SEAL @209 (87.5%) on 14-feb-2011 [ 123 ] using schizophrenia
CPL @1104 (81.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "emotional disorders such as _" "conditions , such as _" "D deficiency causes _" "medical model of _" "He suffered serious _" "diagnosis of schizoaffective _" "chronic illnesses such as _" "_ is a treatable illness" "adjunctive treatment of _" "elderly people with chronic _" "folks suffering from _" "persons recovering from _" "mood disorders such as _" "member was diagnosed with _" "specific symptoms of _" "he was ill with _" "girl suffering from _" "various animal models of _" "signs of _" "he has been diagnosed with _" "common diseases such as _" "duration of untreated _" "persons with severe _" "people with long-term _" "other neurological disorders , such as _" "others diagnosed with _" "neurological conditions such as _" "high incidence of chronic _" "health problem like _" "_ require medication" "hidden causes of _" "dual diagnosis of _" "chronic disorders like _" "early prevention of _" "cases of viral _" "formal diagnosis of _" "pathological conditions such as _" "pathophysiological conditions such as _" "positive family history for _" "psychological problems including _" "psychiatric symptoms , including _" "child with severe _" "He has been suffering from _" "family member is suffering from _" "episode of acute _" "_ are serious illnesses" "smoking does n't cause _" "such maladies as _" "long-term conditions such as _" "patients with full-blown _" "patients with preexisting _" "patients with co-morbid _" "mental disorders such as _" "illness such as _" "Peter was diagnosed with _" "many children with _" "She had suffered from _" "suffering from _" "someone you know is suffering from _" "such disabilities as _" "pathophysiology of chronic _" "major mental illnesses such as _" "other illnesses like _" "boy suffering from _" "additional diagnosis of _" "Stress does not cause _" "adults diagnosed with _" "Diagnostic criteria for _" "long bout with _" "other ailments , including _" "cognitive impairments such as _" "pathogenetic mechanisms of _" "patients with early-stage _" "chronic form of _" "disease , relieve _" "diagnoses such as _" "developmental disorders such as _" "psychiatric problems , including _" "serious illness such as _" "persons living with _" "major illnesses like _" "patients with treatment-resistant _" "other mental health problems such as _" "other disorders including _" "behavior disorders such as _" "I was diagnosed with mild _" "China solve _" "He was afflicted with _" "_ is a friend/family member" "_ go untreated" "_ is a treatable disease" "_ including agitation" "_ is a single disease" "He was treated for _" "Severe cases of _" "you know is diagnosed with _" "wife was diagnosed with _" "she had chronic _" "underlying disorder such as _" "disease states including _" "adults living with _" "hospital with suspected _" "she had been suffering from _" "psychosocial treatments for _" "Women living with _" "treatment for severe _" "clinical types of _" "vascular diseases such as _" "treatment in chronic _" "_ is a serious illness" "psychiatric disorder , such as _" "severest form of _" "treatment of late-life _" "someone you care about has been diagnosed with _" "such chronic illnesses as _" "symptoms of _" "severe illnesses like _" "troubling symptoms of _" "teaching students with _" "illness such as chronic _" "Natural treatments for _" "behavioral disorders , such as _" "treatment resistant _" "Earlier diagnosis of _" "Many people diagnosed with _" "mental health problem such as _" "mood disorders like _" "Jane was diagnosed with _" "rates of diagnosed _" "neurological disorders , including _" "pathologies like _" "onset of clinical _" "maternal history of _" "hospital with acute _" "mental health disorders such as _" "clients with severe _" "clonidine for _" "behavioral symptoms of _" "biological vulnerability to _" "developmental disorders like _" "long-term condition such as _" "neurological illnesses such as _" "genetic vulnerability to _" "mental health conditions such as _" "mental health problems , such as _" "medications prescribed for _" "case of mild _" "biological causes of _" "symptoms of chronic _" "severe side effects , such as _" "mental health problems such as _" "man with severe _" "mental problems including _" "accurate diagnoses of _" "multifactorial diseases such as _" "disease states , including _" "disability known as _" "chronic condition like _" "brain disorders like _" "chronic conditions like _" "psychiatric conditions , including _" "potential treatments for _" "prevalence of chronic _" "_ is a chronic" "_ is a complex illness" "chronic illnesses like _" "common maladies such as _" "chronic disorders such as _" "core symptoms of _" "long-term illnesses