CPL @1109 (72.7%) on 12-jun-2018 [ "suffering from _" "occurrence of chronic _" "resolution of acute _" "patients suffering from chronic _" "I had chronic _" "long standing chronic _" "prolonged case of _" "treatments of chronic _" "treatment for acute _" "disorders such as chronic _" "exacerbations of chronic _" "etiology of chronic _" "case of autoimmune _" "drug for chronic _" "Many patients with chronic _" "signs of clinical _" "forms of bacterial _" "therapies for chronic _" "episode of acute _" "pain in chronic _" "patients with inflammatory _" "people with chronic _" "patient has chronic _" "self-treatment of _" "prevalence of chronic _" "debilitating , chronic _" "subjects with allergic _" "therapy for bacterial _" "bronchitis , chronic _" "Natural cures for _" "mechanisms of chronic _" "he was dying of _" "acute stage of _" "types of infectious _" "symptoms for _" "man was treated for _" "treatment of fungal _" "ulcers , chronic _" "patient with chronic _" "prevention of _" "high cholesterol , chronic _" "_ is a treatable disease" "inflammatory diseases like _" "diseases , such as chronic _" "causes of bacterial _" "common form of chronic _" "remedies for _" "pain , chronic _" "incidences of chronic _" "kids with chronic _" "infection , also known as _" "adjunctive treatment of _" "chronic form of _" "symptoms of chronic _" "Treatments for chronic _" "infections , bacterial _" "men suffering with _" "inflammatory conditions , such as _" "pathogenesis of chronic _" "men with chronic _" "common symptoms of _" "chronic inflammatory diseases such as _" "diagnosis of bacterial _" "disorders , including chronic _" "asthma , chronic _" "many home remedies for _" "incidence of chronic _" "inflammatory diseases such as _" "_ is a condition" "treatment for chronic _" "conditions , such as _" "painful conditions like _" "acute cases of _" "homeopathic treatment for _" "serious condition called _" "risk for chronic _" "form of chronic _" "incontinence , chronic _" "He was diagnosed with _" "choice for chronic _" "infertility , chronic _" "acute exacerbation of _" "men were diagnosed with _" "basis of chronic _" "_ is a debilitating condition" "Patients with chronic _" "inflammatory forms of _" "cases , acute _" "problems , chronic _" "bouts of _" "incidence of subclinical _" "sign of acute _" "diagnosis of allergic _" "hepatitis , chronic _" "healing of chronic _" "sclerosis , chronic _" "complications of chronic _" "diseases such as chronic _" "antibiotics for acute _" "_ go untreated" "epidemiology of chronic _" "cure for chronic _" "fewer symptoms of _" "serious diseases like _" "_ is not an infectious disease" "treatments for chronic _" "diseases are chronic _" "effective treatment for chronic _" "episodes of chronic _" "symptoms of bacterial _" "symptoms associated with chronic _" "men diagnosed with _" "system diseases , such as _" "age , was diagnosed with _" "treatment of chronic _" "condition called _" "complication of bacterial _" "cause of bacterial _" "treatment of acute bacterial _" "_ is a debilitating disease" "you have chronic _" "attack of acute _" "disease states including _" "relief from chronic _" "inflammation , chronic _" "treatment for recurrent _" "development of chronic _" "common cause of _" "antibiotics for bacterial _" "he was suffering from _" "types of bacterial _" "I was suffering from _" "person suffering from _" "case of chronic _" "constipation during _" "disorders such as _" "infections , chronic _" "importance of chronic _" "treatment for bacterial _" "treatment for such _" "bout of _" "cause of chronic _" "patients with mild to severe _" "I suffer from _" "He had been diagnosed with _" "conditions such as _" "problems such as _" "important cause of chronic _" "treatment of bacterial _" "exacerbation of chronic _" "Severe cases of _" "they have chronic _" "other illnesses like _" "non-surgical treatment for _" "remedy for _" "symptoms of _" "people have chronic _" "subjects with chronic _" "Natural treatments for _" "common remedies used for _" "types of chronic _" "infection , bacterial _" "_ is a serious illness" "patients with chronic _" "fibromyalgia , chronic _" "treatment in acute _" "risk for bacterial _" "you are suffering from _" "chemical sensitivities , chronic _" "physicians treat _" "tract infections including _" "men with diagnosed _" "medications for _" "signs of _" "inflammation called _" "acute exacerbation of chronic _" "effective treatment of chronic _" "focus on chronic _" "diagnosis of chronic _" "conventional treatments for _" "you are suffering from chronic _" "chronic bacterial _" "men are diagnosed with _" "neurological basis of chronic _" "you suffer from _" "effect on chronic _" "pain from chronic _" "pain of chronic _" "I have been suffering with _" "bacterial exacerbations of chronic _" ] using prostatitis
SEAL @548 (87.5%) on 06-apr-2012 [ 123 ] using prostatitis
