CPL @1100 (83.8%) on 30-jan-2018 [ "stress , relieve _" "surveillance of occupational _" "son has been diagnosed with _" "worker suffering from _" "you care about has been diagnosed with _" "_ is a lifelong illness" "_ is any injury" "Bronchitis Bronchitis is _" "King died of _" "Women with chronic _" "I have been suffering with _" "cases of viral _" "drugs for chronic _" "causes of severe mental _" "comorbid medical _" "care for complex _" "distress , physical _" "individuals with serious mental _" "increase in chronic _" "infection , chronic _" "Examples of chronic _" "wife passed away from _" "wide range of neurological _" "treatment of gynecological _" "consequence of mental _" "children diagnosed with _" "cure for many _" "disease , degenerative _" "high blood pressure , cardiovascular _" "healing , chronic _" "host of physical _" "homeopathic treatment for _" "risks for serious _" "patients with urgent _" "risk for mental _" "seizure disorders , mental _" "risk factors for mental _" "relief of various _" "problem of mental _" "progression of cardiovascular _" "rates of infectious _" "risk of deadly _" "courageous fight against _" "cures for human _" "conventional treatments for _" "disabling mental _" "diagnosis of chronic _" "children with undiagnosed _" "_ including the common cold" "_ including suicide" "_ including heart disease" "antibiotics for bacterial _" "behaviors , chronic _" "anyone suffering from chronic _" "prevention of pediatric _" "older people with mental _" "physical problems like _" "people recover from mental _" "people with pre-existing _" "rise in chronic _" "patients with depressive _" "risk factors for chronic _" "real risk of serious _" "_ are now treatable" "effects include mild _" "dependence , mental _" "children with similar _" "cause of neonatal _" "chronic , debilitating _" "children suffer from _" "child suffers from _" "diarrhea , respiratory _" "sisters died of _" "she was stricken with _" "time she was diagnosed with _" "symptoms of abdominal _" "suffering from mental _" "risk of psychotic _" "sysmptoms of _" "treatment for medical _" "understanding of mental _" "son developed _" "you love is battling _" "victims of serious _" "you suffer with chronic _" "weakened immune systems due to _" "treatment of physical _" "you become ill with _" "problems of mental _" "residents with mental _" "person suffering from severe _" "recurrent attacks of _" "approach to chronic _" "animals with chronic _" "alcohol abuse , mental _" "acute exacerbations of _" "body fight off _" "young adults with chronic _" "women with psychiatric _" "host defense against _" "incidence of respiratory _" "improvement in chronic _" "you develop severe _" "treatment of uncomplicated _" "treatment of autoimmune _" "unreasonable risk of _" "women recovering from _" "various types of mental _" "cases of abdominal _" "cases of avian _" "chronic obstructive pulmonary _" "viral forms of _" "woman with chronic _" "illnesses are medical _" "Individuals with severe _" "breath , serious _" "benzene related _" "animals suffering from _" "asthma , autoimmune _" "vaccinations against _" "treatment of metabolic _" "workers infected with _" "workers with chronic _" "wife had died of _" "range of respiratory _" "onset of secondary _" "other physical symptoms of _" "result of neurological _" "risk of untreated _" "person with mental _" "parents with mental _" "outbreaks of waterborne _" "pets with chronic _" "pathogenetic mechanisms of _" "_ affecting dogs" "_ affecting infants" "_ called osteoporosis" "treatment for emotional _" "treatment for respiratory _" "vaccines cause _" "treatment of specific _" "vaccine preventable _" "alternative cure for _" "women recover from _" "_ including inflammatory bowel disease" "you love is suffering from _" "you develop serious _" "well-known risk factors for _" "individuals with catastrophic _" "individuals affected by chronic _" "day he died of _" "burden of mental _" "care for chronic _" "causes include viral _" "child dies of _" "common conditions such as _" "children suffering with _" "food induced _" "inflammation related _" "grandfather had died of _" "greater risk of serious _" "immune system fights off _" "adults with serious mental _" "ages with chronic _" "arthritis , respiratory _" "assessment of mental _" "absence of chronic _" "chronic bacterial _" "cure for bipolar _" "body prone to _" "veterans with chronic _" "you are suffering from _" "you 're suffering from chronic _" "balance , chronic _" "adults suffering from _" "chronic , severe _" "prodromal phase of _" "rare inherited _" "risk for fatal _" "someone infected with _" "questions about chronic _" "acceptance of mental _" "accident , personal _" "_ are treatable" "_ affecting the liver" "young people with mental _" "treatment of thyroid _" "treatment of coronary _" "term neurological _" "someone you love is suffering from _" "risk of water-borne _" "teenagers suffering from _" "someone you know suffering from _" "spectrum of neurologic _" "years he suffered from _" "weakened immune systems from _" "victims of mental _" "risk for serious _" "result in serious _" "severe episode of _" "range of chronic _" "significant symptoms of _" "trauma , mental _" "time , chronic _" "untimely death from _" "she died suddenly of _" "students with mental _" "types of autoimmune _" "tuberculosis , respiratory _" "women with chronic _" "women with recurrent _" "family members with mental _" "histories of mental _" "vaccination during _" "sorts of chronic _" "signs of infectious _" "disability , chronic _" "children with bipolar _" "body , prevent _" "broad range of chronic _" "_ affecting the human body" "incontinence , chronic _" "hypertension , cardiac _" "heart disease , pulmonary _" "you suffer from _" "wide variety of chronic _" "He was first diagnosed with _" "incidence of coronary _" "inmates with serious mental _" "incidence of work-related _" "women with autoimmune _" "treatment for major _" "tumors , chronic _" "you 're being treated for _" "men are diagnosed with _" "compensation for serious _" "youth diagnosed with _" "types of viral _" "young people with physical _" "treatment of opportunistic _" "_ is essentially a disease" "_ including sepsis" "_ including epilepsy" "treatment of bodily _" "treatment of medical _" "type of malignant _" "treatment for bacterial _" "you manage chronic _" "treatment , serious _" "treatment of psychological _" "diagnosis of viral _" "cause of foodborne _" "diabetes , thyroid _" "cure for chronic _" "episodes of clinical _" "devastating diagnosis of _" "drug induced _" "epidemiology of chronic _" "serious bouts of _" "phase of acute _" "patients with terminal _" "risk of tick-borne _" "risk for severe _" "you are experiencing chronic _" "_ including urinary tract infections" "_ including asthma" "_ including heart attack" "you are suffering from acute _" "you care about has _" "women with mental _" "needless suffering from _" "obesity , mental _" "number of chronic _" "medications for bipolar _" "many different treatments for _" "you know is struggling with _" "causes of viral _" "aggravate existing _" "account of mental _" "_ is a real disorder" "_ including depression" "_ including diabetes mellitus" "_ including coronary artery disease" "_ is a brain disorder" "_ including ulcers" "vector borne _" "youth with serious _" "many living with _" "onset of overt _" "kids with mental _" "patients with complex _" "_ including coronary heart disease" "incidence of food-borne _" "form of degenerative _" "individuals recovering from _" "grandfather died from _" "organism causing _" "_ causing pathogens" "_ also have symptoms" "_ affecting individuals" "_ is not a real disease" "_ is a severe condition" "youth with mental _" "identification of mental _" "experiences with mental _" "you have underlying _" "variety of acute _" "types of gastrointestinal _" "treatments of mental _" "treatment for neurological _" "_ is a medical illness" "asthma , bronchial _" "variety of chronic _" "weight loss , chronic _" "_ has no single cause" "wife is battling _" "virus responsible for _" "adults with severe _" "artists with mental _" "young adults with mental _" "victims of asbestos-related _" "treatment of clinical _" "treatment of genetic _" "treatment of work-related _" "stages of chronic _" "symptoms of various _" "transmission of blood-borne _" "weight gained during _" "treatments for clinical _" "treatable form of _" "treatments for psychiatric _" "treatment of depressive _" "you have bipolar _" "woman is diagnosed with _" "people with addictive _" "problems , chronic _" "problems such as mental _" "prevention of degenerative _" "risk of weight-related _" "persons diagnosed with _" "viral causes of _" "women suffering from chronic _" "you have experienced serious _" "variety of serious _" "many forms of chronic _" "others struggling with _" "veterans with mental _" "violence , mental _" "symptoms of minor _" "stroke , chronic _" "susceptibility to chronic _" "obesity , chronic _" "lives , prevent _" "disorder , physical _" "defects , mental _" "disorders , autoimmune _" "different types of chronic _" "drug abuse , mental _" "effects , including serious _" "coverage for chronic _" "treatment of rare _" "treatments for common _" "you know suffering from _" "presence of systemic _" "others overcome _" "persons with behavioral _" "rate of diagnosed _" "risk factor for serious _" "system fight off _" "treatment of psychiatric _" "they have chronic _" "therapy does not cure _" "treatment of major depressive _" "wide range of mental _" "wounds , chronic _" "treatment of related _" "transmission of infectious _" "weakness , mental _" "treatment of cardiovascular _" "wife was suffering from _" "you know is suffering from _" "_ affecting men" "child s" ] using illness
SEAL @691 (52.5%) on 29-jan-2013 [ 1 ] using illness
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of animal:child animaldevelopdisease disease:illness ]
Human feedback from bkisiel @205 on 11-feb-2011 [ "illness generalizations nondiseasecondition", Action=(+disease) (from NELL.08m.205.SSFeedback.csv) ] using illness
CPL @1112 (72.5%) on 19-jul-2018 [ "stress , relieve _" "surveillance of occupational _" "son has been diagnosed with _" "you care about has been diagnosed with _" "more women are diagnosed with _" "_ including liver failure" "_ including fever" "_ is a lifelong illness" "Bronchitis Bronchitis is _" "Women with chronic _" "cases of viral _" "drugs for chronic _" "causes of severe mental _" "context of chronic _" "children contracted _" "child has _" "coexisting psychiatric _" "childhood bout with _" "caregivers suffer from _" "generalized symptoms of _" "individuals with serious mental _" "infection , chronic _" "Examples of chronic _" "you 're diagnosed with _" "young people struggling with _" "us cure _" "treatment of gynecological _" "children diagnosed with _" "cover for pre-existing _" "childhood genetic _" "case of foodborne _" "case of viral _" "disease , degenerative _" "girls suffering from _" "_ are temporary conditions" "_ causing bacteria" "risks for serious _" "patients with urgent _" "risk for mental _" "prevalence of psychiatric _" "predisposition to chronic _" "relief of various _" "progression of cardiovascular _" "rates of infectious _" "risk of gastric _" "_ affecting the intestines" "disabling mental _" "diagnosis of chronic _" "children with undiagnosed _" "_ include lesions" "_ is the sixth-leading cause" "_ requires the illness" "_ including the common cold" "_ including suicide" "_ including heart disease" "bouts of severe _" "antibiotics for bacterial _" "alleviation of chronic _" "behaviors , chronic _" "aggressive form of _" "anyone suffering from chronic _" "older people with mental _" "people recover from mental _" "people with pre-existing _" "rise in chronic _" "patients with depressive _" "risk factors for chronic _" "risk for weight-related _" "real risk of serious _" "_ are now treatable" "children with similar _" "chronic , debilitating _" "child suffers from _" "diarrhea , respiratory _" "sisters died of _" "routine vaccination against _" "risk for respiratory _" "stress , eliminate _" "symptoms of avian _" "you love is battling _" "type of degenerative _" "you suffer with chronic _" "variety of respiratory _" "you are afflicted with _" "victim of chronic _" "wellness , prevent _" "you become ill with _" "risk of stress-related _" "residents with mental _" "previous family history of _" "recurrent attacks of _" "approach to chronic _" "body fight off _" "young adults with chronic _" "incidence of respiratory _" "treatment of uncomplicated _" "years I suffered from _" "treatment of autoimmune _" "cases of abdominal _" "cases of avian _" "decrease in chronic _" "chronic obstructive pulmonary _" "cancer , infectious _" "you do not suffer from _" "women diagnosed with _" "woman with chronic _" "you are disabled due to _" "illnesses are medical _" "groups for chronic _" "father is battling _" "Acute cases of _" "Agent Orange related _" "benzene related _" "animals suffering from _" "asthma , autoimmune _" "bad case of _" "treatment of metabolic _" "workers infected with _" "you are actually suffering from _" "range of respiratory _" "people do not die of _" "people suffering chronic _" "onset of secondary _" "person with mental _" "persons with acute _" "parents with mental _" "outbreaks of waterborne _" "research in chronic _" "_ affecting dogs" "_ affects many millions" "_ called osteoporosis" "treatment for emotional _" "year battle with _" "treatment for respiratory _" "visits for respiratory _" "treatment of specific _" "vaccine preventable _" "Symptoms Early symptoms of _" "_ usually develop within" "age with chronic _" "you love is suffering from _" "you develop serious _" "individuals with catastrophic _" "infections , intestinal _" "high rate of chronic _" "individuals affected by chronic _" "day he died of _" "day with chronic _" "burden of mental _" "burden of tobacco-related _" "epidemic nature of _" "difficult bout with _" "brother developed _" "child dies of _" "children suffering with _" "health problems , chronic _" "food induced _" "inflammation related _" "father-in-law died of _" "history of serious mental _" "greater risk of serious _" "first outbreak of _" "case of incurable _" "adults with serious mental _" "ages with chronic _" "absence of chronic _" "chronic bacterial _" "cause of work-related _" "cure for bipolar _" "veterans with chronic _" "you suffer severe _" "you are suffering from _" "you 're suffering from chronic _" "balance , chronic _" "adults suffering from _" "result of preventable _" "rare inherited _" "root causes of many _" "questions about chronic _" "sever form of _" "accident , personal _" "_ are treatable" "_ affecting the liver" "years with chronic _" "youngsters suffering from _" "young people with mental _" "young person living with _" "treatment of coronary _" "term neurological _" "someone you love is suffering from _" "severe symptom of _" "stages of acute _" "risk factors for cardiovascular _" "result of psychiatric _" "teenagers suffering from _" "risk for psychological _" "spectrum of neurologic _" "victims of work-related _" "year , chronic _" "weakened immune systems from _" "you love has been diagnosed with _" "risk for serious _" "severe episode of _" "risks for cardiovascular _" "range of chronic _" "recovery from infectious _" "untimely death from _" "students with mental _" "susceptibility to serious _" "types of autoimmune _" "tuberculosis , respiratory _" "susceptibility to acute _" "wife had died from _" "you know has been diagnosed with _" "women with chronic _" "women with recurrent _" "young man diagnosed with _" "wife was sick with _" "family members with mental _" "epidemiology of foodborne _" "health problem , including _" "syndromes , chronic _" "sorts of chronic _" "signs of infectious _" "She was diagnosed with _" "accidents , serious _" "animals do not develop _" "disability , chronic _" "children with bipolar _" "broad range of chronic _" "_ affecting the human body" "incontinence , chronic _" "flu , respiratory _" "you suffer from _" "wide variety of chronic _" "Sufferers of chronic _" "AIDS wasting _" "Keratoconus is _" "medical treatment for chronic _" "incidence of coronary _" "many people overcome _" "inmates with serious mental _" "women with autoimmune _" "treatment for major _" "tumors , chronic _" "you 're being treated for _" "vaccination against _" "treatment of obesity-related _" "men are diagnosed with _" "non life threatening _" "medical treatment for other _" "numerous bouts of _" "condition , recovering from _" "daily medication for _" "cerebral palsy , chronic _" "youth diagnosed with _" "types of viral _" "symptom of chronic _" "therapy of chronic _" "young people with physical _" "treatment of opportunistic _" "_ is essentially a disease" "_ including sepsis" "_ called Mesothelioma" "valiant struggle with _" "treatment of diabetic _" "treatment of medical _" "you manage chronic _" "treatment , serious _" "treatment for addictive _" "treatment of psychological _" "diagnosis of viral _" "cause of foodborne _" "exacerbation of autoimmune _" "cure for chronic _" "drug induced _" "phase of acute _" "patients with terminal _" "prevention of common _" "result people with _" "risk of tick-borne _" "young girl suffering from _" "you are experiencing chronic _" "_ including urinary tract infections" "_ including asthma" "you suffer from frequent _" "you are suffering from acute _" "women with serious mental _" "women with mental _" "needless suffering from _" "mother was diagnosed with _" "number of chronic _" "medications for bipolar _" "you know is struggling with _" "causes of viral _" "aggravate existing _" "babies die of _" "_ including depression" "_ including diabetes mellitus" "_ including coronary artery disease" "_ is a brain disorder" "_ including ulcers" "_ is a common psychiatric disorder" "youth with serious _" "you have been diagnosed with _" "_ including renal failure" "many living with _" "people recovered from _" "onset of overt _" "kids with mental _" "patients with complex _" "_ is primarily a disorder" "_ including coronary heart disease" "incidence of food-borne _" "forms of chronic _" "form of degenerative _" "friend passed away from _" "illnesses , severe _" "kid dying of _" "patients suffering from cardiovascular _" "_ causing pathogens" "_ causing organisms" "_ are indeed caused by" "_ is not a real disease" "herbal remedies for common _" "you have underlying _" "variety of acute _" "vision threatening _" "types