OE @824 (97.5%) on 20-mar-2014 [ ] using tendonitis
CPL @1105 (81.3%) on 25-mar-2018 [ "treatments for chronic _" "injuries such as _" "signs of _" "diagnoses such as _" "I had chronic _" "you are suffering from chronic _" "relief from chronic _" "she was diagnosed with severe _" "physical injuries such as _" "fibromyalgia , chronic _" "inflammatory conditions including _" "related conditions such as _" "painful conditions like _" "specific medical conditions such as _" "Mild cases of _" "conditions , including _" "life with chronic _" "serious bout with _" "serious side effects like _" "chronic inflammatory conditions such as _" "chronic conditions like _" "people suffering from certain _" "joints , leading to _" "Signs of _" "he had acute _" "inflammatory conditions like _" "problems such as _" "proper diagnosis of _" "long bout with _" "you suffer from _" "conditions , such as _" "chronic form of _" "chronic pain from _" "I was suffering from _" "drug induced _" "I had been suffering with _" "person suffering from _" "illness such as _" "inflammatory disorders , such as _" "incidence of ocular _" "diagnosed types of _" "term conditions such as _" "_ is an inflammatory disorder" "inflammatory conditions , such as _" "bouts of _" "common ailments , like _" "Patients with chronic _" "serious injuries such as _" "bout of _" "people suffering from _" "case of chronic _" "condition called _" "_ affecting the foot" "you are suffering from _" "disorders such as _" "joints affected by _" "dysfunctions like _" "I suffer from _" "conditions such as _" "medications for _" "effective treatment for chronic _" "other inflammatory conditions such as _" "physical problems like _" "other painful conditions such as _" "other disorders , like _" "warning signs of _" "you have chronic _" "common conditions such as _" "choice for chronic _" "foot problems such as _" "patients are prone to _" "member have suffered _" "acute stage of _" "common cause of _" "I have acute _" "chronic condition like _" "people with chronic _" "He suffered from chronic _" "she has been battling _" "many symptoms , including _" "common symptoms of _" "minor injuries such as _" "hospital with severe _" "_ involving the hand" "I have borderline _" "pain , chronic _" "disorder called _" "disease , recurrent _" "kids diagnosed with _" "symptoms of _" "remedies for _" "painful condition called _" "treatment for chronic _" "_ is a condition" "sports injuries , chronic _" "knee pain associated with _" "joint conditions such as _" "many types of chronic _" "prevention of _" "Severe cases of _" "symptoms for _" "back pain , chronic _" "alternative cures for _" "treatment of chronic _" "form of chronic _" "family member have suffered _" "conditions , like _" "minor bouts of _" "case of mental _" "inflammation called _" "diagnosis of chronic _" "he was suffering from _" "inflammation , chronic _" "inflammatory conditions such as _" "suffering from _" "more chronic form of _" "risk of chronic _" "remedy for _" "Homeopathic remedies for _" "many other conditions , including _" "serious condition called _" "pain from chronic _" "Inflammatory conditions such as _" "I was diagnosed with severe _" "He also suffered _" "types of chronic _" "Injuries such as _" "pain of chronic _" "primary symptoms of _" "injuries , chronic _" "such conditions as _" "patients with chronic _" "pain conditions , such as _" "knee pain due to _" "medication for severe _" "pain , migraine _" "son developed _" "problems , chronic _" "diagnosis of severe _" ] using tendonitis
OE @808 (98.5%) on 29-jan-2014 [ ] using tendonitis
MBL @1103 (93.8%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of emotion:pain emotionassociatedwithdisease disease:tendonitis ]
CMC @535 (100.0%) on 20-mar-2012 [ SUFFIX=itis 3.64661 LASTSUFFIX=itis 2.30799 SUFFIX=tis 2.24181 SUFFIX=is 1.48042 LASTSUFFIX=tis 1.20234 CHARS 1.15460 PREFIX=ten 1.00922 LASTPREFIX=te -0.51801 FULL_POS=NN -1.15876 WORDS -2.56395 ] using tendonitis
CPL @1103 (91.1%) on 08-mar-2018 [ "you have been diagnosed with _" "symptoms of _" "Allopathic treatments do not cure _" "bad case of _" "conditions such as _" "common symptoms of _" "_ is diagnosed based on" "_ is often caused by" "tissue diseases such as _" "many serious diseases such as _" "_ is any inflammation" "bouts of _" "_ is often diagnosed after" "treatments do not cure _" "foot problems such as _" "suffering from _" "Signs of _" "I also have severe _" "_ is an overuse injury" "conditions like _" "condition known as _" "I was also diagnosed with _" "You suffering from _" "you are suffering from _" "condition called _" "diseases such as _" "_ is an inflammatory disorder" "_ is caused by" ] using tendonitis
Human feedback from bkisiel @205 on 11-feb-2011 [ "tendonitis generalizations nondiseasecondition", Action=(+disease) (from NELL.08m.205.SSFeedback.csv) ] using tendonitis
SEAL @212 (96.9%) on 19-feb-2011 [ 12345 ] using tendonitis
CPL @1103 (96.9%) on 06-mar-2018 [ "arg1 associated with Achilles arg2" "arg1 associated with arthritis and arg2" "arg1 and stiffness of arg2" "arg1 caused by conditions like arg2" "arg1 and inflammation associated with arg2" ] using (pain, tendonitis)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey