such as avian flu and arg1" "arg2 like encephalitis and arg1" ] using (west_nile_virus, diseases)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 leads to chronic liver arg2" "arg1 and other communicable arg2" "arg1 and other hepatic arg2" "arg1 and other blood borne arg2" "arg1 and other infectious arg2" "arg1 and other bloodborne arg2" "arg1 and other chronic liver arg2" "arg1 can be successfully treated for arg2" "arg1 or other sexually transmitted arg2" ] using (hcv, diseases)
CPL @1094 (99.6%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other hepatic arg2" "arg1 and other liver arg2" "arg1 and other communicable arg2" "arg1 and other chronic liver arg2" "arg1 and other bloodborne arg2" "arg1 and other infectious arg2" "arg1 as well as sexually transmitted arg2" "arg1 and other blood borne arg2" ] using (hepatitis_c, diseases)
CPL @1103 (98.4%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 such as Salmonella or arg1" "arg2 such as avian influenza and arg1" "arg2 such as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 as Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 like Salmonella and arg1" "arg2 are the bacteria arg1" ] using (campylobacter, diseases)
CPL @1096 (98.4%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like Lyme Disease and arg1" "arg2 to humans including arg1" "arg2 such as Lyme Disease and arg1" "arg2 such as Lyme disease or arg1" "arg2 such as Lyme disease and arg1" "arg2 like Lyme disease and arg1" ] using (rocky_mountain_spotted_fever, diseases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and certain inflammatory arg2" "arg1 and bipolar arg2" "arg1 and other psychiatric arg2" "arg1 and depressive arg2" "arg1 is a treatable mental arg2" "arg1 and anxiety arg2" "arg1 and other psychosomatic arg2" "arg1 or depressive arg2" "arg1 helps people manage arg2" "arg1 and some other mental arg2" "arg1 and other mental arg2" "arg1 and anxiety are incureable arg2" "arg1 or other psychiatric arg2" "arg1 or other mental arg2" ] using (depression, diseases)
OE @805 (100.0%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (depression, diseases)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 of contracting skin arg2" "arg1 of pregnancy and sexually transmitted arg2" "arg1 of a breakout of arg2" "arg1 of getting sexually transmitted arg2" ] using (fear, diseases)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 including posttraumatic arg1" "arg2 such as posttraumatic arg1" "arg2 like post traumatic arg1" "arg2 of posttraumatic arg1" "arg2 and post traumatic arg1" "arg2 and posttraumatic arg1" "arg2 such as post traumatic arg1" ] using (stress_disorder, diseases)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 panic attack arg2" "arg1 and panic arg2" "arg1 and anxiety related arg2" "arg1 disorders are a group of arg2" "arg1 associated with terminal arg2" "arg1 and stress related arg2" "arg1 and other psychiatric arg2" ] using (anxiety, diseases)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 characterized by high blood arg1" "arg2 with high levels of blood arg1" "arg2 associated with high blood arg1" "arg2 by lowering blood arg1" "arg2 impaired fasting arg1" ] using (glucose, diseases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 disease or pulmonary arg2" "arg1 disease than any other arg2" "arg1 disease and childhood arg2" "arg1 disease or other chronic arg2" "arg1 defects and acquired arg2" "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 attack and death from arg2" "arg1 disease and other serious arg2" "arg1 disease and some neurological arg2" "arg1 disease and inflammatory arg2" "arg1 disease and many other chronic arg2" "arg1 disease are among arg2" "arg1 disease and other degenerative arg2" "arg1 disease and various other arg2" "arg1 diseases and brain arg2" "arg1 disease and the other arg2" "arg1 disease and many arg2" "arg1 disease and pulmonary arg2" "arg1 failure and many other arg2" "arg1 disease and other inflammatory arg2" "arg1 trouble and other arg2" "arg1 and prostate arg2" "arg1 disease and various arg2" "arg1 disease and most arg2" "arg1 disease and other deadly arg2" "arg1 cancer and other arg2" "arg1 disease and nervous system arg2" "arg1 disease and other chronic arg2" "arg1 problems and other chronic arg2" "arg1 disease and fatal arg2" "arg1 disease and other major arg2" "arg1 murmur or valvular arg2" "arg1 disease and possibly other arg2" "arg1 disease and degenerative arg2" "arg1 disease and autoimmune arg2" "arg1 failure and other arg2" "arg1 failure and other chronic arg2" "arg1 and uterine arg2" ] using (heart, diseases)