of gastrointestinal _" "you are not suffering from _" "treatment for neurological _" "types of painful _" "_ affecting the respiratory tract" "_ has a strong genetic component" "_ is a medical illness" "asthma , bronchial _" "variety of chronic _" "_ affecting employees" "Frank died of _" "wife is battling _" "victims suffering from _" "artists with mental _" "young adults with mental _" "treatment of late-stage _" "victims of asbestos-related _" "you have been newly diagnosed with _" "treatment of clinical _" "treatments for acute _" "you are diagnosed with _" "someone you know has been diagnosed with _" "symptoms of pediatric _" "treatment of genetic _" "treatment of work-related _" "stages of chronic _" "symptoms of various _" "transmission of blood-borne _" "year long battle with _" "you have bipolar _" "woman is diagnosed with _" "people with addictive _" "problems , chronic _" "primary cause of chronic _" "prevention of degenerative _" "risk of weight-related _" "persons diagnosed with _" "women suffering from chronic _" "you have experienced serious _" "workdays due to _" "variety of serious _" "virus causes severe _" "veterans suffering from _" "many forms of chronic _" "veterans with mental _" "symptoms of minor _" "stroke , chronic _" "susceptibility to chronic _" "patients with severe psychiatric _" "defects , mental _" "display signs of _" ] using illness
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and adults suffering from arg2" "arg1 with a disability or chronic arg2" "arg1 of parents with a mental arg2" "arg1 and adults with serious mental arg2" "arg1 and adults affected by arg2" "arg1 and adolescents affected by arg2" "arg1 facing advanced arg2" "arg1 are vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 with chronic and life threatening arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with mental arg2" "arg1 and adults afflicted with arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with chronic arg2" "arg1 and adolescents can have arg2" "arg1 impacted by mental arg2" "arg1 vaccinated for arg2" "arg1 and adolescents experiencing arg2" "arg1 living with a life threatening arg2" "arg1 who have bipolar arg2" "arg1 and adults with mental arg2" "arg1 and teens with arg2" "arg1 facing a life threatening arg2" "arg1 and youth with serious mental arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with psychiatric arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with serious mental arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with arg2" "arg1 and adolescents suffer from mental arg2" "arg1 coping with serious arg2" "arg1 and adolescents have mental arg2" "arg1 and young adolescents with arg2" "arg1 with cancer and serious arg2" "arg1 and young adults afflicted with arg2" "arg1 of mothers with mental arg2" "arg1 are immunized against arg2" "arg1 with developmental disabilities and chronic arg2" "arg1 or adults with mental arg2" "arg1 with varying degrees of mental arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with physical arg2" "arg1 and youth with mental arg2" "arg1 and their families with mental arg2" "arg1 of parents with mental arg2" "arg1 and adults with chronic arg2" "arg1 and adolescents suffering from arg2" "arg1 and young people with mental arg2" "arg1 whose parents have a mental arg2" "arg1 and families facing serious arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with bipolar arg2" "arg1 and adults who have mental arg2" "arg1 battling serious arg2" "arg1 with chronic or life threatening arg2" "arg1 die from diarrheal arg2" "arg1 dealing with terminal arg2" "arg1 and families dealing with mental arg2" "arg1 with disabilities and serious arg2" "arg1 with chronic or serious arg2" "arg1 with chronic and serious arg2" "arg1 with cancer and other serious arg2" "arg1 with life threatening arg2" "arg1 suspected of having arg2" "arg1 with a life limiting arg2" "arg1 and young people affected by arg2" "arg1 and adults with psychiatric arg2" "arg1 or adults with chronic arg2" "arg1 with chronic or terminal arg2" "arg1 with autism and mental arg2" "arg1 challenged by mental arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with depressive arg2" "arg1 and youths with arg2" "arg1 with profound mental arg2" "arg1 and families living with mental arg2" "arg1 and families with chronic arg2" "arg1 coping with mental arg2" "arg1 and adults who suffer from arg2" "arg1 with pediatric bipolar arg2" "arg1 and young people with arg2" "arg1 and adults with arg2" "arg1 cope with serious arg2" "arg1 being treated for serious arg2" "arg1 and families affected by mental arg2" "arg1 whose parents died of arg2" "arg1 and adolescents