CPL @1113 (71.9%) on 02-aug-2018 [ "suffering from _" "occurrence of chronic _" "patients suffering from chronic _" "I was diagnosed with _" "I am suffering from chronic _" "cholesterol , chronic _" "condition , known as _" "prolonged case of _" "treatments of chronic _" "treatment for acute _" "condition known as _" "disorders such as chronic _" "exacerbations of chronic _" "case of autoimmune _" "Many patients with chronic _" "disease , chronic _" "forms of bacterial _" "therapies for chronic _" "diseases , including _" "pain in chronic _" "rare form of _" "patients with inflammatory _" "_ is often caused by" "people with chronic _" "patient has chronic _" "self-treatment of _" "infections like _" "recurrent bouts of _" "prevalence of chronic _" "symptoms such as chronic _" "common medical conditions , such as _" "natural history of chronic _" "debilitating , chronic _" "diseases like _" "subjects with allergic _" "therapy for bacterial _" "associated symptoms of _" "mechanisms of chronic _" "he was dying of _" "animal models of _" "types of infectious _" "man was treated for _" "treatment of fungal _" "patient with chronic _" "high cholesterol , chronic _" "_ is a treatable disease" "Doctors often diagnose _" "inflammatory diseases like _" "diseases , such as chronic _" "family history of _" "type of autoimmune _" "causes of bacterial _" "common form of chronic _" "pain , chronic _" "incidences of chronic _" "He was diagnosed with severe _" "kids with chronic _" "infection , also known as _" "chronic form of _" "bout of acute _" "I developed chronic _" "symptoms of chronic _" "other disorders , such as _" "Treatments for chronic _" "effect in chronic _" "experience symptoms of _" "inflammation , relieve _" "infections , bacterial _" "chronic interstitial _" "conditions are chronic _" "men suffering with _" "inflammatory conditions , such as _" "mild case of _" "medical conditions such as _" "common symptoms of _" "chronic inflammatory diseases such as _" "I have suffered from chronic _" "permanent cure for _" "diagnosis of bacterial _" "disorders , including chronic _" "asthma , chronic _" "incidence of chronic _" "inflammatory diseases such as _" "treatment for chronic _" "successful treatment of chronic _" "problems include chronic _" "you have been diagnosed with _" "acute cases of _" "women do not develop _" "it is called chronic _" "lower incidence of _" "other types of bacterial _" "risk for chronic _" "incontinence , chronic _" "He was diagnosed with _" "difficult bout with _" "infertility , chronic _" "acute exacerbation of _" "basis of chronic _" "_ is a debilitating condition" "Patients with chronic _" "chronic benign _" "inflammatory forms of _" "cognitive symptoms of _" "problems , chronic _" "bouts of _" "diagnosis of allergic _" "diseases including _" "hepatitis , chronic _" "I have had chronic _" "illnesses like _" "healing of chronic _" "sclerosis , chronic _" "trials for chronic _" "complications of chronic _" "diseases such as chronic _" "forms of chronic _" "cure for chronic _" "serious diseases like _" "procedures , acute _" "_ is not an infectious disease" "treatments for chronic _" "diseases are chronic _" "effective treatment for chronic _" "therapy for persistent _" "you are diagnosed with _" "medical treatment for chronic _" "acupuncture for chronic _" "episodes of chronic _" "injury , chronic _" "patients with bacterial _" "symptoms associated with chronic _" "men diagnosed with _" "migraines , chronic _" "system diseases , such as _" "age , was diagnosed with _" "aspects of chronic _" "sufferer of chronic _" "treatment of chronic _" "condition called _" "complication of bacterial _" "cause of bacterial _" "treatment of acute bacterial _" "conditions like _" "chronic granulomatous _" "I was diagnosed with chronic _" "attack of acute _" "syndromes , chronic _" "treatment of incurable _" "relief from chronic _" "bacterial infections like _" "common type of chronic _" "development of chronic _" "diseases , such as _" "antibiotics for bacterial _" "homeopathic treatments for _" "types of bacterial _" "I was suffering from _" "person suffering from _" "different symptoms of _" "armamentarium against _" "_ is a multifaceted disease" "clinical trials for chronic _" "intractable cases of _" "years with chronic _" "disorders such as _" "infections , chronic _" "induction of autoimmune _" "tract infections , chronic _" "cause of chronic _" "patients with mild to severe _" "Specific treatment for _" "I 've had chronic _" "dysfunction , chronic _" "I suffer from _" "conditions such as _" "pain syndromes like _" "important cause of chronic _" "treatment of bacterial _" "features of chronic _" "exacerbation of chronic _" "diseases such as _" "mouse model of _" "infection such as _" "I have been suffering from chronic _" "Common symptoms of _" "patients with allergic _" "regular bouts of _" "such diseases as _" "they have chronic _" "other illnesses like _" "non-surgical treatment for _" "bad case of _" "diseases , including chronic _" "symptoms of _" "common disorders including _" "infection known as _" "problems , including chronic _" "people have chronic _" "subjects with chronic _" "Natural treatments for _" "common remedies used for _" "types of chronic _" "infections such as _" "_ is a serious illness" "new cases of _" "patients with severe acute _" "patients with chronic _" "fibromyalgia , chronic _" "inflammatory diseases , such as _" "_ is caused by" "risk for bacterial _" "symptom of chronic _" "you are suffering from _" "other conditions , such as chronic _" "remedies for chronic _" "recurrence of chronic _" "tract infections including _" "men with diagnosed _" "signs of _" "inflammation called _" "cases of bacterial _" "acute exacerbation of chronic _" "effective treatment of chronic _" "diagnosis of chronic _" "you are suffering from chronic _" "chronic bacterial _" "infections , such as _" "men are diagnosed with _" "many men suffer from _" "neurological basis of chronic _" "I was suffering from acute _" "you suffer from _" "costs associated with chronic _" "pain from chronic _" "treatment options for chronic _" "bacterial exacerbations of chronic _" "exhibiting symptoms of _" ] using prostatitis
SEAL @78 (99.2%) on 01-apr-2010 [ 12 3 4567 ] using prostatitis
CMC @710 (99.9%) on 11-mar-2013 [ SUFFIX=itis 2.52263 SUFFIX=tis 2.09233 SUFFIX=is 1.70163 CHARS 1.47438 LASTSUFFIX=is 1.23046 LASTSUFFIX=itis 1.10403 LASTSUFFIX=tis 0.98521 FULL_WORDSHAPE=a -0.73877 FULL_POS=NN -0.90637 WORDS -1.85050 ] using prostatitis
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey