CMC @1049 (100.0%) on 14-apr-2017 [ CHARS 7.31763 PREFIX=di 4.50015 PREFIX=diabe 2.77815 SUFFIX=es 2.74642 PREFIX=diab 2.72594 LASTPREFIX=di 2.54883 SUFFIX=betes 2.40127 POS=NNS -1.91141 SHORT_WORDSHAPE=Aa -2.49625 WORDS -25.90309 ] using type_ii_diabetes
CPL @1098 (87.0%) on 21-jan-2018 [ "degenerative diseases such as _" "illnesses , including _" "family history of _" "family member developed _" "you are diagnosed with _" "more children are being diagnosed with _" "you have been diagnosed with _" "_ is a serious diagnosis" "_ is often called the silent killer" "children being diagnosed with _" "children presenting with _" "Jack was diagnosed with _" "I have been treated for _" "He has been diagnosed with _" "_ is a complex disorder" "_ is not curable" "metabolic diseases such as _" "other condition such as _" "families living with _" "illness such as _" "onset of overt _" "postmenopausal women with _" "primary prevention of _" "I was also diagnosed with _" "capita incidence of _" "conditions such as _" "chronic illnesses like _" "_ is not a new disorder" "disorders such as _" "people are diagnosed with _" "youth diagnosed with _" "chronic disease like _" "He was diagnosed with _" "warning signs of _" "woman newly diagnosed with _" "people newly diagnosed with _" "_ is often caused by" "illness like _" "advanced cases of _" "diseases , such as _" "autoimmune diseases such as _" "patients diagnosed with _" "dreaded diagnosis of _" "mild case of _" "other chronic diseases such as _" "person is diagnosed with _" "chronic diseases , such as _" "patients with minor _" "animal models of _" "autoimmune diseases , such as _" "chronic diseases such as _" "people living with _" "preventable diseases such as _" "epidemic rise of _" "symptoms of _" "diseases including _" "chronic health problems such as _" "chronic diseases like _" "_ is a lifelong disease" "signs of _" "health conditions such as _" "you suffer from _" "diseases such as _" "I 've suffered from chronic _" "rare form of _" "dad was diagnosed with _" "diseases , like _" "early detection of _" "John was diagnosed with _" "individuals diagnosed with _" "I suffer from _" "_ is a silent disease" "such health conditions as _" "kids diagnosed with _" "lower incidence of _" "children diagnosed with _" "chronic disease such as _" "I was first diagnosed with _" "serious medical conditions such as _" "_ is a disorder" "chronic diseases including _" "children are being diagnosed with _" "such diseases as _" "chronic medical conditions such as _" "mouse model of _" "lifestyle diseases such as _" "She was diagnosed with _" "Many teens with _" "inflammatory diseases such as _" "life-threatening illnesses like _" "diseases like _" "I recently was diagnosed with _" "Chronic diseases such as _" "son was recently diagnosed with _" "related diseases such as _" "disease such as _" "Children diagnosed with _" "people diagnosed with _" "numerous diseases including _" "they are diagnosed with _" "_ is a chronic disease" "child is diagnosed with _" "_ are serious diseases" "mouse models of _" "medical conditions such as _" "mild form of _" "new cases of _" "husband was diagnosed with _" "adults diagnosed with _" "I was diagnosed with _" "I was recently diagnosed with _" "life-threatening diseases like _" "she was diagnosed with _" "illnesses such as _" "illnesses , like _" "illnesses like _" "macrovascular complications of _" "_ is really a disease" "conditions like _" "serious illnesses including _" "me being diagnosed with _" "major risk factor for _" "patient with uncontrolled _" "_ is becoming epidemic" "_ has become a national epidemic" "chronic illness like _" "_ is a serious illness" "serious diseases , including _" "chronic health conditions like _" "fatal diseases such as _" "_ is caused by" "chronic illnesses such as _" "several diseases , including _" "grandmother was diagnosed with _" "ailments , including _" "diseases , including _" "_ is a metabolic disorder" "_ is being diagnosed at" "chronic diseases , including _" "many serious diseases , including _" "chronic conditions like _" ] using type_ii_diabetes
MBL @1103 (100.0%) on 18-mar-2018 [ Promotion of agriculturalproduct:glucose foodcancausedisease disease:type_ii_diabetes ]
Human feedback from estevam @447 on 03-nov-2011 [ "sugar foodcancausedisease type_ii_diabetes", Action=(+foodcancausedisease) (from NELL.08m.447.SSFeedback.csv) ] using type_ii_diabetes
CPL @1096 (93.8%) on 18-jan-2018 [ "arg1 and adults with arg2" "arg1 born in DDDD will develop arg2" "arg1 and adolescents diagnosed with arg2" "arg1 and teenagers with arg2" ] using (children, type_ii_diabetes)
OE @806 (100.0%) on 23-jan-2014 [ ] using (glucose, type_ii_diabetes)
CPL @1095 (87.5%) on 17-jan-2018 [ "arg2 whose high blood arg1" "arg2 keep their blood arg1" "arg2 control their blood arg1" ] using (glucose, type_ii_diabetes)
Human feedback from estevam @447 on 03-nov-2011 [ "sugar foodcancausedisease type_ii_diabetes", Action=(+foodcancausedisease) (from NELL.08m.447.SSFeedback.csv) ] using (sugar, type_ii_diabetes)
CPL @1094 (96.9%) on 01-jan-2018 [ "arg2 whose high blood arg1" "arg2 lowered their blood arg1" "arg2 lower their blood arg1" "arg2 should monitor their blood arg1" "arg2 can lower their blood arg1" ] using (sugar, type_ii_diabetes)
NELL has only weak evidence for items listed in grey