who have arg2" "arg1 cope with terminal arg2" "arg1 and adults coping with arg2" "arg1 facing a terminal arg2" "arg1 diagnosed with bipolar arg2" "arg1 are routinely vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 and young people with chronic arg2" "arg1 and adults living with arg2" "arg1 facing terminal arg2" "arg1 and adults with severe mental arg2" "arg1 vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 with cancer and other terminal arg2" "arg1 and young adults with mental arg2" "arg1 who have lost parents to arg2" "arg1 and young people with physical arg2" "arg1 and adults with disabilities or arg2" "arg1 orphaned because of arg2" "arg1 are vaccinated for arg2" "arg1 and young people suffering from arg2" "arg1 and families with mental arg2" "arg1 and adolescents living with arg2" "arg1 and teens affected by arg2" ] using (children, illness)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is vaccinated against arg2" "arg1 with a disability or chronic arg2" "arg1 facing a life threatening arg2" "arg1 with a life limiting arg2" "arg1 is diagnosed with a mental arg2" "arg1 will be absent due to arg2" "arg1 or adult who has arg2" "arg1 was vaccinated for arg2" "arg1 orphaned by arg2" "arg1 facing a terminal arg2" "arg1 who has a viral arg2" "arg1 with life threatening arg2" "arg1 with cancer and other serious arg2" "arg1 has a diagnosed arg2" "arg1 living with a life threatening arg2" "arg1 coping with serious arg2" "arg1 with autism and mental arg2" "arg1 with chronic or terminal arg2" "arg1 is absent due to arg2" "arg1 with a serious genetic arg2" "arg1 and adolescent psychiatric arg2" "arg1 with documented arg2" "arg1 or adult with arg2" ] using (child, illness)
CPL @1104 (99.6%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with life threatening arg2" "arg1 dealing with terminal arg2" "arg1 facing terminal arg2" "arg1 with a disability or chronic arg2" "arg1 with enduring mental arg2" "arg1 with a life limiting arg2" "arg1 challenged by mental arg2" "arg1 with chronic and life threatening arg2" ] using (clients, illness)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with documented arg2" "arg1 coping with mental arg2" "arg1 vaccinated for arg2" "arg1 with and without mental arg2" "arg1 coping with serious arg2" "arg1 with learning disabilities and mental arg2" "arg1 with a disability or chronic arg2" ] using (students, illness)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 bacteria can cause serious arg2" "arg1 and other food borne arg2" "arg1 bacteria that can cause arg2" "arg1 infections can cause serious arg2" "arg1 typhimurium arg2" "arg1 species cause arg2" "arg1 bacteria causing arg2" "arg1 can cause foodborne arg2" "arg1 or Campylobacter arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause arg2" "arg1 and other foodborne arg2" "arg1 noted that the risk of arg2" "arg1 outbreaks with arg2" "arg1 or other bacterial arg2" "arg1 is a foodborne arg2" "arg1 bacteria cause arg2" "arg1 is a food borne arg2" "arg1 bacteria causes arg2" "arg1 bacteria do not cause arg2" "arg1 is a bacteria that causes arg2" "arg1 or other foodborne arg2" "arg1 is a bacterium that causes arg2" "arg1 bacteria produces arg2" "arg1 enteritidis arg2" ] using (salmonella, illness)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 strains can cause arg2" "arg1 strain causing arg2" "arg1 bacteria cause arg2" "arg1 causes human arg2" "arg1 bacteria can cause serious arg2" "arg1 bacteria do not cause arg2" "arg1 and other foodborne arg2" "arg1 infections can cause serious arg2" "arg1 bacteria to cause arg2" "arg1 can cause foodborne arg2" ] using (e__coli, illness)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by the bacterium arg1" "arg2 caused by a bacterium called arg1" "arg2 caused by the organism arg1" "arg2 caused by infection with arg1" "arg2 caused by the spirochete arg1" ] using (borrelia_burgdorferi, illness)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is a bacterium called arg1" "arg2 caused by a bacterium called arg1" "arg2 caused by the bacteria arg1" "arg2 caused by the bacterium arg1" ] using (clostridium_botulinum, illness)
CPL @1094 (93.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by the bacteria arg1" "arg2 caused by an organism called arg1" "arg2 is caused by bacteria called arg1" "arg2 caused by infection with arg1" ] using (rickettsia_rickettsii, illness)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and other psychiatric arg2" "arg1 or bipolar arg2" "arg1 is a treatable arg2" "arg1 than the actual real arg2" "arg1 or depressive arg2" "arg1 and bipolar arg2" "arg1 is a very treatable arg2" "arg1 disorder is a real arg2" "arg1 associated with depressive arg2" "arg1 and stress related arg2" "arg1 disorders and depressive arg2" "arg1 and depressive arg2" "arg1 disorder and physical arg2" "arg1 or another mental arg2" "arg1 disorder is a treatable arg2" "arg1 and stress associated with arg2" "arg1 that results from physical arg2" "arg1 is the most common mental arg2" "arg1 disorder or other mental arg2" "arg1 disorders and psychotic arg2" "arg1 and other mental arg2" "arg1 or other psychiatric arg2" "arg1 or other mental arg2" "arg1 is a serious medical arg2" "arg1 and depression related arg2" "arg1 and other types of mental arg2" "arg1 Depression is a common arg2" "arg1 associated with terminal arg2" "arg1 or any other mental arg2" "arg1 disorder and depressive arg2" "arg1 and other forms of mental arg2" "arg1 disorders or other mental arg2" ] using (anxiety, illness)
OE @823 (99.7%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (anxiety, illness)
OE @823 (97.8%) on 17-mar-2014 [ ] using (clinical_depression, illness)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 is the number one mental arg2" "arg1 and other forms of mental arg2" "arg1 is a treatable arg2" "arg1 and manic depressive arg2" "arg1 or any other mental arg2" "arg1 is a treatable mental arg2" "arg1 is a very treatable arg2" "arg1 and bipolar arg2" "arg1 or another mental arg2" "arg1 or other mental arg2" "arg1 is a serious medical arg2" "arg1 or some other mental arg2" "arg1 is a serious mental arg2" "arg1 is a treatable medical arg2" "arg1 is the most common mental arg2" "arg1 or bipolar arg2" "arg1 is a highly treatable arg2" "arg1 or other forms of mental arg2" "arg1 and other mental arg2" "arg1 as facets of the same arg2" ] using (clinical_depression, illness)
OE @805 (99.1%) on 20-jan-2014 [ ] using (depression, illness)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 characterized by periods of arg1" "arg2 also known as manic arg1" "arg2 including anxiety and arg1" "arg2 and manic arg1" "arg2 issues such as anxiety and arg1" "arg2 from unipolar arg1" "arg2 called postpartum arg1" "arg2 such as PTSD and arg1" "arg2 as anxiety and arg1" "arg2 as manic arg1" "arg2 and unipolar arg1" "arg2 like postpartum arg1" "arg2 than is seen with arg1" "arg2 such as schizophrenia and manic arg1" "arg2 such as fatigue and arg1" "arg2 such as schizophrenia or manic arg1" "arg2 is also known as manic arg1" "arg2 called manic arg1" "arg2 is manic arg1" "arg2 when the feelings of arg1" "arg2 or maniac arg1" "arg2 or a relapse into arg1" "arg2 like anxiety or arg1" "arg2 involves cycles of arg1" "arg2 such as manic arg1" "arg2 in which periods of arg1" "arg2 or manic arg1" "arg2 such as anxiety and arg1" "arg2 such as schizophrenia and severe arg1" "arg2 information on topics like arg1" "arg2 and behavioral problems associated with arg1" "arg2 like manic arg1" "arg2 that affects of arg1" "arg2 called major arg1" "arg2 anxiety is caused by arg1" "arg2 like bipolar disorder or arg1" "arg2 characterized by recurrent episodes of arg1" "arg2 such as anxiety or arg1" "arg2 called clinical arg1" ] using (depression, illness)
OE @826 (97.0%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (pain, illness)
CPL @1103 (100.0%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 prostate trouble arg1" "arg2 such as chest arg1" "arg2 such as severe abdominal arg1" "arg2 such as abdominal arg1" "arg2 that causes abdominal arg1" "arg2 characterised by abdominal arg1" "arg2 can include abdominal arg1" "arg2 including abdominal arg1" "arg2 include stomach arg1" "arg2 include abdominal arg1" "arg2 is abdominal arg1" "arg2 that causes widespread arg1" "arg2 are abdominal arg1" "arg2 characterized by abdominal arg1" "arg2 characterized by widespread arg1" "arg2 that is characterized by widespread arg1" "arg2 that can cause terrible arg1" "arg2 such as severe chest arg1" ] using (pain, illness)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 disorder and other mental arg2" "arg1 exacerbates my arg2" "arg1 and stress related arg2" "arg1 and anxiety arg2" "arg1 or a depressive arg2" "arg1 or any other mental arg2" "arg1 and less resistant to arg2" "arg1 and other mental arg2" "arg1 makes people more susceptible to arg2" "arg1 and other types of mental arg2" "arg1 disorder and physical arg2" "arg1 and anxiety that often accompany arg2" "arg1 and depressive arg2" "arg1 that results from physical arg2" "arg1 disorder and bipolar arg2" "arg1 disorder is a real arg2" "arg1 syndrome is a mental arg2" "arg1 and anxiety related arg2" "arg1 syndrome and Gulf War arg2" "arg1 or some other mental arg2" "arg1 and tension related arg2" "arg1 or other forms of mental arg2" "arg1 and discomfort of their arg2" "arg1 or other psychiatric arg2" "arg1 or other mental arg2" "arg1 and preventing mental arg2" "arg1 and uncertainty of arg2" "arg1 related psychiatric arg2" "arg1 disorder is a treatable arg2" ] using (stress, illness)