such as _" "other mental illnesses , such as _" "older patients with chronic _" "child suffering from _" "chronic type of _" "diagnoses ranging from _" "son was diagnosed with _" "immediate family member with _" "individuals being treated for _" "girl was diagnosed with _" "disorder called _" "chronic illness , such as _" "children later diagnosed with _" "person suffering from chronic _" "psychological problems , including _" "_ is a long-term illness" "other mental illnesses such as _" "neurodegenerative diseases such as _" "son suffered from _" "treatments of chronic _" "treatment of affective _" "son has severe _" "son has been diagnosed with _" "specific medical conditions such as _" "_ is not a disorder" "_ is often treatable" "own recovery from _" "common illnesses like _" "complex diseases such as _" "child is diagnosed with _" "_ is largely a disease" "mental diseases such as _" "many medical conditions including _" "disabling conditions , such as _" "disorders such as _" "human disease such as _" "_ is a neurological disorder" "mental health issues such as _" "life long battle with _" "model of acute _" "long history of chronic _" "parent suffering from _" "many disorders , such as _" "he was suffering from severe _" "nervous system disorders , including _" "mental health problem , such as _" "adolescents diagnosed with _" "communicable diseases such as _" "acute exacerbations of _" "biological cause of _" "father suffered _" "control of acute _" "father is diagnosed with _" "other serious illnesses such as _" "psychiatric disorders like _" "diagnosis of chronic _" "acute exacerbation of chronic _" "_ also have symptoms" "_ is a developmental disorder" "_ is a brain disorder" "debilitating illnesses such as _" "mental health issues like _" "more serious conditions like _" "many illnesses such as _" "medications used for _" "overdiagnosis of _" "full criteria for _" "psychological disorders including _" "patients already diagnosed with _" "Michael was diagnosed with _" "you are suffering from severe _" "nervous conditions such as _" "rate of chronic _" "woman with chronic _" "psychiatric conditions like _" "symptom complex of _" "neuropsychological disorders such as _" "neurodegenerative disorders , including _" "Individuals with chronic _" "suffering from acute _" "he had been treated for _" "daughter has been diagnosed with _" "disorder , psychotic _" "_ are treatable" "someone is suffering from _" "therapy in early _" "emotional disorders like _" "comorbidity of _" "fewer symptoms of _" "complex disorders such as _" "Patients being treated for _" "Many diseases , such as _" "He is diagnosed with _" "health problems ranging from _" "treatment for refractory _" "she was treated for _" "older adults with chronic _" "people with serious _" "mood disorders , including _" "neurodevelopmental disorders , including _" "Severe forms of _" "adults with chronic _" "serious illnesses like _" "mental disorders like _" "suffering from chronic _" "_ is a life-long disease" "_ is a biological illness" "_ is a progressive disorder" "grandmother suffered from _" "Genetic predisposition to _" "Disorders such as _" "SELECT A ROLE is living with _" "you have suffering to _" "He has been diagnosed with _" "Gene linked to _" "many adults with _" "patients with drug-resistant _" "patient suffering from chronic _" "people suffering from chronic _" "patients with chronic _" "patients afflicted with _" "mental health problems like _" "molecular origins of _" "mother suffers from _" "years , suffering from _" "he suffered from post-traumatic _" "group of chronic _" "depression , mild _" "Drug treatment of _" "psychiatric disorders including _" "remedies for _" "women being treated for _" "student suffering from _" "therapy in acute _" "specific diagnosis of _" "member is suffering from _" "later diagnosis of _" "secondary symptoms of _" "severe illnesses such as _" "possible environmental causes of _" "such conditions as _" "uncle was diagnosed with _" "people with acute _" "psychiatric diseases such as _" "patients of chronic _" "mother had been diagnosed with _" "mental health conditions like _" "men diagnosed with _" "persons suffering from chronic _" "neurological diseases such as _" "man was suffering from _" "person suffering from _" "neurological disorders , such as _" "mental health conditions , such as _" "many living with _" "serious episode of _" "person has been diagnosed with _" "depression , bipolar _" "disease model of _" "family member suffering from _" "he was suffering from _" "multiple symptoms of _" "medications for _" "other psychiatric disorders such as _" "persons with pre-existing _" "_ is a genetic disease" "_ is a neurodevelopmental disorder" "person struggling with _" "behavioral disorders like _" "bout of _" "current diagnostic criteria for _" "diagnosis of severe _" "woman with severe _" "common cause of _" "debilitating illness such as _" "prescription treatment for _" "primary symptoms of _" "conditions such as _" "medication treatment for _" "women with chronic _" "many illnesses like _" "males diagnosed with _" "adults recovering from _" "someone you know is diagn" ] using schizophrenia
CPL @1097 (87.5%) on 19-jan-2018 [ "emotional disorders such as _" "diseases , like _" "debilitating form of _" "DD-year-old man suffering from _" "D deficiency causes _" "I started suffering from _" "medical cure for _" "mild symptoms of _" "_ is a costly disease" "He suffered serious _" "diagnosis of schizoaffective _" "chronic illnesses such as _" "condition known as _" "_ is a treatable illness" "brother suffered from _" "elderly people with chronic _" "persons recovering from _" "recurrent bouts of _" "mood disorders such as _" "_ clearly runs in" "sister had been diagnosed with _" "specific symptoms of _" "girl suffering from _" "signs of _" "people treated for _" "relatives suffer from _" "he has been diagnosed with _" "infections like _" "common diseases such as _" "duration of untreated _" "people with long-term _" "neuropsychiatric disorders including _" "_ requiring ongoing treatment" "_ is caused by" "others diagnosed with _" "neurodevelopmental disorders , such as _" "health disorder such as _" "high incidence of chronic _" "ailments , including _" "manifestations of chronic _" "_ including psychosis" "many sufferers of _" "Someone suffering from _" "germ theory of _" "child has _" "dual diagnosis of _" "debilitating conditions as _" "cases of viral _" "outpatients with chronic _" "people living with _" "father had suffered from _" "genetic disorders such as _" "positive family history for _" "mental conditions like _" "someone with severe _" "psychiatric symptoms , including _" "He was diagnosed with severe _" "early diagnosis of _" "family member is suffering from _" "endophenotypes for _" "diseases , including _" "_ are serious illnesses" "smoking does n't cause _" "long-term conditions such as _" "mental problems , such as _" "major risk factor for _" "patients with co-morbid _" "mental disorders such as _" "families living with _" "illness such as _" "Peter was diagnosed with _" "many children with _" "Clients suffering from _" "Many people suffering with _" "suffering from _" "pathophysiology of chronic _" "other illnesses like _" "additional diagnosis of _" "Stress does not cause _" "adults diagnosed with _" "DSM IV criteria for _" "_ currently affects about" "long bout with _" "medical conditions such as _" "mouse models of _" "cognitive impairments such as _" "psychiatric illnesses , such as _" "people with concurrent _" "patients with early-stage _" "mental health disorders like _" "diseases ranging from _" "chronic form of _" "comorbid with _" "disease , relieve _" "diagnoses such as _" "developmental disorders such as _" "common complication of _" "diseases including _" "_ is a neurological disease" "serious illness such as _" "persons living with _" "major illnesses like _" "mother was first diagnosed with _" "new cases of _" "other mental health problems such as _" "non-pharmacological treatments for _" "behavior disorders such as _" "I was diagnosed with mild _" "_ is a debilitating disorder" "UK diagnosed with _" "DSM-IV diagnosis of _" "_ is a friend/family member" "_ is a treatable disease" "_ is a single disease" "Common symptoms of _" "wife was diagnosed with _" "people diagnosed with _" "she had chronic _" "underlying disorder such as _" "long term conditions like _" "later years he suffered from _" "participants were diagnosed with _" "mental conditions , such as _" "members suffering from _" "Women living with _" "serious conditions such as _" "they suffer from _" "vascular diseases such as _" "_ is a serious illness" "psychiatric disorder , such as _" "severest form of _" "such diseases as _" "treatment of late-life _" "she suffered from chronic _" "someone you care about has been diagnosed with _" "such chronic illnesses as _" "she is suffering from _" "symptoms of _" "teaching students with _" "illnesses like _" "illness such as chronic _" "certain illnesses such as _" "confirmed diagnosis of _" "elderly patients with _" "Natural treatments for _" "Earlier diagnosis of _" "Many people diagnosed with _" "_ affects males" "He was also diagnosed with _" "tragic battle with _" "such conditions such as _" "mental health problem such as _" "medication treatments for _" "mood disorders like _" "many common symptoms of _" "Illnesses such as _" "Jane was diagnosed with _" "rates of diagnosed _" "pathologies like _" "ones diagnosed with _" "mild attack of _" "mental health disorders such as _" "clients with severe _" "clonidine for _" "definite diagnosis of _" "biological vulnerability to _" "developmental disorders like _" "unrelated adults with _" "long-term condition such as _" "genetic vulnerability to _" "he was diagnosed with chronic _" "mental health conditions such as _" "mental conditions , including _" "daughter is suffering from _" "adolescents suffering from _" "genetic liability for _" "symptoms of chronic _" "very symptoms of _" "severe side effects , such as _" "mental health problems such as _" "mental health disorder such as _" "accurate diagnoses of _" "major illnesses such as _" "multifactorial diseases such as _" "many individuals living with _" "disability known as _" "chronic condition like _" "diseases such as _" "criteria for chronic _" "brain disorders like _" "cure of acute _" "they were diagnosed with _" "she was diagnosed with _" "Jackson was diagnosed with _" "mental disorder like _" "chronic conditions like _" "chronic illness such as _" "risk genes for _" "psychiatric conditions , including _" "prevalence of chronic _" "_ is considered a disorder" "_ is a mysterious disease" "_ is a chronic" "_ is a complex illness" "chronic illnesses like _" "early detection of _" "chronic disorders such as _" "core symptoms of _" "long-term illnesses such as _" "other mental illnesses , such as _" "older patients with chronic _" "_ worsen after" "child suffering from _" "differential diagnosis includes _" "symptoms known as _" "son was diagnosed with _" "immediate family member with _" "individuals being treated for _" "girl was diagnosed with _" "disorder called _" "chronic illness , such as _" "children later diagnosed with _" "person suffering from chronic _" "people with refractory _" "_ is a long-term illness" "medical problems such as _" "other mental illnesses such as _" "mental issues like _" "neurodegenerative diseases such as _" "_ is a chronic disorder" "_ is not a single disorder" "_ is a modern disease" "_ is often caused by" "gene develop _" "son suffered from _" "treatments of chronic _" "treatment of affective _" "son has severe _" "son has been diagnosed with _" "specific medical conditions such as _" "_ is often treatable" "_ is a treatable mental illness" "conditions ranging from chronic _" "control symptoms of _" "common illnesses like _" "complex diseases such as _" "child is diagnosed with _" "_ is a severe disorder" "_ is a biological condition" "_ is largely a disease" "mental diseases such as _" "many medical conditions including _" "debilitating diseases such as _" "disorders such as _" "he had been diagnosed with _" "_ is a biochemical disorder" "_ is a neurological disorder" "long battle with _" "mental health issues such as _" "life long battle with _" "individuals diagnosed with _" "long history of chronic _" "_ are complex disorders" "parent suffering from _" "many disorders , such as _" "family history of _" "illnesses , including _" "mental health problem , such as _" "adolescents diagnosed with _" "communicable diseases such as _" "lower incidence of _" "brother has been diagnosed with _" "children are misdiagnosed with _" "control of acute _" "father is diagnosed with _" "He was eventually diagnosed with _" "Vitamin D deficiency causes _" "_ has a strong genetic component" "primary prevention of _" "psychiatric disorders like _" "decades-long battle with _" "diagnosis of chronic _" "acute exacerbation of chronic _" "_ is a developmental disorder" "_ is a brain disorder" "advanced cases of _" "_ is primarily a disorder" "debilitating illnesses such as _" "mental health issues like _" "more serious conditions like _" "human diseases , including _" "full criteria for _" "patients already diagnosed with _" "U.S. have been diagnosed with _" "Michael was diagnosed with _" "It is often misdiagnosed as _" "you are suffering from severe _" "nervous conditions such as _" "women diagnosed with _" "woman with chronic _" "psychiatric conditions like _" "psychological problems such as _" "psychological disorder such as _" "neuropsychological disorders such as _" "I was first diagnosed with _" "Individuals with chronic _" "you 're diagnosed with _" "suffering from acute _" "daughter has been diagnosed with _" "disorder , psychotic _" "_ are treatable" "someone is suffering from _" "emotional disorders like _" "comorbidity of _" "Specific treatment for _" "Many diseases , such as _" "He is diagnosed with _" "man suffering from severe _" "neurological causes of _" "sibling diagnosed with _" "older adults with chronic _" "known diagnosis of _" "mother battled _" "neurodevelopmental disorders , including _" "adults with chronic _" "serious illnesses like _" "many symptoms associated with _" "mental disorders like _" "symptoms accompanying _" "suffering from chronic _" "_ is a life-long disease" "_ is a biological illness" "_ is an awful disease" "subjects developed _" "Canadians diagnosed with _" "SELECT A ROLE is living with _" "Medicaid patients with _" "_ was the primary diagnosis" "adolescents without _" "genetic diseases like _" "He has been diagnosed with _" "exhibiting symptoms of _" "you are diagnosed with _" "patient suffering from chronic _" "people suffering from chronic _" "patients with chronic _" "mental health problems like _" "molecular origins of _" "_ are serious mental illnesses" "he suffered from post-traumatic _" "group of chronic _" "depression , mild _" "I was also diagnosed with _" "persons being treated for _" "psychiatric disorders in" ] using schizophrenia
CMC @1098 (100.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ LASTSUFFIX=ia 4.40666 SUFFIX=ia 3.11357 CHARS 2.25147 SUFFIX=nia 1.08474 SUFFIX=enia 1.05007 SUFFIX=renia 1.04037 PREFIX=schiz 1.02136 LASTPREFIX=sch -0.53088 FULL_POS=NN -1.73813 WORDS -3.84593 ] using schizophrenia
SEAL @731 (77.0%) on 05-may-2013 [ 12 ] using schizophrenia
MBL @1103 (99.2%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of invertebrate:individuals animaldevelopdisease disease:schizophrenia ]
OE @809 (95.6%) on 01-feb-2014 [ ] using (children, schizophrenia)
CPL @1094 (100.0%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 diagnosed with ADHD and arg2" "arg1 born to parents with arg2" "arg1 and youth who have arg2" "arg1 who were later diagnosed with arg2" "arg1 later diagnosed with arg2" "arg1 and adolescents who suffer from arg2" "arg1 diagnosed with autism or arg2" "arg1 and teens with arg2" "arg1 and adults who have arg2" "arg1 and adults with arg2" "arg1 and adults with autism and arg2" "arg1 or adolescents with arg2" "arg1 and teenagers with arg2" "arg1 who later develop arg2" "arg1 who have a parent with arg2" "arg1 and adolescents with arg2" "arg1 and adolescents who have arg2" "arg1 who have parents with arg2" "arg1 or youth with arg2" ] using (children, schizophrenia)
CPL @1103 (99.2%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 with ADD and arg2" "arg1 who are later diagnosed with arg2" "arg1 who later develop arg2" "arg1 later diagnosed with arg2" "arg1 with autism or arg2" "arg1 were being diagnosed with arg2" "arg1 who were later diagnosed with arg2" ] using (individuals, schizophrenia)
CPL @1104 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ "arg1 who have a member with arg2" "arg1 with a member who has arg2" "arg1 who have a relative with arg2" "arg1 with a member with arg2" ] using (families, schizophrenia)
CPL @1103 (93.8%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 diagnosed with autism or arg2" "arg1 or young adult with arg2" "arg1 with autism or arg2" "arg1 suspected of having arg2" ] using (child, schizophrenia)
CPL @1094 (99.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 and patients with psychotic arg1" "arg2 disorders and major arg1" "arg2 or bipolar arg1" "arg2 or unipolar arg1" "arg2 or manic arg1" "arg2 and treatment resistant arg1" "arg2 and m c arg1" "arg2 and subsyndromal arg1" "arg2 and unipolar arg1" "arg2 and manic arg1" ] using (depression, schizophrenia)
OE @826 (98.5%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (depression, schizophrenia)
CPL @1096 (96.9%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 disease and arg2" "arg1 disease in people with arg2" "arg1 disease in persons with arg2" "arg1 disease for people with arg2" "arg1 disease to arg2" ] using (heart, schizophrenia)
CPL @1094 (99.8%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 was approved to treat arg2" "arg1 is used for treating arg2" "arg1 to be effective at treating arg2" "arg1 is prescribed for patients with arg2" "arg1 is only approved to treat arg2" "arg1 is a drug for arg2" "arg1 is used for treatment of arg2" "arg1 is approved to treat arg2" "arg1 is prescribed to treat arg2" ] using (zyprexa, schizophrenia)
OE @826 (88.5%) on 28-mar-2014 [ ] using (seroquel, schizophrenia)
SEAL @556 (50.0%) on 22-apr-2012 [ 1 ] using (seroquel, schizophrenia)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 XR for arg2" "arg1 is approved to treat arg2" "arg1 is sometimes used to treat arg2" ] using (seroquel, schizophrenia)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey
CPL @1099 (87.5%) on 23-jan-2018 [ "arg1 who have a parent with arg2" "arg1 with ADD and arg2" "arg1 and teens with arg2" ] using (kids, schizophrenia)
CPL @1094 (87.5%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg1 metabolism in patients with arg2" "arg1 tolerance in people with arg2" "arg1 tolerance in patients with arg2" ] using (glucose, schizophrenia)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 affects males and arg1" "arg2 affects both males and arg1" "arg2 occurs equally in males and arg1" ] using (females, schizophrenia)