OE @830 (100.0%) on 13-apr-2014 [ ] using (antioxidants, diseases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 which fight off arg2" "arg1 help to protect against arg2" "arg1 that may help fight arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" "arg1 might help prevent arg2" "arg1 that may help protect against arg2" "arg1 that can help fight arg2" "arg1 and can help protect against arg2" "arg1 that may help to prevent arg2" "arg1 help reduce the risk of arg2" "arg1 help protect the body against arg2" "arg1 that help protect against arg2" "arg1 which fight arg2" ] using (antioxidants, diseases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 cancer and uterine arg2" "arg1 cancer patients whose arg2" "arg1 cancer and possibly other arg2" "arg1 cancer and breast arg2" "arg1 cancer and many other arg2" "arg1 cancer and other serious arg2" "arg1 cancer and other breast arg2" "arg1 cancer and other arg2" "arg1 implant related arg2" "arg1 cancer and sexually transmitted arg2" "arg1 implants and autoimmune arg2" "arg1 cancer and benign breast arg2" "arg1 cancer or any other arg2" "arg1 cancer and other human arg2" "arg1 cancer or other breast arg2" "arg1 cancer and other chronic arg2" "arg1 cancer and other degenerative arg2" "arg1 cancer as well as other arg2" "arg1 cancer and all other arg2" "arg1 cancer and inflammatory arg2" "arg1 implants and connective tissue arg2" "arg1 implants and systemic arg2" "arg1 implants cause arg2" "arg1 cancer or breast arg2" "arg1 cancer and other common arg2" "arg1 implants are associated with arg2" "arg1 implants caused arg2" "arg1 cancer in women and arg2" "arg1 cancer and thyroid arg2" "arg1 implants do not cause arg2" "arg1 cancer and other major arg2" "arg1 cancer or other arg2" "arg1 cancer and other types of arg2" "arg1 health and breast arg2" ] using (breast, diseases)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 which fight arg2" "arg1 can lower the risk of arg2" "arg1 that help the body fight arg2" "arg1 decreases the risk of arg2" "arg1 protect against arg2" "arg1 help prevent arg2" "arg1 to eat to prevent arg2" ] using (foods, diseases)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 cancer and other serious arg2" "arg1 cancer or other arg2" "arg1 cancer and many other arg2" "arg1 cancer and other degenerative arg2" "arg1 cancer and other arg2" "arg1 cancer and other chronic arg2" ] using (cause, diseases)
CPL @1095 (96.9%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and colon arg2" "arg1 reduce the risk of chronic arg2" "arg1 content helps to prevent arg2" "arg1 that can help protect against arg2" "arg1 reduces the risk of many arg2" ] using (fiber, diseases)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 help prevent arg2" "arg1 reduces the risk of many arg2" "arg1 may fend off arg2" "arg1 have lower risk of arg2" ] using (exercise, diseases)
CPL @1098 (87.5%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is infection with arg1" "arg2 such as those caused by arg1" "arg2 such as salmonella or arg1" ] using (escherichia_coli, diseases)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like HIV and arg1" "arg2 including HIV and arg1" "arg2 such as HIV and arg1" ] using (hepatitis_c_virus, diseases)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 in which the amount of arg1" "arg2 associated with high blood arg1" "arg2 characterized by high blood arg1" ] using (sugar, diseases)
CPL @1104 (87.5%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 to lower risks of arg2" "arg1 reduce the risk of chronic arg2" "arg1 and reduced risk of chronic arg2" ] using (whole_grains, diseases)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 like spider arg1" "arg2 and red spider arg1" "arg2 such as spider arg1" "arg2 including spider arg1" ] using (mites, diseases)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 or other healthcare arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" "arg2 and other health arg1" ] using (concerns, diseases)
CPL @1105 (87.5%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "arg2 and other health arg1" "arg2 and other health care arg1" "arg2 and other medical arg1" ] using (issues, diseases)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 can affect both males and arg1" "arg2 affect males and arg1" "arg2 affect both males and arg1" ] using (females, diseases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and your immune arg1" "arg2 and improve your immune arg1" "arg2 The nervous arg1" "arg2 and in the immune arg1" "arg2 and nervous arg1" "arg2 can affect the immune arg1" "arg2 of the mammalian nervous arg1" "arg2 The central nervous arg1" "arg2 or to the central nervous arg1" "arg2 and disorders of the digestive arg1" "arg2 and central nervous arg1" "arg2 The immune arg1" "arg2 The lymphatic arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the nervous arg1" "arg2 and weakens the immune arg1" "arg2 and the cardiovascular arg1" "arg2 and improves the immune arg1" "arg2 and strengthen your immune arg1" "arg2 and suppress the immune arg1" "arg2 Your immune arg1" "arg2 and the central nervous arg1" "arg2 by regulating the immune arg1" "arg2 and the nervous arg1" "arg2 and a strong immune arg1" "arg2 and your cardiovascular arg1" ] using (system, diseases)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and your immune arg1" "arg2 and improve your immune arg1" "arg2 The nervous arg1" "arg2 and in the immune arg1" "arg2 and nervous arg1" "arg2 can affect the immune arg1" "arg2 of the mammalian nervous arg1" "arg2 The central nervous arg1" "arg2 or to the central nervous arg1" "arg2 and disorders of the digestive arg1" "arg2 and central nervous arg1" "arg2 The immune arg1" "arg2 The lymphatic arg1" "arg2 and physiology of the nervous arg1" "arg2 and weakens the immune arg1" "arg2 and the cardiovascular arg1" "arg2 and improves the immune arg1" "arg2 and strengthen your immune arg1" "arg2 and suppress the immune arg1" "arg2 Your immune arg1" "arg2 and the central nervous arg1" "arg2 by regulating the immune arg1" "arg2 and the nervous arg1" "arg2 and a strong immune arg1" "arg2 and your cardiovascular arg1" ] using (system, diseases)