OE @809 (96.7%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (stress, illness)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or other forms of mental arg2" "arg1 or other mental arg2" "arg1 or other psychiatric arg2" "arg1 or another mental arg2" "arg1 or other serious mental arg2" "arg1 and depressive arg2" "arg1 and manic depressive arg2" "arg1 and bipolar arg2" "arg1 is a serious medical arg2" "arg1 or bipolar arg2" "arg1 is a serious mental arg2" "arg1 or a bipolar arg2" "arg1 or any other mental arg2" "arg1 rather than bipolar arg2" "arg1 and other mental arg2" ] using (major_depression, illness)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 like posttraumatic arg1" "arg2 such as post traumatic arg1" "arg2 and posttraumatic arg1" "arg2 or posttraumatic arg1" "arg2 like post traumatic arg1" "arg2 of posttraumatic arg1" "arg2 called posttraumatic arg1" "arg2 and post traumatic arg1" "arg2 or post traumatic arg1" ] using (stress_disorder, illness)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or other psychiatric arg2" "arg1 or other mental arg2" "arg1 and other mental arg2" "arg1 and depressive arg2" "arg1 or depressive arg2" "arg1 or any other mental arg2" "arg1 or another mental arg2" ] using (dementia, illness)
CPL @1094 (99.2%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 attacks and constant arg2" "arg1 than the actual real arg2" "arg1 and bipolar arg2" "arg1 disorder or other mental arg2" "arg1 disorder is a real arg2" "arg1 disorder is a treatable arg2" "arg1 or anxiety arg2" ] using (panic, illness)
CPL @1094 (98.4%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 is also known as chronic arg1" "arg2 characterized by profound arg1" "arg2 include debilitating arg1" "arg2 include weakness and arg1" "arg2 characterized by generalized arg1" "arg2 characterized by debilitating arg1" ] using (fatigue, illness)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 or other mental arg2" "arg1 or any other mental arg2" "arg1 or another psychiatric arg2" "arg1 is a treatable arg2" "arg1 and manic depressive arg2" ] using (panic_disorder, illness)
CPL @1095 (100.0%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 disease and other degenerative arg2" "arg1 disease and other major arg2" "arg1 failure or other serious arg2" "arg1 attack or dying from arg2" "arg1 disease and serious arg2" "arg1 disease and other serious arg2" "arg1 disease and mental arg2" "arg1 disease than any other arg2" "arg1 attack or other serious arg2" "arg1 disease and other chronic arg2" "arg1 disease or pulmonary arg2" "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 disease and risk factors for arg2" "arg1 or circulatory related arg2" "arg1 attack or die from arg2" "arg1 disease or other chronic arg2" "arg1 trouble and followed arg2" ] using (heart, illness)
CPL @1095 (98.4%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg1 disease and other chronic arg2" "arg1 trouble and followed arg2" "arg1 failure or other serious arg2" "arg1 disease and mental arg2" "arg1 and prostate arg2" "arg1 disease mental arg2" ] using (kidney, illness)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by bacteria arg1" "arg2 caused by a bacteria called arg1" "arg2 caused by the bacteria arg1" ] using (bordetella_pertussis, illness)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by the spirochete arg1" "arg2 is caused by bacteria called arg1" "arg2 is caused by the bacteria arg1" ] using (borrelia, illness)
CPL @1094 (75.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by the protozoan parasite arg1" "arg2 caused by the parasite arg1" ] using (cyclospora_cayetanensis, illness)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 caused by the bacteria arg1" "arg2 caused by infection with arg1" "arg2 caused by the bacterium arg1" ] using (listeria_monocytogenes, illness)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg2 can include feelings of arg1" "arg2 include persistent feelings of arg1" "arg2 when the feelings of arg1" ] using (hopelessness, illness)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 associated with high blood arg1" "arg2 on your blood arg1" "arg2 in which your blood arg1" ] using (glucose, illness)
CPL @1103 (87.5%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 is absent due to arg2" "arg1 with a disability or chronic arg2" "arg1 is diagnosed with a mental arg2" ] using (member, illness)